Little White Lotus’ Record of Courting Disaster

Chapter 6: Cool scholar


Bai, Qu

Also surnamed Bai, is it her family name

Silently remembering this name in her heart, Mu Qingxue glanced at the cute hair on the top of the girl's head, and resisted the urge to rub her hair to look away.

Ah, what a bother.

The impact of this little prey on her was really too great, even the self-control she was always proud of was broken one after another because of her.

Playing with the nib, leaving cumbersome formulas and various characters with clear textures in the notebook.

These extremely simple topics were originally just a pastime for her when she was bored, but at this time, they became her best choice to divert her attention.

The afternoon classes are over, and there are three evening self-study sessions.

Youyou evolved from star eyes to mosquito-repellent eyes all the way, and she was extremely dizzy.

In the last self-study class, Youyou looked at the several papers distributed by the representatives of various subjects on the desk, and his head grew big.

Woohoo, Bai Qu, come and save me, this place is so scary.

No longer caring about Mu Qingxue being a philandering radish, and Bai Qu telling her to stay away from this kind of person and other issues, Youyou picked up the fountain pen, stretched her head towards Mu Qingxue, and took the picture that Mu Qingxue was writing. The paper was placed on the top, and then began to flick and flick, copying without leaving any punctuation marks intact.

Seeing this scene, Mu Qingxue didn't say anything, but silently moved the test paper to Youyou's side, and accelerated the speed of writing the questions.

Also added the problem-solving ideas that should not have been there.

The two cooperated in this way, and a blank physics test paper was quickly filled up to half. Youyou squinted excitedly, not feeling that there was anything wrong. Instead, Wei Wei, who was sitting in front of Youyou and drinking water, Yang, when he happened to glance at the scene behind, he was so startled that he almost spit out the water from his mouth.

"Cough cough cough."

A series of suppressed and uncomfortable coughs caused Youyou Mu Qingxue and Wei Yang's tablemate Ji Lin to look at him at the same time.

Wei Yang tugged at Ji Lin's arm, motioning him to look behind.

So the four of them stared wide-eyed, and finally all looked at Wei Yang again.

"Ahem, no, I want to copy too."

Wei Yang, whose grades are almost at the same level as Youyou's, will not let go of this excellent opportunity to be lazy.

He has a proud face that has caught your pigtails, as if he is sure that Mu Qingxue will borrow him to copy the test papers: "Otherwise, I will sue the teacher."

Youyou, Mu Qingxue, Ji Lin: …

A strong and handsome young man who is about 1.8 meters tall and looks like a handsome man actually said in a very proud tone that I will sue the teacher. The corners of Youyou's mouth twitched speechlessly. Stupider than her.

After all, she would never say such childish words.

"Tch, you can sue as you please."

Rolling his eyes unceremoniously, Youyou complained sharply, without mercy: "How old are you, and you are shameless to sue the teacher."

"Then why do you have the nerve to copy classmate Mu's test paper?"

Wei Yang, who was bullied by Youyou, was not angry. He put his arms around his chest, glanced up and down at Youyou, and said playfully, "Are you as old as me?"

"You don't feel ashamed to sue the teacher, so what about plagiarism?"

"Are you ashamed, or not ashamed?"

Dazed by Wei Yang's words, Youyou pursed her lips and thought hard, and finally her cheeks puffed up involuntarily.

The girl with exquisite and clear appearance, when she is quietly meditating, her beauty is as stunning as an ink painting.

Those crow-feather-colored eyelashes, pitch-black and bright pupils, white to glowing skin, and naturally slightly curly light tea long hair, every point, every stroke, every rendering and outline, seems to be meticulously carved, deeply confused the human eye.

Wei Yang's body was stiff, and even Ji Lin, who was always indifferent, couldn't help squinting slightly, hiding the shock in his heart.

This school is an aristocratic closed school, and the students in this class are the nobles among the nobles, except for Mu Qingxue.

Unexpectedly, the little princess of the Bai family suddenly became so attractive. Wei Yang's eyes were full of interest, and there was a brilliance on his face that did not match her age.

Mu Qingxue also noticed Wei Yang and Ji Lin's abnormality.

Seeing that Youyou was ignorant, she didn't even know that she was seducing or seducing others, and she was extremely gloomy/tempered.

It's really not good, who will show this ignorant and seductive expression

Isn't it enough to hook her up

She still wants to seduce or seduce others

The subordinate lost control, and immediately the nib of the pen left ink marks on the clean and neat test paper. Mu Qingxue frowned, and her mood became even worse looking at the test paper.

"Bai Qu said that girls can act willfully and unconditionally."

Especially her.

Therefore, Youyou, who finally knew how to refute Wei Yang, raised her brows and eyes, she squinted at Wei Yang who was very astonished, and said calmly.

"I'm a girl, so I can, you can't."

Wei Yang: ...

A good girl can act willfully and unconditionally.

This naked, naked sexism is really irrefutable.

Seeing that Wei Yang didn't speak any more, and turned his body back in embarrassment, Youyou wanted to continue copying the paper, but just as she looked at Mu Qingxue, she saw that the paper, pen and other things had been neatly written Received.

"Qingxue University bully?"

Why not let her copy it.

"School is almost over."

Facing Youyou's silently accusing eyes, Mu Qingxue spoke very calmly.

"Wait, do you want to copy papers in my dormitory, or yours?"


"If you finish these sets of papers tonight, then you can play happily in the next two days without any worries. Don't you want to do that?"

Of course I did.

And if she doesn't want to go through the plot, she has to swipe this person's favorability, so no matter what, she can't push away the intimacy opportunity that was sent.

She has no reason to refuse.

In order to prevent herself from stepping into a derivative plot—being wheeled by people, being thrown into the sea to feed fish after death, she must choose to hug this person’s thigh, fall in love with her, and strive to make her fall in love with her, not the reborn Qu Lanqin.

Thinking that Qu Lanqin would appear in half a month, Youyou nodded impatiently, fearing that if it was too late, this person would be snatched away by Qu Lanqin.

"Go to my dormitory."

She is a single dormitory, which is more conducive to cultivating relationships.


Hearing the impatience in Youyou's tone, Mu Qingxue only responded coldly on the surface, but she was always thinking darkly in her heart: I really don't feel ashamed.

Did someone else tell her that

She will also eagerly agree

There are girls who can act willfully and unconditionally, right...

Mu Qingxue hugged the compiled books and materials in her arms, and smiled faintly after hearing the school bell rang—Since she tried so hard to hint, how could she not do what she wanted and waste her initiative in vain? Hook, take it.

Why is it suddenly so cold

Youyou, who was silently packing up his things, suddenly shuddered.

Summer nights are also sultry and impetuous. There are many stars in the sky, and the entire sky is dotted with brilliance.

Youyou looked up at the sky, and realized for the first time that this is a different world, there is no Bai Qu, only a little white flower heroine system named Xixi.

It was originally Bai Youyou's single dormitory, and the decoration was extremely dreamy.

Seeing the bright red and light red, as well as the obvious shock on Mu Qingxue's face, Youyou scratched her hair in embarrassment, and closed the door with a bang, in order to prevent the passing students from seeing it, and would be even more embarrassing .

The sound of closing the door awakened Mu Qingxue, she looked at Youyou strangely, and said in a hesitant voice, "You, like these?" Although she herself hated this style, if she liked it, she would not be unacceptable.

"Um, do you want to hear the truth or lies."

Mu Qingxue: "Of course it's true."

"Hi, I like it."

Yes, like it.

She also likes all kinds of cute pink and tender colors, but Bai Qu said that in this world, no matter whether it is a man or a woman, there are very few people who like this color, so she can play with it at home, but she must not tell her about her preferences. other people.

Because others will think that she has princess disease and that she is hypocritical.


Nodding to show that she understood, Mu Qingxue inspected the whole room carefully, then went straight to the table, put down the things in her hands one by one, and signaled for Youyou to come over: "Just finish the paper here. .”

"Okay, now."

Speaking of those papers, Youyou immediately became energetic, she moved a bench and sat on Mu Qingxue's left, after thinking about it, she said something dryly.

"Actually, I don't really like pink either."

To cover up.

Slightly narrowing her eyes, Mu Qingxue curled her lips in a good mood.

She brushed up the questions very fast, and the silver-white pen tip jumped and spun on the test paper, as if these questions were like one plus one equaling how many in her eyes.

Physics, chemistry, mathematics, English, Chinese... Youyou was surprised and praised after copying papers one by one. She looked at Mu Qingxue whose pen tip was almost non-stop, and couldn't help asking her: "Is there a computer in your brain?" Computer, otherwise, how can you know the answer without even counting, it is simply better than Bai Qu."

"Bai, Qu?"

Knowing this person for the third time, Mu Qingxue focused on two tasks, while doing the questions, she asked Youyou: "Who is he? Your brother?"

"Yes, but when he taught me, he also had to calculate."

Then he is really not as good as her.

Nodding reassuringly, Mu Qingxue put down the pen with little ink left, handed the last one to Youyou, and announced domineeringly.

"I will teach you in the future, without him."