Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 677: Coronation of all beings (5k5)


God's Domain, that is a skill that can only be acquired by the king of a race that reaches Source Level 1 after a long period of accumulation. It is also a product of adding himself to the rules of the world. The king of a race with God's Domain can be among the ranks of gods in ancient times.

In the long battle, Roja has a vague feeling, but because it has not been a long time to be promoted to Source Level 1, he has not been able to visualize this feeling. However, today, I have witnessed the miracle and absorption of Altacia. After part of the savior's power, everything was made up.

In the dark space, thousands of radiances emanated from Roja's body. They penetrated into the spiral of time and space, rapidly eroding the world of the savior. At the same time, countless hazy shadows began to emerge from the darkness. Appear one by one.

The galaxy turned, the years flowed back, and the sound of the system reverberated in his ears, which also brought Roja the name of the God’s Domain—[The Way of Righteousness]. At the moment when the God’s Domain expanded, the savior felt like he felt something. He raised his head and quickly realized a fact.

That is the realm of Luo Ya, and it is also a realm involving time.

"So that's it, this is the reason you can exist here, but what about it? All you can do is to protect yourself, but you can't shake my God's Domain."

"Shake? No, what my God's Domain has to do is not to interfere with time, but to inherit."

Looking at more and more hazy light and shadow, Luo Ya stretched out his hand, time stopped at this moment, and the years were frozen at his fingertips. The hazy phantoms were condensed into entities, which were familiar and unfamiliar shadows of every teenager.

From Roy, who had a one-sided bond, the black long hair, to the serious-faced Vincent, to the stubborn but principled Caroline, an ancestor's phantom appeared in the void and gathered Beside Yu Youth, their bodies seemed to be condensed by fire, like a long lamp in the dark watching the rush of history.

Those are all the warriors of the chosen king clan who have resisted tyranny from ancient times to the present. They are also the guardians of human darkness in all ages. Their eye pupils are burning like candle flames and passed on from generation to generation like sparks. However, looking at this scene, the savior But there was a mocking expression.

"This is your realm of God? Do you think that gathering the power of your clan can defeat me? It's ridiculous, what's the point of the mob?" Remember m. .

"When the banner of justice is raised, fearless rebels will gather here. We are just the first to arrive."


The man who heard Roja's answer frowned, but the next moment, a loud dragon roar sounded, and the shadow of the dragon floated above everyone. Amidst the fearless war song, the giants on the Scarlet Plain also stepped out of time and space. , Highland elves, dwarves, angels and holy beasts, one after another phantoms flashed across the vast space, and finally gathered around Roja.

The guardians with justice in their hearts gathered here and turned into a little bit of light. They walked out of the long river of time. At first it was just a little bit, but soon it turned into a sky full of stars. The spiral of darkness has since turned into a galaxy, the chaos of time. Flow is no longer under the control of the savior.

Under the gaze of the stars, the savior holding a magic scepter looked around and his face gradually changed. Behind the young man, a figure that seemed like nothing began to flash. It was the last ancestor of the king, and it is common to all things in this world. Mother-Shia.

"Do not!"

The moment he saw Xia's figure, the savior changed his color in amazement, and then burst out a violent light. On the other side, the white-haired boy also raised his hand.

When the young man’s arms were raised, hundreds of king-choosers shared the fire of life. They used their bodies as candles to illuminate the way forward. In the darkness, the stars trembled and shone, and the heroic spirits of different time and space gathered here to reverse the time wheel.

In the infinite brilliance, the crown of twinkling light was condensed on top of Roja's head, and behind him, Xia's phantom opened her eyes. She looked at the child in front of her, and gently watched the choices made by these sentient beings.

After tens of thousands of years since the original goddess in ancient times, ten thousand races in the world gave birth to a co-lord for the first time. Under the gaze of the stars, the crown has not faked the hands of the gods, and all living beings crowned him, and the heroic souls will pin their wishes.

Shia's successor is about to be officially born, and on the other hand, the savior is completely mad. Once Roja is crowned, the power that Shia left to the successor will return to the original owner, and that is the savior himself.

Under the crisis of destruction, the crazy gods abandoned the human form and started the final counterattack, and Roja also opened his eyes in the shining star. Fear, only compassion, because he has seen through the nature of the savior.

The monster born of Shia's soul being alienated by a huge power is the real body of the savior, and it is formed by power itself, and this is why he rules and divides the world with power.

"So that's it, twisted evil thing, is this your essence?"

"shut up!"

Amidst the roar of the huge monster, bursting flames rushed toward the young man, and before this attack, Roja's eyes became calm again, he stretched out his hand, the spiral of time accelerated, and the savior's huge body also So freeze frame.

"Regardless of the reason, you have carried too much sin. From ancient times to the present, countless creatures have died because of you, and now it is time for you to pay the price."

In the accelerating flow of time and space, everything around is gradually blurred, and at the end of the spiral road, the pale yellow sky is also revealed, and the ancient and solemn bells echo in the space, that is the sound of pure world , Is also a death knell for the savior.

"The time for judgment has come, farewell, Lord of Sin."

"Do not!"

In the wailing, the turbulence of time and space swept out from behind Luo Ya. With the washing of the years, the savior's body was quickly covered with cracks, and then collapsed, entering the ancient times amidst the bells of the pure world and returning to the original.

The yellow sky dissipated, the spiral space-time passage slowly stagnated, Roja completed the final coronation under the shining of the stars, and the power of the savior also returned to the original owner. The long war has gone through thousands of years and finally ended. .

-------------------------------------------------- ----

In the dark space, the violent rays of the sun gradually poured into his body following Roja's coronation, and the phantom behind the boy also gradually disappeared.

Looking at the ancestors who watched him disappear one by one, Roja bowed gently and solemnly, watching these guardians fall asleep again, and the stars in the sky also brushed by Roja's side, leaving behind the last blessings. .

The dark spiral fell into silence as the savior’s domain dissipated, and gradually returned under the laws of the world. As time progressed, Loya, who felt two familiar auras approaching, also opened his eyes, and the next moment a flash of light rushed. After opening the darkness and entering this independent space, the figures of the two young girls also appeared.

"My father!"

"Well, I am."


The girl who heard Roja's answer was taken aback, looking at the black-haired boy, her eyes widened, while the fellow Altacia felt Roja's state and heaved a sigh of relief.

"It seems we don't need to act anymore."

"Well, thanks to you, the savior has been defeated and everything is over."


Looking at Roja who said this with a smile, Altasia fell silent with the girl next to her, feeling a lot for a while, and the black-haired boy did the same.

For thousands of years, the savior has always been the greatest calamity that threatened mankind. In ancient times, he was the chief culprit who destroyed the world and caused wars.

After his death, the millions of fallen people in the Tucker Plain will no longer be a threat, and mankind will no longer need to live in his shadow. Choose the royal family, the tribal alliance, and the twilight sage society. The martyrs of all races finally sacrificed A new era will be opened if you can look down.

After blinking a bit of bitter eyes, Luo Ya took a deep breath and took his thoughts back. He looked at the two girls and had to accept some facts, such as their identities and... he was taken by his own daughters. Fly this thing.

Yes, although Roja was almost the savior eliminated by his own power, the opportunity for the awakening of God’s Domain was the power of the savior absorbed by Altacia. It would be difficult to say the final victory without this link, but before that, Luo The first thing Ya needs to figure out is another problem.

"This space does not exist in this world, and it is also separated from cause and effect, so... Can you tell me your name now?"

Looking at the black-haired and golden-eyed girl next to the witch, Luo Ya asked softly, the girl nodded when she heard the words, and said:

"My father, my name is Natalia, Natalia Akate."

"Is that so, Natalia? A good name, did I take it?"

"No, my mother took it. Actually... we have never seen my father."


When she heard the girl's words, Roja couldn't help but was taken aback, while Altacia turned her head and added:

"I said, you died in the battle, before we were born, so neither of us have seen you nor contacted you."

"That's it... I'm sorry."

"No, it's not Father's fault, it's because of the savior..."

After a hurried wave of her hand, Natalia began to tell about the experience of the two, and Roja gradually understood the original future of the world in the process.

According to the girl, without the interference of the two, Roja won the [Shia's Scepter] in this battle with the savior, but it is a pity that Roja was also unable to fully absorb its power. Instead, it was Lily. The child in An's belly reacted to this.

The savior who realized this immediately regarded it as a confidant and began to pursue it with all his strength, but was blocked by Roja. In order to protect Lilian and the others and the unborn child, Roja fought a death battle with the savior.

The battle lasted for several days, and the final result was that Roja died in battle, and the savior was also severely injured, and had to temporarily return to the abyss.

For several years since then, Lilian and others have been leading humans to fight against the fallen, but with the return of the savior, everything has changed. The girls who had fallen in love with Roja fought and died on the battlefield one by one, and finally Lily Ann also left the two.

However, everyone’s efforts were not in vain. In a few years, Altacia and Natalia have successfully absorbed the power of [Shia's Scepter]. Although they could not defeat the savior, they were able to protect themselves. Ability, the human situation has stabilized.

"That's why you ventured back to the past in order to kill the savior completely..."

"Huh? No, we are here to save Mom and Dad."


When she heard Natalia's words for granted, Roja couldn't help but was stunned, and then suddenly felt a little hot in her eyes, and she couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Although Natalia is only talking about the future that Roja will not experience, for the two of them it is the reality that they have experienced. The pain of losing their parents sounds like a story to Roja, but for them it is. The nightmare of a lifetime.

Even the child’s pain was not noticed. Such a situation made Roja guilty, and Natalia continued:

"Although revenge is also very important, what we want to do more is to prevent mom and dad from dying. In fact, because of [Shia's Scepter], we have some memories of dad. We occasionally dream about it when we dream. Dad keeps telling us to run, don’t come back...that should be for mom."

"... I'm sorry, I was not able to accompany you."

"No, it's not Dad's fault. It's better to say that Dad has worked very hard, so we can survive and be here... Oh, yes, it is my sister who proposed this plan."

"Hey? Is it Altacia?"

When Roja heard this answer, she looked at the witch with her face to the side in surprise. He didn't expect that it was not Natalia, who was like the little angel in front of him, who wanted to save herself. It was Altasia, who was in Roja. Under the gaze, the witch became a little uncomfortable, but Natalia nodded and continued to explain.

"Well, only my sister's ability can completely change the past. It is also my sister who proposed to save Dad. After all, unlike me, my sister has more memories, and she likes Dad the most..."


As soon as Natalia’s words were halfway through, Altacia suddenly made a move, and without warning, she forcibly sealed the girl’s mouth with a mute technique. This situation made Natalia’s eyes widened, and Luo Ya then Is dumbfounded.

"Natalia, have you said enough?"

"Hmm! Hmm..."

Looking at her suddenly flushed face and sharp-eyed sister, Natalia noticed something stunned, and then nodded hastily, while Roja couldn't help but ask questions after hesitating for a long time.

"Um, Altacia, you are..."

"My hero, don't talk yet!"

"Hey? No, I, I'm not yours..."

"Let me say yes, in this world, I am not your child, and we are not related by blood."


Hearing Altacia's words, Roja couldn't help but was taken aback, Miss Witch sighed when she saw this, and then she explained seriously:

"I can go back to the past because I have taken away my own cause and effect and was born into another time and space."

"Another time and space?"

"Yes, it's an independent time and space similar to a piece of history. I returned to that time and space thousands of years ago. I recreated my body with the power of the gods, and then returned to this world through the contract of the ancient gods. The impact on the world is minimized."

"I see."

Looking at the King of Witches who explained this way, Roja nodded convincingly. I have to say that Altacia's plan is a genius. Although it is very complicated, it can circumvent most of the world's rules, especially the choice of the king. The contradictory point of blood, while on the other side, the Witch King began to repeatedly emphasize the point.

"So Master Hero, do you understand? I am strictly speaking a person of another world, but my previous life is your daughter, and for you, that is a non-existent future, so now I am just me, and you It doesn't matter."

"This, although it seems reasonable, but..."

"It doesn't seem to make sense, but the truth. Then I ask you, how many children are there in Lilian's belly now?"

"How many? It should be... Only Natalia, right?"

After thinking about it for a while, remembering [Xia's Scepter] that the black-haired boy with only one beam answered like this, Altasia nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, that's right, so your daughter is only Natalia."

"...You, you wait."

Looking at the witch who said so, Roja couldn't help but rubbed his eyebrows, and began to think about how to count.

Now Altacia, who is Roja’s daughter, does not exist in this world strictly. The evidence is that Lilian does not have her in her stomach, but according to the theory of soul, Altacia should be considered Roja’s daughter. Or at least has the memory of Luo Ya's daughter.

She seems to be a daughter, but not a daughter. Schrödinger’s daughter made the black-haired boy a terrible head. On the other hand, Natalia, who had lifted her ban on speech, looked at the flushed Altasia and worried. Luo Ya's expression became subtle for a while.

"Sister, you, shouldn't you..."

"To shut up."

Halfway through the conversation, Natalia was stared fiercely by the witch. Seeing this, the girl trembled and she didn't dare to say anything anymore. She could only mumble about her mother's anger and something. if.

Natalia didn't dare to say more, while Altasia looked at the trouble Roja and reminded her.

"Okay, this is the case. Time is running out. It's about time for the hero to solve the remaining problems, right?"

"The remaining questions?"

"Well, you already feel it, she's already awake."


Hearing Altacia's words, Roja fell into silence. It was natural that Roja was referring to who Roja was referring to. It was the person Roja had always wanted to meet but had not dared to see-Mother God.

In fact, Roja had already felt it when he was fighting the savior, but now that he has gained the power of the savior, this special induction is even stronger.

Thinking of this, Luo Ya sighed, raised his head and looked into the distance, his gaze seemed to reach the towering tower through the layers of darkness, and in his ears, the words of the witch came again.

"It's up to you to decide whether to fight or to fight. If we fight, we don't have no chance of winning, but...I have something to tell you in advance."

"Huh? What is it?"

Looking at the witch whose complexion had returned to normal, Roja asked a little puzzledly, while Altasia calmly gave an answer that surprised the young man.

That is, during the period when Altasia and Natalia ruled the human world as Gemini gods, the mother goddess never attacked them.

"In fact, we haven't even seen her. She doesn't attack us, but she never ignores us."


Hearing the words of the Witch King, Roja fell into silence again, his golden eyes looked into the distance, and a long time later he let out a sigh.

Neither attacking nor ignoring, such an attitude has actually revealed a lot of things, and after learning about this, the black-haired boy also knew what to do.

"I will leave for a while."

"you want... ... "

"...I want to talk to her."

"That's it."

Altacia nodded slightly when she heard Roja's words, and Natalia waved to the boy. Under the gaze of the two, Roja turned around, and a door appeared in the dark space.

The black-haired boy walked to the gate and gently pushed it open. Behind the gate was dim, like a gloomy corridor, and at the end of it was a towering tower.

Looking at the sights in the distance, Luo Ya took a deep breath and embarked on the final journey.