Little Tyrant Doesn’t Want to Meet with a Bad End

Chapter 679: Qiangwei's wedding (the finale)


Half a year later, the Saint Freya College, the country of scholars, was full of people, and it was an unprecedented grand occasion.

It is the graduation season of another year, and the students who have been studying for four years have finally reached the time to leave the campus. This is the end of the youth life of many young people and the beginning of their true lives.

But this year, everything is different, because the students who graduated this year did not leave from the college, but returned from the far eastern border.

In the war concerning the destiny of mankind not long ago, most of the students and teachers of St. Freya College joined the army, and they were very different from the previous students after the baptism of the war.

The students on the road do not have the weakness of the students, but are full of toughness among the ranks. They will subconsciously line up, and many people will put their weapons in the easiest position.

The habits of the war period affect everyone, but contrary to the past, the blade is no longer unsheathed every day, and everyone’s expressions are also very relaxed.

Since more than half a year ago, the human coalition launched the [Blade Operation], after the elite team defeated the savior hidden in the imperial capital under the pretense of the army, the human situation has been completely changed.

After losing the protection of the savior, the fallen ones on the Tucker Plain began to rapidly decline in strength. Although they did not perish, their overall strength was not as good as that of human beings, and most of them were currently entrenched in the huge imperial capital.

On the other hand, the death of the savior has also had a certain impact on the aliens. Their strength has also declined, and the number is far less than in the past. Most aliens now hide in the southern mountains and forests, and they fight guerrillas with the fallen. Want to return to the plains.

Under such circumstances, the pressure on humanity has suddenly decreased, the ethnic crisis has since been lifted, and the peace that countless fighters have been looking forward to for a long time has finally arrived.

The students who came and went talked to each other after the graduation ceremony, cherishing the peace in front of them as never before, while the teachers congratulated the students who were already covered in iron and blood when they returned again, and their words were full of emotion.

In a peaceful atmosphere, everyone either smiled or felt a lot of emotions, but unlike previous years, many students did not leave after this graduation ceremony, but rushed towards the auditorium, but not Gather there as students, but as guests of a century ceremony.

[Rose’s Wedding] This is what the students in the college call the grand wedding that is about to begin, and the reason is very simple, because almost all of the bride and groom in the wedding ceremony will be ring holders of the college, and their identities Extraordinarily noble.

The five brides are either the heirs of the great nations or the daughters of the great nobles. As the bridegroom, Roja is the only saint officially certified by the Holy See, the hero who ends the holy war and reverses the destiny of mankind.

Such a wedding is just enough to attend for a lifetime, and for many students, this is a must-attend ceremony, because most of the brides and grooms know them and lead them in the iron and blood years. They fought against the enemy's chief.

In fact, this ceremony should have been held a long time ago, and it has been delayed because of the fierce competition.

Normally, marrying noble women like princesses and princes, the weddings are held in their own countries, but this time the brides cover the state of St. Mestre, the United Nations of Commerce of Rose, the Austin Empire, and the Kingdom of Knights. For the princesses of the four kingdoms of Germany, the problem became a bit special.

According to tradition, there is nothing wrong with Roja going to get married, but the question is-who is the first

As the saying goes, there is always the first time in a person’s life, and the first wife, this meaning is very important to both Roja and the young girls, so when this issue is put in front of everyone, no one backs down. .

For this matter, several young girls were quarreling very hard. After several months of negotiations, they finally made a decision on the proposal of the Dean of Antonio to place the wedding on everyone’s campus, and the time was when they graduated.

A wedding was held on the day of graduation. It was also the first time for such a thing in St. Freya College. The festive atmosphere also dilutes the parting and makes the campus happy. The auditorium is full of people.

Prepare for people to come and go indoors. Princes and nobles from various countries, bishops and officials are more complete than the high-level meetings of the coalition army, and the members of the golden generation are all present, but there are a little differences, such as the best man. On the issue.

"So, I won't get married until next month. There is nothing wrong with being the best man for the president this month."

"You married the ancestor of the president, but now you want to be his best man? Can those from the last era not join in the fun."

In the preparation room, Paul and the dog-headed soldier Jerlock fought brazenly for the best man's position, and the tall Geert and the blindfolded Stewart also joined the battle.

"The president and I are both history lovers."

"I have performed tasks together with the president."

One of the two people advocated spending time with Roja, and the other advocated carrying a gun with Roja, and joined the best man inbound competition with only one place. On the other side, the girls who were fitting were helpless amidst the noise. complain.

"These boys are really... Wait, Serena, you are not allowed to wear leopard prints today!"

"Hey? It's obviously pretty."

In the ladies' dressing room, at Juliana's request, the beast-eared girl had to change her clothes, and beside them, Teresa quietly combed the nervous Wilhelmina's hair.

"Really, can't you really wear skirt armor? This kind of light and fluttering clothes is really..."

[No, this is a wedding! 】

Severely rejected her sister's request, Teresa, who was petite but her sister, taught Wilhelmina seriously. On the other hand, Britney Valkyrie was dealing with the girl’s crimes, pressing the heavy armor directly on the bottom of the box. .

The atmosphere in the country of knights is very happy, but Lilian and Alisa next door are different. The maids around the two girls are very busy, and the reason is very simple, because this wedding is a little difficult for them to dress.

"Miss, this one is more suitable for four months."

"His Royal Highness, this is this one for seven months. The floating white gauze can cover up the figure."

Faced with two pregnant women who are pregnant with babies, Anna and Audrey, who are maids, are busy and feel a lot of emotion at the same time.

Oh, the eldest lady has finally completed her cultivation!

As the president of the Alisa support club, Anna, who had witnessed the whole process of her young master's relationship, was already in tears at this time, while on the other side, Audrey was at ease.

Is this day finally

Looking at the young girl who will soon ascend to the throne as Emperor Austin, and now she has also successfully married her lover, Audrey is very happy for Lilian. After all, she is the only one in the world who knows how much effort has been made for these young girls. .

The busy maids were excited, and Lilian and Alisha had a rare exchange after they both became mothers.

"Has the name been chosen?"

"No, the elder brother is still thinking, do you want to change your daughter's name?"

"No, we don't want to change Natalia's name..."

The two people who exchanged their name and experience were in a harmonious atmosphere. On the other hand, Charlotte, who had not gained anything due to physical reasons, was busy with other things.

"Is my dear not ready yet? The dress hasn't been tried on yet."

"Master Luo Ya said that as long as the eldest made it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it, so I skipped trying on it."

"Really, my dear is messing up again, even though it's not wrong."

Hearing Grey Ribbon’s reply, Miss Elf raised her mouth, talking to herself a little sweetly. Outside the fitting room, the blonde girl was holding a letter, her expression full of surprise and difficulty. Believable.

"You said this letter appeared in the Holy See suddenly?"

"Yes, Your Highness, it was sent by the previous generation of His Majesty Victoria. It seems that I want to invite you and Lord Roja to the hermitage."

Miss Angel, who listened to the bishop's words, opened the letter excitedly, like a little girl who realized her dream. There is no doubt that this will be the biggest surprise she has ever received.

The five brides were busy, with more or less joy in their faces. In the banquet hall, Bruce and Kain’s father alliance was much more painful. It was a loss of a little cotton jacket. The wedding had not yet started. Human eyes were already red, and next to him was Earl Acate.

Kadiya Akate, as the father of Roja, this time he mentioned his five daughter-in-laws and two grandchildren. This time he has won numbness, so there is not much sadness, but he has experienced side-by-side combat and recovery. Cultivation, Chris, who has finally achieved a positive result with his cultivation.

The son was married and the family was prosperous, and he also had a new life. This situation made Cain and Bruce very jealous, but in fact, in addition to these three, there should be one more person in the Dad League. It is Wilhelmina’s father, the Holy Sword. King Friedrich, only because of his age, the old man sat on the side of Holy See John.

This time, there is one party that is the most terrifying. It is the mixed elderly family group of men and women. From the King of the Holy Sword to John the Holy See, to Caroline and Estrede who choose the royal family, the combined ages of several people are sufficient. It's nearly three thousand years.

In fact, if this lineup is really made up, Paul and Antonio are also counted, the age may have to be increased by more than a thousand years, but it is a pity that Paul is the best man, and Antonio is the guest host.

A wedding of this size was held at Santa Freya College, and only Antonio was qualified to take on this position. On the other hand, Antonio also needed assistance.

Looking at Estrede, who was chatting with Caroline in the crowd like a girl, the academy dean began to think about regaining his youth. Besides, Roja's assists were also indispensable.

The academy who was thinking about this thought of the boy who was the groom, and in the garden behind the auditorium, the figure of the black-haired boy was immersed in leisure.


In the auditorium, the people who are about to start the wedding are hurried and cheerful, but in the garden separated by a wall, the atmosphere is leisurely and cozy.

On the lawn, Cynthia was sitting and listening to the teachings of the mother god Petra, while Wood and Rodney fought against Gurandall to hone their willpower.

The three were the guards of this wedding, but in the Great Hall where Source Level 1 was walking all over the floor, and Source Level 2 was as many as dogs, the three of them really had no enthusiasm, so Loyal came to chat with their respective gods to relieve their boredom. .

As the ancient gods who have followed Roja for many years, Gurandal and others, who are better than their relatives, will naturally participate in Roja’s wedding, but the waiting time for the two who don’t need to be dressed up is a bit long, but Idavia and Alta who need to be dressed up Thea got together.

"I really didn't expect that you would be unhappy because of Roja's marriage. After all, aren't you the product of this marriage?"

"That was me in the past! Now his child is Natalia, I just happen to be her sister, and it has nothing to do with Roja, and... if you dare to tell the story of last night, I will kill you!"

"well… "

Recalling the story of the witch stealing the kiss last night, Miss Cthulhu replied helplessly, while on the other side, the mother goddess started the first event planning in her life.

The marriage ceremony is a big event, and the marriage ceremony of one's own children is even more a big event in a big event. In this case, the mother goddess thinks that there must be a big scene, and it is not generally big, it is a big one.

As for how big it is...

"The wedding begins, let Xiaoan manipulate the volcano to erupt..."

"Stop it!"

Hearing the first words of the mother goddess, she had just agreed to the witch's request. Edvia, who came to catch his breath, broke out on the spot and waved her hand to stop. However, seeing the old acquaintance, the mother goddess did not constrain. On the contrary, he became even more excited and explained all his plans.

First, a volcano erupted from [Mr. Dark] and a large "firework" was set off. The by-product smoke and dust were blown into the [Hidden Mist] by the [Wind Caller] manipulating the wind direction and swallowed directly for disposal.

[Frozen Earth Maker] is responsible for cooling down and avoiding the guests from getting too hot, [Swallowing Light] is the lighting and atmosphere group.

The confident mother goddess narrated her plan, feeling that this was the "big picture" worthy of her child, but she did not see that the only audience, Edvia, had a cramp in her face.

what is this? [Six Plagues] Carnival

Looking at [Six Plagues] with six faces in the sky, the lady Cthulhu is one head and two big, she can only say reluctantly:

"Would you like me to inform Roya so that he can prepare..."

"Well, that's fine."

The mother god who nodded agreed to Adavia's suggestion and asked for suggestions for improvement, while the protagonist of this wedding was doing another job at this time.

On the lounge chair under the green shade, the black-haired teenager was enjoying the shade while narrating his experience, while the audience was the tall tree-man next to him.

"... After reconciling with the mother god, the world has moved towards peace since then, does it end here?"

"Well, almost, this is history and not biography. There is no need to record my daily life, right?"

"It's true, but as a data provider, you still have some privileges, such as... Is there anything you want to say to readers?"

"I think about it... probably don't succumb to difficulties, just go ahead."

"Okay, what about the title of the book?"

Holding a huge book in his hand, the vicissitudes of the treeman Cade's voice questioned, and the summons from the auditorium had also been heard.

"Roja? It's almost time to come."

"Well, let's go."

The answering boy stood up, then looked at the waiting tree man and smiled.

"It's called "The Eye of the Recorder"."

"Well, a good name. As a [recorder], I am honored to record history so that I can make my mind clear. I hope that one day it will be useful to the world."

"Don't worry, it will."

Affirmatively replied to the tall tree man, the handsome boy's eyes flashed with a smile, and he walked quickly towards the auditorium in front of him.

The wedding bell rang with the arrival of the teenager, and the voice was full of voices. The bright red petals fluttered in the wind against the background of the white gauze skirt, and slowly fell to the ground amidst the laughter of everyone.

End of the book.

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