Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 647: It's him (4k5)


One person’s impression of another person is often lagging, or fixed in the past. If no major changes occur, it will hardly change, especially negative feelings.

Disgust, hatred, such negative feelings can often last for many years, intimacy, love, such positive feelings tend to fade over time, humans desire beautiful things, but it is the easiest thing to forget beautiful things, I have to say that this is one Kind of irony.

For Lilian Aqiman, her impression of Emperor Lucas from her childhood was very unified, and that was fear.

Normally, even if it is inaccessible, the affection that a child should have as a relative is awe. However, I do not know whether it is the relationship that Lucas has done that makes the girl difficult to agree with, or the Lilian natural who has the blood of the king. Lilian has been faintly afraid of him as she grows up.

Today, however, this feeling has changed. One of the reasons is naturally strength. The two auras rising to the sky represent that Lilian's strength at this time is sufficient to block Lucas' power, and this object that has always been feared can no longer be used. Overwhelmed her.

The other reason is the change in Lilian’s mentality. After obtaining strong evidence, the girl has completely become the enemy of the man above the throne. The change in determination has made her no fear or worry, and thousands of people outside the city. Tens of thousands of soldiers is her most solid guarantee.

After staring at each other for a long time, Lilian took steps, and she stepped forward slowly, no different from the past, but this time the girl did not lower her head, but looked directly into Lucas' eyes above.

"I haven't seen you for a long time, Your Majesty, no, Father, you still don't come here unharmed."

"Father? That's how it is."

Hearing Lilian's name, Lucas's expression did not fluctuate in any way, he nodded slightly, and had already understood Lilian's extraneous words.

To be called your majesty is to recognize Lucas' emperor status, but the title has changed to father, which seems to be closer, but in fact it denies the supreme power of men, and the intention can be said to be obvious.

"I don't like boring greetings and unnecessary nonsense. You seem to be the same in this regard, Lilian."

"Yes, I still wished to be more polite originally, but some things I saw before changed my mind, but it just made me make up my mind."

"Well, it's Leighton. It really took advantage of our effort to divert attention and did a lot of extra work."

"Well, thanks to this, I understand a lot of things, including the reason why you have been resisting the Acate family, father, for not allowing me to approach Roja."

In the empty hall, the black-haired and purple-eyed girl said so softly, she looked at the emperor above and told the truth straightforwardly.

"Father, have you been cooperating with the fallen all the time?"


Facing Lilian’s questioning, Lucas didn’t conceal anything. He answered the question calmly, and said faintly:

"Cooperating with the moderates among the fallen, this is the custom of the Austin Empire after the Second Era, but the degree is different when different emperors are in power."

"Really, it seems to be a long history of continuous decay."

"Rotten? Why do you say that?"

"The destruction of the second-age ancient Austin Empire is the cause of the fallen. The Aqiman clan, which claims to be the orthodox mankind, actually cooperated with the enemies of mankind. Such betrayal, what else can it be if it is not decay?"

"No, Lilian, this is just an alternative."

Hearing the girl's cold words, the expressionless man shook his head, looked down and said:

"Whether it is Alder in the Second Age or the Fallen of the Third Age, they are just our tools. We use each other to make each other stronger. The prosperity of the fallen and alien wars are the same."


In the voice of Lucas's words, Lilian frowned slowly, as if she realized something, while Lucas continued straightforwardly:

"The strength of the fallen will directly affect the authority of the church. The war of aliens drags the St. Meister State into a quagmire every few hundred years, effectively curbing their development, and the populous Austin Empire Then you can recover your vitality faster and expand your influence."

"For hundreds of years, both the fallen and the aliens have been our weapons. In the second era, we used the Alder family. Now we have just changed a tool, and nothing has changed."

"... ... Do not make jokes."


"I said stop kidding, Lucas Aqiman."

Looking at the indifferent man above, Lilian said with an ugly face, and a little anger was rarely seen in the purple pupils.

"The former Aqiman tribe was a tribe of human beings who held high torches and gathered scattered around, leading this race to create a glorious civilization. Under their leadership, disasters and monsters were gone, and cities rose from the ground. The Alder clan’s cooperation is for protection, but what about you?"

"Abandoned glory, abandoned ideals, in order to survive and betray the entire human race, acting as a running dog of the savior, parasitizing in humans like maggots, for thousands of years, alien wars have brought waves of destruction, millions of warriors. There are no bones left on the battlefield of the East Territory."

"My friends died on the battlefield, and my lover died for this reason. Countless wives lost their husbands. I don’t know how many parents gave away their children but got relics. The human race is even in danger. This wicked concubine and you are in danger. Say it hasn't changed from the past? Can you stop me from nausea? Lucas."


Under the calm but angry accusation of the black-haired and purple-eyed girl, the man fell silent for a while, but there was no regret in his indifferent expression and eyes. He just looked down and asked calmly.

"so what?"

"... ... what?"

"Someone will die, they are all replaceable."

"... It seems that my words are superfluous. You won't understand, and don't want to understand, but... I have a question, what is your purpose?"

Looking at Lucas with cold eyes, Lilian's heart raised such a question. According to Lucas, the Austin Empire has indeed gained huge benefits through the power of the Fallen and the Savior for thousands of years, but now it is Quite the opposite.

The savior who is about to awaken is obviously the enemy of the entire human race. With the gradual unity of mankind, if it is really for the Austin Empire, Lucas should immediately abandon the fallen, or even kill them backhand.

It is important to know that Lilian is not the only one who perceives that Lucas has a relationship with the Fallen. The Holy See has already begun a secret investigation of him. What is the reason that Lucas still insists on co-conspiracy under this situation, and even put himself in Disadvantaged situation

Lilian, who had such a question in her heart, stared at the figure above, and Lucas gave this answer after being silent for a long time.

"Eternity and strength."


Hearing Lucas’s words, Lilian fell silent for a while, she did not ask, because almost everyone is pursuing these. Humans use their offspring to extend their lives. To a certain extent, they are pursuing eternity, as for power. Needless to say, that is the goal of every transcendent.

Lucas's answer didn't explain much, and Lilian knew that he would not say more, so the girl also put forward her own request, which was also the last advice.

"Father, leave the empire to me, give up military command, and stop contacting the fallen, so that I won't kill you. This is my promise."

"Empire... Lilian, although you are my smartest child, you still underestimate me."


Looking at the frowning girl, Lucas said indifferently:

"Now I don't care about the empire anymore, but in fact you are too? For example, this time... your purpose is actually Paul, right?"


At the moment when Lucas pointed out what she was thinking in her heart, Lilian's mind couldn't help but fluctuate slightly, and the expressionless man saw this and continued:

"It's weird that you obviously don't know Paul's secret, but want to take him away, but forget it, I already know everything, he is no longer useful."

"It's useless? What are you going to do?"

"It's nothing, it's just... let you sleep here forever."

The moment the words fell, the strong curse power suddenly poured out from Lucas' body, and the next moment countless magic swords penetrated the barriers of space, shooting the girl from all directions, and the roar and smoke were instantly drowned out. everything.

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At the beginning of the plan provided by Lilian, Paul Aqiman thought that the plan was perfect because of its meticulousness and thoroughness.

Paul and the maid Liz, the escape of the two living people is not easy, especially Paul, who lives in name but is actually the same as a prisoner, will be discovered before he disappears out of thin air.

Because of this, the method provided by Lilian was to replace it. Two intelligence personnel used the curse to disguise themselves as two persons, while the real Paul and Liz left through the convoy of materials transporting in and out of the palace.

The first half of this plan can be said to be quite smooth. With the help of intelligence personnel, Paul and the maid Liz, who temporarily changed their appearance through the curse, successfully entered the convoy because the two gathered together too conspicuously. So separate in this process.

After dawn, the entire convoy of materials was moved, and the carriages began to evacuate one by one towards the city gate. Liz’s vehicle left the city fortress first during the dispatch of the guards, while Paul’s vehicle was still waiting, but it was only a matter of time before leaving. NS.

What everyone didn't expect was that the upheaval happened suddenly at this moment.


The first thing that started was the loud noise in the distant palace and the huge wave of curse power rising into the sky. Under this wave of curse power, countless soldiers were shocked, and the city also heard one after another shouts and Warning sound.

In a short moment, the atmosphere inside the fortress completely changed, and the reason was very simple. Soldiers who had been on the battlefield of aliens knew that it belonged to the aura of a source-level 1 powerhouse, and more importantly, that The place of the explosion was not elsewhere, but in the palace where the Emperor Lucas and the Queen Lilian met.

This situation left Paul stunned. After all, in the previous plan, Lilian’s mission was to hold Emperor Lucas instead of fighting, because everyone knew that once conflict broke out in this meeting, the consequences would be what.

The Noyce fortress group army that followed Lilian's birth and death is not muddled. This time it can be said to be the best. Once Lilian encounters an accident in the city, they will immediately launch an offensive. Now, this situation is about to take place.

After the violent explosion, a huge building suddenly rose to the ground in the direction of the distant palace. It was part of a magnificent fortress and one of Lilian’s iconic spells [Ten Cities]. At the moment of the scene, the army outside the city also reacted immediately.

The horns of the various troops' attack sounded at the same time. Hundreds of voices converged into a low, loud noise and drifted over the plain. Even inside the fortress, they could hear very clearly, and immediately followed by the mountain whistling and tsunami-like shouting to kill. Voice.

The army outside the city began a full-scale offensive, which also opened the prelude to the Austin Empire’s first civil war in a hundred years, and Paul inside the city also encountered unprecedented trouble.

Accompanied by a wonderful wave of curse power, Paul’s [kingdom] origins suddenly began to oscillate, and chasing soldiers also appeared. It was just that they were not ordinary soldiers, but hundreds of court guards in black armor. .

No good, it was found!

I don’t know what principle based on the tracking that caught Paul off guard, and the soldiers in black armor quickly surrounded the convoy where the young man was, and confronted many disguised soldiers. It was at this time, looking at these black armored soldiers Paul suddenly frowned.

The palace guards, they belonged directly to Emperor Lucas’ army, and they were also the most mysterious army of the Austin Empire. However, to Paul’s surprise, when he saw this group of soldiers, he found something familiar. It is the breath that belongs to the fallen in the memory of thousands of years ago.

"How can it be?"

Paul was surprised by the fact that there were fallen men in the court's inner guard, but then he learned the fact that shocked him even more, and that was how these people dealt with him.

"Paul Aqiman, plotting to participate in the rebellion, kill him."

Before he had searched for Paul, the leader of the black armored soldiers announced so, and the battle quickly began in the next moment.

In a short moment, hundreds of black-armored knights rushed towards Paul, and on the other side, the troops in the city who wanted to join Lilian suddenly appeared. The two sides fought fiercely, and Paul, who had reached source level 3, immediately joined the battle. , Slashed the rushing soldiers to the ground, but as the fallen, their bodies were far beyond ordinary people.

Regardless of regenerative ability or strength, these black armored fallen men far surpass ordinary soldiers. The roar and screams on the fighting streets continue, and as time goes by, facing the tide of enemies, the situation on Paul’s side It's becoming more and more unfavorable.


After cutting off the enemy's head with another sword to ensure that the fallen ones would not regenerate, Paul looked around and found that most of his comrades around him had fallen, but the city gate in the battle was still standing still and fighting. The voice is getting smaller and smaller.

Oh no, I didn't take it down.

Watching more and more enemies with a pale face, such a desperate scene made Paul grit his teeth. However, when the boy was desperate and ready to fight to the death, the space in front of Paul suddenly fluctuated, and the next moment he was gray-haired. The old man and a woman with black hair and rainbow pupils suddenly appeared.

"The dean?!"

This sudden change caused Paul, who was covered in blood, to be stunned for a moment, his eyes widened in surprise, while the black-haired woman immediately turned her head and asked the old man next to him after seeing the boy.

"Antonio, is it this kid?"

"Yes, Master Estherd, he is Paul Achman."

"That's it, then let's go."


After a brief conversation, Antonio raised his staff to emit a thousand rays of light, blasting the black armored knights rushing nearby to pieces, while the black-haired woman stretched out her hand to Paul, and the colorful rays of light stretched and contracted, engulfing the teenager in it. , And then the figures of the three people quickly disappeared.