Little White Lotus’ Record of Courting Disaster

Chapter 59: The domineering president dotes on his wife


"Guess how much money we made today?"

Fu Shu pursed his lips and repeated.

"How much did you earn?"

Not understanding why Fu Shu would ask her this, Youyou blinked and guessed, "Thirty? Or fifty?"

Although you haven't calculated the profitability of this bookstore, Youyou also knows that this bookstore can't make much money.

After all, the price of borrowing each novel is only a few cents a day. If Bai Qu hadn't bought this store, they would have lost money.

"Pfft, so you still know?"

Fu Shu had never done such a loss-making business before. Fu Shu pinched Youyou's face, and said in a rather resentful tone, "Is that all you pursue?"

Although Fu Shu didn't care what Youyou did, but thinking that she was worth so much in Youyou's eyes, Fu Shu gritted his teeth angrily.

Look at the bookstore, look at the bookstore.

God knows she makes more money every second than here.


Not at all embarrassed, Youyou hugged Fu Shu's waist instead, and yawned lazily, her sweet and greasy voice was full of naturalness.

"Anyway, Bai Qu left me a lot of money, so it's good, enough for us and Su Duo, Fu Shu, I'm sleepy, I want to sleep."

She has never had any big ambitions. In other words, her life is too easy. Whenever she wants something, Bai Qu will prepare it for her. Therefore, she has never had ambition and enterprising spirit since she was a child. .

And the only one thing he wants to prove himself is to be bound by the system.

The girl took the initiative to throw herself into her arms, which naturally made Fu Shu very happy. She moved her body so that Youyou could feel more comfortable. Fu Shu squinted her eyes, and the awkwardness in her heart quickly disappeared. gone.

In an exquisite and small bookstore, two beauties sitting at the bar are cuddling each other. When Su Duo came out of school in the afternoon and approached the bookstore, she was stunned by the flashing picture in front of her eyes: "You guys, this is?"


Putting his index finger in front of his mouth, he signaled Su Duo to keep quiet. Seeing that Youyou was still awake, Fu Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking up at Su Duo, Fu Shu twitched his eyelashes, very blind.

"Go out to solve dinner by yourself, and I will take care of Youyou."

Su Duo: ...

Why? who is she? What's the relationship with Youyou? Is it a good guy or a bad guy? What is the purpose of being here? Youyou won't be drugged by her, right

A series of speculations made Su Duo terrified, and made Fu Shu speechless. After all, as a person in power, Fu Shu wanted to see through other people's minds. It was a real thriller, Fu Shu knew what she was thinking without even thinking about it.

Clutching Youyou's hand with one hand, interlocking his fingers, Fu Shu smiled at Su Duo, with a strange light in his eyes: "Hello, I'm Fu Shu, and Youyou is my girlfriend, so don't worry , I will not hurt her."

Taking advantage of Bai Qu's absence to get Youyou first, Fu Shu made a good plan. After all, as long as Youyou likes her enough, I believe Bai Qu will have nothing to do with her.

"Fu Shu? Girlfriend?"

When Su Duo met Bai Qu Youyou and was rescued by him/they, Youyou and Fu Shu had already broken up, so Su Duo didn't know Fu Shu.

Looking at Fu Shu strangely, Su Duo didn't know, girls can still fall in love with girls, or with Youyou

You know, in Su Duo's eyes, Youyou is a big kid who is older than her but much younger in mind than her. And, all along, she thinks that the future partner who matches Youyou should be that This kind of tall and mighty, but understanding, uncle-type boyfriend who knows how to take care of others.

The difference between ideal and reality is too big now, Su Duo is very confused.

"Yeah, where's my girlfriend?"

Having no time to talk to Su Duo, Fu Shu looked at the two mobile phones on the bar, and continued to explore with a smile on his face.

The same as before, the little girl still doesn't like to use her mobile phone, set an anti-theft password, and use her slender fingertips to operate back and forth on the mobile phone screen. Fu Shu added Youyou's WeChat and other chat tools, and put her mobile phone The number is released from the blacklist in Youyou's mobile phone.

The corner of Su Duo's mouth twitched as he watched Fu Shu's movements, but Fu Shu's aura was too strong, Su Duo feared her from the bottom of his heart.

When Youyou woke up, Su Duo had already gone to study by herself last night.

Fu Shu coaxed people to eat, then closed the shop and went home.

Because he had just come out of the hospital, Fu Shu's body was easily tired.

So after taking a bath, Fu Shu fell on Youyou's bed,

It doesn't move anymore.

"Hey, you have to go to the guest room to sleep, otherwise Bai Qu will be angry if he finds out."

Lie on the bed and pushed Fu Shu's body. Youyou didn't want Bai Qu to be angry, so he could only wrong this person. For some reason, Fu Shu sneaked in while he was taking a shower. Obviously, that room was super super nice Wow.

"Fu Shu, Fu Shu."

The girl's crisp and waxy voice made Fu Shuqian hook her lips, and she easily pulled Youyou into the bed, and the two of them were close to each other: "Be good, Youyou, sleep well, I promise I won't touch you, you know, I have mild insomnia, and I can sleep well only by your side."

This is the truth, and Youyou also knows it.

Puckering her lips, Youyou struggled to remain silent.

Knowing that the little girl's heart is the softest, Fu Shu buried his head into Youyou's shoulder and neck, smelling the little girl's fragrant body, and slowly fell asleep.

Left alone, afraid of Bai Qu's angry Youyou, thinking about it.

'Xixi, when will Bai Qu come back? '

In the silent night, Youyou suddenly missed Bai Qu and Su Ling.

'And Su Ling? Why is he in danger? Is it like this in all the main god spaces? How did my brother know that Su Ling was in danger? Could the two of them be in touch? So why now? Brother Su Ling didn't contact me? '

A feeling of being abandoned and excluded arises spontaneously. For Youyou who seldom thinks about it, the last sentence is the key point.

'I miss them. '

Although Youyou can be sure that Bai Qu and Su Ling will always treat her well, but Youyou still hates this kind of situation. She knows that they are in danger, but she can only wait here silently, feeling flustered that she can't do anything. .

[Host don't be afraid, they will be fine.]

Wen Sheng comforted the host, but in fact, Xixi felt a little guilty in his heart. After all, he knew how dangerous the main god's space was. Even intermediate and advanced missioners who had done countless missions might perish at any time.

This time, the host's elder brother said that he wanted to save Su Ling, but whether he could save Su Ling in the end is something that no one can predict or guarantee. After all, there will never be a place where senior taskers feel dangerous and ask for help. It's an ordinary place.

And, at this point in time.

It seems that it is the day when the main god space eliminates the hunters on a large scale.

And as for Bai Qu, why did he know that Su Ling was in danger? Xixi gnawed on the cat's paw and said softly: [After we become senior taskers, we will be able to contact other high-level taskers, but it will cost a lot integral.]

'Points again? '

[Yes, host, points are super important to taskers, because in the main god space, everything is exchanged for points.]

Speaking of this, Xixi suddenly thought of something.

[Sorry host, Xixi almost forgot, the system mall can be unlocked by spending 200 points, so let's unlock the mall now, shall we?]

Probably because of the comfortable life, Xixi's chip has become dull, and she couldn't bear to look directly at her face with her cat's paw, and Xixi almost cried stupidly by herself.

'System Mall? '

What's the use of that

[Yes, the system mall of Lord God Space has everything you need. After unlocking, the host can spend points to buy things in the system mall.]

'Oh, unlock it then. '

Youyou is not interested in the system mall for the time being, but Xixi, it immediately spends points to unlock the mall, and then starts recommending to the host, things in the system mall: [Look at the host, these products are divided into props, Skills, food, clothing, miscellaneous, etc., etc., the host can look at them and buy them at will, as long as they have points.]

Directly projecting the page of the system mall on the bedroom in the real space, Youyou opened his eyes upon hearing the words, and saw a large translucent colorful halo in the pitch-black room, flashing dreamlike colors.


Unbelievable, I exclaimed.

Youyou's clear eyes were full of admiration.

His eyes kept turning back and forth following Xixi's explanation, but when Youyou saw a few zeros under each product, he collapsed.

'Too expensive to afford. '

Her points are only a pitiful forty, and she can't afford the tens of thousands or even millions of things. Although, the space bracelet, immortal cultivation cheats, and god-controlling skills sound very grand.

[Hee hee, Xixi just wants the host to see it, and then stimulate the host's enthusiasm for doing tasks. How about it, has the host been stimulated?]

Youyou: ...

The screen projected by the system can only be seen by the tasker, so Fu Shu, who noticed that Youyou was always moving around, couldn't help hugging Youyou's waist and murmured warmly: "Sleep well, I'll play with you tomorrow, huh? "

Fu Shu's body was warm and cool, and exuded a vague fragrance from time to time, Youyou blushed, thinking that this person was too foul,

It made her like it so much.

At ten o'clock in the night, Su Duo, who usually lives on campus, came back with her classmates because she was worried about Youyou.

She closed the door, walked to the bedroom, and turned on the light again.

Then, she saw Youyou and the woman named Fu Shu lying together, as if they were still very close.


Although she had been told about their relationship in the afternoon, Su Duo was inevitably surprised when she saw it with her own eyes.

"Who let you in?"

The strange breath made Fu Shu wake up in an instant.

She gently covered Youyou's ears, and looked at the visitor with displeasure.

"This is Yuyou's room, isn't it?"

A cold light flashed in his deep eyes like ink, Fu Shucai didn't care about Su Duo's gender and age, in her opinion, Su Duo's actions were already too much.

"Yes, I'm sorry."

Stuttering an apology, Su Duo was very afraid of Fu Shu, and felt nervous when she saw her.

"What's the use of apologizing? Youyou don't want to be defensive. I'm treating you well. It's not a reason for you to break into other people's bedrooms without permission. Su Duo. I don't want to see this situation a second time. This is a private domain." , not the living room."

There was a cold expression on the beautiful and flowery face, and when he thought about what Su Duo might see and shouldn't see, Fu Shu wanted to kill him.