Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 664: The Prophecy of the Witch (5k5)


The battle between Roja and Caroline was the only battle in which the black-haired boy had not defeated the enemy so far. Strictly speaking, it was a tie, but even if the two parties who fought in the end did not fall, the situation was still not optimistic.

Roja and Caroline, the actual injuries of the two are far more serious than Estreide and others imagined. Among them, Caroline is not only mentally and physically exhausted under thousands of years of exhaustion, but the savior’s power is more corroded. It's a big problem.

After years of contagion, Caroline’s madness and depravity have penetrated into the curse power. If it weren’t for Paul’s arrival this time, I’m afraid no one would be able to stop the fight. After Paul successfully threw people down, the first time What he did was also repair the holy armor.

The reason why Roja and others were able to peacefully start a series of dialogues with Caroline was because the holy armor on the woman was playing a role, but due to the lack of time and materials, the effect of the holy armor was only temporary.

After a period of time, Caroline's emotions will become unstable again, but fortunately, with Paul by his side, Caroline's own will is strong enough, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous.

As for Roja, at least it looks fine for now, but it's just watching.

When Roja returned to the Eastern Territory again under the leadership of Antonio, what came to mind was a feeling of a world away. Although he had not left for a long time, Roja had experienced too much during this time.

From the beginning of the battle with Alisa, Roja fought Caroline twice, and also saw the roots of the ancient [Six Plagues] in [Hidden Mist]'s body, and later saw the resurrected Ai Strider and Paul remembered the memories of previous lives.

So many changes are simply dizzying. In the process, Roja himself also advanced to Source Level 1, and gained more powerful strength, but now he has to fall into a rest.

Dragging a heavy footstep, Roja followed Antonio back to the frontline base of the Land of Scholars, but this time it was not the soldiers who had reveled before, but the medical team that had been waiting for the Acate family and the Land of Scholars, and Katia Akat himself.

"Father? Why is he here?" Website m. .

"It's the Marquis of Cardia that I contacted. You were not in the East before, and Master Estreide needs to notify the Acate's family when he wakes up, so I can only inform the Marquis of Cardia."

"I see."

Hearing Antonio's explanation, Luo Ya nodded slightly, while Cardia looked at the appearance of Luo Ya and others with complicated expressions.

Roja returned safely and successfully brought back Alisa. This is undoubtedly worth celebrating. Cartier is also very happy about it, but Caroline on the other side made the Marquis-sama a bit big for a while. In other words, as long as you are the head of a family, you have to face this situation.

For a long time, Kardia has a deep sense of crisis. He feels that the population of the Acate family is too small. Therefore, for a period of time, Roja has been actively engaged with women, but what he did not expect is that he hopes for the stars. The big explosion of family population that the moon was expecting has actually exploded in the wrong direction, not to the next generation, but to the previous generation.

No, to be precise, it's the last era.

The Marquis-sama who was so complaining in his heart felt helpless, but he had to accept the reality.

Patriarch was well, eating hot pot and singing, suddenly an ancestor with a vote appeared on the top of his head. This situation is not to say unique, it is also rare in the world, and after knowing everything, Katia’s heart is only touched. One, that is not easy to handle.

Since it is an ancestor, it must be recognized. After all, in Xia, the family that has been passed down for thousands of years still respects the ancestors, and not to mention the family characteristics of Caroline’s black hair and golden eyes, it is in the family tree, Caroline’s The name is also written on the first line.

However, because of this, Kadia must face a question now, that is, who is the owner of the Patriarch? Who will lead the Acate family from now on? What is the relationship with the ancestors

Although Kardia has ruled the Acate for decades, it is only Source Level 2 in terms of strength, which is incomparable with Caroline. Moreover, since the record of Caroline was missing, according to the legal principle, The family should be in charge of her when she returns.

It's just that... Caroline hasn't gotten rid of the influence of the savior, and the family handed it over to her, afraid that she would set off to kill Lucas tomorrow? And at this point, another problem has arisen, and that is generation.

Forget it for Antonio, who was a lot older than Cardia. If he really succeeded in marrying Estrede, Cardia would not be embarrassed, but Paul was in trouble.

Although he has the memory of Charles thousands of years ago, Paul is still Paul, a classmate and friend of Roja, but if he were to combine with Caroline, the ancestor of the Acate family, then this generation would be weird.

According to Roja’s side, Paul is one generation lower than Cardia, but according to Caroline’s side, Paul is a lot higher than everyone else. This has to be studied in detail...

You call me Uncle, I call you Lord? Are we talking about each other

Thinking of this method, Kadiya’s cheeks couldn’t help but twitch. Fortunately, the medical staff moved very quickly compared with the hesitantly wondering how to receive him. After seeing Caroline who was covered in blood. Immediately swarmed up.

Seeing this, Cardia gave up the idea of greeting her ancestors and turned to the black-haired boy. He looked at Alyssa sleeping in Roja’s arms for a long time, and he was greatly relieved, before looking at After Luo Ya, there was a relieved expression on his face, and Luo Ya looked at Kadiya, also feeling a lot in his heart.

Over the past year, too much has happened, and Kadia has indeed been a bit too hard.

Since Roja’s disappearance, Eliza’s disappearance, Katia’s own injuries, one blow after another can be said to have followed one after another. When she was alone at the Acate’s home, Roja could hardly imagine facing the empty mansion. , What's the mood of Kardia, who was seriously injured.

Fortunately, everything was only temporary. Roja returned, and Alisha also recovered her memory and was found back. Although the Acate family was not big, after experiencing all sorts of difficulties, the members were not few in the end.

Roja felt a lot of emotion and fell silent when he thought of it, but Kadia packed up his mood and patted Roja on the shoulder.

"Although the time is not long, it seems to be a difficult journey."

"It's really hard..."

The black-haired boy who said this recalled the two battles with a wry smile on his face.

"However, I finally came back."

"Well, just come back, just come back."

Kadia waved his hand while repeating what was said, and the medical staff of the Acate family immediately stepped forward. They carefully took the silver-haired girl from Roya, and after seeing Alisa being placed, Luo The tense string in Ya's heart finally broke.

"...Father, Elisa and Ancestor will leave it to you first."

"Well, don't worry, just leave it to me. Although you don't have any trauma, you should take a rest, just..."

"Indeed, it's time to rest."

After insisting on saying this, the black-haired boy completely lost control of his body. The moment he fell to the ground, there were exclamations from around, and the next moment Roja's consciousness plunged into darkness.

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------

When the black-haired boy opened his eyes again, his location had changed. The slightly crowded and busy people in the dark room disappeared and replaced by the city under the rainy night.

It was a huge city with holy white as the main color, wide and unmanned streets, tall city walls and majestic castles standing in the drizzle, the sky was not pitch black, but misty gray, Luo Ya stood on the high slope. Above, overlooking the entire city, as if watching a behemoth sleeping in the drizzle.

Looking at the scenery in front of him, there was an inexplicable sadness in Roya Akate's heart. The raindrops hit his body and quickly soaked his clothes. Only then did the black-haired boy remember where it was.

This is the royal city of Altasia.

When Loya appeared here in the past, he was often in it. The angle of view had never been so wide. The weather was either dark or sunny. It was the first time that such a drizzle was continuous.

Such a difference caused the black-haired teenager to fail to recognize this place for the first time, but fortunately, he was still more interested in building Roja. He had been paying attention to the castle style of Altasia, so the teenager finally recognized this place. , And after confirming where it was, the black-haired boy also felt relieved.

In any case, as long as he is conscious, it means that Roja has no worries about his life and can enter the realm of the ancient gods, which means that the ability to choose the blood of the king is still there. This situation has made him very satisfied.

It has been the first time for Shiya to have such a long time and such an in-depth situation. So far, it is the first time for Luo Ya. He originally thought that there will be more serious consequences, but now it seems that the situation can be more optimistic.

It seems that Xia’s gift has played a role, so that Roja can be injured so lightly. On the other hand, Roja has also reached Source Level 1, and his soul has to be stronger.

The boy who thought of this nodded, and started to take action after roughly determining his own situation. After checking his position, he stepped towards the city.

Although the pilgrimage road has been taken more than once, this time seems to be much longer. There is no one in the quiet city. All you can hear is the sound of raindrops. The black-haired boy looks at the gray sky and feels There seemed to be a dark cloud in my heart.

"Does the black cloud crush the city and want to destroy it?"

With such a sigh, Roja continued to move forward, and after dozens of minutes of marching, the black-haired boy finally opened the heavy door and entered the castle.

Roja, who has traversed half a city, can be said to be quite fast, but even so, the black-haired boy still frowned slightly, and the reason is very simple, because so far Altacia has still not seen body.

Altacia has been absent for so long. This is really puzzling for Roja. After all, it is not the first time the two have met. No formal etiquette is required. Recently, the Witch King wants to see Roja directly. Brought it to the royal city.

With doubts in his heart, the black-haired boy continued to move forward, and after a while, following the familiar response of the curse, Roja also succeeded in finding the King of Witches, but at the moment when he saw Altasia, Roja But didn't say anything.

At this time, the witch king is standing alone in the courtyard, looking at the city in the drizzle below, I don’t know what he is thinking. The raindrops cannot get close to her body under the action of the curse, but this is a scene independent of the rain. Let Luoya feel a little bleak inexplicably.


Gazing at the back in the courtyard, the black-haired boy chose to approach after a moment of silence, and the sound of footsteps immediately caught the attention of the Witch King.

"My hero? Why are you here?"

"Huh? Didn't Altacia you let me come?"

"Hey? No, I didn't... That's it."

Looking at Loya in confusion, the white-haired witch widened her eyes slightly, and then nodded after thinking of something.

"What? What reason did you think of?"

"Well, maybe I subconsciously thought of Lord Hero, but you happened to be in a coma, so you came to me."

"Is it a coincidence?"

"Well, it's a coincidence."

The witch who answered in this way smiled, while Luo Ya watched her amber eyes silently. The two were silent for a long time before the black-haired boy spoke again.

"...Don't you hide from the rain?"

"It's okay. Raindrops won't hit you anyway, and it's rare to see rain in this space."


Saying this calmly, Roja stepped into the courtyard, but did not use curse to isolate the raindrops, but walked directly in the rain. Seeing this, Altasia's lips moved slightly, but she didn't say anything. And Roja has also walked to the girl's side.

Standing side by side looking at the city in the drizzle, the black-haired boy has no emotional fluctuations on his face, but he is constantly thinking in his heart.

has a problem.

Roja thought about it this way, observing the silent King of Witches from his side, and analyzed the current situation.

The realm of the ancient gods is the deepest impression of the gods who signed the contract with Roja during their lifetime, and it is also the silhouette of memory. Since it is not the real world, then naturally there will be no changes in the four seasons, and the same is true of changes in the weather. , It will not change under normal circumstances.

Just like the blood-colored plain where Gurandal is located, Roja has been there so many times over the years, but there has never been any change, and the valley of Petra has hardly seen changes, but this time, Alta Thea’s royal city was so depressed, even the light rain hitting her body was so cold and bitter.

In the end what happened

Recalling Altacia's performance during the battle with Caroline before, Roja couldn't help being confused, but it was obvious that he couldn't figure out the truth while standing still, so after a long silence, Roja spoke again. .

"Altacia, did you say you thought of me before? What's the reason? You were able to pull me in directly."

"...It's nothing, just a little worried about your body."


"Well, but now it seems that the situation is better than expected. With the help of the evil god, it will take half a month. No, it will take a little more than a week to recover."


Looking at the King of Witches who was changing the subject, Roja fell silent again. After a long time, the black-haired boy shook his head and decided not to go round.

"Altacia... what happened?"

"Huh? What does the hero mean?"

"Should I ask you this sentence? Rain... It's a bit cold."


Hearing Loya’s words, the words that Altacia wanted to deny couldn’t help but get stuck in her mouth. She stretched out her palm for the first time to lift the curse and let the raindrops fall in her palms, and immediately found that the water droplets in her hand were biting and chilling, which made people. Cool all over the body.


"Everything here is the silhouette of your heart. Whether it's the gloomy weather or the rain, it's your inner thoughts..."

Luo Ya's voice was calm when he said that, he turned his head and looked at the witch.

"Altacia, what happened? Or... what's about to happen?"


The moment the black-haired boy uttered the second half of the sentence, the white-haired witch's body trembled for a moment. Under the cloud and rain, Altasia was silent in front of Roya's gaze that seemed to be warm, and her expression gradually happened. Changed.

Did you guess right

The black-haired boy who was thinking this way narrowed his eyes and his heart sank, while Altasia let out a sigh.

"My hero is really, why always ask to the end..."

"You're in such a state, I don't ask it until the end is weird? So... what is going on?"

"Yes, I remembered some things in the past, so I'm a little nervous..."

Looking at the city under the drizzle, Altacia spoke softly, and after a pause, suddenly turned her head and looked at Luo Ya:

"Master Hero, can you promise me something?"


"Recover as quickly as possible, and... If there is a recent battle, please never fight it alone."

"Hey? Go alone?"

Looking at Altacia who said so, Roja looked confused for a while, let alone the issue of fighting alone with the bill of lading, that is, who to fight with, Roja now doesn't know.

After Caroline’s matter was resolved, Roja had nothing to rush to deal with in a short time. The aliens lost their leader after the Scorched Earth Battle, and they are still in a fight. The only thing that could put Roja on the battlefield. It's the Austin Empire, but the possibility is very small.

Lucas is also the former emperor no matter what. He can be defeated by Lilian, but he cannot be defeated by the nobleman of Roja. This is likely to cause conflicts between the two countries, even if Roja is now Saint of the Holy See.

Thinking of this, Luo Ya shook his head slightly, feeling that he had no chance of doing anything recently, but before asking Altacia for details, the black-haired boy was taken aback.

Wait, it's not impossible...

Luo Ya's eyes widened slightly when he thought so. He stared at the Witch King who was still waiting for his reply, and suddenly spoke:

"Savior, are you going to wake up?"


Facing Roja's question, the white-haired witch fell into silence, and nodded slightly after a while, but with Altacia's confirmation, Roja's golden pupils also shrank suddenly.

The wave of destruction is a word that has been echoing in Roja's ears for a long time. It is also a disaster and contradiction that mankind must resolve in this era. Since thousands of years ago, people have tried every means to prevent it from coming. However, the truth is Prove that everything is in vain.

"... Really? Is this moment finally coming?"

Whispering softly, the black-haired boy turned his head and looked forward, finally understanding why Altacia was so upset, and after understanding everything, it was normal to revisit Miss Witch's series of behaviors.

Thinking of these, Luo Ya showed a helpless smile on his face, he looked at the rain curtain and asked softly:

"Is this sure?"

"... ... Um."

"Well, then answer my question."

With a slight sigh, the black-haired boy asked again:

"Altacia... Have you foreseen my end?"

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py: "Ms. Wang Weina, cousin is not good either! 》

Introduction: After becoming the Prince of Wales, Wien recently discovered that his sister Wiener's eyes were getting worse and worse for him!

"Vina, can you not look at me with such a look?"

"What's wrong, brother?"

"I'm your brother!"


"Blood is thicker than water!"

(Don't scold it, don't scold it, the author's brief introduction is painstaking, and the content is supreme.)