Little White Lotus’ Record of Courting Disaster

Chapter 163: The actress is too alluring


Always imitating Bai Qu's appearance and comforting Ling Ya.

But Lingya was not comforted by Youyou at all.

Clutching Youyou's clothes tightly, Ling Ya nestled in Youyou's arms and refused to raise her head, the breath around her was sad and desperate: "No, no, it's not okay, you just said it's okay because you don't remember what I did Yes, when you remember, you will never forgive me, you will never forgive me!"

Youyou: "Eh, what have you done?"

A pair of clear eyes were full of confusion, Youyou looked at the back of Lingya's head, and softly suggested: "You tell the story so that Youyou can listen?"

Ling Ya: ...

[The host is better not to listen.]

The reason why System Xixi said this was not because he was afraid that his host would be angry, but because he was afraid that his host would be forgiven by Ling Ya's few words.

In the system space, I stared hard at my body, my cheeks were bulging, but I heard Ling Ya say sullenly: "I made you eat moldy steamed buns, and I kept arguing with you, fighting with you, I hurt you. Crying, being bullied again, finally?"

Youyou: "Huh?"

What the hell is this all about

"In the end I killed you with my own hands, that is, stabbed you in the chest with a knife." As if she was afraid that if she didn't tell you now, she would lose the strength to confess to Youyou in the future, Ling Ya tried her best to curb the idea of lying, word for word, He buried his head in front of Youyou's chest and said, "When I was holding you, you were in pain, and your body was covered with blood."

Youyou: "Oh."

With no sense of substitution at all, Youyou asked stupidly under the expression of Xixi, unable to explain: "What about you?"

Isn't killing someone going to jail? Then why did Lingya still become a star


As if thinking of something funny, Ling Ya sneered, smiled, and said, "Of course I committed suicide by holding Youyou, right after I stabbed Youyou."

Sensing that Youyou's body was stiff, Ling Ya bit the flesh of Youyou through her clothes, and said in a low voice, "What? Youyou think I'm a ghost?"

Youyou, who was guessed, sneered and smiled, a little embarrassed.

Lingya patted Youyou's back with her comforting hand, and said, "Youyou, don't worry, I'm not a ghost. I just came to this world inexplicably after death. It's different from the world we lived in before, It's exactly the same, except that this world doesn't have you or her."

"oh oh."

It's fine if it's not a ghost.

Seriously, I carefully understood what Ling Ya just said, and after a long while, Youyou spoke softly in the silent atmosphere.

"Sorry Lingya, Youyou doesn't remember anything, but."

A single but word made Lingya's heart arouse. She didn't know what she would do if Youyou got angry and rejected her or stopped talking to her. She only knew that even after she died, she became a The ghost also wants to haunt her all the time.

In a trance, Ling Ya heard the little girl's soft and sweet voice, but loud and clear: "But, don't do bad things again, in this world, otherwise, Youyou will call the police and arrest you."

Bai Qu said that some bad things can be forgiven. For example, Su Ling often pushed her dominoes down. For example, she often pinched Bai Qu's nose and poked his palms when he was taking a nap, etc. But some bad things, For example, murder, escape, derailment, robbery, abduction, etc. must be punished.

So, staring at Lingya fiercely, Youyou said: "You killed people in that world and committed suicide, so you don't have to go to jail, but in this world, if you do something illegal, Youyou will definitely let the police uncle Catch you."

Ling Ya: ...

Xixi: ...

[Host, you, you are really amazing wife, Xixi admires you.]As expected of the one who feeds on good thoughts and finally starves himself to death alive, this kind of behavior can definitely be selected as the most upright host of the main god space.


Finally raised her head, Ling Ya's eyes were red, and she said aggrievedly: "You really have the heart to call the police and arrest me?"


Nodding hurriedly, Youyou is super fierce: "The villain is the most hateful!"


There was tenderness and weakness on her coquettish and confusing face, Ling Ya stepped forward and kissed the corner of Youyou's mouth lightly, and said with dark eyes: "I am very bad, and I will do bad things without Youyou's supervision, so, Youyou You just, stay by my side and watch over me, okay, if that's the case, I can rest assured that you can rest assured, too, right?"


He didn't react at all, what he promised, Youyou puffed his cheeks, and almost slapped his chest to promise: "Youyou will watch you well!"

Xixi: ...

It wants to take back what it said just now, its host is so stupid, it is easy to be tricked into being an accomplice by the villains.

"Well, I'll trouble Youyou then, let's go upstairs to take a shower and rest." Ling Ya bent her beautiful eyes, and wiped away the last tear from the corner of her eyes.


Mu Lingyu and Luo Ting were also upstairs, they slept in the same room, Ling Ya took Youyou to the innermost part of the corridor, opened the door, there was no camera in the room.

"Who will wash first?"

Although she really wanted to wash with Youyou, Lingya knew that although the little girl was easy to deceive, she was very reserved and stubborn in some aspects.

Gently locked the door, Lingya pointed to the two suitcases on the floor of the room, and gently suggested to Youyou: "Why don't you go wash first, and I'll organize our luggage. As for the pajamas, I'll knock on the door and hand them over later." Here you go, okay?"

"Okay, thank you Ling Ya."

There are people who are willing to work, and Youyou is naturally lazy and happy. The toiletries and bath products stored in the bathroom of the room are all prepared by the program group and are disposable. Of course, these guests basically use their own. .

After Lingya packed Youyou's toiletries and was about to knock on the door to bring them in, there was already the sound of dripping water in the bathroom.

Ling Ya stood at the door of the bathroom in a daze for a while.

Then he went to get Youyou's pajamas as if nothing had happened.

When Youyou came out of the shower, half an hour had passed, and at this time Lingya had finished packing her luggage and was sitting in front of the dressing table playing with her mobile phone, and the hair dryer was on the dressing table.

Seeing Youyou coming out, Ling Ya gently put down the phone, smiled and asked, "Do you want me to blow your hair?"

"No, no need, Youyou will blow it by yourself, you can go in and take a bath." Both cheeks were a little red from the heat, Youyou ran to Lingya bouncingly, and took away Lingya, the hair dryer next to the phone.

Ling Ya: ...

The shower gel and shampoo prepared by the program group have the same smell, the faint scent of roses, which fits the theme of "Pink Bubbles".

It seemed that there was still rose fragrance and Youyou's unique body fragrance left in her nose, Ling Ya's face was flushed, and her heart became hot.

And it's getting hotter and hotter.


Her throat was very dry, and she didn't dare to look at Youyou. Lingya picked up the toiletries and rushed to the bathroom, but in the end, Lingya also used the rose-scented toiletries prepared by the program group.

The house rented by the program group has no TV, no computer, and Youyou doesn’t have a mobile phone. Therefore, Youyou, who has blown her hair, is so bored that she goes to bed and sleeps, and chats with Xixi while closing her eyes: “ Xi, does Youyou really know Lingya? ... But Youyou, I don't have any impression at all. Could it be that Ling Ya has admitted the wrong person? ...'

[No mistake, host, the host and Ling Ya have indeed met before.]

'But, but...'


'But if that's the case, Ling Ya is a bad person, huh? '

Xixi: ...

Xixi really wanted to tell her silly, sweet host that every avatar and body she met was a bad person, but grinned, Xixi asked: [So?]

Youyou didn't want Lingya to be a bad person. '

[Uh, that.]

After struggling for a while, Xixi said: [Host, in fact, every creature has both good and evil sides. Generally, the good person we talk about is that he/she can restrain his evil thoughts, do not do bad things, or do not do things that violate conscience. On the contrary, a bad person means that he/she has too many evil thoughts and too few good thoughts.]

'Well, it would be great if someone could eat all the evil thoughts. '

She sniffled her nose childishly, and after Youyou finished speaking, Xixi let out a cry of surprise, and couldn't help asking worriedly: "Xixi, what's wrong with you?" '

[Cough, host, Xixi wants to ask, I want to ask you, if there is someone who can eat people's kind thoughts, it is kind thoughts, what would you think of her?]

Asked cautiously, Xixi was worried, afraid of irritating its host, but unfortunately, Youyou, who had already forgotten his previous life and completely forgot, replied immediately after listening to Xixi's words.

'don't want! Badass! '

One villain was not enough, Youyou clenched his fists and added, "Big villain! Biggest villain ever! Hate! '

Xixi: ...

After being silent for a while, Xixi said again: [Then, what if people who can eat evil thoughts turn bad because they eat too much evil thoughts? ...Does the host think she should continue to eat those evil thoughts? ...If she eats it, will the host hate her? ...If she doesn't eat, she will die, does Youyou want her to die?]

These few questions were a bit difficult, Youyou frowned, she thought and thought, and then said honestly: "Youyou doesn't know how to answer." '

If you don’t eat it, other people will turn bad, and that person will die, but if you eat it, that person will turn bad. Youyou doesn’t know if she hates the person who turned bad, but she is true Don't want that person to die.

After thinking about it, Youyou said easily.

Xixi wrote down these questions, and when Youyou saw Bai Qu in the future, he would ask him. Don't worry, Bai Qu will know how to answer! '

Xixi: ...

Well, it shouldn't ask its host such esoteric questions.

When Lingya came out, she saw Youyou lying on the bed, seemingly asleep, so she walked lightly to the dressing table and sat down to take care of the skin.

There is no way, she is a bit old now, and there are fine lines around her eyes, if she doesn't take good care of her, the face control, Youyou, will definitely dislike her.

But no matter how soft Lingya's voice was, the banging of bottles and cans was still very loud in Youyou's ears.

"Well, Ling Ya, what are you doing?"

Tilting her head to look at Lingya, Youyou saw Lingya slapping her face with her hands, although the force didn't look heavy, but Youyou was still confused.

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