Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 648: Cliff edge


In the north of the eastern front line, the flames of war in the Austin Empire were already raging quietly, and in the space on the other side, everything was still fairly calm.

In the palace in the early morning, the black-haired teenager was walking in the corridor, familiar with the environment here, while in the bedroom, the silver-haired girl was still asleep.

As the owner of [The Son of Blue Silver] bloodline, Alyssa's recovery ability is extremely strong. She did not consume too much physical energy last night. The reason she is still asleep now is entirely due to psychological effects.

It’s like a girl drinking a non-alcoholic beverage in a pub. Although there is no effect of alcohol at all, she is inexplicably drunk in the atmosphere. The same is true for Alisa, except that she is not intoxicated, but the newlyweds. In a happy atmosphere.

In fact, everything originated from an inadvertent sentence when the black-haired teenager got up.

"I was exhausted last night, it doesn't matter if I wake up later, let's take a break."

The boy who said this left a kiss on Alisa's cheek, and the silver-haired girl immediately showed a happy smile, nodded and closed her eyes obediently.

It’s not really any inconvenience for Eliza to stay in bed so cooperatively, but in many literary and artistic stories, on the second day of the wedding, the scene where the husband comforts his wife often appears, even known as a famous scene.

Such an experience has appeared countless times in the beautiful dream of a girl with silver hair and color. Now that the dream is realized, it is too late for Alisa to be delighted. How can she break it

Feeling the body temperature left by Roja in the quilt, Alyssa happily hugged the quilt, and she couldn’t wait to roll around on the bed. Naturally, she didn’t mean to get out of bed in a short time, and Roja used this time to take a walk in the building. Come.

It’s a walk, but in fact Roja is thinking about things, but unlike before, the black-haired boy does not have a clear idea, and the reason is very simple, because at this time Roja felt It's just a vague feeling.

It was a feeling that the mountains and rain were about to come and the wind was full of the building, as if some important event was happening in unknown places. Roya was strange to this, but after thinking about it, he still did not deny this possibility, but delved into the origin. , But it's a pity, the result is nothing.

This time Roja came to look for Alisha alone. It seemed like an impulsive act to become a confidant, but in fact there were some considerations. He wanted to bring Alisha back, provided that there was a place to go back, not Hometown turned into a ruin.

From Loya’s perspective, when he left the Eastern Territory, not to mention it was a national celebration, at least he was united in one mind. It was not long before the victory of the Scorched Earth Campaign. fighting.

The root of the alien crisis is the leadership and wisdom of the alien king Bangal. After Roja killed him, the entire alien power was once again torn apart.

According to the information provided by Roja when he left, the kings of the alien races who fought against the human coalition forces are not idle now. They are fighting to death and life for the turf and population in the vast Tucker Plain, and their brains are about to be beaten out.

Of course, as a source level 1 of a heterogeneous person, it may not be dead if the brain is beaten, but at least there is no time to take care of humans in a short time. As for another threat [egg of the beast god], the possibility of attacking humans is even greater. Small.

For such a long time, Alisa has taken the [Six Plagues] to fight everywhere in order to eliminate the products created by these saviors. If there is such a thing as [The Egg of the Beast God] awakening and attacking humans on a large scale, it is impossible for Alisa to be absent. feel.

After thinking about it, the situation of the external enemy should be eliminated, so the enemy can only be inside, and thinking of this possibility, the first thing that came to the mind of the young man was the Emperor of the Austin Empire.

Could it be that what happened to Lucas

Thinking of this possibility, Roja's face couldn't help but become serious. It has to be said that when Roja left, Lucas was already the key observation object of the Holy See. If it is not too high, considering the reaction of various countries It's so hands-on, it's estimated that it's been beaten down long ago.

In this case, it is theoretically possible for Lucas to jump the wall quickly, but after recalling the Austin Emperor's style of dealing with things, Roja slowly shook his head.

As an emperor who has ruled the empire for more than a hundred years, Lucas is the best in both scheming and courage. This scene cannot force him to take risks, but... the savior, the fallen, the Aqiman clan , A series of key words made the black-haired teenager frowned.

Every time she thinks so carefully, Roja will involuntarily think of the difficulties she is facing now, that is, Caroline Acate and her final plan.

Although the specific situation is not yet known, according to the history that Roja has collected over the years, Caroline should indeed have cooperated with the Austin Empire at the end of the second era, and the final plan should be out of paper at that time. Restart the implementation.

With this in mind, Roja couldn't help wondering whether Caroline's appearance was already in the plans of the Austin Empire, and whether there was any special conspiracy behind it, but no matter how he thought it, he had no clue.

"There is too little information."

The teenager who sighed in this way was strolling in the building, and then had to change the direction of this heady thinking, and instead consider the actual and imminent problem, that is, how to defeat Caroline.

After analyzing last night, Luo Ya had to accept a reality, that is, they and Caroline estimated that there must be a battle. The reason is not because of Luo Yahun's dignity, but Caroline's own problems. .

In the last battle, Roja was already convinced that Caroline might have been eroded by the savior's breath. Although she would not become a fallen one, a certain degree of madness and paranoia were indispensable.

No one can reason with a madman, even Roja is the same, but before fighting Caroline, who is the ancestor of Acate, there is one thing that must be solved, and that is the problem of the temple, and this problem is thought of The young man also had to call on the name of the evil god.


"Have you finally come to see me? It's really slow."

After the soft call, the figure of a little girl appeared in the air beside Roja. Edvia looked at Roja below, with a little dissatisfaction on her face. It seemed that the black-haired teenager was a little too relaxed now. , And Roja hurriedly apologized with a guilty conscience.

"Sorry, Idavia, I was injured a bit severely before, and treatment took some time."


What do you call treatment

Looking at the eyes of Miss Cthulhu, even Roya, who had a thick skin like the corner of the city wall, couldn't hold it for a while. He coughed twice, and then emphasized:

"Take care of Alisha's emotions, this is what I need to do."

"Really? Forget it, I don't want to take care of your personal affairs, just take it as you say it makes sense, so what can I do?"

"What's the matter, haven't you guessed it a long time ago?"


Hearing Roja's words, Idavia fell into silence for a while, her expression was not as relaxed and comfortable as usual, but looked a little dignified, and seeing the girl like this, the black-haired boy frowned.

As the ancient god who manages the sanctuary in Roja’s body, Edavia and Roja are actually very close. This is the reason why the two have met so soon but they are very in harmony, but it is just like Roja knows Aidavia very well. , Adavia is also very aware of the youth's soul and the situation of the temple.

Because of this, Miss Cthulhu's silence made Roja extremely depressed, and after a moment of looking at each other, Edvia finally sighed and uttered the cruel truth.

"Let me just make the conclusion first, if you fight that monster, you have no chance of winning at all."


Hearing Edvia's words, Roja's expression couldn't help but stiff, and his walking pace also subconsciously stopped. In the empty corridor, the black-haired boy was silent, and it took a long time before he stepped forward again.


"The most direct reason is that the temple can't get rid of her suppression."

"... Isn't it okay to have you?"

"Well, I can't do it, but it's not a question of ability, but of authority."


Strolling to the door of the reception room, Roja stopped and asked with his hair sideways. After hearing this, Idavia was helpless and asked:

"You, have you forgotten where the temple is?"

"Where? Um..."

At the moment when he thought of the answer to the little girl's question, Luo Ya opened his eyes slightly, and Adavia nodded.

"Yes, that's the prison where I was imprisoned. Is there a prison in this world that can be changed at will by prisoners?"


"I can only manage the sanctuary at most, but that woman has the authority of part of the owner, and the people in the prison can't fight the people outside the prison."

"... ... I see."

Hearing Idavia’s detailed explanation, Roja nodded slowly. He didn’t say anything, but walked to the side of the tea house, and checked that it was preserved in [Hidden Mist]. Time seemed to be sealed. Of many tea leaves.

Looking at the dazzling array of unrecognized plants in dozens of transparent pots, Roja's body paused for a moment and decided to ask the opinions of contemporary people.

"Which one to choose?"

"The third one on the left is Rolle tea, which men prefer. Drinking it is good for the body, but... I still recommend the sixth one on the right."

"The sixth... is this?"

"Floating root leaves, a kind of tree leaves rarely seen in ancient times, will have a soulful fragrance after soaking, which is her favorite."



Glancing at Idavia with a look of nostalgia on the face of the tea cupboard, Roja lowered his head and gently took out the pot of floating root leaves, and completed the brewing under the guidance of the Cthulhu.

The moment the scorching and clear water droplets hit the leaves, a unique wave of spell power suddenly emanated from it, making Roya who smelled the smell inexplicably refreshed. He was sitting on a chair with a teacup and looking out the window. The silver mist that never stopped tumbling, did not know what he was thinking, and only spoke again after a long time.

"...Is there no other way?"

"I don't see it so far."

"So, what if I get promoted to source level 1?"

Looking at the clouds and mist outside the window, Roja spoke faintly, while Adavia who heard the words fell into contemplation.

"In that case, although you will still be at a disadvantage compared to that woman, it is indeed possible to get rid of the influence of blood..."

Aidavia who said so spoke, and said the law of power comparison of the temple.

"Originally, the most obvious strength of the sanctuary is the bloodline. Although you are a direct descendant of Caroline, because you are the chosen king, the bloodline has not fallen into the wind. There are really obvious shortcomings, indeed. Source level."

"Although the source level cannot directly affect the sanctuary, promotion will increase the strength of the soul, and the soul fire in the sanctuary will naturally become more stable."

"I see."

After listening to Idavia's explanation, Roja's face showed an expression of understanding, and the thoughts in his heart became more and more determined.

Source Level 1 and Source Level 2, the gap between each other is quite large, even if there is no problem with the temple, Roja must be promoted in the face of Caroline's God Realm, but I have to say that this promotion is risky. Some are too big.

Since leaving the historical fragments, Roja has nearly died several times, surrounded by an army of aliens, and almost died in the desert. He has come back and killed the king of aliens, and then fought a decisive battle with the lost memory of Alisa.

The intensity of each of the successive battles is beyond imagination, and behind these difficult victories, Roja's strength has continued to grow substantially. According to this momentum, it is inevitable to break through Source Level 1 in a while, but The problem is that Roja has no time now.

"Siyahua puts too much burden on the soul. Before you overdrawn almost all the soul power in the battle with that little girl. Now promotion is like walking a tightrope on a cliff. Once something goes wrong, it will be troublesome."

"Is it a tightrope? But I have now walked to the edge of the cliff. Without walking the tightrope, I would fall into the abyss with one step."


Hearing Roja's words, Idavia fell into silence. Even now, even Cthulhu had to admit that the black-haired boy had very few choices.

"At least let your body heal completely, but even so, the success rate is still very low. Although you are making rapid progress, you are still a line from Source Level 1, so..."

"A line?"

Repeating what Idavia said, Luo Ya slightly narrowed his golden pupils. Although it sounded good, the black-haired boy knew what Idavia meant.

The gap to Source Level 1 seems to be a thin line, but in fact it is separated from the sky. If there is no way to fill it, the final result may fall short.

Thinking of this, Luo Ya carefully thought about the direction in which he could progress, but did not find any. At this moment, Luo Ya suddenly flashed light behind him, and the familiar silver-haired figure appeared, and the voice of words was also in Luo Ya's ears. The side sounded.

"Is it stronger? I understand."

The long-haired shawl Alisa said with a serious expression, and then gently hugged the black-haired boy from behind.

"Leave this to me, sir brother."