Little Sweetheart

Chapter 9


There are not many people in the library at this time, but there are people.

Xia Zhijuan, who has the halo of the school of gods on his head, will be focused on every move he makes.

Someone secretly took a photo of Xia Zhijun playing with eyelashes from an angle, and sent it to the group of friends.

"I saw Xia Zhijun in the library, she was playing with girls' eyelashes?"

"Who is that girl?"

"It seems to be his sister?"

"Does Xia Zhijun like long eyelashes..."

"Sisters, start group buying on weekends and get eyelash extensions!"

"Broad to broad!"

"Xia Zhijuan's side profile looks so good, and the way he plays with his eyelashes looks so sua!"

"Take a few more photos to feast our eyes, and I will add chicken legs to you when I go back to school~"

Xia Zhijuan who was being discussed didn't realize it, only the girl in front of him and her eyelashes remained in his world.

There was a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, and she carefully observed her micro-expression, as if this was the most worthwhile thing to explore.

Finally, Gu Siyi was so harassed that she couldn't sleep. She rubbed her eyes back and forth on her arms several times in agitation, raised her head, and looked for the culprit with her sullen eyes.

Xia Zhijuan was so excited to see the soul-stirring face, he was caught off guard, behind him was a large transparent glass window.

The sun in midsummer, the blue sky and white clouds, the dense camphor trees, and the boy in a white T-shirt together constitute a perfect picture.

Gu Siyi stretched out her hand in a daze, and touched Xia Zhijuan's face, feeling the temperature and quickly retracted her hand. She muttered: "So it's not a dream..."

"Sleeping in the library is not a good habit." Xia Zhijuan said, Jiyue's beautiful face was aloof with a hint of seriousness.

"I was reading a book... Well, I fell asleep for some reason..." The girl's voice was still ignorant after waking up.

Xia Zhijun asked, "Why is the phone turned off?"

He raised his hand and rubbed the place she touched, feeling a little itchy, lingering on the skin.

"Ah?" Gu Siyi hurriedly took the phone out of the bag and said, "I want to concentrate on reading, so I turned off the phone."

Xia Zhijuan frowned slightly, "Don't turn off the phone casually, especially during holidays. Losing contact will make people worry."

"Oh." Gu Siyi nodded obediently.

"Aren't you going home on weekends?"

"Well, my parents are away on business, let me stay at school." The girl's eyes were obviously disappointed.

"That's just right, my mother said to let me take you home for dinner on weekends." Saying that, Xia Zhijuan stood up, "Let's go."

Gu Siyi's body was one step ahead of her words, she got up quickly, and followed Xia Zhijuan.

Looking at Xia Zhijuan's tall back, she secretly pursed her lips and smiled.

Xia Zhijun asked Gu Siyi, "Let's go straight back to dinner later, there are still a few hours, where do you want to go?"

Gu Siyi said: "I'm not familiar with City C, let's see you."

She is very conscious of a follower, and she leaves everything to the boss to decide.

After leaving the building, the sun was shining brightly, and the heat was surging. Gu Siyi took out the parasol from her bag, opened it, walked to Xia Zhijuan's side, and opened up a small world for the two of them.

Xia Zhijuan wanted to say that he didn't need an umbrella, he hesitated for a few seconds with the tip of his tongue against his cheek, but he didn't say anything.

The umbrella is not big, so in order for two people to get shade, they have to get closer.

Gu Siyi was very afraid of the sun, and concentrated on adjusting the angle of the umbrella according to the sun, not realizing that the two of them were shoulder to shoulder, and they were very close in the eyes of others.

Xia Zhijuan's cell phone rang, he took it out of his pocket, and swipe to answer it.

"Ah Jun, did you find my sister? Is she in the library?" Lu Jiaye's anxious voice was over there.

"I found it." Xia Zhijuan responded lightly.

"That's good." Lu Jiaye breathed a sigh of relief, and asked again, "Is my sister not going home on weekends? Why don't you bring her to play with us?"

OK, OK, let's play together. Gu Siyi responded in her heart.

The distance between the two is so close, and Lu Jiaye's voice is so loud, she can basically hear everything he says.

"Play by yourself, my mother told me to take her home." Xia Zhijuan replied calmly.

Gu Siyi: "..."

Didn't I say there are still a few hours to play

"Don't! It's so boring to go back so early! Let's take my sister out to play billiards. With her skills, I can show off in front of those idiots for a hundred years. I can also go to a movie or something, pity me. For more than ten years, I haven't brought my sister to see a movie... "

No matter what Lu Jiaye said, how colorful the arrangements were, Xia Zhijuan only said two words, "No time."

When he was about to die, Xia Zhijuan hung up the phone directly.

Gu Siyi said, "I think it's good to play with Brother Lu and the others. It's more interesting if there are more people."

"He is too noisy and wants to be quiet on weekends."

Gu Siyi glanced at Xia Zhijun's startled side face, without a trace of ups and downs.

Can't help but silently sympathize with Lu Jiaye, he doesn't know that he is rejected by his buddies, right

However, her thigh was Xia Zhijun. The principle of hugging the thigh is to recognize the thigh is to hold firmly, take the thigh as the core, and firmly support all the decisions of the thigh.

So, Gu Siyi smiled and nodded, "Oh, then I won't play with them this time."

In the dormitory, Lu Jiaye was hung up and scratched his hair angrily.

"Finally found my sister, Ah Jun wants to bring her home, grab the grass!"

Su Han said: "So Ah Jun doesn't have time to play with us?"

"Well, he took his sister home to meet his mother."

Zhou Xiao held the bed pole above to practice his arms, and said calmly, "People with younger sisters are different."

Su Han said with a smile, "Why do I feel that this sounds like a man with a wife, but it's different and he doesn't have time to play with his brothers."

"Hold the grass and don't beep!" Lu Jiaye slapped Su Han unceremoniously, "Don't tarnish the pure friendship between Ah Jun and his younger sister, their relationship is clearer than direct siblings!"

"Stupid." Zhou Xiao spit out two words and continued to practice his arms.

Su Han struggled to get away from Lu Jiaye's clutches, and couldn't help but sigh that it was better for A Jun, at least he could easily restrain this devil incarnation. Lu Jiaye was about to hunt him down again, Su Han hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, let's three bachelors who don't have a clear brother-sister relationship, think about what to do."

Lu Jiaye was quiet for a while, but he wondered why this sentence sounded so awkward

"Is there something wrong with that?"

Zhou Xiao asked: "Aren't you a bachelor?"

"..." Lu Jiaye was critically hit by 100,000 points.

Gu Siyi followed Xia Zhijuan all the way out of the campus, and received a lot of attention.

Gu Siyi joked: "Walking with you, I will enjoy star treatment."

Xia Zhijuan lifted his lips and said nothing.

"As a god of learning and school grass, with a halo all over your body, and being admired by countless girls, what kind of experience is it like?" Gu Siyi said with emotion.

"Boring." Xia Zhijuan said lightly.

Gu Siyi shrugged. She thought Xia Zhijuan was saying that it was boring for her to ask such a question, but Xia Zhijuan was actually answering her question.

After leaving the school gate, Xia Zhijuan hailed a Shenzhou special car.

Xia Zhijuan opened the door of the back seat and stood by the door.

Gu Siyi said thank you while getting into the car.

Xia Zhijuan then got into the car.

Twenty minutes later, the car drove to the commercial complex Wanxianghui.

After entering the shopping mall, once again isolated from the heat outside, Gu Siyi said happily, "It's good here."

You can eat, drink, have fun, and you don't have to be exposed to the sun. There is no better place to pass the time than this.

Gu Siyi walked to the guide board and looked at it, and said, "Hey Tea is my favorite, let's go and buy two cups first."

The shopping mall on Saturday is very lively, with a lot of people coming and going, bustling.

HEYTEA has many people queuing up, mostly young girls and couples.

When the handsome Xia Zhijuan walked over, he attracted a lot of attention.

Although Gu Siyi has a sweet appearance and is often praised for her good looks, she is still a young girl who hasn't grown up yet, so she won't have the attention and turn-around rate of a big beauty. When she walked beside Xia Zhijuan, whether it was on campus or off campus, she deeply felt the lethal power of the good-looking little brother.

The two stood behind the line, after a while a girl walked up to Xia Zhijuan and said with a smile, "Hi, can we add a WeChat?"

Xia Zhijuan turned his face away indifferently, and ignored him.

Gu Siyi understood why the classmates said he was not easy to get close to.

For example, at this time, there was a high-cold aura of not approaching me from the inside out.

Gu Siyi is a little embarrassed, and when she encounters an embarrassing situation, she will be more embarrassed than the person involved.

She replied for Xia Zhijuan: "Sorry, my brother doesn't use WeChat."

"Oh..." Gu Siyi picked up the girl's face, grateful in her heart, and smiled at her.

The other girls saw this scene in their eyes, and those bold and unrestrained ones also withdrew their thoughts of wanting to contact them.

The team moved forward slowly. Xia Zhijuan actually didn't understand people who lined up to buy things. He'd rather not, and don't want to waste time queuing.

Gu Siyi saw his impatience, and said in a low voice embarrassedly, "Go and wait for me over there, I'll just line up to buy it by myself."

Xia Zhijuan said: "I was negligent, you go and sit while I line up."

"..." That's not what she meant!

Gu Siyi hurriedly clarified, "It doesn't matter if I line up, I like queuing very much, the feeling of queuing is very comfortable..."

No, what the hell is she talking about

"Be obedient, go over." Xia Zhijuan directly skipped her rambling words.

When his expression was calm and calm, there was a faint coercion that made people dare not make mistakes.

Gu Siyi was obedient and sat down in the rest area over there.

The girl next to her came to her side and said, "Your boyfriend is so handsome and considerate!"

Gu Siyi blushed suddenly, and quickly explained: "It's not a boyfriend, we are classmates."

"Why don't you hurry up and start? When you leave the society, you will be surrounded by greasy uncles."

"..." Gu Siyi didn't know what to say, so she choked out a sentence, "You can't fall in love early."

"You're only in high school? You're all so tall. I thought you were a college student." After a pause, he continued, "Actually, it doesn't matter in high school. Many academic bullies are also admitted to prestigious schools when they fall in love."

"Is there?" Gu Siyi asked blankly.

The other party said with a smile: "Of course, if you talk about someone who is a top student at school, the other party will control you more strictly than your parents. They will stare at you every day. It will be difficult not to study hard."

"..." Inexplicably, Gu Siyi's mind came up with the picture of Xia Zhijuan sullenly holding a ruler ear and lifting the face to teach her to study. A gust of cold air went straight from the soles of the feet to the Tianling Gai.

Scared, so scared! How could she let such a horrible thing happen!