Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 667: Unfinished business


The imperial capital, this name is already very unfamiliar to people of this era, even Luo Ya, who is familiar with history, reacted for a while after hearing it, but the next moment, after understanding the meaning of this sentence, Hei Fa teenager's expression completely changed.

It is not because there is no name to call it the imperial capital. In fact, the imperial capital in Antonio's mouth refers to Xio, but it is not the capital of the Austin Empire now, but the heart of the huge empire thousands of years ago.

The imperial capital Xi'ao was a miracle created during the most glorious period of human civilization in the Second Age. Even the largest city in the human world is less than half of it, and the population is even harder to count. For more than a thousand years, it has always been there. Xiya's most prosperous and brilliant place.

However, this is such a city that stood up in the war as a symbol of prosperity, but it was destroyed thousands of years ago. The Turin Transformation destroyed the entire city and the entire country. However, this is not the shock of the black-haired boy now. s reason.

Roja's expression completely changed after listening to Antonio's words, not because of the city, but because of the people.

As the capital of the ancient Austin Empire in the Second Age, the imperial capital is far more important than any city. For this reason, the most powerful legion in the entire empire is stationed in it. The Turin change caused more than just the imperial capital. The fall, and their fall.

In the city where the power of the savior was spreading, nearly half of the transcendents were more or less affected. Some of these people relied on their final will to escape from the imperial capital, but more were Become a monster completely, or fall into madness.

According to historical records, after the Turin change, the entire imperial capital continued to fight. The warriors who once gathered together under the imperial banner slayed each other, the fallen slaughtered indiscriminately, and the sober people cut down with tears. Their heads.

However, even if the people in the city fight bloody battles, the result still cannot be changed, just as individual efforts cannot control the general trend of the times. As time goes by, more and more people begin to be affected by magic elements, and the towns around the imperial capital are countless. The fallen ones also began to confluence.

Why do fallen people who have almost no conscious mind converge? In fact, if you look at the information that Roja currently has, the problem is very simple. It is the Great Sanctuary of the Imperial Capital where the entrance of the Bottomless Abyss is located. If you find a way to seal its breath, it should be able to solve the problem.

However, the people at the time did not know this. In just a few days, there were corpses in the imperial capital. Until Charles announced the westward move, the fighting could not be quelled.

The final result of this battle was the departure of mankind. The most brilliant jewel in the crown of the ancient Austin Empire, the Imperial Capital, became a lair for the fallen, and a nightmare place for many warriors to look back on.

A hundred years after that, the name of the imperial capital was used again by the Austin Empire and was renamed the name of the capital. However, everyone knows that the capital that many Austin people are dreaming about is not there, and therefore Xio is only hopeful Austria, and the imperial capital will always be the imperial capital.

However, I have to say that Roja thinks it is better to stay in the history of this city with a lot of color in history, instead of appearing in front of them.

"Emperor Capital appeared in the Tucker Plain? How could it be possible?"

"It's a space spell, a space spell with an unimaginable range."

Faced with the surprised black-haired teenager, Antonio's expression was extremely solemn, and he spoke as calmly as possible to tell the information collected by humans in the last day.

On the night before the day, unimaginable waves of curse power swept across the east, and the entire coalition army was shocked by this unprecedented upheaval. Almost all the fortresses were put on alert, but the soldiers clenching their weapons rushed to the city. Head, but did not see any trace of the enemy.

The commanders who found the situation weird made a decision almost at the same time, that is, to send scouts to check the situation, so in the dark, as many as dozens of reconnaissance teams from all over the place began to investigate the depths of the Tucker Plain, but everyone Unexpectedly, that was the last time they appeared in front of people.

Until the next morning, none of the scouts came back. Commanders who found something wrong reported the strange situation one after another, and the Joint Army headquarters also noticed that the situation was serious.

When the first Antonio and others heard about the situation, they thought that the scouts might have been contaminated by the breath of the savior and lost their minds so they did not come back. Therefore, they decided that all fortresses would not move. However, various unexpected situations appeared one after another.

The first is the emergency report of the southern fortress. It was found that a large number of aliens entered the dense forest in the southern part of the Tuck fortress, traveling fast and panicking, as if avoiding something.

Immediately afterwards, several fortresses located in the protruding part issued reports, suspecting that the missing scouts were found. After receiving this report, the Joint Army Headquarters immediately issued an order to respond. However, the troops leaving the city never expected, they watched It was not a familiar companion, but a remnant of the nightmare of a thousand years ago.

"What the front-line army encountered was not the missing scouts, but the fallen men of the ancient Austin Empire. We later restored the almost completely rotten armor on the corpses and knew their identities. They were the garrison of the imperial capital."

"The Imperial Guard Corps..."

"Yes, it's the legion with the largest number of people in the Second Age."

Antonio said that with a solemn face, and Roja's expression was not much better.

The Imperial Guard Corps sounds like a corps, but in fact it is a general term referring to the corps stationed near the imperial capital. In fact, it is divided into dozens of troops. At its peak, the number of troops was nearly one million, and it was also the most elite of the empire. strength.

Such a group of people becoming fallen is a nightmare for both the people at the time and the soldiers now. In fact, the troops who went out to meet the enemy by accident did suffer heavy casualties, and shortly after confirming the enemy’s back, the Investigation Curse Wu finally brought the situation in the depths of the Tucker Plain to the upper ranks of the coalition army.

"I brought the information, do you want to read it?"

"... ... Um."

Facing Antonio’s question, the black-haired boy nodded, and the head of the academy with a long stick stretched out his hand and handed Roya a small ball of unknown material. Roya slowly injected curse power into it after receiving it. In the next moment, a beam of light blasted out, turning into an image and emerging from the sky.

Such advanced technology made Luo Ya who was unprepared slightly widened his eyes, but he was immediately attracted by the scene within the influence.

The image at this time shows a plain, and the angle of view is from overhead. Obviously it is a record of investigating the curse. The whole image has no sound and is very blurry, but just seeing part of it makes Roya's body instantly tense. When I got up, I quickly understood why the scouts could not come back.

In that image, Roja saw thousands of figures wandering all over the plain. They were either wearing ragged armor, or holding almost decaying staffs, black misty curses. The force radiated from their bodies, and the aura of depravity and madness was so strong that it seemed to penetrate Roja's nose through the image.

The fallen, the fallen in the Turin change of the ancient Austin Empire thousands of years ago, and the number is very large.

Observing the crowd on the ground, Roya's brows wrinkled deeply, and as the image continued to wrinkle deeper and deeper, because he found that as the flying curse deepened, the crowd on the ground became denser and denser. The thick black curse power even became one piece, and in the end, a corner of the city finally appeared in the image.

It was a half-destroyed city wall, but the huge boulders left on the ground after the collapse were as huge as houses. Some buildings that could absorb curse power and possess certain self-healing ability still maintained the style of the second-age ancient Austin Empire, but none Many defensive facilities for this function have been weathered over the years.

In the shadow of the huge boulder, in the corner of the city wall, pairs of cold and irrational eyes are looking up at the sky, and farther away, there are many magnificent and tall buildings of the ancient Austin Empire, even if it is a thousand years of time. They erased their existence, but when Roya wanted to see the internal situation further, the entire image suddenly went black.

"This is... ... "

"There is no more here, the reason is not clear, maybe there is some barrier inside the imperial capital."

"That's it."

With such an answer, Roja fell into silence and began to digest all the information little by little.

Although I have heard Antonio speak before, I have to say that after seeing the video, Roja feels that the current situation is more serious than he thought.

The imperial capital of the ancient Austin Empire. Before that, Roja had only read about its magnificence in history books. However, after seeing the real thing, the black-haired boy had to admit the fact that he was too underestimated. Of the ancient Austin Empire.

Although there is not much about the imperial capital in the previous video, it can be judged only from the scale of the city wall. It is probably a giant city that is several times or even ten times larger than the capital of any country now.

As for such a huge city, the population it contains can also be imagined. If nearly half of the people stayed there forever as recorded in history, the consequences would be disastrous.

"The imperial capital on the Plain of Tucker, the number of fallen people in it..."

"It's not clear yet, but... it is estimated to reach one million."


"Yes, you should know what's in the imperial capital."


Antonio said that with a bitter face, while Roja fell into silence when he heard the words.

The Great Sanctuary of the Imperial Capital is a sealed entrance jointly established by the Aqiman and Alder clan in the Second Age. After the Turin change, the imperial capital was completely invaded by the power of the savior, even after a thousand years, The number of fallen ones will not decrease much, and now they are awakened in the resurrection of the savior.

If this is the case, then these monsters can indeed reach the million level, and the total number of human soldiers in the East is about three million.

"What is the average strength of these fallen people?"

"There is a big gap between different people, but overall they are better than heterogeneous people. Fortunately, they are not a group of people."

"It's true."

Roja couldn't help but nodded when he heard Antonio's words, and a little bit of fortune also emerged in his heart.

Although aliens are also believers in the savior, but in terms of race, they are the orcs of ancient times. They are not of the same kind as the humans in the imperial capital. In terms of the degree of depravity, the difference between the two is also very huge. They are basically the imperial army and the imperial army. The gap is over.

Depraved people who were completely insane were killed together with their clan thousands of years ago. After a thousand years, they will naturally not show mercy to aliens. It is not surprising that aliens will escape from the Tucker Plain and escape to the southern mountains. NS.

Roja, who had a general understanding of the situation, sighed, while Antonio sat down and fell into silence, seeming to be resting.

Seeing this picture of the dean, Roja could not help but feel a little sympathy. Think about it carefully that Antonio was really busy these days. First, he resurrected the ancestor Estreid, then rescued Paul, and then took Paul to stop him. During the battle between Roja and Caroline, he was inexplicably endured in the process.

Antonio, who was accidentally injured, did not stop working overtime. After returning to rescue Roja, Alisa, and Caroline, the savior awakened before the treatment was over, and also appeared in the Tucker Plain with the entire imperial capital.

After working overtime like this, no matter how strong Antonio is, his old arms and legs may not be able to withstand the toss, and now he should really be given a rest.

Oh, it’s so miserable, I’m so tired that I can’t even speak...

"Roja, do you say Master Estrede likes me the way I am now or the way I was in the past?"


Under Antonio’s question, the black-haired young man who was considerate of the academy dean fell into silence for a while, not knowing how to answer, and after a long time he silently asked:

"The dean. Do you still think about this at this time?"

"Well... After all, I don't want to, I'm afraid I won't have time."

When he heard Roja's question, Antonio sighed and said so, and the black-haired boy who heard the words was taken aback, watching the old man sitting on the side resting and did not speak again.

Antonio would say this kind of pessimistic words. To be honest, it was a bit beyond Roja's expectations, but after careful thinking, the black-haired boy felt that it was extraordinarily reasonable. After all, the enemy standing in front of mankind is not other people, but the savior.

That is the existence of transcending gods in ancient times, and it is also the source of countless tragedies for Shia for thousands of years. In front of him, the soldiers of the source level 5 and the king of the race level 1 are not much different, and the war may be Tomorrow.

At this time, everyone seems to have only one wish, and that is to finish what they want to do, even Antonio is no exception.

"Be younger, you were handsome when you were young."

"Haha, thank you for your suggestion."

"Nothing, anyone would think so, and..."

Looking at Antonio on the opposite side, Roja said so and stood up and walked outside the door.

"I'm going to see Alisa."