Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 661: Ten years of agreement (6k)


The final plan, this is the most incredible plan Roja has heard so far, but after considering all the steps in detail, Roja has to admit that it has a very high probability of success, and may even be completely successful. Earth frees mankind from the shackles of thousands of years.

Such a plan, in line with the national power of the ancient Austin Empire at the time, should be no problem if it goes well, but the reality is that Caroline who implemented the plan reappeared in the world after a thousand years of disappearance. Charles died, and ancient Austin The empire was also wiped out.

It is not until now, after a thousand years, that people finally know the full picture of the original final plan, and while regretting, the doubts in Roja's heart can not be suppressed.

Normally, the success or failure of a plan is often determined by several factors. The biggest influencing factor is naturally whether the essential content of the plan is strong, followed by the execution ability of the plan executive, and then various external influence factors. In the final plan designed by Charles et al., these factors are well controlled.

The first is the content of the plan. Since it is possible to do reverse input, then it means that Caroline at that time has actually absorbed the power of the savior. In other words, this plan is designed based on most of the facts. The feasibility of itself is extremely high.

In terms of executive personnel, the main personnel are Charles Aqiman and Caroline Acate. If you insist on counting as the third one, there are only children who combine the characteristics of the two races and absorb the power of the savior. However, from the situation at the time Look, this child is probably Charles and Caroline's child.

Such a relationship directly avoids most of the conflicts between the organization and personnel in the huge plan, and the interests of the two parties are highly consistent, and the executive power is probably incredible. How can there be problems in this situation

So after a long time of thinking, Roja ruled out the possibility of internal factors causing the plan to fail. He felt that the failure of the final plan was due to external interference. In fact, disasters with weird causes such as the Turin Transformation did exist in history.

After thinking about it for a long time, Roja asked this question in his mind, and Estrede and Antonio also answered after a moment of silence, but the answer was something Roja never expected.

"The reason for the failure of the final plan is simple, because the savior regained his sanity."

"What?" Website m. .

Hearing Estrede's explanation, Roja's golden eyes suddenly shrank, and the surprise in his heart could not be concealed for a while.

The savior's recovery of his sanity is nothing short of a disaster, and the most important thing is that it is too unbelievable. After all, this kind of thing has never happened before thousands of years, and it is very unreasonable.

"Can't the reverse input be able to return most of the savior's madness and depravity? Why does it restore the savior to his sanity?"

"We don't actually know the specific reason, but according to Paul, it did happen, and the result was the transformation of the ancient Austin Empire to the ruined Turin."

As she said that, Estherald told the details of the incident, and Roja gradually learned everything from a thousand years ago.

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Thousands of years ago, the final plan was gradually completed under the rest of Emperor Charles and Caroline, and finally decided to implement it. As the beginning of the plan, the first thing to do is to send Caroline into the bottomless abyss where the savior is and ensure the passage The unblocked.

After reading the final plan, Roja felt that this was the plan of Charles and Caroline. To a certain extent, this was right, but it was also wrong, because he ignored one factor, that is, entering the abyss where the savior was. Difficulty.

Before that, Roja knew that the bottomless abyss where the savior is located has the seal of choosing the king. No one except the Alder family can enter, but in fact, even the Alder family wants to enter the bottomless abyss. The place of the seal is extremely difficult.

The first is the location. The space where the savior is located is not a place where you can use space spells to enter and exit at will. There is only one entrance, and that is the Great Sanctuary of the Imperial Capital under the management of the Aqiman clan.

Alder and Aqiman, one side has the power to enter the abyss, and the other controls the entrance of the bottomless abyss. This separation of power and power can ensure that the seal of the savior is not destroyed to the greatest extent, even if these restrictive factors are aside, Even entering the bottomless abyss itself is very difficult.

The Sealed Land itself has strong limitations. As a place where the soul of the savior is imprisoned, just opening that space requires hundreds of high-level transcendents to perform rituals. Such a battle is not something that a family can afford, even It is difficult for Shia's major powers to come up with such a lineup.

In ancient times, it was mythological races that supported the seal, and in the century when humans were dominated, the only thing capable of performing such rituals was the behemoth of the ancient Austin Empire.

The huge empire built by all human beings at that time far surpassed any country in the talent reserve now. This is the unique advantage of the ancient Austin Empire. It’s just that I heard about the hundreds of high-level spellcasters. Later, Roja's first reaction was not good.

A large number of people is not a good thing for this kind of careful planning, especially at the end of the second era. That era is not now. It was the time when the Savior’s followers were the most powerful, hundreds of high-level conjurers, Are there lurking fallen ones among them? Are there people who are falling? These are uncertain.

Variables are difficult to control, and problems are simply normal. Roja, who thinks this way, basically believes that there is a problem with this part. However, as Estreid and others tell it, the facts are beyond Roja's expectation.

In fact, there was no problem with this most dangerous link, and the reason was very simple. It was Emperor Charles's attention.

There is no doubt about the importance of the route to the Sealed Land. It can be said to be the lifeline of Caroline’s life and death, and for the hundreds of high-level conjurers who are related to the life and death of the beloved, Charles’s review It is also extremely strict, and it is simply to personally check it.

Under the strict scrutiny conducted by His Majesty the Emperor himself and the eighteenth generation of ancestors had to find out, the team of hundreds of people could not get in even a cult. The team’s loyalty was very high, and it was with their help. Caroline successfully completed the preliminary experiment until the final plan officially began.

"The ten-year agreement, this was the agreement between Charles Aqiman and Caroline."

"Ten years? This time is..."

"It was Caroline's time to execute the plan and absorb and purify the power of the savior, and it was also the time for Charles to build the cultivation facility."

Hearing Estreid’s words, Luo Ya nodded slightly. It is not surprising that this behavior of advancing the plan simultaneously, but at the same time, there is a complex feeling for Caroline, the ancestor, sympathy, but more Many are admired.

The ten-year agreement is easy to say, but how is it in practice

Even for an extraordinary person with a long lifespan, ten years is not something that can be laughed at. What's more, Caroline is not slumbering during this long time, but must be alone in the endless darkness. China constantly suppresses the savior and fights continuously.

It is not excessive to use this word to describe the situation Caroline faces in a war of one person, and besides the battle, she must store as much power as possible in the curse to prepare for the subsequent cultivation plan.

In this process, Caroline’s power cannot be interrupted. Only members of the Alder clan can enter here and occasionally provide some help. Until the task is completed ten years later, she will be able to see the sky again with the help of the outside world, and by then, belong A new era of humanity will also begin.

Charles promised that after the completion of the cultivation facility, he will formally marry Caroline, and use the blood of both parties and Caroline's personal strength to nurture their children, regardless of the number of kings. The burden of the millennium is still the crisis of mankind, and all nightmares will be over.

However, it is a pity that this dream-like vision was not realized in the end, and the day Caroline looked forward to will never come.

In the tenth year of the final plan, the ancient Austin Empire undergoes the Turin change, the imperial capital falls, and the conjurer group was killed and wounded. Charles announced that he would move westward, and the king would go west and never return.

"...So, what exactly is the Turin Transformation? Charles just threw the ancestors underground by himself?"

After a long silence, Roja, with a gloomy face, asked questions, and Astrid gave an explanation as a witness.

"The Turin change was a large-scale leak of the power of the savior. The specific reason is not clear until now. The only thing we know is that this disaster spread throughout the ancient Austin Empire in a very short period of time, and the most serious It is the imperial capital."

"At that time, the situation in the imperial capital was extremely dire. Whether it was ordinary people or high-level transcendents, more than half of them fell into monsters, or went into madness. Suddenly, the thousand-year-old mankind was centered into purgatory, and Guao was completely transformed into purgatory. The Sting Empire was paralyzed."

"Charles also tried to open the channel to rescue Caroline, but the war quickly swept across the city, the imperial capital’s Great Sanctuary was lost, half of the conjurer group fell, and almost all died in the process of calming the riots, and more importantly, Except for Emperor Charles, almost everyone thought Caroline was dead."


Hearing what Estrede said, Roja couldn't help but asked, and the black-haired and rainbow-eyed woman had to explain in detail.

"Caroline was still in the abyss at the time. According to the principle of the final plan, if she were alive, normally the savior's power would be suppressed, and naturally it would not be possible to leak it, so everyone thought the plan had failed. "


Roja fell silent for a moment under Estrede's words. He looked at Caroline's direction for a long time, and finally could only sigh helplessly.

Indeed, as Estreide said, if according to normal thinking, the time point of such a terrorist disaster erupted, it can basically be determined that the final plan failed and Caroline died. If this is the premise, Turin will change. The power of a large number of saviours can be explained as the power that Caroline collected before, and it makes perfect sense in logic.

With this theory and evidence, I'm afraid that even Roja, a direct descendant, would favor Caroline's death in that situation. Charles doesn't think so because of his personal affair.

But unfortunately, after losing the exit of the Great Temple and the power of the conjurer group in the fierce battle, Charles was unable to open the seal again, and disasters continued to spread across the country.

In desperation, Charles made the decision to change the history of mankind—migrating westward, leading people who are still sane to find a safe place westward, and intends to integrate human power to make a comeback. However, disasters are constantly expanding as if they were conscious. Chasing humans, it was not completely subsided until Charles died.

This is the tragedy of the end of the second era. Until today, there are countless books in various countries that record the history of the westward migration and fear the disaster. After listening to this, Luo Ya's brows are also completely tightened. He wrinkled and finally understood why Estrede would say "The savior has restored his sanity".

"The timing is really weird."

With that said, Luo Ya muttered to himself as he looked into the distance, and the questions in his heart almost exploded.

First of all, the strange place is nothing else. It was the time when the Turin Transformation broke out. In the tenth year of the final plan, it was the time when Caroline was about to leave the abyss and bring the power of the savior out of the cultivation of the son of God. This time point happened. The unexpected may be too low.

When the sleeping savior is strongest, it is normally in the first year of the final plan, that is, when no power has been absorbed. In theory, as long as it can withstand the initial pressure, in the next few years As the plan progresses, Caroline's power will become stronger and stronger, firmly gaining the upper hand.

The tenth year of the final plan, this year should have been the safest year, but the Turin change took place. This is really unreasonable. However, if you take the savior’s perspective, everything is reasonable again, because that It was his last chance, once Caroline successfully left the abyss and cultivated a god child, then it was all over.

Of course, there are also possibilities for Caroline to relax her vigilance, but the odds are too small, and if it is only this time, it may really be a coincidence, but after the Turin change, Charles’s change is completely Only intelligent creatures with reason can do it.

Obviously, even after the Turin change, Charles at the time still did not give up rescuing Caroline, and always wanted to reintegrate the forces of mankind and return to the imperial capital. However, a series of events occurred afterwards, especially the steps of the savior's power. Pressing on, but let his plan go to waste.

"Under the orthodox name of the Aqiman family for thousands of years, Charles at the time actually still had a strong dominance over the empire, but these dominance was gradually lost as the savior's erosion area continued to expand and rumors among the crowds. ."


"Yes, there was a saying at that time that Charles Aqiman was an ominous person cursed by Shia, and even in the Twilight Sage Association, at that time, some people blamed the accident on the final plan, thinking that it was Charles and Carlos. Lynn triggered the Turin change, and the rumors were completely true that after Charles' death, the erosion of the savior immediately stopped this matter."

"...It's like chasing after him."

Hearing these words from Caroline, Luo Ya nodded slightly and said, and Antonio also agreed.

Charles' loss after the Turin Transformation was almost entirely the result of rumors and erosion and persecution. This situation seems reasonable, but in fact it requires extremely sophisticated control.

If the erosion comes too fast and the rumors do not have time to spread, the human beings who are constantly being driven out and have no time for meetings to summarize will subconsciously rely on the Aqiman clan. As the emperor, Charles is just like the wartime president of Roja’s previous life. Not only will power not be weakened, but it will be strengthened as never before.

And if the erosion is too slow, then the human beings who have regained their feet will still unite under the oppression of external forces. Although there will be rumors, but the radicals will be greatly reduced. With the prestige of the Aqiman family, Charles is completely This crisis can be handled properly.

Only when the spread of rumors cooperate with the erosion of the savior and the mutual promotion of each other are just right, can the prestige that Charles has accumulated for a long time be completely crushed, and the final plan can be completely stifled.

After the death of Charles Aqiman, the brother who succeeded to the throne did immediately overthrow all the plans and policies of Charles's reign, and hunted the Acate clan on a large scale.

It was against this background that the Acate clan suffered a fatal blow once again. It was hidden in the westward troop tossing and turning, almost to the point of being a dead clan, and finally fled during the rise of the Holy See in the early third era. Received the asylum of the Hezkrit clan, but the inheritance has almost been cut off.

After listing everything, everything is clear. The Turin change and the subsequent operations of the savior's power are organized and premeditated no matter how they look, the purpose is to completely destroy the final plan. As for the planners Who... ...

"The Savior himself, or someone who can mobilize the power of the Savior..."

After thinking about it for a long time, Roja came up with such a guess, and Estrede and Antonio agreed with it, but further pursuit of the murderer could not be done.

In the end, everything was just speculation after the fact, and there was no evidence. After thinking about it for a moment and putting the mystery away, Roja thought of another thing.

"By the way, what's the matter with Paul now? You say he is Charles, but the resurrection of the dead is impossible even now, right?"

"It's really impossible, but what if the soul is preserved and the original body tissue is used as a sample to recreate a physical body?"

"It's possible in this case, but what on earth..."

"It's very simple. I left behind and activated my part of the sample in the tree of life."


A sudden interruption came from my ear, causing Roja's golden eyes to shrink suddenly, turning his head and looking behind him, Roja saw Paul and Caroline who were supporting each other walking over.

Looking at Paul who answered Loya's question like this, the black-haired and golden-eyed boy was silent for a long time. He stared at Paul's eyes as if he wanted to see through him, as if he realized something. Paul saw this. His expression gradually became serious, and Luo Ya's eyes were serious.



The two men looked at each other like this for a long time, with a dignified aura between each other, and the three people around were silent in this atmosphere, until Luo Ya asked again:

"Who are you now?"

"It's Charles Aqiman, it's Paul Aqiman, Brother Roja, I know what you are worried about, but don't worry, I haven't been robbed of my body by the soul of my ancestors, I just remembered the past."

Paul said this with a wry smile, while Roja nodded slightly after thinking for a long time.

As a former classmate of Paul and his most trusted friend, Roja must confirm whether Paul is normal now. If the current Charles had invaded Paul’s body and resurrected in a way similar to the way he took his home, Roja would call forth unceremoniously. Idavia killed him and avenged Paul.

Perhaps doing so will completely anger Caroline, and will also lose a lot of the secrets and important information of the Second Age, but this is what Roja, who is a friend of Paul, must do, and it is also the bottom line of the teenager's heart.

Fortunately, the situation does not seem to be the worst situation, and Paul’s own consciousness has not been destroyed. It is not so much Charles, as it is an enhanced version of Paul remembering the past memory, which is quite similar to Roja’s situation. Somewhat similar, but Luo Ya remembered the memory of the previous life.

After understanding Paul's situation, the tension completely disappeared. The three people who had been silent were also relieved, and Caroline finally apologized at this moment.

"Sorry, Roja, Charles has just told me about your detailed situation, saying that you are a believer in the mother goddess is really misunderstanding you."

"No, under the influence of the savior's power, your ancestors are understandable that you have misunderstood me, but please don't want to hurt Alisa in the future."

"About this, I have given up. After all, although I haven't lost in the end, I haven't been able to win."

Caroline, who was saying this, smiled bitterly, the guard and hostility on her face disappeared, her expression was much softer than before, and taking advantage of this opportunity, Roja asked the question in her heart.

"By the way, my ancestor, I want to ask you something."

"What is it?"

"...Did you really cause the Turin change that the savior's power was leaked on a large scale thousands of years ago?"

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"Doctor, promise me okay"

Lowe brought the skills of Silas, the heroic thief solver in the British-Female Alliance, to an unfamiliar place called Terra, where there are beast ear maidens everywhere, even if it is not the beast ear maidens, they are the ones with white hair and red pupils against the country's special attack. kind.

But the place where he woke up was a strange coffin, and when he opened his eyes, he saw a beautiful red-haired girl holding a big sword.

This girl is called Selter.

Lowe felt the joy of stealing a man for the first time in her, and he has since embarked on a path of no return.

Even though many people strongly emphasized the dangers of the source stone technique, Lowe still took pleasure in stealing the source stone technique from others everywhere. This has become a bad habit.

He joined Rhode Island and became a member of the medical department. It stands to reason that the medical department cadres should hide behind the team every time they perform tasks, but Lowe doesn’t like this, he even Like to steal skills from Selter and rush to the front of the team.

At the same time shouting "Levadin!"