Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 644: Alisha's help (5k)


In the dim room, the black-haired teenager was lying on the bed, looking at the silver-haired girl's red eyes, there was a brief blank in his brain.

The main reason for Roja's rejection of Alisa is his age. Not to mention that Roja is mentally much older than Alisa, and even Alisa is two years younger than Roja physically.

Such an age gap naturally discourages black-haired teenagers, but what I have to say is that with the passage of time, this problem is no longer a problem.


The close skin conveyed warmth, and the itchy sensation in the neck seemed to follow the nerves to the center of the body, reaching out to clasp Alyssa's slender waist, Roja's heart couldn't help but beating fiercely.

Watching the girl's wave of water, as if expecting something like eye pupils, Luo Ya's expression gradually changed, and after thinking for a moment, he whispered:

"The issue of age really does not exist now."

"Well, in that case, there is no reason for your brother to run away, right?"

"It's true."

Hearing Roja nodded and said, the silver-haired girl couldn't help but smile, just like a successful little fox, but before committing the crime, Alisa did not forget to check the teenager's condition again.

He stretched out his finger and lightly tapped it on Roja's chest, released the curse power and swept it along the body, Alyssa's hanging heart was slightly lowered, and the expression on her face eased a lot.

According to the scan just now, Roja’s injuries have been greatly relieved. Although the weakness of the soul still exists, and there is no good way, it does not affect the whole, and will not cause Alisa to encounter the next behavior. trouble.

The silver-haired girl was doing the pre-marital examination for Roja, and the black-haired boy saw this scene but remembered another thing, and then thanked Alisa.

"Alyssa, thank you for your treatment. If it weren't for you, I would be in danger this time. I should be fine now."

"Hey? Well, yes."

Looking up at the soothing teenager, it was not a sincere check, but the girl with a ghost in her heart responded vaguely, and her hand that wanted to inject life energy couldn't help but stop.

"In other words, it was because of me that your brother was injured? This attack was clearly directed at me. If your brother avoids..."

"What stupid thing to say, how can you avoid it."

Laughing helplessly, Luo Ya couldn't help but tighten his arms around the girl's waist, and said softly:

"You are my most important person. Compared with hurting you, it is easier for me to come by myself."

"My brother..."

After listening to Roja's words, Alisha's movements couldn't help but stop. She blinked at the black-haired boy, and buried her head in Roja's neck after a while.

"My elder brother can say that, I am really happy, and my heart feels a little bit painful, but... please don't do this next time."


"I saw you fall down before, I was really really scared, my head was dizzy, and I couldn't stop the thought of crying. I have never felt like this in the past."

"Feel sorry... ... "

Turning his head to rub against Alisha's hair, the black-haired young man apologized, but the girl did not intend to forgive easily.

"My elder brother is always like this, he doesn't value himself, and he just talks about apologizing..."

"No, of course not."

"It's like a long time ago, saying that I was asked to protect you. In fact, it's just a trick to coax me. When doing dangerous things, I never hide it from me."

"this... ... "

Under the girl's well-founded accusation, Roja couldn't help but smiled bitterly. When Alisa puffed up her face, she asked:

"In the past, because I was still weak, so forget it, but now...Does the elder brother think that I am still weak now?"

"No, it's totally out of touch with the weak."

"Well, it's almost the same."

The boy who said this shook his head when he remembered the struggle of fighting Alisa, while the silver-haired girl smiled and made a serious decision.

"Since I have enough strength to stand by my brother's side, this time the crisis will be faced by the two of us together."

"this... ... "

"Why? What does the elder brother want to say? Do you want to reject me again, thinking that I am not a partner who can live and die, but a burden that needs protection?"

"No, no, not at all."

The desperate teenager heard what was wrong in Eliza’s words, and hurriedly waved her hands to deny it. The silver-haired girl stared at Roya after hearing the words, and it took a long time before she finally gave up. However, before the teenager was relieved, Ellie Shah's question immediately followed.

"By the way, there is one thing I just forgot to ask."

"Huh? What is it?"

"... The love that the elder brother said before refers to the kind of love between men and women?"

"... ... Um."

Hearing the girl's question, Roja's expression became serious, and after a moment of silence, she nodded affirmatively, and seeing such a young man, Alisa's last worries were completely let go, her eyes rolled and she immediately started to act. .

"By the way, should your elder brother give me some rewards?"

"Huh? Reward?"

"My brother, isn't it my credit that he's in good health now? Manipulating the Black Moon is very laborious."

"Then, what do you want?"

The black-haired boy asked such a question, but Alisha who heard the words did not answer directly. Instead, she looked at the boy with affection, and then gently rubbed Roya's waist and abdomen with her fingers. The point is on the boy's chest.

Looking at the girl whose cheeks were gradually reddening, Luo Ya's eyes widened slightly, and he couldn't help but panic, and couldn't help but ask again:

"Alyssa? Well, the reward is..."

"Well, my elder brother, I have already thought about it... I want a baby."


At the moment when she heard the girl's words, Luo Ya's eyes widened suddenly, and Alisa directly sat up, stroking her lower abdomen face with spring.

"Brother, I can have a baby when I am an adult, right?"

"It can be, but..."

"That's not enough... It's also time for the Acate family to add new members."

Squinting her eyes lightly, Alisha leaned over to the boy's ear, biting and saying:

"My elder brother, you knew it when I was a kid. I stayed by your side for this moment, and my father recognized us because of this. So now... I can help Eliza to complete the birth of a child. Task?"


Feeling the sweet breath and hearing Alisha's "for help", the black-haired boy's body immediately burned, and the last reason in his heart was completely succumbed.

Who can stand this

"Alyssa, I love you."

"Yes, me too."

After the final confirmation, the black-haired boy hugged the girl's body, and the two figures slowly merged into one.

-------------------------------------------------- ----

Time, to a certain extent, is a relative concept, especially when people are used as the perspective of observation.

As that sentence says, happy time always flies too quickly. On the contrary, painful time is infinitely prolonged in the human body. The difference between living a year and three autumns is nothing more than emotional happiness. That's it or not.

If judged by this standard, then the black-haired youth thinks that he is probably happy in the past few years. As for the feelings of the black-haired and golden-eyed woman, he thinks it is probably the same, and the evidence is that the woman’s face at this time Smile.

On the open-air balcony at the highest point of the imperial imperial palace, dressed-up youths stood side by side with black-haired and golden-eyed women, watching the continuous fireworks in the distant sky silently, and under that fireworks is the lively bazaar and People's laughter.

"Such a lively National Day, it's really been a long time since I saw it."

"Well, it is true, do you want me to praise you?"

"If you can, I hope you can praise it. After all, you rarely praise people."

With a helpless shrug, the young man wearing the crown smiled bitterly at the people around him, while the black-haired woman shook her head unconvinced.

"I don't praise people or anything. It's misunderstanding me. It's just that someone's appearance in front of me is terrible, and I can't boast it all the time... For example, a competition that lasted more than a hundred times. "

"That is an exception, no, didn't you say that I can't defeat you?"

Faced with the complaints of the person who had always been secretly in love, the young emperor showed embarrassment, and the black-haired woman giggled at this rare sight.

"At that time, it was really impossible to win, but as a man, shouldn't you challenge the impossible?"

"What kind of prejudice is this, seems to make sense, thanks to this, we can stand together now."

Thinking back to a year of suffering, the black-haired young man felt both nostalgic and proud. After thinking for a moment, he suddenly said:

"In fact, at that time, I looked forward to the next fight every day."

"Of course, I, the strongest of Source Level 1 as a sparring partner for free, and promised not to kill you, of course you are willing to come, your strength improved by leaps and bounds that year?"

"Haha, that's true, but... I look forward to the next fight for a different reason."


"Well, because I can see you."

Hearing the black-haired young man's words, the woman on the side opened her eyes in surprise for an instant, but then she turned her eyes away and said jokingly:

"Oh? Really? You wanted to be knocked to the ground by me so much? It's really a weird guy. Could it be that you have any strange hobbies?"

"No, by the way... there is a question that I have always wanted to ask you."


"... Did you actually hear what I said the last time I was in a coma?"


The moment the black-haired youth said these words, the black-haired and golden-eyed woman stiffened and fell silent for a while. The fireworks in the distant sky continued, and the light reflected on the faces of the two of them. After a long time, the woman's voice Sounded again.

"Did you say anything at that time? I can't remember."

"...That's it, then I'll say it again?"


The woman's body trembled when she heard the words of the black-haired young man, and then glanced at the magnificent palace behind her, the smile on her face gradually disappeared, and the atmosphere around her body became cold.

"Say it again or something... How about going back and telling her Majesty the Queen? Isn't it good to be alone with a lady at night?"

"Fonica and I are a political marriage, it's just my means to ascend to the throne."

"Oh, isn't it? Isn't that great? You can be on the throne and marry a beautiful woman."

"We really don't have a relationship, I promise, I have the evidence too, and it's very sufficient...because she actually likes women."


Looking at the young man who said so helplessly, the black-haired and golden-eyed woman showed a surprised expression on her face, and the cold atmosphere around her body was also shaken.

"How can this kind of thing..."

"It's true, if you want to investigate, you can find clues at any time, right?"


The young man’s candid words and expressions caused the black-haired woman to slightly widen her eyes, feeling a little at a loss for a while, and then, the young man wearing a crown added:

"So, what I want to say does not conflict with these, it is better to say that it is true, otherwise I will not be able to persist in that year's duel..."


Under the almost explicit confession of the man, the woman's emotions were rarely unstable, but even so, the figure who had taught the youth hundreds of times still showed no flaws.

"Perhaps it is exactly as you said, but there are rules between our two races, have you forgotten?"

"The rule that we cannot be married does exist, but it is to prevent our two races from mixing up and leading to weakness and losing the power to protect the empire."

"In that case what are you talking about..."

"But it's different now. If the plan is successful, our worst enemies will be resolved, and this rule is unnecessary."


Hearing such words from the young emperor, the woman's expression couldn't help but shake, and she thought for a moment and said:

"If the plan is really carried out, whether I can come back alive or not is unknown. What is the point of saying this kind of thing now..."

"No, it makes sense... I swear to you, I will pick you up."

"If you are a clan, I can't believe it..."

"Isn't all the promises I made to you fulfilled? You also said that I am an exception to the Aqiman clan?"

"that is... ... "

Looking at the bright light and shadow in the sky, the woman's words that she wanted to deny got stuck in her mouth for a while, she looked at the golden pupils in the distance and the color of memories also appeared, and after a long time she whispered:

"When we first met, the world could be said to be chaotic. At that time, I would never have imagined that this ancient empire actually had a resurgence aspect... You turned what you said before into reality, This is indeed undeniable."


"Now, everything in front of me is due to the efforts of a certain emperor. I admit that, you are indeed different from other people in the Aqiman clan."

"if that's the case!"

Excited emotions hit her heart, and the young man couldn't help taking a step forward when he said that. The black-haired and golden-eyed woman remained silent. She looked at the rainy sky and didn't know what she was thinking. After a long time, she finally spoke:

"If the plan goes well, I will see it naturally, then..."

The black-haired and golden-eyed woman turned her head and looked at the youth with a gleam. It was a light of hope with a touch of shame and longing. However, the woman's words were not over yet, and the youth's memory was completely frozen.

Everything in front of him gradually faded into darkness, and his consciousness continued to float up in the dimness. The black-haired boy opened his eyes and saw the familiar palace room.

The memory of the night is over, the boy named Paul Aqiman regained himself, and the day he had waited for a long time finally arrived.

-------------------------------------------------- --------

"His Royal Highness, everything is ready."

In the bedroom before dawn, Paul sat in a chair and looked out the window in a daze, while Liz by his side arranged all the necessities in order. She looked at Paul who was a little confused and couldn't help but frowned slightly.

"His Royal Highness? What's wrong?"


"Could it be that you want to back down now? In that case, I advise you to give up, it's too late now."

"Hey? No, I didn't want to back down. It's better to say that on the contrary, I can't wait to go out immediately."

Looking at the sky outside the window, Paul, who has been under house arrest for a long time, sighed, with a little anxious expression on her expression. The maid blinked strangely when she saw this, wondering what Paul was anxious about.

Although Paul is a prince, he does not have too complicated interpersonal relationships outside. There should be no such eager reason. In addition, although the teenagers in the past did not like house arrest, the resistance was not so strong.

"His Royal Highness, your feeling has changed a bit since you moved here."

"Huh? Changed?"

"Well, it just feels like you have suddenly matured?"

The maid who said that was puzzled. In fact, since the last time Paul decided to escape according to Lilian's plan, Liz felt that something had changed in Paul, and now this feeling is deeper.

"Does your Highness have any troubles? Is adolescence? I can't control my desires anymore?"

"No, but... it's almost the same."


"Nothing... It's just thinking of something in the past."


Hearing Paul’s words, the maid blinked strangely. Before she had time to ask questions, there was a slight, rhythmic knock on the door. The moment they heard this sound, both of them were stiffened by tension. Got up, then looked at each other and stood up.

In the silence and footsteps, the plan to change the future has officially begun.