Little Sweetheart

Chapter 91


"Then can you go and tell Zhang Sicheng that you are not included in the host candidates?"

Gu Siyi was slightly taken aback, "Do I still need to say this?"

Wenying smiled and said, "Yes, if you don't tell me how they know you don't want to."

"Okay." Gu Siyi nodded.

She really wasn't interested in being a host, and she could see that Wen Ying really wanted to host, so there was no need for her to get involved.

The next day, after the regular meeting of the student union, Gu Siyi found an opportunity to ask Zhang Sicheng: "Have you confirmed the hostess of the New Year's Eve party?"

Zhang Sicheng raised his eyebrows, "Are you interested?"

"No." Gu Siyi hurriedly said, "I'm not interested. Don't think about me."

Zhang Sicheng was amused, "Other people came to me for self-recommendation, it's good for you, take the initiative to say that you don't need to think about it." He deliberately teased her, "Student Gu Siyi, do you feel a little swollen by the praise recently? Do you think you will be praised? Appointed as the host?"

Gu Siyi smiled and said, "What if the pie falls on my head? In order to avoid being knocked unconscious, take precautions in advance."

"Okay, I see." Zhang Sicheng nodded.

After the sponsorship funds from several companies were in place, the people in the party preparation team were even more busy.

Gu Siyi not only has to do behind-the-scenes work, but also takes time to rehearse dances with the girls in the class. She took the lead in participating in the dance program of their class as a class committee member, and she never missed every rehearsal. On the contrary, sometimes she finds excuses not to go to the meeting of the student union if it is not particularly important. She didn't want to waste time in a daze at the meeting.

Wenying did not participate in the class dance performance because she was busy, but in fact she did not want to share the stage with Gu Siyi and let her steal the limelight.

That day, when Gu Siyi was practicing in the rehearsal room with a few girls in the class, Wenying suddenly appeared outside the door. During their break, she walked over and said to Gu Siyi, "I have something to tell you."

Gu Siyi followed her out of the door, Wenying said, "Didn't you say you were the host?"

"Yes." Gu Siyi responded.

"At today's meeting, the teacher announced the selection of the host. The male host is Zhang Sicheng, and the female host is you." Wenying had no expression on her face, her eyes were fixed on Gu Siyi.

It was a seemingly restrained but extremely sharp look, at least Gu Siyi felt her displeasure.

Gu Siyi explained: "I don't know about it. But I did tell Zhang Sicheng."

A few girls came out and joked, "What are the two big guys talking about?"

Wen Ying put on a smile in an instant, and said, "I'm here to congratulate Si Yi, she was chosen as the host of the New Year's Eve party."

"Wow, that's great!" "Si Yi is great!" Several girls said one after another.

Gu Siyi looked a little embarrassed, "No... I don't want to do it..."

The disgust in Wenying's eyes was fleeting, and she smiled at Gu Siyi: "Since the leader has chosen you, you should perform well, I believe in your ability."

Gu Siyi said, "I'll go ask."

After speaking, he turned and left.

When the others returned to the rehearsal room, Wen Ying watched her back with an increasingly ugly expression.

She decided that Gu Siyi knew about it, and knew that it was going to be announced at the meeting, so she decided not to go. In this way, she can continue to pretend to be pure and noble, with one set on the surface and another behind the back.

Gu Siyi called Zhang Sicheng and learned that he was on the basketball court, so she chased him all the way.

She stood on the sidelines waiting for him to finish the last ten minutes, surrounded by groups of girls screaming, she waited quietly, with a worried expression.

Zhang Sicheng has remained single this semester, and there are more fans around him. Everyone feels that they have a chance. In today's competition he participated in, many girls came to join him.

As for Zhang Sicheng's basketball skills... Gu Siyi felt that, except for Xia Zhijuan, there was no boy who did not surprise her.

She didn't even bother to look at it, and lowered her head to play with her phone.

After the game was over, Zhang Sicheng walked up to Gu Siyi, and teased, "Student Gu, you came to me in such a hurry, did you miss me?"

Gu Siyi said displeased: "Didn't I say that I'm not the host?"

"Ah, this..." Zhang Sicheng spread his hands helplessly, "I didn't decide this, it's because the department leaders think you are the most suitable."

"At the meeting today, you should tell me something at least."

Gu Siyi was extremely annoyed.

When announcing the meeting, she asked him if he could not go if he had something to do, and he said it was okay, just going through the motions, and didn't use it if he was busy.

... In the end, a host was suddenly appointed at the meeting.

"It's hard for me to say..." Zhang Sicheng shrugged with a helpless expression on his face, "If you don't want to, you can talk to Director Chen. But I don't understand. Now that everything is settled, why bother? Even with previous experience , don’t you want to exercise yourself?”

"I think Wen Ying is more suitable. She is the queen host of the school."

"She can't." Zhang Sicheng immediately denied, "Even if you push it down, it won't be her turn."

"Why?" Gu Siyi asked in surprise.

"She is short, and her temperament is not good. Her type is not suitable for being a host."


Gu Siyi was a little upset, she didn't like dealing with school leaders very much.

But now this thing is in front of me...

She called Xia Zhijun, "Where are you?"

Xia Zhijun: "I'm in the laboratory."

Gu Siyi asked again: "Did you have dinner?"


"Then I'll go find you, we'll have dinner first, and you'll be busy again."

"it is good."

The two met under the building, Xia Zhijuan had a few companions by his side, and everyone greeted Gu Siyi with a smile.

Cheng Ling was also there, but didn't say much. When the two of them walked away, she said casually, "Since his girlfriend entered school, Xia Zhijuan has spent all his time falling in love."

"It's not so exaggerated, he didn't fall behind in what he should do." Zhang Yang said.

Cheng Ling said: "But as a freshman, he invested more than he does now. He used to waste sleep and food to do research, but now he is racing against time to accompany his girlfriend."

Zhang Yang said: "Hehehe... If I want to have such a beautiful and lovely girlfriend, I want to race against time to be with her."

Yang Jie said: "Study or career is only a part of life, and love and marriage are also part of life. Can someone like Xia Zhijuan be called a winner in life? He can play with everything. Hey~ I used to think he was frigid , I have a strange genius disease, and now I realize that I am too naive... "

"..." Cheng Ling felt a little tight in his chest. It turns out that no matter what type or character boys are, they can't get rid of the pursuit of female sex. The cold and noble Xia Zhijuan was like this, and so were these few.

Gu Siyi held Xia Zhijuan's arm, leaned her head on his shoulder, and snuggled up to him.

Xia Zhijun asked: "Is there something on your mind?"

" do you know?" She raised her eyes and looked at him in surprise.

"What do you have that I don't know." Xia Zhijuan said, with a slight sense of accomplishment in his tone that overwhelmed her.

Gu Siyi could only throw herself to the ground, "You are a god of learning, you are amazing."

"Then tell me, what bothers you."

Gu Siyi sighed, "This New Year's Eve party, the leader appointed me as the host..."

"Don't you like to engage in these activities?"

"But I'm not good at hosting. I haven't tried it, and I don't want to be embarrassed. The most important thing is, our Ban Wenying, she wants to be a host, and she told me specifically, and I also said I won't do it... The result still fell to It feels like a shame for me to come here."

Xia Zhijun asked: "Then what are you going to do?"

Gu Siyi: "I want to talk to Director Chen who is in charge of this, not to be the host."

"If you get off, that classmate of yours will be able to get on?"

"No. Say she's not a candidate."

"Then you go to the teacher and say this, besides making the teacher feel that you are incapable and courageous, is there any other meaning?"

Gu Siyi was hit knowingly, "But..."

"But you feel better, don't you?"

"..." She was speechless.

"No matter how you do it, it's tomorrow's business. What do you want to eat tonight?"


Xia Zhijun took Gu Siyi to take a taxi to the business district, to the internet celebrity hot pot restaurant she mentioned to him earlier.

Looking at the churning red oil and smelling the fragrance, Gu Siyi's bad mood seemed to evaporate.

She happily enjoyed the food and drank a bottle of beer with Xia Zhijun.

After eating and drinking enough, Gu Siyi's mood was refreshed. When the two were strolling along the street, Gu Siyi asked, "Do you think I should take on this task?"

"I just think it's not in your character to shrink back. If you ask the teacher to resign for other reasons, I have no objection." Xia Zhijuan grabbed Gu Siyi's cold hand and put it in his pocket. He continued: "It's a small thing, it doesn't matter what you do, I will support you. Don't take it too seriously."

"Oh..." Gu Siyi leaned softly on his shoulder.

Suddenly, I felt that it was not important, and I didn't have the feeling of being overwhelmed before.

I don’t know if it’s because of his innocence, or because I feel so happy to be with him…

It's really... I don't think it's a big deal. The sky is falling and he is still there, such a trivial matter is completely true.

The next day, Gu Siyi went to find the teacher in charge, and was greeted as soon as she arrived at the door of the office, praising her recent work and expecting her to perform well at the party.

Gu Siyi wondered: "I don't want to be the host. I don't have hosting experience, I'm afraid I'll embarrass our hospital..."

"It doesn't matter. You learn from Zhang Sicheng. I saw that the typhoon was very good during your speech, and the host will definitely be able to do it. There is still a week before the party, and there are still a few rehearsals. You can take this opportunity to practice more."

Gu Siyi wanted to say something else, but the teacher directly changed the subject to talk to her about other things.

Walking out of the office, Gu Siyi let out a long breath. So be it, face it.

The teacher is so encouraging and supportive, she is really incompetent and courageous to refuse.

The matter of hosting has been settled in this way, and the programs of each class are almost ready.

There is only one week left before the on-site rehearsal.

The first rehearsal dragged on for a long time, Xia Zhijuan came to look for Gu Siyi, and saw them busy in full swing.

Taking advantage of the gap, Gu Siyi came to Xia Zhijun's side, handed him a cup of hot tea, and said, "Is the stage effect good?"

Xia Zhijuan looked around, nodded, and indeed saw that they had put their heart into this preparation.

Gu Siyi: "There will be a 3D light show at that time~ It's very beautiful!"

Xia Zhijuan took a sip of water and said lightly, "Not as beautiful as the host."

Gu Siyi's cheeks were a little hot, she couldn't help laughing, and said angrily: "You know how to flatter me blindly."

"It's not blind, it's professional." Xia Zhijun raised his hand, embraced Gu Siyi's shoulder, and lowered his voice next to her ear, "A professional wife blows, are you satisfied?"

Gu Siyi's face turned even redder when she was teased, "I'm going to be busy, I won't tell you anymore."

Xia Zhijuan sat in the front row, admiring Gu Siyi's hosting.

Although she has no experience, she is the right choice. With a pure and sweet appearance, youthful vigor, a tall and straight figure, and a graceful temperament, when she stands on the stage, no one can ignore her existence. She can hold that stage.

"Qi Xuan, move those tables over there..."

When this name wafted into his ears, Xia Zhijuan turned his face and looked at the boy named Qi Xuan.

With curly hair and glasses, he looks gentle and shy. He is actively working on the sidelines, and he will do whatever others call him.

Xia Zhijuan got up and walked behind Qi Xuan.

Qi Xuan just put down his things, when he turned around and saw Xia Zhijuan was startled. Slowed down, smiled at him, "Hello."

Xia Zhijuan returned a polite smile, "Hello. I'm Gu Siyi's boyfriend, Xia Zhijuan."

"I know, I know..." Qi Xuan nodded hurriedly, "Your name is like a thunderbolt in our department."

Over there, Gu Siyi was free, saw Xia Zhijuan talking to someone, and followed him, "Do you know each other?"

She didn't see the note at the time, and after a quick glance, she couldn't figure out the name of the person who wrote the note. She thought Xia Zhijuan and Qi Xuan were old acquaintances.

Xia Zhijuan took advantage of the opportunity to put Gu Siyi on the shoulder, hugged her into his arms, and said, "We are getting to know each other. I think this classmate has a very kind face."

Gu Siyi was amused, "Are you still interested in meeting your junior?"

"Ordinary people are not interested, but the opposite sex around you is interested in getting acquainted." Xia Zhijuan said, looking at Qi Xuan with meaningful eyes.

Qi Xuan felt uncomfortable all over, as if someone had discovered the secret in his heart...

Gu Siyi's expression was displeased, "What..."

Xia Zhijuan smiled lightly, "Get to know each other, and let them take care of you."

Qi Xuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately said: "Where, Gu Siyi is very good and capable, I want her to take care of her. I still have something to do, so I'll go get busy first... Call me if you need anything."

After speaking, he rubbed the soles of his feet with oil and left.

Writing a note to Gu Siyi was a thing of the past. At that time, I didn't know that she had a boyfriend who was a school girl, and he didn't know that she had such a good relationship with him. Later, there were more activities in the student union, and he didn't know until we got acquainted. Although I still couldn't restrain my appreciation and liking for her, the courage to pursue was completely stifled.

Faced with her boyfriend this time, even a straight man could feel the handsomeness of the other party, and he was a bit aggressive.

I always feel like he knows something...

Qi Xuan thought, it's better to stay away from Gu Siyi in the future, and it's best to completely cut off the thoughts in his heart.

The department's New Year's Day party, with everyone's efforts, kicked off the curtain.

Gu Siyi was the host for the first time, and Zheng Peipei and a few old friends came to watch and call.

Gu Siyi was in the background, the makeup artist finished her makeup, and she went to the dressing room to change her dress.

Picking up the dress, when she was about to put it on, she suddenly found a hole in the dress...

When the clothes were delivered yesterday, she tried them on again, and they were in perfect condition... How did they break tonight

Now for this officiant gown tailored to her figure.

How to wear it with such a big cut in the waist

Less than half an hour until the party starts...

Gu Siyi put on her own clothes again, and walked out of the dressing room with the torn dress.

On the other side, Zhang Sicheng had already changed his clothes and came out. He looked at Gu Siyi and asked in surprise, "Why don't you change?"

Gu Siyi: "The dress is torn..."

Zhang Sicheng took a look and frowned, "Isn't this torn apart? It's hanging there in good condition, how could it be torn, and it's not paper clothes."

"I don't know either... I put the clothes here after trying on them yesterday, and I just found out when I was about to wear them..."

"It's about to start, where can I find a dress that fits?" Zhang Sicheng really has a big head.

At this time, an accident happened, and the whole school was ashamed. The leaders of the department didn't know how to punish them.

Especially the two hosts, who are members of the student union, were in the party preparation team the whole time...

Gu Siyi looked at the dress in her hand, feeling very puzzled, why was it torn

When Gu Siyi was in a mess, Xia Zhijuan called.

She stepped aside and picked it up.

"How are you getting ready? Are you going to be on stage?" Xia Zhijun walked out of the auditorium to call her, wanting to encourage her before she started.

"..." Gu Siyi remained silent.

Xia Zhijun asked, "Are you nervous?"

"no… "

"What's wrong?" As soon as he heard her voice, he realized something was wrong.

"My gown is torn and I don't have any suitable clothes now..."

When Zhang Sicheng saw it, it was time to burn his brows, so he didn't hurry up to find a way, and even got tired of calling his boyfriend. He was very upset, walked to Gu Siyi's side and said, "Don't call yet, think of a way. Let's divide into two groups. You can ask your classmates and senior sisters if there is any dress to borrow for emergency. I will contact the merchant. Let's see if I can send another set right away."

Xia Zhijuan on the other side of the phone heard this and said, "Is the host's dress missing now?"

"Yeah." Gu Siyi nodded, "Then I'll be busy first, and I'll talk to you later."

When she was about to hang up the phone, she heard Xia Zhijuan say, "I have it here, give me fifteen minutes, and I'll send it backstage."

Gu Siyi was taken aback, where did he have it? How could he have a girl's dress

Gu Siyi was about to ask questions when Xia Zhijuan hung up the phone.

After Zhang Sicheng talked with the seller on the phone, he said helplessly, "This dress of yours is a limited edition, and it's gone. Other styles can be delivered now, and it's too late to cross half of the city..."

Gu Siyi said: "My boyfriend said to bring me a dress."

Zhang Sicheng: "...???"