Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 666: Quit on the spot


Sleep quality, this can be said to be a problem that people generally pay attention to whether in the world of Shia or Roja. After all, as a human whose spirit needs to operate on the body, the quality of sleep is related to the efficiency of a person's work. For the extraordinary, it is more serious.

No one wants to lose their lives in life-and-death battles because of insomnia, so before every battle in the East, the soldiers' rest needs to be given priority. Of course, like Alyssa, the more you stay up late. Spiritual exception.

Roja’s sleep quality has been fairly decent for so many years. Because of the reasons of Gurandall and others, Roja’s safety while sleeping is still relatively safe, so there is no need to worry too much anywhere, but this time, he It feels a little strange.

Opening his eyes gently, the black-haired teenager saw a different ceiling. At this time, Luo Ya was in a dimly lit room, and it was pitch black nearby. Only a little bit of spell light was shining, reflecting him. His cheeks light up and darken.

Looking around, Luo Ya's expression is very calm, because he knows where it is.

While at St. Freya College, as a preceptor of the college, Roja was still exposed to a lot of cutting-edge research, one of which was this kind of body monitoring curse similar to the equipment in the ICU ward, which now seems to be Has been applied in practice.

The surrounding curses gave Roya a familiar feeling as if he was still in the academy, but waking up this time made Roya a little confused, and the reason was very simple, not because of something wrong, but because of him. The state is great.

Refreshing...Although it's not really good, it's much better than usual. After the last time, Loya was in a coma, not to mention regaining his energy, even opening his eyes took a lot of effort. This kind of situation is okay. It is quite unreasonable.

Wait a minute, isn't it a flashback

Roja blinked, thinking about the reason, and suddenly thought of this suffocating possibility, but before the black-haired teenager figured out a way to detect his remaining lifespan, the familiar figure appeared in the air, just smiling. Edvia.

"Are you finally awake? How do you feel?"

"Well, not bad."

Seeing Miss Cthulhu's smiling expression, Roja's heart must have gradually calmed down, and Edvia who heard the words also nodded, with a look of rejoicing.

"That's fine, this time fortunately there is the power left by Shia, otherwise things will be troublesome."

"Is my injury serious?"

"Of course, the state close to Shia is too heavy on the soul. After each use, your soul is riddled with holes. Although it is not impossible to recover, the time will be extended year-on-year."

"That's it... If you can see each other next time, thank you in person."

Under Adavia’s explanation, Roja recalled the things in the altar, and gratitude emerged in his heart. However, when these words were heard in the ears of the evil god, Adavia was taken aback for a while, and then his face was full. Doubts.

"Thank you in person? What are you talking about?"

"Huh? Oh, I haven't told you yet. When I was promoted to Source Level 1, I had seen Shia in the ancient altar, and it was when she gave me this power, so. .. ... ”

"Wait! You said you saw Shia?"

The black-haired boy told about his experience, but was interrupted by Idavia before the narrative was finished. Roja looked at the somewhat agitated Cthulhu Miss who was rarely emotional, smiled and nodded.

Idavia would be so excited about this matter, Roja actually expected it before she spoke. After all, for Aidavia, Xia is a person of special significance and occupies a very high position in her heart. The black-haired teenager also understands this.

Thinking of taking pictures of herself in the sanctuary, Xia, who felt as warm as her mother, filled Roja’s heart with kindness. However, to his surprise, Edvia had heard of Roja’s experience. Frowned.

"Impossible, Shia has already left, leaving aside the remaining power for the time being, dialogue should be impossible."

"It's impossible, I have actually seen it."

"Could it be an image like the afterimage of the past..."

"No, no, that's impossible, right? I actually ran into Xia, how could it be an afterimage?"

In the face of Idavia's doubts, Roja replied helplessly, but even so, the girl still did not agree.

"What about hallucinations, or hallucinations are also possible."

"No, hallucinations are even more impossible... Normally, there is nothing you don’t know about hallucinations, right? I haven’t been to the ancient altar, and I’ve never heard of it in the past. Everything is Shia. Tell me."

"how come... ... "

In the voice of Roja, Idavia thought seriously, while the black-haired boy smiled and persuaded.

"Speaking of you, are you jealous? It's normal for Shia to leave some soul fragments in some important places. In the past, my ancestor Roy used this method to talk to me. He could do it. How could Shia? Can't do it?"

"... It is indeed possible for your ancestors to do this, but Xia's words, even the fragments of the soul will have a strong power, rash separation will have a great impact on the world, she should not It’s the right thing to do this kind of thing."

Under the persuasion of the black-haired teenager, the brown-haired girl was entangled in her face. She muttered so uncertainly, as if thinking about other possibilities, but there was no gain.

Seeing this evil god, Luo Ya was even more helpless for a while. In fact, after eliminating hallucinations and afterimages, Luo Ya felt that there was no possibility of falsehood.

Is it possible that Shia can still be fake

A fake with exactly the same power, the strongest cosplay in another world

The black-haired boy thinking so shook his head, not wanting to waste time on this, so he thought about it and asked another thing.

"By the way, Idavia, after waking up this time, I have a clearer mind, and I just wanted to sleep for a long time. Do you know what's going on?"


Nonsense, because you really slept for a long time, and it was an ultra-deep sleep during sleep.

Hearing Roja's question, Idavia muttered so deeply in her heart, her expression became more subtle, and after thinking for a moment:

"This may be because the quality of sleep is good, and the soul is fully rested."

"That's it, but it's never been so good in the past. Is there any secret?"


Adavia, who was hit by Roja's soul questioning again, had a stiff expression. For a while, she didn't know how to answer, and the eyes that looked at Roja dodged.

The secret? The secret is that you have been hit by the witch's spell, and the effect is still good.

The speechless Idavia thought so, not knowing how to answer Roja's question, so he began to seriously consider whether to tell Roja about the stolen food from the Witch King.

Although it is said that Roja’s soul has always been in charge of Edvia, it is only externally incorrect. This is also the reason why Altacia can pull Roja’s soul into her own world so easily. There is nothing wrong with clicking on Cthulhu.

As for the current situation of Roja, it was entirely caused by Altasia, and had nothing to do with Adavia. Rather, it was Adavia who took the initiative to bring Roja back.

Um? Thinking about it this way... I seem to have done nothing wrong? That witch is also...

Edavia, who has no body and does not understand the meaning of kissing, thought so, and felt that what Altasia did did not seem to need to be concealed. The only fault was the use of spells on Roja. With the relationship between the two, This shouldn't be a big problem.

The Cthulhu Miss who had finished thinking relaxed her expression, her eyes no longer dodge, she looked at Luo Ya on the hospital bed and opened her mouth to tell the truth.

"Actually, it's Al..."


Miss Cthulhu smiled and began to confess, but at the moment when the words were uttered, a curse power suddenly erupted from Roja's body, and within a short second, this force was stunned by lightning. , The passage to Idavia was cut off.


The black-haired boy who felt the wrong had his eyes widened slightly, but before he could react, the body of Idavia floating in the air had disappeared. The next moment, the white-haired witch with his face flushed and panting quickly appeared in his. before.

"Huh, huh, huh..."

"Hey? Altasia?"

Looking at the witch holding his fist and glaring at the witch where Edvia disappeared, Roja asked suspiciously, not knowing what Altacia was doing, but heard Roja's voice, the body of the witch king She trembled abruptly, she turned her head and looked at the black-haired boy, Akane's eyes were full of panic.

Seeing this situation, Roja was full of question marks. He felt that Edvia was drawn from the bottom of the pot at that moment, and even the roots were almost digged. He wondered if there was any contradiction between the two, but he had not waited yet. When he spoke, Altacia took the initiative to bring up the topic.

"... the savior."


"Save, the savior has awakened, you should be able to feel it."

The Witch King, who just killed Edvia on the spot, said so, forcibly calming herself down. For her, the savior is really the savior now, and after hearing Altacia’s words, Roja's expression changed. , I immediately understood the meaning of the witch's words.

In order to maintain the operation of the curse in the ward at this time, the magic element can be said to be very full. However, unlike Loya before the coma, these magic elements have a familiar smell, heavy, cold, and yet again. Inexplicably irritable.

That is the breath of the savior.

"How is it possible? Why is there a breath of savior here? Shouldn't the exit of Ji Yuan be in the Great Sanctuary of the ancient Austin Empire?"

Roja, who was talking to himself like this, frowned. Originally, according to Caroline’s previous statement, Roja felt that no matter how fast the crisis of the savior was, he would have to wait for a while. After all, the exit of the bottomless abyss was too far away from the current human world. .

The weakening of the physical distance is something that even the power of the savior can't escape, but the fact is that when he wakes up, the place where Roja himself is almost becomes the black den of the cultists in the past.

A strong ominous premonition emerged in his heart. The black-haired boy who thought of something looked up at Altasia, and the Witch King also nodded affirming what Roja was thinking.

"Yes, he moved."


Roja could hardly believe his ears when he heard Altasiya's words, but before inquiring in detail, there was a sound of walking outside the door.

"The rest, just ask them."

Leaving such a sentence, the Witch King left in a hurry, and at the same time the door of the room was opened. Unlike before Roja fell into a coma, Antonio, who seemed a little tired, walked into the room and saw that he was waking up. Luo Ya was not surprised, but subconsciously heaved a sigh of relief.

"Roya, how do you feel when you wake up? Is there anything wrong?"

"I feel that I'm recovering pretty well. As for the dean, how long have I slept?"

"Three days is not too long."

"Three days?"

In three days, the world has become like this

Recalling the completely different magic element before the coma, Luo Ya clenched his fist slightly, felt the power of the savior again in his heart, and then asked:

"What happened outside these three days? What happened to Eliza and Caroline? Why is the magic element in the air like this?"


Looking at Roja, who was sitting up and showing anxious face, Antonio fell into silence for a while, as if he didn't know which question to answer first, and after a moment of pondering, the academy dean spoke:

"Don't worry about Alisha's situation. Her soul has stabilized. She woke up not long ago, and she should be completely restored when she wakes up again."

"Well, that's good, what about Caroline Ancestor?"

"Master Caroline's situation is a bit troublesome. The original treatment process was fairly smooth, but the sudden outbreak of this great change has affected almost all the magic elements in the entire Eastern Territory, making the current situation very difficult."

Antonio frowned as he said this, and seemed to be a little helpless about the current situation, while the black-haired boy turned gloomy and asked back after a moment.

"So what happened? Could it be..."

"Well, the savior has awakened."


At the moment when the news was completely confirmed, Roja became silent, and Antonio was silent for a while, and the room was enveloped by silence. It was not until a long while later that the dean said again:

"The incident happened late at night one day ago. An unimaginable response of curse power suddenly came from the direction of Tucker Plain, and the savior's breath broke out completely, and the magic element was completely contaminated in just a few hours."

"So that's it... finally crawled out of the abyss?"

"No, he probably hasn't completely escaped the seal, but the situation may be worse now."


Looking at Roja who asked in surprise, Antonio was silent for a moment and then said:

"What appeared on the Plain of Tucker was not the abyss, but the entire imperial capital."