Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 676: The real body of the witch (6k)


The true recovery of the savior was tantamount to a nightmare for Roja. Whether it was in the pre-war meeting or in the calculations of the young individual, this should be impossible, but everything happened like this.

From the moment the savior regained his sanity, everything was out of control. [Shia's Scepter] was completely cut off from the possibility of the final plan, and in this case, Roja was able to do only one thing. It's up.

That is to bet on everything and try your best.

Since the savior is still holding [Shia's Scepter] and has not let go of it, it means that the function of [Shia's Scepter] is still in play, and the huge power of it has not been absorbed, which means that the current The savior is not in a complete state.

Although the probability of winning is very small, it is now the time when the enemy is weakest and the only opportunity for mankind. However, when Roja wanted to make a desperate move, like a historical fragment, sacrificing his soul to absorb the [six plagues], The white-haired witch suddenly appeared.

When the witch king appeared in the world, Roja’s first reaction was surprise. The expression of the savior in the sky also changed a little, and the reason was very simple, because he noticed something unique, which was impossible. The breath that appears.

"Who are you?"

Slightly narrowed his eyes, the man holding the magic scepter asked, his body shone with a faint light, as if he would be punished in the next moment, but looking at such a savior, Altasia's expression was undaunted.

"My name is Altasia, the king of witches."

"Witch? Shia's Judge? Oh, what a funny joke. I have never seen you. The witch family should never have a king. It's a lie full of loopholes."

"No, it's not a lie, it's just that you don't know it.


Hearing Altacia's words, the savior frowned slightly and showed displeasure. The heavy pressure came on, but the Witch King was unmoved.

"You don't know me, it's nothing strange, just like you don't know that we will defeat you next."

"Victory? You guys?"

Glancing at the witch, the teenager behind her, and Edvia, Gurandal, and Petra appearing in the sky, the savior's face showed a mocking look, and then he shook his head slightly.

"They are indeed good hands, but it is a pity that the opponent is me, and it is me who is reborn and possesses the flesh."


Hearing the words of the savior, Roja’s face was as solemn as water, just as he said. Although among the ancient gods of Roja, Gurandal and Idavia have defeated the savior in this world and in historical fragments, but that All have strict conditions.

Thousands of years ago, Gurandal had the help of the entire giant race, and the savior was already in madness, so Gurandal had a chance to destroy his body, and on the other side of the historical fragments, Idavia was able to destroy The premise of the savior is that he does not have a body to live in, otherwise even the king of the spirit race will be helpless.

However, now, although the savior has not fully recovered his strength, he has regained his senses, and there is no giants around Roja. It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to destroy his body, and even Roja doesn't know if it is impossible to take advantage of it. Where to start.

The silent young man’s brain was thinking about the enemy’s weaknesses, and after the roar and explosions gradually subsided, the remaining humans in the imperial capital also found the god-like man in the sky, and Alisa, who had the memory of the mother god, immediately recognized it. After gaining the identity of the savior, his face changed.

"My brother!"

The girl who understood the situation quickly approached Roja, while Noelle, Charlotte, Wilhelmina, Liliane and others also quickly approached from different directions.

Feeling the girls approaching, Luo Ya's heart became more anxious, and the savior showed some unexpected expressions.

"A boring struggle, but very brave, such a fearless courage is also considered rare, but it is a pity that you are not worth my shot."

In the sound of the words, the man held the magic staff and tapped lightly. The next moment a beam of light suddenly burst out of the clouds, covering the area where the savior and Roja were. The girls had to start a defense.

Just one shot stopped the five race kings at the same time. Such a powerful strength is desperate. However, this situation is the current reality and the reason why the savior has no scruples.

But what makes Roya a little strange is that, in the face of unscrupulous enemies, Altacia was not discouraged at all. There was no fear in her celestial pupils at this time, but after a long wait, she finally reached the end with ease.

"Thousand-year preparations have finally allowed you to escape the trial of the Black Moon. This seems to fill you with confidence, the incarnation of the sun."

"Huh? You seem to know a lot, but you are right. The preparations for a thousand years are just like that. Everything is as I planned, and now, the final scene should be staged."

The body of the savior who said this glowed with a heavy light, and the entire space shook open. The powerful pressure swept through the imperial capital at this moment, as if to crush the backbone of people, and time, a spell involving the realm of gods, also Followed by.

At the moment when the spell was activated, the time of all creatures in the entire imperial capital fell into a standstill. Both humans and fallen ones lost their freedom at this moment, and Alisa and others were unable to move. However, Roja became an exception. .

In the brightest place in the center of the imperial capital, in front of the savior, all the coercion disappeared with the light emitted from Altacia’s body. Under the [Wheel of Time], even the savior could not take away Roja’s time. .

The young man who realized this had his eyes widened, and on the other side, the voice of the savior also came from the sky.

"Impossible, why can you control time?"

"Why? The answer is simple, because this is also my strength."

Under the savior’s surprised gaze, Altacia’s body burst out with infinite rays of light, and the [Shia Scepter] trembles uncontrollably. The huge power within it breaks through the savior’s control as if being drawn, towards the witch. He went in the direction of Lilian, and seeing this, the man suddenly changed his face.

"No! Damn it!"

The savior who realized that the power in the scepter was being quickly absorbed by the opponent roared and tried his best to participate in the snatch, but the part snatched was less than one ten. The roaring man looked down, his eyes filled with rage and panic. .

"Impossible! Why would my power...Who are you?!"

"Who am I? Then I will introduce myself again."

Facing the savior's roar, the white-haired witch showed ridicule on her face, and then her body broke out with strong coercion, and her face was also serious. She looked at the savior, her eyes filled with hatred:

"My name is Altasia Akat, the king of witches, the ruler of Santana, the unified empire of mankind, and one of the twin gods who will deprive you of your power in the future. In the end... it was killed by you. The last saint of mankind-the daughter of Roya Akat and Lilian Aqiman."

""! ""

When Altacia's last words were heard, the savior's complexion instantly turned ugly, and finally understood why Altacia was able to get the approval of [Xia's Scepter].

A child born from the combination of the forces of the Acate and Aqiman tribes. This is the son of God who is the goal of the final plan set up by Caroline and Charles. It is also the true priority of [Shia Scepter]. Master, in front of her, even if the savior used Lucas's body, he couldn't compete with him at all.

What's more, the other party is still two people.

Looking at the light from the scepter, the savior's face sank like water and helpless, while on the other side, Roja stared at the figure of the witch and his eyes widened suddenly, and the many questions in his mind began to connect quickly.

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Altacia, the king of witches, is the third ancient god to sign a contract with Roja, but unlike Gurandar or Petra, since the encounter with Altacia, the king of witches has Full of mysteries.

For example, as a historian, Roja knows what kind of existence a witch is. It is elusive and secretive, and the number should not be large. Normally, such a group should not have a king. And her certain obsession with Lilian made Roya even more confused.

On the other hand, Altasia's experience is also a mystery.

Gurandal was the last king of giants in the age of the savior and mother goddess. Petra was the first mother goddess in the ancient times. Edvia’s time dates back to the ancient times, but only Altasiya has never Tell Roja anything about yourself.

Every time he came to the majestic palace of the witch, Roja would have doubts in his heart. He did not understand why the owner of this huge kingdom was unknown in history, but today, everything has been explained.

That magnificent palace is really not recorded in ancient books, because it is the capital of Santana, the future unified empire of mankind, and the so-called witch king is not the king of the witch race, but as a witch dominating the entire human world. The king.

Altacia’s experience is really beyond words, because everything involved in the future may have a great impact on the direction of history, and most importantly, she is the daughter of Roja and Lilian, and she is hearing these At that moment, many questions in Roja's heart finally had answers.

Altacia cares about Lilian because Lilian is her biological mother, and if you think about it carefully, when she was with Roya, the girl never called Roya by her name, and she always called her "hero hero." .

In the past, Roja thought that this title was only the unique interest of the witch, but now it looks different. "Hero Lord", this is a cover for the real name and also reveals the fate of Roja.

The last saint of mankind killed by the savior, this is the words of Altacia and the ending of Roja, and for this, the young man actually has a foreboding in his heart, and the source is from the previous shopping with the little girl. Dreamland.

In that dream, although the girl didn’t say anything, the nostalgia for Roja she showed was unusual, far from what a normal child should have. After feeling this, Roja also guessed how much she felt. It's over.

But just as the core of his power is to resist fate, even if he knows that he will fight the savior for a long time, Roja will not give up his beliefs. For that glimmer of hope, he will still fight.

What Luoya didn’t expect was that his and Lilian’s children were in full compliance with the final plan’s God Child conditions, and thus won the power of [Shia Scepter] and became the Gemini God, and eventually defeated the savior, and even took advantage of it. Time incantation, the power of the gods, interfered in the past.

Normally this should not be possible, because the existence of future people in the present will produce many paradoxes in time and space. However, after rapid thinking, Roja understood that the reason why the girl could do this was Altacia. The theme-[Contradiction].

No contradiction in the world can limit Altacia, the paradox of time and space, which can be described as the biggest contradiction in time spells, and as long as it is removed from itself, it is naturally possible to cross time without creating paradoxes. .

Roja’s golden eyes lit up, who understood everything, and in front of the boy, the curse power in Altacia’s body was rapidly increasing. Chakra] emerges behind the girl and turns into a law that connects everything in the world, which is also a manifestation of time.

Endless hatred and anger in countless years caused the witch to erupt completely, and the brilliance that illuminated the world reappeared and quickly spread, sweeping away the savior’s spells, and at the same time, another one was in this still world. The girl who is still able to move also shines brightly, it is Lilian under the protection of the army.

"This is... ... "

"Mom, thank you for taking me here. I'm going to my sister's side."


The girl who heard the familiar voice looked at her body, and the next moment a shining light burst out of her body and galloped away in the direction of Roja. During the flight, the light kept changing and finally turned into a girl's figure.

It was a girl who was more mature than the child Roja had ever seen in a dream, but her appearance was inexplicably similar to Altasia, and she had some characteristics of Roja and Lilian.

When she appeared next to the Witch King, [Xia's Scepter] trembled violently, and the power overflowing in the direction of the two suddenly increased, and Roja's state also changed accordingly.

Through Altacia’s channel, the power attributable to the savior continued to strengthen Roja, and the light of the holy white shined again. The unprecedented huge power circulated in the boy’s body, and as Roja’s power grew stronger The expression of the savior finally changed.

"Damn it! You snatchers!"

"You are the one who seizes, right? This was originally the power Shia left to choose the king."

The golden pupils of the young man who answered softly burned again, and with the absorption of Altacia and others, the savior had to make a final choice.

"Do you think you can defeat me by absorbing these? Fools, this is only part of my strength after all, and... I am not unable to solve you."

A fierce light broke out on the body of the man who said that, and the huge curse power turned into a beam of light to shoot straight into the sky, and the sun on the horizon rose again. In the twinkling light, the savior’s majestic voice sounded, and the chanting almost never The upright used.

"Holy area."

The voice fell, and the world was immediately covered by light. Altasia and the girl around him changed their complexions at the same time, and then was swallowed by the light, and Roja's body was also involved. The light in front of the boy's eyes flashed, the next moment Has been in the dark spiral.

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The moment his body was enveloped in darkness, all kinds of sights flashed in front of the boy's eyes, the human empire swayed in the wind and rain, the many civilizations covered by disasters, the once tribal alliance, and many unseen scenes flashed in his eyes. Pass, as if to breathe him into it.

The feeling of tearing the body continued, but under the protection of the [Crown] origin and the holy white light, the boy did not die in his sleep after all, and when he opened his eyes, everything in front of him changed.

The familiar imperial capital disappeared, and everyone around him was also gone. At this time, Luo Ya was in a pitch-black space, and the surrounding darkness spiraled towards nowhere, mixed with many flashing pictures.

Looking at such a situation, Luo Ya's expression became serious, and he immediately understood where it was.

This dark space is exactly the savior's divine realm, and the role of the divine realm is also very simple, that is time.

Just as creatures have judged the time by rising and setting sun since ancient times, the savior's God Realm can freely control the past time, and all the things Roja saw before are also the past history.

"Oh? It's amazing that you haven't disappeared yet. Is it because you absorbed my power?"

A familiar and disgusting voice came, making Roja couldn't help but raise his head, and in front of the burning golden eye pupils, there was a smiling savior figure holding the dimmed [Xia's Scepter].

[Xia's Scepter] The power in the savior no longer belongs to the savior after seeing the real master, which makes the man's power greatly weakened, but after the expansion of the gods, the savior at this time has no previous embarrassment. , His eyes looking down at Roja were arrogant and full of surplus, and the reason was simple.

"This is my realm of God. It is a place where the sun is missing and a time spiral leading to the past. The two little girls who existed in the future and tried to interfere with the past have disappeared, and you will be broken into pieces at the end of this time. "


Hearing the words of the savior, the young man affirmed his conjecture, while on the other side, the savior looked at him with interest.

"Roya Akat, you are really an exception, even the descendants. Unfortunately, after all, they are not my opponents. From the moment they tried to resist, the ending has been doomed... But I am not unable to. Give you a chance."


Looking at the savior who said so, Luo Ya asked rhetorically, and the man said:

"Since you exist here, then it is an opportunity to kneel down and surrender to me."

The condescending man is like an emperor, his voice is majestic and oppressive.

"Killing you is like crushing an ant, but it is indeed a pity that you are dead now, and the two little girls are also for my use and for my drive, so I will let you go."

"Oh? You mean to let us become running dogs?"

"Yes, that's right, do you have any other options?"

The mocking man looked down at the boy and shook his head, and said faintly:

"Humans, elves, dragons, and even gods, all races were originally my lackeys and my tools to rule the world. It's ridiculous that after you got some power, you actually wanted to resist your master. The end result was nothing but a man's arm as a cart, destroying it. Inspur, this is a prophecy and also your destiny."


"Yes, destiny, an irresistible destiny, just like yours, the end of countless generations of waiting is a void after all, but now, you can set a new example for them."

The expectant man smiled, as if urging Luo Ya to surrender and bow down. In his eyes, the young man had no choice but for Luo Ya, this question had already been tested, and his answer was also related to historical fragments. No two.

"Sorry for the despicable and dirty Shia's evil, I refuse."

A calm and firm voice echoed in the dark space, Roja's body also released the brilliance of holy white, the righteous young man hovered in the nebula, and the golden eye pupils burned silently, just like the fire of mankind that has been endless for thousands of years. Like shining light.

"Humans are not your lackeys, and the races of the world are not your tools. They were born in Shia's embrace, laughed with sorrow, and pursue freedom, just as their mother hoped. When unreasonable oppression comes, They will also follow Shia's teachings and rise up to resist, and our family has never succumbed to fate!"

Under Luo Ya's screaming anger, the savior's face was gloomy as water, he stared at the young man below, and smirked:

"Oh? Not succumbing to fate, it sounds good, but what can you do now? Everything in the world can't escape the control of time, and you can only support it for a while. With the passage of time, you will be crushed! "

"No, it's you, the savior."


"The meaning of time is not only passing, but also accumulation, and my existence here is not caused by your power."

In the man's surprised gaze, Luo Ya's body showed a changing brilliance, which was a curse power that eroded reality, and it was also the light of hope for mankind to break through the shackles and change the world.

In the twinkling light, Luo Ya's body suddenly released countless rays of light. He chanted in a low voice, and the dark space was also lit up ever since.

"Holy area!"