Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 669: Caroline's backhand


[Six Plagues] This is something that Roja once hated exceptionally in the past. It was even fear for a period of time when the strength was insufficient. After all, for humans, other things like humans are terrifying in themselves.

After experiencing the information explosion in the past life, Roja has already known one thing, that is that the world is full of wonders, especially human beings. The fact that people live like dogs is no longer news, but if a dog grows a human face, this It's a horror story.

And [Six Plagues] can be said to be the ultimate of this kind of humanoid creatures, not only terror, but also possessing the power to exterminate civilization. It is human nature to be afraid of this kind of things. For a long time, Roja has been committed to Eliminate them to exterminate future troubles, but today, the black-haired boy chose to resurrect them.

When she heard Roja's words, Alyssa's red eyes widened, and they were puzzled. After all, no one understood Roa's thoughts better than Alyssa.

If it can be scored, then the [Six Plagues] must be negative in the minds of the teenagers, among them Roja personally crusades, and in addition to Roja’s thoughts, the resurrection of the [Six Plagues] itself is also a taboo. .

The Church of St. Mestre still has soldiers who have psychological shadows on [Hidden Mist]. Because of large-scale publicity, the people regard [Six Plagues] as a scourge and rashly resurrects it. I am afraid that it will be greatly affected by the outside world. Great pressure.

Thinking of this, Alisha hesitated in her heart. She looked at the black-haired boy in front of her, pondered and said:

"Brother, do you really want to do this? Although the Tuck Fortress incident is in the past, and there have not been many victims, the attitude of the Church and even the entire mankind towards the [Six Plagues] has not changed, right?"

"There really is no big change."

"In that case...that, will there be any bad effects?"

"...I know what you mean, Alisa.

Hearing Alisha's concern, the black-haired boy nodded slightly, and said faintly:

"[Six Plagues] In the eyes of most people, it is no different from the army of the savior, and even more terrifying. This is the perception of the coalition army. It cannot be changed in a short period of time, but it is no longer a concern.. . ... ”

"Maybe I will be attacked by some people, maybe Caroline Ancestors and others will also oppose it, but now, what we need most is strength, no matter where it comes from."


Roja said that with firm eyesight, without any confusion or hesitation about her decision, but Alyssa fell silent when she heard the words.

What does the mother god think about Roja? Even Elisa does not know these things. The resurrection [Six Plagues] can indeed enhance the combat effectiveness of humans to some extent, but the essence is Expand the power of the mother goddess.

It is precisely because of this that Alisha is worried, but in Roya's view, the situation is different.

Part of the reason why the Shia world has been stable is that the power of the savior and the mother god are in a state of balance. Neither the fallen nor the [six plagues] are too powerful, and the power of humans takes the main body.

However, with the awakening of the savior, this balance has been broken, so in the case of unable to strengthen one's own side, it is necessary to let the power of the mother god regain strength.

As for what would happen to the mother goddess if he wakes up and stabs his back, Roja doesn’t want to think about it, and there is no room to think about it. After all, if the East Territory cannot withstand this wave, the human race will be gone. It is completely meaningless to think about this. .

Can't stand it for six minutes, how can there be any late stage

"But... What about Caroline's ancestors?"


After listening to Luo Ya's thoughts, the silver-haired girl understood and raised questions at the same time, with a worried expression on her face, and Luo Ya fell silent for a while.

Previously, Caroline chased Alisa to weaken the power of the mother god as much as possible. Now Roja is going to resurrect [Six Plagues], which can be said to be contrary to Caroline’s ideas. It is indeed very likely to be met by her. Opposition.

Thinking of this, Alisha was naturally worried, and Roja was also lost in thought, knowing that she had to explain it.

"Alyssa, if the [Six Plagues] are resurrected, can you control them?"

"Well, I have the highest level of authority. As long as the mother does not wake up, they will completely obey me, but it will take some time to go to the altar."

"That's it."

After listening to the silver-haired girl's assurance, Luo Ya nodded slightly. After confirming that Alisha needed a period of preparation, the black-haired boy left, thought for a moment, and walked in the direction where Caroline was.

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Caroline Akat, the first Patriarch of the Akat family has not had a good time recently.

Although Caroline ended the battle with Roja because of Paul, and ended the state of being a widow for thousands of years, the damage to her body in the past thousand years has not been quickly recovered due to this.

In the thousand years of the Bottomless Abyss, although Caroline was in a state of suspended animation, she just kept her body as it is as possible. The damage from the previous suppression of the savior was still there, and the damage of the holy armor made her crazy by the savior. Contaminated, become a bit paranoid.

Such a situation can be said to be quite difficult. If Roja’s body is severely ill in a short time, then Caroline is a difficult disease, and the spread of the savior’s power and the pollution of the surrounding magic elements make Caroline even more troublesome. The progress of treatment is greatly affected.

"Translation translate, what do you mean?"

In the room, Roja looked at Paul who explained this way, and wanted the other person to point out the subject. However, before Paul could speak, Caroline, who had various curses hanging on her body, opened her eyes.

"It means...I am afraid I can't participate in the next possible battle."

"...Sorry, my ancestor, I interrupted you to rest."

"No, it's nothing, I couldn't sleep either."

Looking at Caroline who was a little unwilling to say so, Paul fell into silence for a while, and Roja on the side groaned for a moment and then let out a sigh.

Caroline Akat, this can be said to be the strongest opponent Roja has encountered so far. The next war between humans and the savior will greatly increase if she joins the human side, but it is a pity that she leaves the abyss. It was too late, and the erosion was too serious.

Caroline looks all right now, but in fact this stability is entirely the result of her forcibly suppressing the savior's madness with unimaginable willpower. It can be maintained at ordinary times, but once she enters a combat state, it is easy to lose control.

For example, in the previous battle with Roja, if Paul hadn't appeared, Carolyn would probably have been fighting until death, and under the environment where Mosu was polluted by the power of the savior, her condition would likely get worse once the fight was made. May become a complete depravity.

To put Caroline on the battlefield, it can be said that carrying a bomb that you don’t know when it exploded is the real life and death, riches and honors are in the sky, and after hearing that Caroline may completely fall, Luo Ya also completely extinguished the idea of fighting with ancestors.

"Actually, I can try..."

"No, no, your ancestors, you should rest."

After calming Caroline, who was still struggling, Luo Ya thought about it for a while and said what he was coming from. However, what the black-haired boy did not expect was that he wanted to be resurrected after hearing that he wanted to resurrect [Six Plagues] After confronting the savior, Caroline didn't have much reaction.

"My ancestor, do you agree?"

"In the current situation, there is no other way but to use the power of the mother god, right?"

Caroline let out a sigh when she said that, obviously she didn't really want to do this, and Roja understood it very well.

After all, in Caroline’s heart, although the mother god and the savior are hostile, they are all raccoon dogs to humans. In her eyes, Roja’s plan is just to drive away wolves, and does not mean to help the mother god. Luo Ya would naturally not be stupid enough to express his hope for the mother goddess.

In any case, after Roja’s explanation, it is true that Caroline passed the barrier. Such a smooth situation was beyond Roja’s expectations, but what he didn’t expect was that Caroline and Paul also had to tell him. .

"Actually, we have some guesses about the savior this time."


"Yes, although the savior and his fallen are now very powerful, judging from the information I have, it should not have fully awakened yet."

When she heard Caroline's words, Roja couldn't help but open his eyes slightly, and Caroline and Paul also shared their thoughts during this period.

In fact, in the middle of the night one day ago, when the power of the savior polluted the magic elements of the East, Caroline had already discovered that it was wrong, because when she left the bottomless abyss, Caroline had roughly calculated the time when the savior might wake up. , The final result is half a year later.

"Although there may be errors, it is about one month in advance at most. This is why I will implement the final plan as soon as possible."

Caroline said this with a firm tone, and when she heard what she said, Roja frowned slowly, and some doubts emerged in her heart.

In fact, after listening to Antonio's explanation, Roja has always had a sense of disharmony in his heart, and after listening to Caroline's words, the black-haired teenager finally realized what this sense of disharmony was.

That is the performance of the savior this time, too weak.

Weakness. When such words are used in the current savior, I am afraid that any soldier in the coalition army will come forward to refute it. After all, whether it is the nearly a million fallen people or the weird imperial capital, mankind has been pushed to the brink of life and death.

However, it is precisely because of this that Roja insists on his views, and the reason is very simple, because the fallen and the imperial capital that mankind is afraid of are not strictly speaking the power of the savior, but the attachments accumulated over the years. Taste.

Unlike other people, Roja has seen the real savior and even fought directly with him. According to Roja’s understanding of the savior’s power, if it really recovers completely, this monster doesn’t need to play these tricks at all, it’s just fine to destroy mankind directly. NS.

However, the actual situation is that the savior has not appeared so far, and the polluting magic element is limited to the eastern boundary, as if it would be impossible to reach without transferring it.

"But, since he hasn't fully awakened, why does the savior show up?"

"I don't know, maybe it is to prevent the girl from continuing to destroy [The Egg of the Beast God], or to solve the humanity before the mother god resuscitates, but in any case, his behavior gave us a chance, this is for sure."

"Opportunity means..."

"Absorb the power in [Shia's Scepter], complete our final plan in the past, and become a new god."


Looking at Caroline who said this with a serious face, the black-haired boy's eyes widened for a moment, and Caroline continued to add:

"Although the changes in Turin disrupted my plan with Charles, the actual impact was only an interruption. If you want to give a reason, it is that I am not dead."

"My ancestor, did you do anything down there?"

"Yes, although I spent most of my time in suspended animation during these thousand years, I will wake up and debug [Shia's Scepter] every 100 years or so as a possible backstop."

"Wait, that means..."

"Well, when I left, [Shia's Scepter] was still effective, and the energy accumulated in it for thousands of years was enough to give birth to the Son of God."

Hearing Caroline's decisive words, Roja's heartbeat suddenly accelerated. If [Shia's Scepter] is still not destroyed, then the savior's power is equivalent to being intercepted for a large part, and it is difficult to retrieve it by itself. .

"But, even your ancestors can't absorb too much power, how can I become a god? And before you said that the god son needs the power of the Aqiman and Akat clan?"

"It is true, but there may be hope in your words."

"The basis for this hope is..."


When the black-haired woman said these words, Luo Ya's golden eyes trembled, and she immediately understood Caroline's meaning.

Shia's power is a power that is still above the savior. If Loya can be Shiya, then downward compatibility is theoretically possible, and it will naturally be able to absorb everything in [Shiya's Scepter].

"Although it is just a theory, the absorption process may not go smoothly, but I think it is worth a try."

"Well, if you think about it this way, it is indeed possible."

"However, we must move faster because of the existence of another person."

"You mean, Emperor Lucas?"


Looking at the young man who had the same purpose as the emperor, Caroline and Paul looked at each other, and said with a serious face:

"Lucas Aqiman, there has been no news for a long time."