Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 11: Han Yuan was really lost


Han Yuan is really lost.

The morning class was suspended that day. Master did not even pay attention to reciting his beloved scriptures. He and the Taoists dug the entire Fuyao Mountain three feet into the ground, but no one was found.

Cheng Qian actually hadn't figured out what the cave was, and at first he didn't realize how serious the matter was. When the master asked, he happily told Han Yuan that he had been exploring the cave with him last night. .

As a result, Master's face changed at that time.

"Exploring the cave in the fifteenth night?" Yan Zhengming, who was leaning against the stone table like mud, sat upright, "What kind of death is he looking for?"

Since the Daotong boy came to tell the master that Han Yuan was missing, Li Yun has been pretending to be indifferent until he heard Yan Zhengming's words, and he finally couldn't help raising his head, carrying a few words with him. Fen asked urgently: "Senior brother, what is in the cave on the fifteenth night?"

In fact, the so-called "mountain cave" refers to a natural small pond in the back mountain. There is nothing unusual, at most the water is a little deep.

The door rules only said that it was forbidden to go on the syzygy night, and it did not say that they would not be allowed to go at other times. Li Yun had been there more than once during the day, but he had never seen any mystery in the pond.

Yan Zhengming turned to him, his brows slowly wrinkled: "Li Yun, I remember I didn't tell you, right? The mountain cave is connected to the back mountain group of demon valleys. Although the demon valley has a big demon guarding the gate, the moon phase on a synodic night. It's special, the stone gate is wide open, and the large and small monsters who are not refined and fierce are inevitably restless, to prevent accidents, the gate prohibits the disciples who have not yet completed their skills from wandering around the mountains after these two nights."

Li Yun was stunned—Yan Zhengming did tell him when he first started asking about the cave, but the guy's original words were not so reasonable. You monster, a little sheep like you, one bite is not enough to stick between your teeth, so don't go around and deliver food to others."

Heavens, this kind of nonsense like "if you don't sleep well, the old wolf will take you away", who can hear it is actually true!

The next moment, Li Yun's face suddenly paled.

He was the one who sent Han Yuan to the mountain cave. He really didn't have any good intentions, and deliberately lured Han Yuan to find the way for him, but he just thought that if he was caught violating the rules, Han Yuan would be punished by his master for copying more for him. Just a few gates.

He never thought of killing Han Yuan, not at all!

Real Mu Chun walked a few times as if his feet were not touching the ground, then bent down and grabbed Cheng Qian's shoulder: "Did he say why he was going?"

Cheng Qian hadn't come back from the shock - he was by no means much better than Li Yun, because he knew that he was not only a half insider, but also an insider waiting to watch the excitement.

Although he was a little indifferent and sharp, he was far from being vicious. If Han Yuan was dragged back and beaten by his master, then he would definitely gloat in misfortune, but if Han Yuan's end was death

Cheng Qian's hands and feet were cold, and after a long time, he struggled to find his voice under the watchful eyes of his master: "Junior brother said that a person who has just entered Xianmen will feel a sense of qi on the edge of the cave in the night of the moon."

Cheng Qian didn't confess Li Yun, because he felt that he was as despicable as Li Yun. It would be shameless to talk to each other at this time.

It's a pity that things backfired, Cheng Qian's voice faded, and the heartless Young Master Yan had automatically filled in his words.

"That clown and eight monsters don't even know what anger is," Yan Zhengming said indifferently, "I don't need to ask about this kind of thing, it must be Li Yun who told him."

Li Yun was suddenly poked into his guilty conscience, and in a panic, he straightened up a little, and defended himself: "I'm just making a guess, and I didn't let him go to the cave, who would know that he was only so few. God dares to blatantly violate the rules of the gate.”

Yan Zhengming interrupted him coldly: "You still have the face to talk nonsense, Li Yun, it's not been a day or two that you have been in the wrong, don't think that if you hide behind and fan the flames, others won't know what you've done - as for that I don't think there is any need to look for the clown and eight monsters, if he is dragged into the group of demons for a night, it will be too late to collect the corpse, and maybe even the bones and scum will be cleaned up by something."

The first half of the sentence is nothing, anyway, it's been a day or two that the two of them don't like each other, but Yan Zhengming's second half sentence made Li Yun's face pale again.

fall+ xia+ small+ say+-

Li Yun stood up suddenly, almost knocking over the ink on the table: "Master, I am me"

He even said "I" three times, but nothing came out of "I".

Li Yun's mind was blank, and he had no idea for a while. Real Mu Chun's heavy eyes fell on him. Li Yun couldn't help but avoid him - he neither had the courage to admit that he had pushed Han Yuan away, nor did he have the courage to face it. The fact that he may have killed the younger brother.

If he really had such courage, would he have already gone to see the cave by himself, would he still need to look around for a scapegoat

However, cowardice may be a trap at a certain moment. If you step on the wrong foot, you will step into it. The frustration afterwards is almost unbearable for a teenager.

Li Yun's evasive eyes had nowhere to rest, and finally fell on Cheng Qian as if he was desperately ill and went to the doctor. He almost panicked and said to Cheng Qian: "Third Junior Brother, you heard, I didn't lie to him yesterday to go to the cave, Right? I didn't say let him go to the cave, and I told him it was against the rules."

Cheng Qian buried his head deeply and didn't say a word. The words were too heavy and pressed firmly on his conscience, making him almost breathless.

The real Mu Chun was already up, and Li Yun shouted at a loss: "Master!"

But before he could say anything, Immortal Mu Chun seemed to be pulled out of thin air by something, and fell heavily back to the stone chair in a slumped posture.

The movement was a bit big, and even Yan Zhengming, who was busy arguing with Li Yun, turned his head inexplicably: "Master, what's the matter with you."

Real Master Mu Chun didn't answer immediately. He didn't seem to know the pain in his buttocks, so he calmly adjusted his sitting position and waved his hand: "Let's just say a few words—Cheng Qian, you bring the old sandalwood material hanging over there for you. I."

Cheng Qian didn't dare to delay, he trotted all the way, took down a half-foot square of the safety card hanging in the corner of the preaching hall, and handed it to the master. At the same time, he couldn't help but look at Mu Chun more.

I saw that the real Mu Chun looked down and sat in front of the hall, as if it was no different from the past, but Cheng Qian was used to it. There is no reason, but I always feel that there is something wrong with the master.

Even with a familiar face and a familiar sitting posture, his whole person was enveloped in an indescribable gloom.

Did Master make Han Yuan go crazy, or did he just hit his tailbone

Without allowing Cheng Qian to ponder, Immortal Mu Chun suddenly pointed at the piece of old sandalwood with his fingers like knives. His hands were pale and old, covered with dry wrinkles, skinny like chicken feet, but his fingertips were like cold springs. Leng Tie, condensed with some kind of pressing hostility.

Only then did Cheng Qian understand that people who have no sense of anger can still feel the power of the spell, just to see who the spell is from. He stepped back abruptly, goosebumps aroused.

Everyone present touched the incredible power in the process of forming the spell, and the entire Fuyao Mountain seemed to be disturbed by him, trembling for it. He looked down at Xincheng's spell condescendingly, and his face was indescribably indifferent.

That's not looking at the color of a dead thing like wood, he is looking at a person, or a person with a bit of harshness and contempt.

"Come here." Reality Mu Chun called his first disciple, the usual procrastination tone was gone, and every word seemed to be a person who has been in the high position for a long time, and people can't feel any resistance. .

He handed the wooden sign to Yan Zhengming, who was stunned by the real power of the spell, and instructed: "Take this, go down to the cave to find Master Zipeng, explain the ins and outs to her, and ask her to help find someone—don't worry, you Little Junior Brother's blood is not cut off now, so it may not be eaten by the monsters in the cave, but you have to move fast."

Although Yan Zhengming is usually too lazy to lose his mind, but at this time, life is at stake, and he can also distinguish the importance of it. He knows that Master has no one else to send. Hearing this, he rarely said anything, neither looking for trouble, nor glancing at him on weekdays. The two who were walking in the mountains carried rattan chairs, just took the spell, turned around and picked up their swords, and hurriedly walked outside the mission hall.

Cheng Qian immediately couldn't care about thinking about what was wrong with his master. In his mind, the senior brother was an unreliable person. The master sent him to save people. Cheng Qian suspected that Han Yuan was going to end his life.

At the moment, Cheng Qian picked up a wooden sword without thinking: "Master, I'm going too!"

Mu Chun was stunned for a while, then nodded under Yan Zhengming's white eyes: "Well, let's go."

Li Yun, who was beside him, was stunned for a moment, but he also quickly chased after him, and begged in a rare whisper: "Master, brother, take me with you too."

Yan Zhengming glanced at him with a stern face. He didn't say yes or no, he quickened his pace, but let him follow.

Young Master Yan pulled out a piece of white silk from his arms as he walked, threw it into Cheng Qian's hand together with the old sandalwood plaque, and instructed, "You're a burden, you probably won't be able to do much, first stick it on for me. of wood shavings.”

The eldest brother is swift and swift, which is rare in a hundred years, and Cheng Qian is also rare in a hundred years without being careful.

He felt guilty about Han Yuan's trespassing in the mountain cave, and he seemed to have taken it as his duty to save Han Yuan. At this time, what Yan Zhengming said, he had no time to take it to heart, and even abandoned his previous hatred, walked a few steps, and wiped the spell. Bian asked in a good voice: "Senior brother, who is the real Zipeng?"

Yan Zhengming didn't get any scolding, so he had to die. When he came back this time, he found out that he was actually arguing with a little brat who was not as high as his chest. After thinking about it, Yan Zhengming felt a little shameless.

So he was silent for a while, and answered Cheng Qian's question in a flat tone: "Zipeng Zhenren is an old demon in Zhenshan Cave, and it's easy to talk. I used to give her New Year's greetings."

"What kind of monster is it?" Cheng Qian asked again, "Isn't it good for Master to visit by himself?"

"Of course it's not good," Yan Zhengming was rather impatient, he walked very fast, Cheng Qian had short legs, and he had to jog all the way to keep up. The answer from his senior brother came from the wind, "Master is inconvenient to see Zizi. Peng Zhenren, because she's an old hen - I said if you want to follow, just follow, why are there so many problems, be careful to enter the demon valley and be a taboo, and let people keep you as company with that kid."

It took a while for Cheng Qian to realize that the master didn't see the real person Zi Peng, so maybe he wanted to avoid suspicion - after all, "the weasel greets the chicken for the New Year" doesn't sound like a good word.

He thought of this, and the corners of his eyes jumped, which means that Master and his old man are really a weasel living in seclusion in the mountains!

At this time, the weasel, who lived in seclusion in the mountains, was not doing very well. As soon as Cheng Qian and the three of them left, he immediately backed away from the road boy, and then collapsed on the table like mud, and then a black smoke came out of his heart. , the thing that had just attached to his body fell to one side, becoming a shadowy human figure.

The hand that had been engraved with the talisman trembled violently, and after a long time, he said hoarsely, "Are you crazy?"

The shadow stood silently for a long time, and said softly: "My imprint is too much, and the demon emperor does not dare to make trouble. As long as those children take my spell, they will be fine. This trip is also a journey. You can be assured."

Real Man Mu Chun had a sullen face, but his figure seemed to be bound by something, and he couldn't get up, he said solemnly: "Although this old man is ignorant of learning and old-fashioned, he hasn't reached the point where he can't see the 'bright and dark symbols', just go for a walk. When you go to the Demon Valley, ordinary lightning charms can protect your body, not to mention Zi Peng's personality, it will not embarrass a few children. What are you trying to do? What is the carrier of the dark charm embedded in it?"

This time, Sombra didn't answer.

Master Mu Chun shouted, "Speak!"

But the shadow had already dissipated like a cloud of smoke, leaving no trace, leaving only a faint sigh.

As if it never existed.

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