Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 100: Yan Zhengming held down Cheng Qian's hand holding the sword


I saw that the quiet waters split into two without warning, and there was an abyss of nearly 100 feet wide in the middle. , as if someone's teeth were fighting.

Yan Zhengming rubbed his ears, waved Shijiazi back to his sleeves, and the two of them held their swords and stopped dangerously above the crack.

There was no wind, no waves, the sea water went straight up and down, but the flow rate was unnaturally slow, propping up a steep seawater wall, but the lifeless water waves were like paintings.

The two swords in the air trembled involuntarily, as if they were planning to throw their master down and flee by themselves.

Cheng Qian put the real essence into his eyes, looked down, and saw that the abyss could not be seen.

He had no choice but to ridicule bitterly: "Senior brother, you said that your broken ship will find the secret realm according to the clear air, and it found a ditch?"

Luoluoxiaxiaxiaxiao said shuo =

Yan Zhengming glared at him: "How do I know, besides for no reason, why do I come to such a ghost place, it's not all my fault"

"It's all my fault, it's all my fault, right?" Cheng Qian hurriedly cut off his voice, "What about now? Leave here?"

"Nonsense, are you going to be stuck in a ditch for the New Year?" Yan Zhengming adjusted the height of the wooden sword slightly, grabbed Cheng Qian's wrist, and warned, "Don't let go of my hand."

The two were cautious, and Yujian flew forward, intending to stay away from the abyss before releasing the stone mustard seeds, but a strange thing happened - the abyss seemed to be active.

It is like an unfathomable big mouth, with its dark throat open, it chases after the two of them relentlessly. They fly up, and the sea water and abyss under their feet also rise and fly forward, and the abyss becomes When the moon is in the sky, people walk in ditch.

The time is a little longer, and the hair is straight before the eyes.

Cheng Qianxin said: "If it goes on like this, we will not be able to escape this area even if our true essence is exhausted."

He turned his head and saw that the sea wall on the side of the abyss was extremely depressed, as if it was about to fall over and crush the two of them below.

Cheng Qian's chest felt oppressed and suffocated, the frost blade suddenly screamed, and the sharp sword light flashed, and suddenly poured into the sea tide sword's sword intent, and the sea tide sword in response to the scene fearlessly rolled up the Beimingshui of the mountains and tsunamis. , The original quiet sea roared and stood up a pitch-black tide, and the shattered ice at the edge of the tide layered, forming a dazzling white in the pitch-black sea, and smashed into the depressing sea wall.

"Boom", the loud noise seemed to deafen the entire Beiming Sea, Cheng Qian shuddered - there is something under the sea wall!

So it doesn't count, one after another huge waves were lifted by Cheng Qian and turned into towering icebergs one after another, hitting the sea wall one after another.

Yan Zhengming blinked involuntarily, feeling the water vapor in the air condensed into fine ice slag, passing him like a small knife.

He touched the back of his neck and felt that Cheng Qian was really tolerant of him in normal times.

After several rampages like this, the entire outer surface of the seawater wall was smashed apart. The thin water curtain seemed to be pulled by some force and pulled up to both sides, revealing a huge natural iceberg in the middle.

It is as flat as a cut, and stretches for thousands of miles. There is no break in the middle. I don't know what is wrapped in it, but it refuses to float to the surface.

Is this the secret realm of Daxueshan

Could it be that the mysterious Daxue Mountain in the legend is under the Sea of Beiming

Yan Zhengming held down Cheng Qian's hand holding the sword and murmured, "My blind cat, you can meet such a big dead mouse."

The two of them were each in shock. The next moment, countless thin swords of Yuan flew out of Yan Zhengming's sleeves like raindrops and landed on the ice layer of unknown depth. The sharp sword tips hit the thick ice. , There was a chaotic sound of gold and stone, most of the original swords were bounced back into the air, turned into a pocket of pure air and returned to Yan Zhengming's inner palace, but a few of them were submerged under the ice.

The Yuan sword contained thousands of pieces of knowledge from Yan Zhengming. As soon as a few of them disappeared, he immediately noticed it, pulled Cheng Qian and said, "This way."

The two followed the sword shadow and quickly found the place where the Sword of Yuan had submerged—they saw a small hole less than one person high in the huge ice layer under the shadow of the black sea water.

Cheng Qian was not afraid of the cold, and reached out into the flat notch at the entrance of the hole. Immediately, small pieces of ice surged up in his palm, like a group of small swords, standing on the ice surface.

"This was artificially opened." Cheng Qian said, "Look, there is still residual sword energy in the fault, eh?"

Cheng Qian's hand suddenly paused, and a thin blood qi flew out from the ice, passing through his fingers, and collided with his body-protecting true essence, although it was only the remaining sword qi. , is already very weak, but there is still a kind of rebelliousness that wants to go head-to-head with him.

"Still a magician?" Cheng Qian retracted his hand in surprise.

Could it be Tang Zhen

Yan Zhengming glanced at him and knew what he was thinking, and said, "It's not Tang Zhen, this sword qi can still be so violent and belligerent after so many years, it can be seen that the person who opened this hole should be a great cultivator, and the cultivation base must be Not under you, Tang Zhen should have just descended the mountain not long ago, if he had this kind of cultivation, he would not have been injured by a mere beast to become that virtuous."

When he mentioned this matter, a thought suddenly flashed through Cheng Qian's mind—

The demon queen was seriously injured by the demon king at the time, and she was an auspicious bird, born to fight against the beast, and it was reasonable to be bitten by the beast. The commonly used items for warding off evil spirits and healing wounds, even the softest Li Yun, would not necessarily suffer any loss when encountering that beast, not to mention that Tang Wanqiu was still there at that time.

Unless Tang Zhen's cultivation base was far inferior to Li Yun's at that time, even their senior brothers and sisters probably didn't have Yuan at that time.

Yan Zhengming asked, "Do you want to go in and have a look?"

Cheng Qian nodded and walked sideways into the artificially opened ice cave.

He wanted to repeat the old trick, like in the ten-square array, to jump out a cluster of flames to illuminate the light, but this trick would not work in the ice cave, the flames ignited and soon died out, and it was like this several times. There seems to be no light in the secret realm of the snow-capped mountains.

Yan Zhengming pressed his hand and took out a luminous pearl from the storage bag with wealth and wealth: "This place is not right, save your strength first."

There is an artificially opened passage in the ice cave, which is extremely narrow and long, and various traces of knives and axe can be seen vaguely. It can be seen that the person who came here at that time was not alone. The people who opened the hole were either dwarfs or It was to save energy, the passage was not high enough, and the two of them had to bow their heads all the way to pass through, which made people feel very irritable.

Yan Zhengming felt that his hair was messed up by the ice hole on the top of his head, and said displeased: "When you get out from here, you have to brush my hair again."

Cheng Qian was helpless: "As ordered, make sure to comb along the hair."

The two of them bowed their heads and walked for a full moment before the narrow passage came to an end, but the breath hanging from their chests didn't have time to relax.

This is to enter the real secret realm of Daxue Mountain, and suddenly the two people realize that this place is very strange.

The night pearl in Yan Zhengming's hands flickered like a haunted haunt, flickered for a while, and then disappeared.

It doesn't matter if there is no light, cultivator Yuan still has consciousness blindfolded, and it is no problem to sweep the consciousness out a few miles, but Yan Zhengming quickly found that it is extremely difficult to put consciousness here, and he blinked with some difficulty. In the blink of an eye, the ice slag condensed on his eyelashes fell rustling, and at this moment, he felt a biting cold.

With his cultivation base, he has long been immune to cold and heat, not to mention that Jianxiu's body is stronger than other cultivators. He usually complains about the heat and cold for nothing.

But the cold here is different. The harsh coldness made Yan Zhengming have a certain illusion for a moment, as if he suddenly lost his cultivation and became an unarmed mortal again.

Cheng Qian's hands were too cold, and Yan Zhengming's skin was so frozen that he could barely feel Cheng Qian's existence. Consciousness swept the surroundings with difficulty, only barely able to "see" three feet under his feet, no matter how far away, the consciousness would freeze as if frozen.

Just now, Yan Zhengming was still complaining that the ice and snow corridor was too narrow to lift one's head. At this time, he felt that it was too big. For a moment, Yan Zhengming had the illusion that he was at the end of the world. He was neither alive nor dead, but wandered here alone with unparalleled loneliness and cold.

Suddenly, the back of his hand was squeezed hard, and Cheng Qian whispered, "You can't walk here."

Yan Zhengming was shocked, gasped for a few breaths violently, and the cold breath went straight into his heart, as if he had survived from the dead.

Immediately, he discovered another very terrifying thing. The moment he left, a chill actually penetrated into his inner palace, freezing his entire inner palace. True Yuan, like a sharp sword, was frozen to death. If Cheng Qian hadn't made a sudden noise, his Yuan would have almost detached from his body unconsciously.

"It's too cold." Yan Zhengming came back and whispered, "Is the ice pool in Mingming Valley so cold too?"

Cheng Qian was obviously more used to it than he was. He led Yan Zhengming forward cautiously, while breaking the silence with deliberately heavy footsteps: "Well, it's the same thing, talk to me, otherwise it's easy to get distracted."

Yan Zhengming asked reluctantly, "How did you spend those years in Mingming Valley?"

"The ice pool is very cold, to a certain extent, people will have hallucinations in it, and the essence and the body are very easy to separate from each other," Cheng Qian said flatly, "My soul entered the condensed state when it entered the Juling Jade. The Yuan cultivated in the Jade of Gathering Spirit virtually treats that piece of jade as his body, but after all, it is not born, and there is always something incompatible with the soul, so it is necessary to take advantage of the coldness of the ice pool to put it again and again. For an analogy, the Yuan and the body are dismantled and reworked, as in woodworking, the materials must be constantly cut and reworked in order to fit tightly together.”

Others say that he is wood, but he really thinks he is a piece of wood that can be cut and ground at will - how painful it is for Yuan and Ju Lingyu to run into each other, Yan Zhengming feels heart-wrenching just thinking about it, and holding him for a while is cold hands speechless.

Cheng Qian said casually: "So I guess Tang Zhen must have been here before, otherwise he wouldn't have thought of using the ice pool to forge what this is?"

As he spoke, the tip of Frostblade suddenly hit something, making a soft "ding" sound.

Yan Zhengming: "Look at it, don't step on it."

Said, he took out another luminous pearl. These things looked round and big, and they were all worth the price, but they were plucked out one by one like jelly beans, and he didn't hesitate at all.

The night pearl is like a messy candle in the wind. As soon as it came out of the storage bag, it began to flicker desperately, and soon began to dim, but it illuminated a place under my feet.

Through the dim light, Cheng Qian saw that what he had just encountered was actually a human bone. With their knowledge, no one could have swept it away. It was too like an ice sculpture, and it could fully integrate with the surrounding wall of ice and snow. It seems to have been there for a long time.

Cheng Qian squatted down and was about to reach out to touch it, when Yan Zhengming slapped it open and smeared a handkerchief.

Cheng Qian: ""

He reluctantly took the handkerchief over, thinking that there were hundreds or thousands of handkerchiefs in the storage bag of the big brother, and he could hold back his abuse.

Yan Zhengming: "Is it a real person's bone?"

"It should be," Cheng Qian suddenly had an ominous premonition, and his heart jumped wildly without warning. He settled down and whispered, "It's been too long, and it's already frozen."

Yan Zhengming came up and looked at it. Seeing that there was a short knife on the side of the skeleton, he ordered Cheng Qian to break the short knife from a large ice lump, and lifted the frost on the handle of the knife, which was engraved with a familiar mark. .

"It's the Nightmare Pedestrian." Cheng Qian said, "I saw many such marks when I went to Zhaoyang City."

Going forward, several identical skeletons were lying in the vicinity, and there was no fatal wound on the bones.


Cheng Qian's heart was quietly tightened to the extreme.

"Strange," Yan Zhengming whispered, "You said that this group of demon cultivators didn't stay in the southern border, why did they come all the way here to die?"

Cheng Qian: "Stop talking, be careful."

The word "heart" faded, and a screeching sound suddenly came from the depths of the dark and dead secret realm, as if a sharp knife had directly pierced the eardrums. With a punch, the three souls and seven souls seemed to be shaken away in an instant.

He spun around for a while, almost stopped, and before he could react, a gust of wind rose flat on the ground without warning.

Yan Zhengming fished him back, turned around quickly, and blocked him with his back.

Cheng Qian: "Senior brother, you"

Yan Zhengming took a quick breath, and didn't know where he was hurt: "It's okay, the original one is always stronger than the one you've built in later - let's go!"

The two of them retreated back and forth in confusion. Cheng Qian seemed to be the soul that had not returned to its place, and his eyes were almost blurred. He subconsciously supported a wall, and when he touched it, he felt that the hand felt wrong. I don't know which night pearl looked over, and it was facing a pale dead face.

Cheng Qian: ""

He almost pushed the palm out and smashed the opponent.

Yan Zhengming flicked the Ye Mingzhu out of his hand, adding strength to it, and the Ye Mingzhu let out a tragic scream, unable to hold back the Jian Xiu Zhen Yuan, and immediately exploded into a flying flower in the air.

The space where the two of them were lit up in an instant, and they saw that in addition to the bones, all directions were filled with "people" of all shapes and sizes. Among them, men and women, old and young, all had pale faces, dull facial features, and kept their feet in the air. His posture was frozen in mid-air, like a group of silently hanged ghosts!

Rao is Cheng Qian's boldness, and he couldn't help but gasped. For a while, he only felt that the churning chest was even more uncomfortable. It was not until the bursting night pearl returned to the dimness that he whispered: "Ghost Shadow"

This place is extremely cold, in addition to the body, it can freeze the true essence and even the soul of a person.

Cheng Qian said: "There used to be a soul-eating lamp here. When it was hit by the gang wind, all the ghosts of Guan were blown out. These ghosts were frozen here before they could escape. Where is the soul-eating lamp?"

Yan Zhengming, as a competent local rich man, let go of Cheng Qian a little, and then lighted up again: "Look."

I saw there was a white bone in the corner. After gently sweeping away the ice and snow covering him, a fiery red feather was sandwiched between the two rows of frozen ribs, which looked particularly dazzling in the ice and snow.

Yan Zhengming: "Did you say that was Tang Zhen?"

Is that Tang Zhen

A monk who has not yet entered the realm of Yuan, came to the Sea of Beiming with great pains and hardships to find the secret realm of Daxue Mountain, or entered with these magic cultivators for some reason, or found the hole left by the magic cultivators. , I walked in all the way, I happened to meet the Soul Eater here, and I happened to be injured by the gust of wind just now. I died here, but my soul strayed into the Soul Eater.

But a hundred years ago, wasn't the Tang Zhen that he and Han Yuan met on the coast of the East Coast the same Yuan

Cheng Qian suddenly had a terrible guess in his heart. At the same time, the roar in his ears became louder and louder. He was temporarily away from the wind, but the sequelae were still there. On the side of the ice wall, he tried his best to use the cold wall against his forehead, resisting the groan that he almost blurted out - the turbulence of the soul was really painful, similar to when he split Yuan for the sake of making a wooden sword.

Cheng Qian's temples were quickly soaked, and he didn't know if it was cold sweat or melting ice water.

They fell into the ice cave, and the group of people who had already traveled quickly to the middle of Shu still felt a little hot.

There are many mountains in the middle of Shu, and the disciples responsible for opening the way in Baihu Villa came here, and the scriptures were always tense involuntarily, because there were probably formations hidden in these dense forests, and they were in the air. Unknown ambush.

Nian Da held an old book in his hand, and was sitting on a low-flying horse to read carefully word by word, when someone suddenly casually read the title of the book: "Reincarnation"

Nian was greatly taken aback, the book almost flew out of his hand, and he caught it in a hurry. He looked at Han Yuan, who had come over at some point in a panic, and stammered: "Fourth, Fourth Master Uncle"

Undoubtedly, Nian Da was a little terrified of this moody fourth uncle.

Han Yuan glanced at him without embarrassing him, and asked calmly, "Whose reincarnation are you planning to find?"

Nian Da tried to relax a little bit with difficulty, and replied, "My father."

Han Yuan: "Oh, where did your father come from?"

After "Mingminggu" blurted out, he immediately changed his words and said, "It doesn't seem right, he is a loose cultivator from the East China Sea. He was fortunate to be selected into the Qinglong Island Lecture Hall in his early years, where he entered Taoism, and then wandered around the world to practice on his own. He was a hundred years old. Later, I settled in Mingming Valley and changed my name."

After listening to it, Han Yuan said with a blank face: "Qinglong Island still has this kind of fate - I'll give you a suggestion. You can go to the East China Sea when you have time to find it, no thanks."

The legendary dragon, who almost stabbed the sky into a hole, actually spoke to him so calmly, Nian Da was stunned for a while, and then murmured, "Is that so?"

"Yuan reincarnation is usually like this," Han Yuan said. "It's useless to return the soul to the hometown. After rebirth, the memory of cultivation base is empty, and I don't know who I am, so I can only barely maintain the appearance and personality of the previous life."

Nian Da had a cautious look on his face.

Han Yuan glanced at him sideways and sneered: "Don't be in a hurry to be happy now, think about how to save your own life first!"

Nian Da was stunned for a moment, and the disciple of Baihu Hall who was leading the way suddenly sounded a sharp alarm, only to see a demonic energy rising into the sky in the dense forest in the distance, blocking the group's path in the air.

Han Yuan's body seemed to have changed in an instant, and the whole person seemed to have a very unreal charm. The dragon running on his body was overflowing with black energy, making the four-legged monster seem to be ready to come out.

"Don't make a fuss," Han Yuan's slender eyes flashed a red light, and said, "These idiots thought that I had already won Beiming, and they all wanted to step on my corpse and become a sect of all demons."

He sneered, suddenly bursting out in Li Yun's exclamation, and the whole person swept across Zhongtian like a whirlwind: "Don't pee and take a look at your own virtue!"

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