Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 660: The ultimate romance (6k)


If there are any forces in this world that are naturally hostile to the savior, the first thing Roja thinks of will be the mother goddess and her camp.

As the existence that fights with the savior until they both fall asleep, the mother god’s hatred of the savior is natural, and the reasons are various, but to say that the second place under the mother god, it is none other than the king’s clan. .

The one who chose the king as Shia’s most beloved child was planned to inherit part of Shia’s power, and the savior was born from this part of the power, just like the owner who most hopes to die after the thief succeeds. The savior was also anxious to elect the king and died quickly, and the facts have proved this.

In the period when the mother god is in great power, the savior will put on a sun-like warm smile and cooperate with the king of elections, claiming that both parties are brothers of the same female compatriots, and after the mother god is at a disadvantage, the savior will immediately tear off the disguise and oppose the election. The royal family rushed to exterminate them.

And the removal of the problems of status and legitimacy such as power, law and reason, even more so that the savior rushed to exterminate the election of the king clan is the nature of power.

The root of the power of choosing the king is actually Shia. Although it does not reach the level of the mother god and the savior, but it has great resistance to the power of the mother god and the savior, and there is a possibility of further strengthening .

Such a situation can be said to be a big worry for the savior, but he probably didn't expect that it was precisely because of his pursuit that the pattern of Shia's legacy power changed, and the king's clan also had vitality.

As the saying goes, the most stable shape in the world is the triangle. After the savior and the king-choosing clan broke completely, the stable triangle was completely formed.

The savior is anxious to choose the king to die, and is hostile to the mother god. Because the mother god is betrayed, he turns from love to hate to the king, and wants to completely eliminate the savior. As for the king, there is no possibility of reconciliation with the mother god. Have blood and deep enmity with the savior.

Such interlocking and murderous relationships seem to be perilous, but the choice of the king is no longer the main contradiction. In the triangular structure left by Shia’s power, the savior and the mother god are constrained by each other, and the final result is the election. Although the Wang Clan's vitality was greatly injured, but because of this, he survived to the end.

After the savior and mother gods fell asleep, facts also proved that the king-chosen clan caused a lot of trouble for the savior. By virtue of its resistance to its madness and depravity, the king-chosen clan sealed the bottomless abyss where the soul of the savior was located. , And in Charles's plan at the end of the Second Age, this advantage became a killer.

The human beings in the dilution plan will inevitably degenerate crazily when they are exposed to the savior’s large amount of power, but the awakened who choose the blood of the king will not. The power is the same as the savior and the black moon, and they can be highly resistant to a certain extent. To resist this attack.

"But, after all, it's only to a certain extent, right?"

Hearing Antonio’s explanation and recalling the past experience of contacting the savior, Roja spoke after he recovered his calm.

"Even if we are faced with such a large amount of erosion, there is no guarantee that it will not be contaminated."

"It's true, but Caroline and Charles also thought of it a thousand years ago, so that's why there is that armor."


After blinking, Roja suddenly remembered the shining armor on Paul. If he read it correctly, Caroline seemed to be wearing something similar.

Going to the bottomless abyss where the savior is, this is undoubtedly a matter of a lifetime. Roja doesn't believe that people like Caroline will wear a couple's outfit before going down, so that armor must be particular.

"Are you talking about the armor currently on Caroline's ancestors? Is there any special function?"

"Well, that armor set was made by Charles in the past. It is an imitation of the holy armor that Shia wore in the war at the beginning of the creation of the world, and it was not made entirely with the power of [Kingdom], but a part of it. Authentic."

"What? Authentic!?"

Hearing Estrede’s explanation, Roja couldn’t help widening his eyes, and suddenly turned his head to look at the now ragged and ugly armor. At the same time, his blood pressure rose wildly, and his brain was dizzy, almost never back. Get angry.

The objects left over from the beginning of the world, no matter what, even a slate, are invaluable to current historical researchers, let alone the holy armor worn by Shia? This is simply a sacred object that transcends national treasures.

However, it was such a sacred object that was smashed by Roja himself. The fact that Roja could not bear it was almost as if, in the words of Roja’s previous life, it was almost as if the firewood was half burned and found that the point was "Mona "Lisa", after rubbing my butt, I found that I was using "Lanting Collection Preface".

"The real thing, the real thing, it's the real thing, why didn't she say it, even if she mentioned..."

"Ro, Roja?"

Looking at the black-haired teenager who was muttering to enter the devilish man mode, Astrid did not know what to do, and Antonio, who was also distressed by the incident, sighed and sighed during the Second Age. Charles's generous hand.

Even thousands of years ago, Xia’s holy armor in ancient times was an absolute national treasure, and as far as Antonio knew, it was a sacred weapon used to protect the body of the ancient Austin emperors and was of great significance.

However, for Caroline's safety, such a national treasure Charles was actually used in this way. Although the creation was a necessity for the final plan, there is no personal affair, at least Antonio absolutely does not believe it.

"Roya, calm down first..."

The dean of the academy, Antonio, who understood the boy’s feelings, patted Roja on the shoulder and persuaded him for a while before finally dragging Roja, whose soul was hit by dimensionality reduction, back to the topic, and the black-haired boy who knew the truth also fully understood. Why can Caroline be fine.

With Shia’s holy armor, coupled with Caroline’s own resistance and willpower, it can indeed withstand the erosion of the savior, but failed to share the madness and depravity, but also paid a lot of strength, so The savior of the situation is equivalent to being prostituted for nothing.

"Such a plan is indeed feasible, but even if there is a holy armor that can guarantee that the mind is hardly affected, depravity and madness will accumulate? In that case, the aging of equipment should be right quickly. How does it support the millennium? "

"Charles also considered this problem. The solution is actually very simple, that is, reverse input."

"Reverse input?"

Hearing Antonio’s explanation, Roja vaguely felt that he was thinking of something, but Estherald saw this and smiled and explained:

"Do you remember the purpose of the dilution plan? At the moment the plan begins, the savior who has given a lot of strength will enter a short-term weakness. On the contrary, Caroline's strength will rise sharply. Under the blessing of the Holy Armor, this There will be a short period of time between rising and falling, and Caroline has the upper hand."

"During this period, Caroline will transfer her power back to the savior, but it is the negative effect of his power itself, that is, madness and depravity. After such a round of exchange, Caroline will Can release most of the cost."

"... How could this happen?"

Under Astrid's explanation, Roja couldn't help but his eyes widened. Unexpectedly, Charles's plan would still have such ingenuity, which can be called a classic case of Xiaoboda.

In this way, the savior has paid ten contributions to his own body. It is estimated that even a share of the fall will not be separated, and the revenue will be directly broken. Moreover, there is no way for Caroline because he is diluting the plan. After the effect of the savior was over and the savior regained the advantage, Caroline was directly disconnected from the spell.

When he can't play, he pulls out the network cable, and when he can't play, he smashes the fleece crazily. This operation is simply to the limit. For a time, Roja has a feeling of dreaming back to the second season of a certain game in the previous life. Until then, Roja finally understood the importance of Charles and Caroline.

Charles is irreplaceable in terms of ability and status. Without the powerful curse he created, the final plan would never be implemented, and Caroline is even more irreplaceable. Her irreplaceability lies not in ability, but in strength.

Caroline is too strong, so powerful that even the ancient gods are afraid of her. Only the existence of Gurandall's level can be equal to her, and only she can make the dilution plan take effect. During this period, the savior was back pressured to realize the reverse input.

Thinking of this place, Luo Ya suddenly felt a strange feeling, so two people who originally had a deep hatred, from knowing each other to knowing each other after fighting for the same goal, and then to the combination of each other's strength to develop this shocking world. The plan to fall in love with each other in the end can be said to be a miracle step by step, just like some kind of destiny.

So far, this version of the final plan has not used any major battles, nor does it require a huge mobilization force that even tests the overall strength of the country. Everything is organized around Charles and Caroline, and only two are needed. personal.

"Do two people save the world? This feeling is too..."


"Hmm... the ultimate romance."

Roja who answered this way looked at Caroline's direction and replied softly, and Estrede couldn't help but nodded in agreement, showing an expression of yearning.

The final plan of Charles's improvement can be described as the product of the constant stacking of miracles after the two people met. It is also the crystallization of the two people's life's hard work and feelings. After understanding this, Roja finally understood Caroline's persistence.

"Unfortunately, they still failed to complete the plan and failed to stop everything."

"This... sorry, ancestor, I can't give up Elisa, so..."

"No, you got it wrong, I'm not talking about you."


Hearing what Estreide said, Roja had questions on his face for a moment, and Antonio let out a sigh, and the two were silent for a long time before Estrede spoke again.

"In fact, the main body of the final plan has already failed. What Caroline wants to do is just the last struggle, so you are actually right to stop her."

"Failed? Why?"

Upon hearing this unexpected information, Roja showed a surprised expression on his face, and Antonio said after hearing the words:

"The specific reasons are complicated, but you definitely know the events that caused the final plan to fail."

"I know? Could it be..."

"Yes, it's Turin's change."

As he said this, Antonio's face became heavy, and he began to tell Roja about the second half of the final plan, and as the words progressed, the truth of the thousand years ago was finally revealed.

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The Turin change was the beginning of the end of the second era and the prelude to the westward migration of mankind. The reason for this has attracted countless historians to explore for thousands of years, but it has always been nothing.

The only thing we know now is that the Turin Transformation is suspected of being influenced by the savior, but the specific reason is not known. In the case where the savior cannot be promoted on a large scale, most books describe it as a demon. Prime disaster.

Today, Roja is fortunate to be able to learn the reasons and the latter half of the final plan.

"Roya, do you remember the purpose of the final plan I said?"

"Absorb the power of the savior to create a new god, and then defeat the mother god?"

"Yes, the final plan we talked about before is the first half of the plan, which is the part that absorbs power, and the second half is to create a god that can rival the savior and the mother goddess."

"Is this man the ancestor of Caroline?"

Hearing Antonio's words, Roja frowned and asked questions, but the dean shook his head.

"It was indeed in the initial plan, but later it turned out to be impossible in actual operation."

"Can't do it? Why? With the strength of Caroline's ancestors, no one is more suitable than her, right?"

"It is true only in terms of strength, but... it is precisely because of strength that it can't be done."

Antonio who said so opened his mouth to explain, and Roja also understood why Caroline was unable to do the job. In the final analysis, it was a question of capacity.

Whether it is the power of the savior or the power of the goddess, the source is Shia. This is undoubtedly. Therefore, theoretically, the awakened who chooses the blood of the king can absorb it, but in actual operation, Charles and others found that , The amount that can be absorbed is very limited and extremely difficult to control.

Just like Caroline in the previous battle with Roja, she did absorb a lot of the power of the savior, but the battle mainly relied on her own ability, and even with Caroline's strong strength, she wanted to control these powers. It's difficult.

On the other hand, after all, such strengthening only gave Caroline one more method, and it did not make her combat power rise dramatically, which is obviously very different from the purpose of the two.

The purpose of the final plan was to create a new god that could fight against the mother god and the savior, and completely change the power structure, not the enhanced version of Caroline. Therefore, after discovering the problem, Charles and others immediately explored the cause of the problem. , The final conclusion is also very simple.

"Only a person who combines the two powers of Akat and Aqiman can completely absorb the power of the savior and have the hope of being promoted to the gods."

"Combine Acate and Aqiman? This... how to do it?"

"There are many ways, but the easiest is to combine the two groups."


At the moment when Antonio said these words, Roja couldn't help but his eyes widened, suddenly remembering what the ancestor Roy Acate's soul fragment said when he was in Saint Frey College four hundred years ago.

In order to find out the history of the family, Roy spent a lot of time investigating the Twilight Sage Association, which had disappeared at the time, and successfully obtained some documents about Charles in its related facilities. Some of them wanted to regain the past. The glory of the two races requires content such as the intersection of the blood of the two races.

It is precisely because of this that Roy asked Roja to attack Lillian. Although in the end, Roja really achieved his goal a few years later, but the reason Charles said so in the document has always been a mystery. Until today, Luo Ya, who had heard the final plan, suddenly realized.

It turns out that the documents Roy found back then were probably the leftover pages of the final plan.

The black-haired boy who thought of this nodded, feeling that his heart suddenly became clear, but then new questions appeared.

"Wait, it's not right. If the Aqimans and the Akats were really combined on a large scale in history, how could the Akats escape and be protected by the Holy See in the Third Age?"

Asking such a question, Roja frowned, and Antonio nodded in response.

"It's very simple, because this method has not been adopted, and the reason is a question of probability."


"Yes, combining the advantages of the two races, it is indeed possible in theory that a child who can meet the requirements is indeed possible, but the probability of natural childbirth is quite low. At that time, neither the Akats nor the Aqimans had too many people of the right age. So they chose another method, which is artificial cultivation, which is also called a cultivation plan."

"Cultivating humans? How is this possible?"

When he heard Antonio’s words, Roja couldn’t help but frown. He felt that the plan was too incredible. The reason was simple. Because of the cultivation of life in vitro, this technology must involve human experiments, which is a major taboo item, and more importantly. The nature of this cultivation.

It's not about cultivating ordinary humans in vitro, but cultivating humans with specific abilities. The difference between these two situations can be said to be the difference between clouds and mud. If the former is only an in vitro culture, then the latter is to some extent. It's the realm of God.

At least in the world of Shia, there is only one person Roja knows who can do this, and that is the origin of all things-the original goddess Shia, and apart from this mother of all living beings, even Bangal, who opened the realm of Gods, may not be able to do it. To such a delicate matter.

The black-haired boy who shook his head slightly decided in his heart that such a thing was impossible, but to his surprise, Antonio gave an unexpected answer.

"It's impossible for humans to do this kind of thing even if it is a thousand years later. The conjurers of the Second Age are naturally the same, but...what if Shia was the one who nurtured this child?"


Slightly widened his eyes, the black-haired boy couldn't help but asked, his heart was filled with confusion for a while.

Shia nurtures children. This magical level is comparable to that of God bringing a baby. For the time being, Shia is no longer there. It is impossible for the savior and mother god who inherited his power to go into madness and sleep. .. ... and many more.

Roja, who thought of this, was taken aback for a moment and realized that he glanced at Caroline's direction in some way, and Antonio nodded when he saw this, and said:

"Yes, it is precisely using the power of the savior after Caroline's collection and purification. As part of Shia's past, the savior also obtained part of the power of the original goddess when he was separated. Although it is not the creation of life attributable to motherhood, he is managing In terms of training, it is stronger than Mother God."

"Management? So that's it..."

Hearing Antonio's words, the black-haired boy was taken aback for a moment, and then he couldn't help but think of the savior and his ideas he had seen in historical fragments.

Now think about it, the core concept of the savior's rule of the world is actually the management of the division of classes. It can be said to coincide with his power. With this ability, it is indeed possible to make the cultivation plan successful. According to Antonio, it was Charles' abilities that ultimately determined it.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the plan, Charles used the remains of the tree of life to reproduce the environment in which Shia created life in ancient times, greatly increasing the success rate of the cultivation plan, and so far, all the problems have been solved, and the entire final plan Completely completed.


The explanations of Antonio and Estrede have come to an end, and after listening to the entire final plan, Roja fell silent for a while, with only speechless shock in his heart.

The creation of the gods, and the gods at the level of the savior and the mother god, Roja had always thought it was a fantasy. However, after knowing the whole plan, Roja's heart was only left with Charles and others who designed the plan at the time. Admiration.

Although this plan has elements of coincidence, it is indeed feasible in theory, and once it succeeds, it will completely change the pattern of the world from the root. At that time, human beings will have a strong like Caroline at the same time. With a child who has absorbed the power of the savior, such combat power is almost invincible.

Under such power, neither the debilitating savior nor the mother god can completely annihilate mankind. At this point, the entire human race will completely get rid of the shadow of destruction that has hung over mankind for thousands of years.

In the dark age at the end of the Second Age, such a plan was simply a light that pierced the long night. The thought of it made Roya excited. However, after the excitement, the black-haired boy had to return to reality and asked about the last The problem.

"Then, the final plan, why did it fail?"

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ps: "My two-dimensional circle of friends is a bit wrong"

Bai Ming picked up a mobile phone and the circle of friends is full of two-dimensional characters, and they can get their abilities as long as they like it!

Spider: Today's lunch (photo of frog jpg.)

like! Get the ability to spin!

Morgan: This kid will be crowned king one day!

like! Get magic tools made!

Carved Qing: The Emperor's limited hand-run is good~

like! Get Yunlai Swordsmanship!

Kelsey: Amia has grown a little bit taller.

Like: Get Mon3tr!

In order to improve his strength, Bai Ming incarnate likes the crazy demon, and will leave a comment below every time.

Over time, the reply he received suddenly became strange...

Morgan: Can you accept a woman with children? Rule a country by the way.

Spider: Do you like monster girls

Kelsey: Do you want to raise a cat that looks like a lynx

I only greedy your abilities, not your **!