Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 649: The Original Land (5k)


In the room, the black-haired boy held his teacup hand for a meal, slightly widening his eyes in surprise, he turned his head to look at the girl behind him, and couldn't help but let out a slight sigh.

"Alyssa, why are you here?"

"It's not because the elder brother is doing something dangerous again. It's too messy to be promoted now."

"That is... ... "

Looking at the silver-haired girl, Roja felt a guilty conscience. He stammered and didn't know what to say. He could only turn his head and look to the side Edvia, and wanted Miss Cthulhu to say something for help. , But what I didn't expect to see was a somewhat abusive smile on the little girl's face.

Um? What laughing

Some strange Roja stared at the little girl twice, while Edavia blinked at Roja knowingly, and then opened his mouth:

"Is it dangerous? It's a bit inaccurate to say that, I don't agree with it."

"Yes, Alisa."

Hearing Idavia’s assist, the young man who knew he had to make a decision nodded in agreement, with a serious expression on his face:

"I, don't you know? How can I be unsure of..." Remember m. .

"Strictly speaking, it is almost impossible to succeed in promotion now, so this is no longer a danger, it should be a self-destructive behavior."


Luo Ya, who was sold halfway through the conversation, blinked his eyes and turned to look at the girl behind him, but he didn't expect the smile on Miss Cthulhu's face to become even more joyous.


"Puff, hahahaha, what a rare good expression, are you so surprised at my true speech?"

"You, Alisa, listen to me explain..."

"You don't need to explain it, brother, did you forget that I am also Source Level 1, and I can actually judge your situation by myself."


Looking at the silver-haired girl who was a little dissatisfied when she came to her, Roya's expression became stiff, and she was a little at a loss for a while.

For a long time, Alisa’s strength has lagged behind him. As the Patriarch of the Acate family, Roja is really a two-sided grasp of strength and status, which protects Alisa well, and the girl has always been very obedient, but now.... ..

"Oh, getting old and old."

Sighing from the retired veteran cadre, the black-haired teenager blinked and decided to lower her head to drink tea, and seeing Roja's recognizing appearance, Alisha thought of something, and blurted out a word.

"Where is old? Obviously last night...cough! Ming, obviously only two years older than me."

"Puff! Ahem, hem, hem! Yeah, yeah, I think about Wilhelmina who is helped by armor, I really seem to be the highest level among my peers, ha, ha ha."

Thinking of the difficult battle last night, the girl who accidentally said what was in her heart blushed and hurriedly coughed to carry this sentence. The black-haired boy squirted out a sip of tea after hearing this, and then immediately began to cooperate. Secondly, patients with temporary deafness.

Secretly thinking that people are old and not old, Roja's eyes floated towards Edvia again, but what he didn't expect was that Miss Cthulhu did not respond to these things, but blinked, and his eyes were full. It is doubtful, even a little naive.

"... By the way, you have no physical body."


"No, nothing!"

The black-haired boy who understood Edvia's calm reason for a moment waved his hand, with an adult's smile on her face, while Alyssa changed the subject and chatted with Edvia.

"You are the new contract god Idavia that your brother said. The first time I saw... No, I've seen it several times."

"Well, it is true, but it was an enemy before."

"Yes, but when it comes to this, I have to thank you for one thing, Lord Aidavia, thank you for helping me restore my memory."

Speaking of this, Alyssa lowered her head and raised her skirt to salute, while the brown-haired girl couldn't help but was taken aback. Roja looked at the girl who was watching Alyssa and suddenly found that Edvia's eyes were very complicated at this time.

"Huh? Idavia?"


"Master Idavia? Sorry, is my thanks too sudden?"

"No, it just suddenly remembered something from the past... But it is this guy's order to save you, and it's my duty, so I don't need to thank you."

Edvia, who was awakened by Roja's voice, said so, and shook his head slightly. Roja remained silent when he saw this, and did not say much.

If I say who is the person Idavia will never forget the most in her life, then I am afraid that only Shia who insists on keeping her alive, and Alyssa, as the successor of part of the power of the mother god, should be regarded as Shia's descendants strictly speaking. , And even higher purity than Loya.

Suddenly facing such an existence tens of thousands of years later, Idavia will inevitably be affected. This is something Roja thought of before, but now it seems that this kind of influence seems to be a good thing.

Looking at the little girl who was inexplicably active in conversation with Alisa, Luo Ya’s expression gradually warmed up, and as the topic progressed, the relationship between the two women got a lot closer, and Luo Ya finally found a chance. Back to the original topic.

"Alyssa, you said before that you would give my promotion to you. What are you going to do?"

After a conversation, the black-haired boy found a chance to ask the silver-haired girl's previous guarantee. After hearing this, Alisha turned her head to look at Luo Ya, and asked:

"My elder brother said before, you are only one line away from Source Level 1, and you need to go further in some way."


"In that case, I have a good suggestion."

"Oh? That is?"

The black-haired boy opened his eyes unexpectedly, staring at the silver-haired girl, while Alisa gave the answer softly after smiling.

"That's the only thing that the elder brother lacks, and it is also the power that can definitely make you further-[Swallowing Light]."


Hearing Alisha's words, Roja's face showed a look of surprise. He looked at the silver-haired girl, and after thinking for a moment, he asked softly:

"But, isn't [Swallowing Light] a subordinate under your command? If you let the Crown Stone absorb..."

Roja stopped speaking and his expression became serious. Although it was an ancient disaster, these monsters were not irrational. On the contrary, they were intellectual and even emotional. Roja, who fought with them in historical fragments, clearly understands the facts.

Roja knew this, and it was impossible for Alisha who was in charge of the [Six Plagues] to not know. Even so, the girl still proposed this sacrifice-like plan, which, to be honest, made Roja a little unacceptable.

Could it be that in the process of restoring the memory, it has become cold and ruthless

The black-haired teenager who was so worried was a little nervous for a while, but Alisha shook her head to dispel Roja's worry.

"Brother, have you forgotten? I can control the [Six Plagues] to some extent, and even let it regenerate."

"Huh? You mean..."

"Yes, the elder brother does not need to do it, and the [Swallowing Light] will not completely dissipate. I will use a special method to help you absorb part of its power, but at this time you will get the crown stone again, elder brother, yours The soul can't bear it."

"For the soul, I think it should be fine."

Hearing Alisa's question, Adavia floating in the air said so with a smile on her face.

"Although the crown stone is powerful, it is based on the [Crown] source quality, not the soul itself, so it is not a big problem, but in this way, you will not get the assistance of [Swallowing Light] if you fight again. "

Adavia, who was so reminded, looked at the black-haired boy, and Roja nodded to express understanding.

I have to say that the strength of [Swallowing Light] is still very strong. After several battles, it even surpassed the best-developed [Hidden Mist] in the previous [Six Plagues]. Its absence is undoubtedly one. Great battle power loss.

However, as the saying goes, the promotion of Source Level 1 itself is going against the sky. How can you succeed if you look forward and backward, even if you don't even dare to fight back

Thinking of this, Roja made up his mind. He looked at the two people in front of him and nodded slowly.

"The risk is indeed great, but I know who our enemy is, Caroline Akat. You can't defeat this ancestor without taking risks."

"Yes, even in my opinion, that's a terrifying guy. It's hard to imagine that there will be such a monster after God's generation."

"How does it compare to the gods?"

"... stronger."

After listening to Roja’s question, Edvia sighed after being silent for a while, with a little dread on his face, while Roja fell into silence when he heard the words.

Although I knew that Caroline, the first generation owner of the Acate family was a strong person outside the specifications, Roja did not expect that even the existence of Edvia would fear her. Such a situation made Roja improve again. Be vigilant and at the same time strengthen the conviction.

She nodded slightly to Alisa beside her, and the silver-haired girl stood up with comprehension, and then whispered:

"I see, then, elder brother, please leave with me."

"Leave? To Tucker Plain?"

"No, not over there."

Determined, Roja put down the tea cup and decided to act immediately, while Alisha smiled when she heard the words, and pointed her finger at the thick fog rolling outside the window.

"Let's go outside."

-------------------------------------------------- -------------

Since being trapped in the unmanned Tuck Fortress, Roja has been wondering what is behind the layers of mist in the [Hidden Mist] space. In the past, he used to think that behind the silver mist is an unknown space. The abyss is the boundary of walking to the limit, but the actual situation is not like this.

On the winding road, Roja is behind and Alisa is in front. The two people hold hands and walk among the fog. The dense silver mist hinders the sight and the perception of curse power, making Roja only vaguely. See the back of the girl ahead.

The black-haired teenager is very unaccustomed to the fact that there is no magic power to perceive it. There is even a feeling as if everything in front of it is an illusion, but the warmth from the palm of his hand is real. After thinking for a moment, Luo Ya Could not help but ask such a question.

"Alyssa... why are you in front? Can't you go together?"

"I'm tired of not seeing my elder brother, but it's a pity that if I don't go ahead, the mist will not let us go forward smoothly."

Although there was only a distance of less than a few meters from one to the other, Roja felt that Alisha's words were far away from him, but even so young, he listened carefully to the silver-haired girl's explanation and understood the current situation.

To some extent, the two of them are in fact chronically traversing space, which is caused by the [Hidden Mist] absorbing the concept of space into themselves. In this space, the only one who currently has the right of way There is only one person, and that is Alisa.

"If your elder brother is in front, we might be lost in this silver mist forever, so please be patient."

"Patience? I understand, but where is our destination?"

"It's almost here."


Hearing Alisa's words like this, Roja couldn't help but raised his eyebrows slightly, and didn't ask for any extra words. Until more than ten minutes later, the thick silver mist that had been blocking the line of sight suddenly began to thin out.

The back of the silver-haired girl in the front gradually became clear, and the curse reaction became stronger and stronger, so that Luo Ya, who was quite uncomfortable along the way, finally let go, and as the silver fog fades, a magnificent building is gradually revealed. In front of Roja and Alisa, the black-haired boy's eyes widened in an instant.

It was an indescribable giant, similar to the pyramid that Roja had seen in his previous life, but its specifications were completely different. According to the visual observation of a young man, it was just that the frontal width was more than several thousand meters, and the height was about the same.

In Roja’s previous life, the tallest building in the world was only close to a kilometer, but the huge building in front of him was several times taller. The interior space was unimaginable. In front of it, Roja and Alisa were like gravel. So small.

"This is... a giant building?"

Or is it their grave

Such a thought came into Roya's heart, making him subconsciously want to ask Gurandar, but thinking that he might be here in front of his family's ancestral grave, Roya hesitated again.

No flowers, wait, how many swords should the giants fight crazy

Roja, who suddenly began to think divergently, shook his head, stopped her inexplicable thinking, while on the other side, Alisha said slowly after watching for a while:

"Actually, my elder brother should be very close to this place."

"Me? Very close?"

"Well, because this is the original birthplace of [Six Plagues] in ancient times."


Hearing Alisha's words, Roja couldn't help but his eyes widened, and then he immediately felt the [Crown] Origin Quality, and found that the Crown Stone, which had been silent because of the recent injury, really began to become active.

"So, I didn't expect that there would be such a place."

Luo Ya, who was saying this, was shocked, vaguely knowing the girl's thoughts in his heart, and Alisa led the boy to quickly climb towards the top of the tower thousands of meters above.

The height of several kilometers is almost the level of the top ten mountain peaks in the previous world of Roja, but it is not a big problem for the transcendents of Source Level 1 and Source Level 2, not to mention that the two of them are almost at this time. No legs are used.

With the help of Alisa, the two of them were flying upwards rather than climbing, and as the altitude rose, the silver-haired girl also asked questions.

"My elder brother?"


"Do you know why [Six Plagues] has never been eliminated?"

In the process of rising, Alyssa raised such a question, which made Roya who was familiar with history stunned, and then slowly shook her head.

"I don't know this. In the long history, many ethnic scholars have studied this subject, but they have not obtained any results... Wait, can it be related to this?"

"Yes, exactly."

Looking at Luo Ya, whose eyes widened again, the silver-haired girl nodded and said:

"This is the altar used by Shia to separate her own power in ancient times. The power separated from her body gave birth to consciousness here and gained their respective attributes. From this, the [Six Plagues] was born, and among them The attribute of [Hidden Mist] is space, and it swallowed it immediately after the birth of consciousness."

"This behavior is not only its instinct, but also a kind of subconscious self-protection, because this is the birthplace of the [six plagues] and also the source. As long as this is not destroyed, even if the outside [six plagues] die , There will also be a new [Six Plagues] born from here."

"So that's it, so they can't be eliminated?"

"Yes, and these are the sacrifices that gave birth to them."

In just a few minutes, Roja and Alisa came to the top of the building, and in the center of the small square-sized platform at the top, there were six curses that were kept in the light.

It is a light and a container. Among them are the ice that is still flowing outwards, and the first piece of lava that was born in this world. The six spells are floating in the air, and Roja’s [Crown] source is in Crazy tremor.

Turning his gaze to the aurora floating in one of the rays, the black-haired boy couldn't help but his gaze brightened, but he did not act easily, but turned to ask the local guide.

"Alyssa, I know the situation here and [Six Plagues], so what should I do next?"

Calmly surprised, Roja turned his head and looked at Alisa, ready to ask about the next steps, but did not expect that the silver-haired girl is also looking at him, but the red eyes are now a lot of autumn water. There are also some charming and cunning little foxes.

"Next, do this."

The silver-haired girl said so, and suddenly kissed the boy's lips.