Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 107: One Sword Frost and Cold Fourteen States


These stupid demon cultivators, whose real brains are only as big as a broad bean, must only be able to pretend to do one thing in their lifetime.

Unlike people, love, hatred and hatred fill the chest to the fullest, and the ever-changing is not enough. A heart can't be idle when old.

Han Yuan's dragon body was pushed to the limit by Bian Xu's ever-expanding sacrificial technique, and began to burst out the flesh and blood inside. scolded.

The inner demon sneered: "You don't need to talk about others, hey, at the end of last month, you were still clamoring to kill people all over the world, what's going on now, the moon this month didn't have time to round, and when I heard that I didn't get expelled Going out has become a saint who worries about the world again. Hey, your face has become more diligent than the woman Guishui, and the style of the devil dragon has been washed away by your uncertain Guishui."

Han Yuan replied: "If the Guishui of any month can wash you away together, I will find a place to become a monk and become a monk. If you eat fast and recite the Buddha's mother all your life, you will stand up for me for a while, you can't hold it anymore!"

The inner demon snorted, and actually took over his body according to the words.

Suddenly, the boundaries between Han Yuan's two souls became less clear.

+ -

Tang Zhen indifferently threw the bird's corpse aside, along with his corpse that was silent in the snowy mountains many years ago, still holding the bright red feathers.

He retracted his hand that was burned by his own puppet talisman, and looked at the puddle with murderous intent: "Trouble."

Immediately, Tang Zhen gave up the ghost that was hurt by his puppet talisman, and his Yuan was injected into the infinite ghosts around him at the same time. With the same paranoid eyes, what appeared in front of everyone was like a bizarre nightmare.

Li Yun had already realized the danger one step ahead. He immediately rushed to the still unconscious puddle with his sword, grabbed Tong He's slender bird's leg, and dragged her from the air to one side like a sack. The opening of the middle storage bag was opened, and he quickly took out a handful of something, and threw it out one after another, and a goddess scattered flowers.

Before this series of actions could be completed, a ghost that was closest to the puddle exploded, and it could pass her by. If it wasn't for Li Yun's quick reaction, although the puddle wouldn't have been blown to death, his hand The puppet talisman, which can only block fatal damage once, will be invalid.

Tang Zhen turned his face and refused to recognize anyone, denying himself in such a decisive way.

The self-exploding ghost also blasted the things thrown by Li Yun into the sky. For a time, countless messy, colorful potions and spells were flying in the sky. The grasshoppers made of large sheets of paper were like rain, rolling out in the air like a plague of locusts crossing the border. There was a whirlwind, and the army of insects big and small bravely jumped from the ghost shadows. Although they had almost no attack power, they were enough to disturb the audience.

In this gap, a bottle of fossil water was sprayed onto Han Yuan's body, and it briefly turned the body of the dragon that was about to be torn into a rock that was as hard and crackless as a city wall.

Han Yuan suddenly became cold from head to foot, feeling that he couldn't move at all. He roared with smoke and smoke: "Li Yun, where are you from? It's fine if you don't help, can you not make trouble!"

Li Yun dragged the puddle to escape, and replied, "I'll help you hold on for a while, what's it called?"

Han Yuan: "The stone will crack too! What the hell do you think, you bastard!"

Speaking of this, Li Yun was a little proud: "Haha, don't worry, this fossil water is taken from Tianshan Rock, which is definitely stronger than yourself."

He even shouted!

Han Yuan: "What should I do if my mother can't change back, and fill a 'Chang Worm Mountain' for the 100,000 Shu Mountains in the future!"

Li Yun sighed with a sad face: "My God, little junior brother, you can make do with it, you're going to be cut into pieces, it's good to be able to live, and you dare to care about what material you are, alas!"

I saw Tang Zhen rolled up his sleeves in anger, and a ghostly aura filled the air, all the grasshoppers jumping in the sky kicked their legs and fell to the ground.

At this time, the puddle suddenly broke free from his hand, and spread her wings to the side of the mountain at an incredible speed. Her entire body swelled, and the bones around her made terrifying noises. About ten feet, in the blink of an eye, he ran towards the figure of the adult Tonghe.

Like an ancient bird, it landed on the flattened rock, on the wings that could block the sky, and the boundless flames rolled up with the wind, forming a silhouette in the gloomy sky, like an indescribable legend.

Li Yun was stunned for a moment, and suddenly remembered the demon pill that was more than 3,000 years old. For a while, his palm became cold to his heart, and he hissed, "Han Tan, what have you done!"

The puddle didn't have time to pay attention to it. The demon king's inner alchemy seemed to swell her whole body into a ball. Her bones and muscles were stretched infinitely. Suffering from cramps, she wished she could lay on the ground and roll herself into a ball of mud.

The sky is surging with wind and thunder, with implied power, and he intends to kill this little bird who has improved his cultivation beyond his capabilities.

The senior brother gave her the demon king's demon pill, obviously treating her as a human being. If a person has a hundred-year-old experience, of course they should know the severity. I didn't expect that she would be a rampage after skinning a human being. bird.

The moment the thunder fell, the puddle had begun to regret her impulsiveness, and she thought to herself, "I am impulsive, and I may die."

She thought she would be in pain and fear, but she didn't. In the fire and thunder, the puddle seemed to see the body of the little bird, she thought, "I should have died a long time ago, if I hadn't been escorted by my mother when I was born. , if it wasn't for my master's soul to suppress me when I broke the shell, and if I hadn't been protected by my master and my brothers for so many years, I would have become a maddened villain like Tang Zhen, or I would have died long ago. ."

She felt that she was able to live safely until now, it was really just luck, enough.

So he jumped into the sacrifice method blocked by Han Yuan.

The tyrannical power of the sacrificial technique surged, and together with the thunder and fire, it was added to her body. Tong He was in it, like a painting left over from the prehistoric era. Tens of thousands of ghosts were stagnant at the same time for unknown reasons, as if by this This scene evokes distant memories of the past.

Suddenly, the lingering puppet talisman on the neck of the puddle erupted with a burst of strong light, and defiantly withstood the blow. The countless delicate grooves in the talisman returned to the bright eyes, as if someone had entrusted the most devious and devious one. emotion.

Tang Zhen felt that something in his heart that had been dead for so many years suddenly snapped, indicating that a puppet talisman connected to him had passed away.

He has long since decided against justice, but the little talisman left behind in the past is still doing his duty, blocking the inevitable death for the relatives who the master does not recognize.

The puddle only felt as if he had rushed through a painful narrow road, experiencing the process of re-breaking the shell.

A mouthful of moist air suddenly poured into her heart, and her limbs and bones were stretched to the extreme in an instant. The three-thousand-year-old inner core of the only demon king who died in history was spinning upright in her inner palace, and Tong He Yangtian let out a long cry. The long crane spreads out its two wings that have just grown like a cloud in the sky.

As she whistled, all the ominous ghosts could not help but make way for this phoenix Houyi, and the true fire of Samadhi rushed out, trying to burn up all the unclean things in the world, and one fell in the formation surrounded by Han Yuan. The huge circle of fire constantly eroded the huge destructive power of Bian Xu's sacrificial technique.

Tang Zhen's brief confusion gradually disappeared from the faces of the ghosts, black energy began to surge in his eyes again, and the ghosts said together: "I have a deep relationship with the Fuyao sect, and it is considered a friendship, and I don't want to take it. You wait for the life of the younger generation, but since you insist on courting death"

Tang Zhen - Tang Zhen, who was surrounded by thousands of ghosts, suddenly raised his arms at the same time, and countless black qi gushed out from the mountains and rivers of thousands of miles, giving people an illusion, as if the world was full of infinite dirt. A little bit of trouble can make waves.

Han Yuan couldn't help taking a deep breath at the place where the demonic energy was soaked, and the demonic energy that had calmed down all over his body instantly surged to the half-petrified face of the demon dragon, and the dragon's eyes were filled with an indescribable terrifying blood color.

Han Yuan barely suppressed his energy, struggled to regain his composure, and shouted, "Go away! Hurry up!"

This mighty demonic energy made people so fearful that Li Yun suddenly believed Tang Zhen's words for a while.

Could it be that the cause and effect of the millions of resentful souls should really be on him

Could it be that there is something in the dark that is indiscriminately fulfilling this big devil

What's the point of that day

Tang Zhen laughed loudly and said: "You really think that the wise and wise master of your faction was strangled by the Four Sages, just because he accidentally went into trouble? Unforgivable, because Fuyao Mountain has been in the Valley of Heart Demons since the ancient town, the pure air and the demonic energy of the world can be balanced. It was released by him in custody and self-stealing. How many wars and famines in the past few years, how many great powers in the world have gone into the devil, all of which have been subtly transformed by the unsealed Heart Devil Valley in the past hundred years - Devil Dragon, to say it, in a mere hundred years, you can cultivate it. To be so diligent is to borrow Zu Yin.”

Li Yun: "You fart—"

The Yuan sword in his hand, which had been silent for a long time, was suddenly dyed with a thin sword light. Li Yun felt the sword's body move, and looked down, almost burst into tears on the spot, and suddenly felt that he had the backbone again.

Li Yun released the Yuan sword without hesitation, and said to You Liang, who was entangled with many ghosts: "That sword cultivator, go on!"

When You Liang heard the words, he took the Yuan sword in his hand, how powerful the sword intent was when it was sheathed. The moment You Liang touched the sword, he almost felt that he had glimpsed a great realm. The sword swept away the large ghostly shadows that stood in front of him.

Tang Zhen was startled, and hurriedly retreated. He was chased all the way by Youliang, who was replaced by a shotgun with a sword, until the sword was completely infested with demonic energy, and it became dim, and most of the ghosts that could not be avoided were removed.

Tang Zhen's eyes changed a bit, staring gloomily at the young Jianxiu not far away, but he was talking about Yan Zhengming and the others: "You can escape the Sea of Beiming, but so what?"

You Liang's pupils shrank.

Tang Zhen raised his hands flat, and many ghosts came out of his palms. Tang Zhen looked at the sword that had lost its energy with contempt: "Can you keep up? Can you kill it all?"

Logically, Yan Zhengming and the two of them really couldn't keep up.

Only when we are on the road does the land of Kyushu appear so vast and vast.

Yan Zhengming frowned: "Damn it, Li Yun just used the Yuan sword I gave him."

Cheng Qian said: "There is a way, I don't know if it can be done. Anyway, Yujian can't catch up when he goes back. It's better to use a dead horse as a living horse doctor."

Yan Zhengming: "What?"

Cheng Qian raised his hand and grabbed the head seal from his neck, and said quickly, "The Valley of Heart Demons, remember? One of the meanings of Fuyao Mountain's existence is to suppress the Valley of Heart Demons. The passage leading to the Valley of Inner Demons, let's go from there."

Yan Zhengming didn't know why he said: "Go to the Valley of Heart Demons? What do you mean, isn't the Valley of Heart Demons in the back mountain?"

"The Valley of Heart Demons is only sealed in the back mountain," Cheng Qian said, "it is everywhere, no matter where anyone has desires, there is a passage to the Valley of Heart Demons. Although this area is inaccessible, the magic of the Xuanwu Hall has not dissipated, you Open the head seal and try it, success or failure is up to fate."

Yan Zhengming knew that he couldn't tell the whole story because of the restriction, so he didn't ask him how he knew about these things, he believed him unconditionally, and opened the head seal with his knowledge.

In an instant, the two of them only felt darkness in front of them, and the familiar darkness surged in, wrapped in the remaining demonic energy in the ice field, and the two disappeared in place.

Cheng Qian lost his consciousness for a moment, and quickly came back. He was supported in the dark, and a faint light lit up by his side. Without looking, he knew that it was the night pearl wholesaled by the senior brother.

The Valley of Heart Demons seems to be different from the last time when the two of them came. The devilish energy that surrounds it is so choking that people walking in it seem to be aroused by all the negative emotions.

Yan Zhengming's heart was stagnant, Jianxiu was accompanied by threatening anger all his life, and he was always more susceptible to these influences.

He reluctantly settled: "What's going on?"

Cheng Qian sank his mood, and said as he walked, "Do you remember that Tong Rushang did not regret the stage and asked him to come out of his mind? Although Tong Ru was crazy at the time, he didn't lose his mind. Please walk away from that stone. The magic valley has been re-sealed, but it is a pity that the crucial stone is missing, the seal is definitely not as strong as it was at the beginning, and it happened to be torn open by chance when we broke the magic formation last time."

Although Yan Zhengming's heart was disturbed by the Valley of Heart Demons, he was not stupid. Hearing this, he immediately reacted: "I thought we would be fine if we left there! So Tang Zhen knew it at that time, but he didn't remind me. , when I was boarding in Fuyao Mountain, did I secretly extract the magic energy of the Heart Demon Valley? Yes, I invited him to come, how could I lead the wolf into the room?"

Yan Zhengming speaks faster and faster. When it comes to anxiety, it is almost difficult to suppress the anger in his heart. He grabs Cheng Qian's arm, his fingers almost pinch into Cheng Qian's flesh and blood, full of annoyed irritability and has nowhere to vent. A faint mark was almost seen between the eyebrows: "Damn, you are not allowed to leave my sight!"

Cheng Qian entered the Dao with his heart, even if his state of mind was disturbed by the inheritance of Qiankun, he was more stable than him. During the trial of Han Yuan, I deliberately showed a bit of slander, and Shang Wannian reminded me again that I was attracted by the painting soul, who would beware of old friends? Calm down, we have to go directly to the back mountain of Fuyao from here, and we have to use the seal of the head."

Yan Zhengming took a deep breath, and suddenly pushed out the head seal in his hand. The stars in the head seal suddenly appeared, as if the entire splendid galaxy was laid out in the Valley of Heart Demons, and all the restlessness around him was precipitated for a while. down.

Yan Zhengming's buzzing brain calmed down a bit, only then did he realize that Cheng Qian's sleeves had been scratched by him. Fortunately, the cultivator had body protection essence, and Cheng Qian's people were much stronger than clothes.

He coughed slightly embarrassedly: "That's me"

Cheng Qian continued: "You Jian Xiu are born sick, and you will explode when you ignite. I know, you don't need to explain - it's important to find an exit."

Yan Zhengming sneered, pressed his consciousness into the head seal, and quickly searched for everything related to the Valley of Heart Demons.

However, the information in the print of the Sect Master was too complicated, and the knowledge of the Sect Masters of all dynasties resonated with him uneasy in it, and Yan Zhengming was at a loss for a while.

At this time, in the mountains in the middle of Shu, Tang Zhen commanded many ghosts to whistle down, and the forbidden technique left by Bian Xu suddenly rose, forcing the true fire of Samadhi in the puddle to one side.

At this juncture, Han Yuan's body suddenly flickered. After all, he is the body of a demon dragon, and he is only one step away from Beimingjun. Even if Li Yun, the nine-chained chain, has entered the realm of Yuan, the fossil water he made can make him It's not easy to stay fixed for a moment or three.

The effect of the potion is gradually receding.

If the petrochemical was unlocked at this time, Han Yuan would inevitably be bombarded by the forbidden technique.

He finally stopped worrying about the material: "I can't hold it anymore, Li Yun, another bottle!"

Li Yun roared in despair: "No!"

Roar, Li Yun closed his eyes wanting to cry without tears, and said in his heart, "My dear mother, can you still come here, Senior Brother?"

As the petrification on Han Yuan's body began to retreat, the increasingly uncontrollable forbidden technique tore at his body intensified, and bloodshots appeared from every scale of Han Yuan.

Yan Zhengming's consciousness was burning in the head seal, and the gossip plate representing the blood oath suddenly flashed - the blood oath was signed by Fuyao Tong Shang Wannian, but the main body was Han Yuan. Han Yuan naturally had nothing to break the blood oath. It can only mean that he is going to see his ancestors soon.

Yan Zhengming was in a cold sweat, but the head seal can only come in with the knowledge of the previous dynasties, and he couldn't even ask Cheng Qian to help him.

At this moment, Tong Ru, who had been possessed by him several times in the head seal, suddenly appeared in front of him. Different from before, this time Yan Zhengming had an illusion that Tong Ru didn't seem to be a phantom or memory, but could see him.

Tong Ru's remaining consciousness beckoned to him, and Yan Zhengming couldn't help but follow.

I saw that Tong Ru passed through countless doors, countless knowledges as vast as smoke and dust, and without a word, brought Yan Zhengming to a gate with a very clear red seal on it. The magic mark is the same.

The door was hidden, and there was a gap in the middle. It was from here that the incessant demonic energy in the Heart Demon Valley escaped. Tong Ru stopped, nodded to Yan Zhengming, and then disappeared in place.

Yan Zhengming tentatively stretched out his hand and pushed gently along the crack.

The door banged open.

He immediately pulled his consciousness out of the head seal, and saw the wind and clouds in the air surging, and the countless stars exposed in the head seal were being sucked into a huge vortex, but after a while, those stars were washed away, a dark door. Appeared in front of him and Cheng Qian.

Yan Zhengming was overjoyed: "This is it, let's go!"

The two jumped into the gate, and at the same time, Yan Zhengming, as the head, tore down Fuyao Mountain's mountain closure order, and the entire Fuyao Mountain reappeared in the world.

In the middle of Shu, Han Yuan completely changed from the state of stone back to flesh and blood. He felt as if countless needles were pinned to the ground on his body. He felt pain everywhere. A cultivator of Yuan, if he dies, will Yuan’s soul return to his hometown?”

The Fuyao Mountain was filled with a layer of indescribable demonic energy. The blood oath and gossip disk in Yan Zhengming's hand flashed more and more frequently. The two flew straight through countless stone steps in the dense forest. The guest room where Tang Zhen lived and the yard fell apart. The yard seemed to accumulate water after the rain, with a thick layer of stagnant black clouds that were stagnant. A big rock was exposed—the icy fire that was cold and hot inside and outside of Zhaoyang City.

There was a corpse inside, it was Rokuro. I saw that his chest was on and off, like a small flame, Tang Zhen actually hid the real body of the Soul Eater in Rokuro's corpse!

In the middle of Shu, the forbidden art was stimulated by demonic energy, and violently broke through the fire circle of the puddle. The fiery red feathers were scattered everywhere, as if a kapok rain had fallen. After entering the center of the earth, Han Yuan found that he could no longer quarrel with himself. The two separate consciousnesses in his body had merged into one at some point.

On the top of Fuyao Mountain, the sword qi of the frost blade wrapped in the wind and frost went straight into the fire of the ice heart, the "weiwei" sword intent poured into the heart of the big stone from the gap, and it broke open a mouth from a corner, "Rokuro's corpse" see protection The floor was pried open, twitched in horror, turned into a black wind, and was about to escape.

"Little dive out of the way!"

Yan Zhengming's sword arrived, and the sword that had been sheathed showed the blade of Zangfeng.

With one sword, the fourteen states are frostbitten, and the entire Fuyao Mountain is trembling for it—

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