Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 657: Intruder (6k)


The final plan, this is a nearly impossible plan for the Second Age.

There are many reasons for calling it impossible, such as the decline of the Alder clan, the setter, the disintegration of the twilight sage society, the gradual loss of unity among human beings in betrayal and turmoil, and even the Aqiman clan is no exception.

The reason why the final plan cannot be implemented is that there are so many kinds, but if you want to choose the most important point, there is only one, and that is the strength of the executive.

In that era when the believers of the savior were extremely powerful, it was an impossible plan for many people to weaken the mother god and the savior at the same time. It was a fantasy, but at that time, Caroline was born.

Caroline Akat, a hero born in times of crisis, and a leader who gathers all the elements, she is firm-willed, straightforward, kind but not overwhelming with compassion, decisive but not evil, and the most important thing is her talent. The strength is so powerful that it can get rid of almost all the strong in the world.

Collecting relics only on their own strength, without relying on matching, in dangerous situations alone in the history of fragments, signing contracts with the five highest gods, such an experience even in the long history of the selection of kings can be described as legendary.

Caroline's invincibility was not a boast, but a fact, and it was precisely because of this that she chose this path at that time, and the facts proved that she did it.

In the time that the evil spirit Titan was fighting for, the black sphere had already begun to transform at some point. It was the rising sun that turned into flames from the center. It was the power that Caroline had stolen in the millennium. The biggest weapon.

The rising sun emits a ray of light, like the center of the sky and the earth, and under that sun, Caroline stretched out his palm, fully controlling the power of the god of creation in ancient times.

She has never received Xia's favor, and she has no ability to choose the crown stone, which is also very rare in the king's clan. However, under such circumstances, Caroline forcibly stepped into the realm of the savior and the mother goddess.

It can be said that Caroline's success can be described as the resistance of mortals to the gods, and when she saw this, Roja's heart was also greatly touched.

"My ancestor, stop."

Looking at the unstable, powerful but possibly out of control power at any time, Roja stopped to persuade, but the black-haired woman did not seem to hear and did not give any answer. Seeing this, Roja thought for a moment again. Open up.

"Although I don't know how you did it, this kind of power is no longer what humans can bear."

Watching Caroline panting violently, bruised by the aftermath of the curse, blood dripping down her jaw, Roja's face was unbearable. No one knows the power of the savior better than a teenager, and therefore no one He knows better than him how much it costs to support such a force.

Taking the initiative to reconcile, this is the only thing Luo Ya can do now, but even so, the black-haired woman still did not give up, she raised her head, her golden eye pupils dilated and contracted.

It was the dim consciousness, it seemed that it was about to faint, and it seemed to look at the complicated eyes in the distance from nowhere, but even so, after a moment of thinking, Caroline still did not give in.

"...Well, you are right, but this is how our clan is. Whether it is perishing or doing the impossible, ordinary humans cannot bear it, but if we don’t bear it, who can? bear?"

"I will never admit defeat! Whether it is for myself or for him... ahem!"


The blood was left along the lips, and the hazy Caroline raised her eyes to look at Roja ahead. Her eyes were firm and did not flinch. Seeing this, the white-haired boy also closed her mouth and fell into a trap. Silent silence.

Luo Ya's silence was naturally not because it was unreasonable, nor was it because of pity for the ancestor who was a thousand years ago, but because the young man saw the pride of a soldier and the plan of a generation in the flowing blood and persevering figure.

Roja may not be wrong, and what he said are all facts, but just a few words of nothing, how can he cancel Caroline's millennia of contributions and the plans of several generations? Such behavior is arrogance in itself.

Caroline lived a thousand years ago. She is indeed old, and the information she has is far behind this era. She is like an old man who can’t recognize reality, but only with consciousness and determination, from the flames of war and turmoil. She who walked out is far from being compared by people nowadays.

And now, these have become her obsessions.

At the moment when he understood this, Luo Ya knew that it was useless to say that there was only one solution to everything, and that was to defeat her.

The body flashed with rays of light soaring to the sky, Roja raised his head under the curtain of Saint White, respect and solemnity in the golden eyes, and under the sun, Caroline who felt something in Roja's eyes, hazy The expression in his eyes gradually became clear.

"I understand, then please do it, ancestors."

"Oh, just to my liking."

With some free and easy smiles, the black-haired woman waved her arms, the falling sun smashed towards the holy white wave, and the shock that shook the world began.

It was a duel of two powers from ancient times, and it was also a decisive battle between the chosen people at both ends of the history of the Acate family. Under the power of the two, even the ancient gods became a foil and had to retreat temporarily. .

The gleaming giant bird in the sky climbed desperately, and the Witch King unfolded the most advanced defense. The Mother God and the Dwarf King entered the earth and raised a huge heavy shield the size of a square.

In this situation, the battle between Gurandal and the Holy Dragon Spandex was temporarily stopped, while Edvia, who was carrying Alisa on the other side, quickly moved away. Behind him was wailing because of the damage to his soul, but Sirens who dare not slow down the slightest.

"What's the joke, whether that man or Caroline, what's going on?!"

The crying Miss Sea-Monster flees desperately, and in the rear, there are two lights that are continuously expanding.

The flames of the sun and the sacred white light rolled over each other, and the twinkling light and shadow reached 10,000 meters high in the sky. The huge energy that wiped out everything swallowed each other, and eventually evolved into a violent explosion.

In the momentary blankness of the world, the wave of curse power swallowed everything, and the battle between the two generations in the long time finally came to an end.

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Can the elderly have their own love

The answer to this question was somewhat controversial in Roja’s previous life. Everyone’s thoughts are different, but at least in the Shia world, this is normal.

In fact, according to the standards of ordinary people, the extraordinary are basically the love of middle-aged and elderly people. After all, when they are young, extraordinary strength grows most rapidly. Many people tend to have no distractions during this period. In fact, according to the survey, extraordinary couples The average age is over forty years old.

Therefore, Antonio feels that he can barely be regarded as an older young man. After all, the thing about age is also to be compared. Compared with the 1,000-year life span of Astrid as a teacher, Antonio is more than half the difference.

But because of this age gap, if Antonio stood with his own teacher, he would still be considered inappropriate, and the reason is very simple, it is appearance.

As the so-called cuteness is justice, no matter what kind of world it is, even if there is a huge age difference, it is acceptable to many people as long as it is visually passable, even the race does not care, such as Mr. Xu, but the reverse is not good.

Antonio's apparent age is really much older than Estrede, and it is even suspected to be a generation away from grandparents. The only thing that can find a place is the big beard that seems to represent a profound knowledge.

Stroking his gray beard, Antonio was considering whether to retain his last majesty or simply use a spell to change his appearance back to the way he was when he was twenty. In front of him, the black-haired and rainbow-eyed woman had a serious face. Staring at the boy in front of him, asking his options.

"Let us take you to find Caroline or something... Have you really made a decision?"

"Yes, can you find her place?"

"It can't be too precise, but it does have some clues."

As she said that, Estherde waved her hand gently, and in the next moment several phantoms appeared near the light in her hand, and one of them was the appearance of a woman with black hair and golden eyes coming out of the smoke.

"that is!"

At the moment he saw Caroline, Paul's emotions suddenly became agitated. Upon seeing Caroline, Estherald stretched out his palm to prevent him from approaching, and explained:

"Although I don't know Caroline's position, I know where her goal is. Judging from the hysteresis of the dream, I am afraid they have already started fighting."

"Fighting? With whom?"

"This generation of children from the Akat family is also my offspring-Roya Akat, and of course there is also a little girl from the mother goddess."

"Big Brother Roja?!"

Hearing what Estrede said, an anxious look appeared on Paul's face, and the black-haired and rainbow-eyed woman nodded, her expression becoming more serious.

"Well, that's why we are in a hurry to set off, but... are you really going? She might be very excited when she sees you. With his current strength, I can't guarantee what happens."

"...I want to go, no matter what happens, I will go to her side. This is an agreement and the reason for my escape."

"Really? I understand."

Glancing at the young man in front of him with complicated eyes, Estrede turned his head and glanced at Antonio, who was not sure what he was thinking, and the latter also returned to his senses and began to prepare.

Antonio raised his long staff, condensed the power of the spell, and released waves of spatial fluctuations in his body. His face was serious. For him, who was famous for spatial spells during the meeting of the sages at dusk, it is not easy to move to a place thousands of miles away. But it is by no means impossible.

And most importantly, now Antonio still has a leader.

Gently placing his hand on Antonio’s arm, Estrede’s body flashed with iridescent light. Under the guidance of the dream elf, the space spell had a general direction, and after determining the position, the black hair The woman also gave advice.

"Antonio, it doesn't matter if you are farther away, let's open the exit in a safer place this time."

Glancing at Paul behind him, Estrede ordered so, and Antonio nodded when he heard the words, with a reliable smile on his face, and patted his chest to make sure.

"I see, teacher, don't worry, there will be no problems this time."

Antonio said so confidently. When he saved Paul last time, the space exit was forced by the chaos, but it is different now.

Whether it is Caroline, the legendary Patriarch of the Acate family a thousand years ago, or Roja now, the two of them are extremely strong. Antonio doesn't want to be involved in such a battle, so this time he set the standard for space spells. The safety distance has been greatly expanded and doubled directly.

Distance is the best protection. As long as they are far away, even if the two people collapse the sky, the three people who are tens of miles away are unlikely to have an accident. It can be said that they are as stable as Mount Tai.

Having made such a plan, Antonio waved his staff, the next moment the space gap slowly but surely appeared in front of the three of them, and after a few minutes it expanded to the width of one person, and the three looked at each other and then filed in.

Among the group of people, Antonio walked in front, his face full of ease and comfort. After decades of hard training, it is not difficult for him to transfer spells, and it is like confirming his strength. The darkness ahead At the end, the exit gradually began to take shape.

What everyone did not expect was that when the exit opened, it was not the plain of the night that greeted the three of them, but the wave of light that swept like a sea wave, and the two silhouettes that flew by quickly.

"Alyssa, wake up!"

"What's the joke, whether that man or Caroline, what's going on?!"

Aidavia, who was yelling familiar names, and the wailing siren flashed by in the air, evacuating crazily like a racing game. When they saw Antonio and others, the eyes of the two ancient gods were wide, as if Seeing something strange, but at this time the academy dean has no time to look at the foolish eyes.

Because the tide of flames has quickly approached, it is pouring toward Antonio and others.


Shouldn't I be on the edge of the battlefield


At the moment when Antonio was thinking about this issue, white light struck and swallowed everything.

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Shiyahua, that was the trump card that Roya could find, and it was also the reason why he was able to stand in the middle of the battlefield against Caroline, but in fact, behind the seeming invincibility, it was the reality that Roya was about to be unable to support.

After defeating the evil spirit Titan, Roja felt that the power of the Xiyaization was about to disappear, and because of this, the black-haired boy made up his mind to solve the problem as soon as possible.

When the light in front of him was completely covered, layers of defense were erected in front of the boy, and on the other side, Caroline's body was also protected by the sun and vitality of the ancient savior.

The flickering light made people unable to open their eyes, and the violent roar continued for an unknown amount of time, until the curse reaction gradually subsided and the surrounding sky returned to the dense night, Luo Ya completely lifted the defense and looked forward.

Although he admired Caroline's will, Roja did not keep his hands in the previous attack, and the reason is very simple, because the teenager has a strong premonition, once reserved, he will definitely be defeated and eventually die.

Roja did not abandon the idea of life, and must protect Alisa, but because of the full shot, Roja lost the perception of the outside world, and naturally did not know Caroline's life and death.

The young man who was panting quickly raised his head and found that the plain he was on at this time had changed, and the explosion center was turned into a desert within a few thousand meters of the center of the explosion, and in front of the flying dust, there was a bloody figure.


Haven't you fallen yet

Looking at the black-haired woman who was covered in blood, her armor was broken but standing strong, Roja's pupils suddenly shrank, and in the front, Caroline also raised her head, silently looking at the same exhausted Roja. .

With a distance of less than a hundred meters, the two people looked at each other silently, and there was no sign of retreat in each other's eyes, but their bodies could no longer move.

Caroline's injury was very serious, and the turbid curse power of her body almost disappeared. Although Roja on the other side had no trauma, the heavy burden brought by Shiahua was far beyond the physical injuries.

The silver thread on his head gradually turned back to black, and the power in his body began to shrink towards the sanctuary. Roja, whose aura was getting weaker and weaker, gritted his teeth and moved forward, intending to completely decide the victory while he still had some strength.

Roja has no idea whether he can win or not, but he knows that as long as one side does not fall, the battle must continue.

The young man who was thinking this way swayed forward, but before he had waited a few steps forward, a familiar voice suddenly came.

"Brother Luoya! Are you okay?"

"Huh? Paul?"

A nostalgic voice came into his ears, causing Roya to turn his head slightly, seeing the black-haired boy in armor. Roya was stunned when he saw this, and even suspected that he appeared for a while. It's an illusion.

The Paulians seemed to have encountered some trouble within the sphere of influence of the Austin Empire. This was the situation he had confirmed when he left. Under the eyes of Emperor Lucas, Paul was unable to escape at all, and most importantly, Why is he here

In the depths of the Tucker Plain, this is not a place where anyone can come. As for the specific location now, even Roja himself doesn't know the exact location. How did Paul find it

Roja, who was puzzled, blinked, and stared at the black-haired boy carefully. He couldn't speak for a while, but before he could say anything, Paul suddenly bowed his head and apologized.

"Sorry, Brother Roja, leave the rest to me."


Facing Paul's sudden apology, Roja was more confused by the increasing questions in his heart, but before he could ask, Paul suddenly straightened up and walked in Caroline's direction.

"Wait, hello! Paul, what are you doing? Come back!"


Roja, who discovered Paul's action, was stunned for a while, and immediately shouted to stop the boy's actions. However, Paul neither answered nor stopped, but moved faster. Seeing this, Roja felt very anxious.

Although the specific situation is still unclear, it seems that Paul meant to challenge Caroline. This kind of behavior is simply bold in Roja's eyes.

Caroline is indeed covered in bruises, and is by far the weakest state, but even so, it is not Paul that a source level 3 can challenge.

Caroline can make Paul immobile without moving, but with her own coercion. In this case, if she approaches rashly, Paul's behavior is simply seeking a dead end.

Thinking of this, Roja was anxious, but his body couldn't catch up with the black-haired boy. However, before he could continue to discourage Paul from moving forward, the familiar curse power suddenly appeared in front of him. Also spread from it.

"It's okay, leave it to him here."

"Huh? This curse power is!"

Seeing the iridescent light shining in front of him, Roya's golden eyes suddenly widened. In the next iridescent spiral, a figure that Roya was very familiar with wandered out. Behind him was a little embarrassed and his beard burned. Antonio was mostly scorched.

"Ancestor Estreide?!"


Seeing the black-haired woman walking out of the colorful rays of light, Roja couldn't help but exclaimed and took a step forward, but it seemed that he didn't expect that the young man's emotions would be so agitated, and the approaching Estrede had a pause in his footsteps. , A little hesitant expression flashed across his face.

"Uh, by the way, the ancestors have no memory of historical fragments and don't know me? Sorry..."

Seeing Estherid’s reaction, Roja’s movement stopped moving forward. He remembered this most important fact. At the same time, while feeling a little lonely in his heart, Roja reluctantly smiled and apologized, but he heard it unexpectedly. Negative answer.

"No, technically speaking, it can't be considered absent. I know you too."


"Although I can't know what happened in the historical fragments, there is a lot of content in the dreams of Luo Ya, you and Lilian, so I probably still know what happened, but... It’s a little weird from my perspective."

As she said this, Estherde laughed bitterly, her expression a little embarrassing, while Roja was extremely surprised, and she didn't expect there to be such a method.

"Sorry, Roja, I was a little nervous just now. After all, it has been several years since you saw me in the historical fragments. I am somewhat worried, but now it seems that I am worrying too much."

"My ancestor."

Looking at Estrede, whose feeling of unfamiliarity quickly disappeared, Roja felt much better in his heart, but immediately thought of the previous dialogue and Paul, who was still on the move.

"My ancestor, did you bring Paul here? What exactly is he going to do?"

"... What I insist on is to end all this."

Roja, who was in doubt, looked forward, and after hearing the boy's words, Estherald sighed and turned to look at the familiar figure that had not been seen for thousands of years.