Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 109: end


In the vast Shu Mountains, Li Yun, an unusually huge spirit-inducing formation, had been deployed for ten days.

Deploying the formation is no better than digging trenches. He didn't dare to make a mistake along the way, for fear that one bad one would cause harm to one side.

In this line, all those who can still breathe, are all driven by him. Some lead the way, some search for spirit stones, and some help to calculate the formation. After ten days, they are all exhausted, not to mention taking turns blocking sacrifices. Han Yuan and the others.

All the medicinal pills on the group entered the stomachs of Han Yuan and Shuideng.

When the water hole just swallowed the demon pill, he felt that he would be blown up by this thing, but now he felt that three thousand years were not enough, and he needed thirty thousand!

The moment Li Yun announced the formation of the formation, Han Yuan was no longer able to follow the dragon's body. He instantly turned into a human form, and fell to the ground half-dead. The wear and tear was too great, and there was an almost terminally ill look on his face. of death.

However, even so, the lingering big devil still stretched out a paw with a broken heart, desperately grabbed Li Yun's feet, and said angrily, "Don't forget the true dragon flag"

Li Yun had no time to ridicule him, and immediately took off his shoes and rode the sword with one bare foot.

He wielded his sword like the wind, chasing the sacrificial technique that whizzed away along the spirit-inducing array all the way. He was extremely nervous. For this thing, Li Junyuan's rich and wealthy storage bag had already been drained, and all kinds of spiritual things, All the spells were consumed. Rao still underestimated the power of this sacrificial technique.

The spirit-inducing formation almost leaked out several times. Every time there was a breach in the formation, this group of cultivators would shout like trackers by the river. To drive a deep ditch into the ground from the mountains in Shuzhong.

The elder of the White Tiger Villa was injured by a ghost. He was so embarrassed that he had to rush to the front. The sacrificial technique flowed down like a flood, and he picked up Nian Da, who almost hit him like a headless fly, put it aside, and muttered, "It actually happened!"

Li Yun saw it, and immediately sent a signal from a distance, waved desperately, and asked all the people in the imperial object to fall.

The next moment, a loud crash of landslides and cracks rang out on the ground, and all the people who were still foolishly parked in the sky were affected and rolled down from their weapons.

The sacrificial technique seems to contain countless resentments, anger, hatred and despair, flowing down from the high cliff, like a galaxy overturned, and the ground becomes a lake. The unfathomable cliffs reveal hideous ravines.


The ground movement caused by the sacrificial technique lasted a full day and a half before the dust settled. Li Yun was wearing no shoes on one foot, and the golden rooster held it independently, and murmured dumbly: "This can also stop Han Han for a moment or three. Yuan, your kid is really promising."

Han Yuan was dying and didn't speak, and it seemed that he had been caressed by his ancestors.

The puddle asked anxiously, "What happened to him?"

Li Yun bent down and looked at Han Yuan for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Oh, it seems that I may not be able to give you a real keel, and it is still like this, if it is really filled for you, how can you? Don't you want to turn the sky upside down?"

Hearing that, Han Yuan, who was about to die, was immediately resurrected on the spot, struggling as if returning to the light, struggling to smash Li Yun's shoe over: "How dare you! I will not share the sky with you!"

The elders of Baihu Villa freed their hands and contacted several sects in Shu, including Mingming Valley.

The major sects also winked, and the next day they sent supplies of various wound medicines. The group rested in the middle of Shu for half a month before continuing to the south.

Han Yuan consciously cleaned up Tang Zhen and Bian Xu, and the wounds became more and more insufferable. He took the initiative to follow several demon cultivators who dared to rebel, and came to kill one hundred people neatly.

By the time they arrived in the southern border, the demons who gave birth to different hearts because of the death of the Nine Saints had already been stunned by Han Yuan, and they all lay dormant for a while.

"The place where the miasma blocks the road in front is where the evil pedestrians are." Han Yuan said, "You guys are not welcome here, so get out."

Shuideng poked his head behind him and was very curious about the number one devil's cave in the world, and asked, "Fourth Senior Brother, will your devil cultivator rob money or color?"

"Jie," Han Yuan glanced at her and sneered with contempt, "but Jie Se only robs people, not long-tailed myna, you don't have to worry."

Puddle angrily sprayed fire at the back of his head.

"Don't forget to bring me the True Dragon Banner." Han Yuan waved his hand to resolve her little spark, and then strode towards the Nightmare Pedestrian's nest.

He flicked his sleeves, and a huge mountain gate appeared out of thin air. The word "nightmare" with a dragon flying and phoenix dancing on it was like a monster with a bloody mouth open. The dark and cold magic energy flew up and down, and it merged with the poisonous miasma in the forest. It looks unspeakably sinister.

A blood-colored gossip map flew out from Han Yuan's tattered Panlong robe sleeve, and slapped it right next to the word "nightmare", immediately branded with a bloody mark.

The blood mark seemed like oil dripping into boiling water, and for a while, countless pairs of prying eyes rose and fell in the Nightmare Pedestrian Valley, carefully looking at the returning big devil.

Han Yuan was wearing tattered clothes like a beggar, but he walked like an emperor who had returned to the Dragon Court.

It's a pity that it was destroyed before walking a few steps - Shuikeng was going to burn him to death just now, and when he saw his back, his heart suddenly felt empty, and he couldn't help shouting loudly: "Fourth Senior Brother, we will come to play with you in the future! "

Han Yuan: ""

"Fuck," he thought through gritted teeth. "Shame."

- ^ .

The huge dragon shadow flashed behind Han Yuan, and the blue dragon plunged into the miasma in the southern border like a sea, and never looked back.

He will stay here forever.

The group parted at this point. You Liang, who had settled Tianyan's funeral, had nowhere to go. Li Yun followed Yan Zhengming's promise to Wu Changtian and decided to bring him back to Fuyao Mountain.

After Nian Da made a report, he went to the East China Sea alone to look for Nian Mingming's reincarnation.

But in the vast sea of people, how easy is it to find an ordinary little baby boy? What's more, Han Yuan just told him a general direction, and whether it is allowed or not is still a matter of debate.

Nian Da spent a few days in the vicinity of the East China Sea, but was not reconciled. He wanted to find a place to live for a while and slowly searched.

He pretended to be a mortal and asked someone to inquire about a cheap place to complain. He was led by a fisherman to a very remote place on the east coast. He saw that there was a wolfberry tree that was so big that it was about to become mature. Rows of red fruit hung like blood beads, and under the tree sat a small dilapidated yard.

A pigsty is surrounded by a few large stones at the entrance of the courtyard, and there is a pair of couples by the door.

Nian Da was stunned by such audacity, and after a long while, he knocked on the door awkwardly, but didn't dare to knock loudly, like a rat scratching the door.

After scratching for a while, no one answered, Nian Da was ready to leave, and he heard a "crunch", and a man with a big shoulder and a round waist came out.

The strong man stared at Nian Da and shouted, "Aren't you full? Will you knock on the door? I can't stand it!"

Nian Da was stunned by the indescribable style of this mortal, and said casually: "Stop, former, senior, I live."

"Senior?" The strong man raised his eyebrows and said in a loud voice, "Oh, you are still a cultivator after a long time of trouble. I have never seen such a useless cultivator like you, pay the money and get in here!"

Nian Da didn't dare to have the slightest objection, and rolled in smoothly.

And it was not until Nian Da lived in the East China Sea for more than two months that the demonic energy between the mountains and rivers gradually settled and dissipated—

The 108,000-level Unrepentant Stage made the two great masters in this world trek for nearly three months.

There were countless wounds on their bodies, even Cheng Qian, the moment he saw the top, couldn't help staggering under his feet and almost knelt down.

It was too difficult, and the sword light of the frost blade was worn dim. Cheng Qian wanted to roll down directly from here. He couldn't think of how Tong Ru came up in those days.

Not regretting the silence on the stage, Yan Zhengming's footsteps suddenly stopped.

Cheng Qian hoarsely said: "What's wrong?"

Yan Zhengming: "You come and see."

I saw that there was a footprint on the stage, which was stained with blood. Now the blood has revealed a stale rust color, but it has been faithfully preserved by the stage, and it has not faded for hundreds of years.

Just by looking at this thrilling footprint, you can imagine what it was like when Tong Ru broke in alone. He stepped on the platform of no regrets with one leg, and the other leg was still on the stone steps, all injured.

He must be at the end of the shot, and he put his hands on his knees weakly, leaving such a heavy footprint.

When he used the last of his strength to lift his head to look at the gleaming dream come true, would it be as if he was watching a distant dream

No one took turns holding swords with him and guarding each other. He was alone with unreasonable thoughts that he had nowhere to tell. Under the double torture of his inner demons and his conscience, he turned away from the world and came on blood.

Thinking about it this way, although the younger generation knew that he had gone into trouble for his own selfish desires and caused a lot of trouble, he was suddenly unable to say such harsh words.

The imprint of Ishihara still in the middle of the stage without regrets, the two stopped for a while, and took off Bing Xinhuo in a hurry.

The stone seemed to have a spirit, as long as the person pushed it gently, it returned to its place, and it settled down tightly.

The floating light flowing in the middle of it froze for a moment, and the entangled demonic energy around it seemed to have turned into a handful of fine ash, and suddenly disappeared.

I don't regret that the stage is spotless, and I don't see a spell, but it makes people feel extremely quiet, as if people have all kinds of ambitions in their hearts. When they come here, they will involuntarily calm down and return to the cleanliness of being a hostage.

Traveling through 108,000 steps here, it seems like a destination that has survived 108,000 disasters.

Cheng Qian heard the numerous cries and shouts, laughter and roars, and they all walked away from him together, as if a dream that had been immersed for many years had come to an end.

His legs were a little numb, and his feet stumbled, so he simply complied, lay down on his back, and listened to the chaotic demons around him gradually calming down, feeling that he had no strength at all.

Yan Zhengming is also not much stronger than him, he supported most of his weight on the frost blade, stood beside him for a while, and suddenly asked: "When Master Tong Ru made a wish to make a wish come true , I would like to sacrifice millions of resentful souls, what about now?"

Cheng Qian closed his eyes and said inaudibly, "No matter what, that stone didn't actually make his wish come true, did it?"

The bloodline of the Fuyao faction is still broken, and Master Mu Chun is still dead.

Therefore, people still decided to leave one by one, and the world was still dragged into a protracted chaos.

So far it is off.

The catastrophe is like a fire that has scorched the plain, crushing it mercilessly and irresistibly, burning everything in the ashes.

Only the buds of fine grass, after death, still silently sprouted in the spring breeze.

"Withered trees meet spring", like a beginning, or maybe an ending.

Yan Zhengming stood still for a moment and said, "When we go back, take me to Wangyou Valley when you have time. I want to meet Master and Master."

Cheng Qian said unobtrusively: "Go and show them the master and senior brother, your great achievements in turning the tide and reviving the sect in the past hundred years?"

Yan Zhengming: ""

The feeling of being seen through by the younger brother is really uncomfortable.

He raised his leg angrily and gave Cheng Qian a kick: "Let you lead the way, you will lead the way, where's the nonsense!"

Unfortunately, this planned trip is doomed to backfire.

Two months later, Yan Zhengming held a "blind eye" in his mouth and tried hard to hide his anger. At the moment of dusk, he and Cheng Qian entered Wangyou Valley. Arrived at Tong Ru's burial place.

Unexpectedly, the bones that were there were gone.

The two searched for several times on the spot, but found nothing. Cheng Qian almost suspected that he had misremembered the place until he finally dug out a rusty copper coin from under the big tree.

Then I remembered that Tong Ruo had said that next time I come again, I'm afraid I won't be able to see each other again.

Probably because that person's sentence has expired, his crime has been atonement, and he has finally gone with the mountains and rivers.

The two left Wangyou Valley on the same road before dawn, and Yan Zhengming spit out the blindfolded leaves and asked, "Have the spirits of master and master dissipated?"

Cheng Qian thought for a while and replied, "It's better to say it's flying."

Thinking of this, I suddenly felt relieved.

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