Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 12: Two brothers


It had not been a month since he joined the Fuyao faction, and Cheng Qian encountered the biggest crisis in his life - he wanted to follow his sissy senior brother who would only look for trouble, and the second senior brother with a wicked mind, as a weasel. Disciple, go to the chicken coop to rescue his fourth junior brother, who may have been eaten to half his body.

What if the real chicken refuses to let go

What if when they go, the fourth junior brother has become someone's plate of Chinese food

Cheng Qian looked down at the talisman in his hand. After the master carved the wooden plaque, he threw it to them. He didn't say what it was used for or how to use it. Do you have a number in mind

Cheng Qian hesitated again and again, and still couldn't believe that the big brother's broad mind actually had "numbers" in addition to incense, so he bit the bullet again, facing Yan Zhengming's ridicule, and asked humbly: "Senior brother, you know Master What is the purpose of the spell given?"

Yan Zhengming replied without thinking, "Thunder."

Seeing that he answered so happily, Cheng Qian couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Sure enough, after all, the eldest brother has a sense of breath and has learned spells, otherwise it would be impossible to be so confident.

It's a pity that if Cheng Qianli knew more about the level of "one bottle is not half the bottle shaking" of their senior brother, he shouldn't have let it go so early - Yan Zhengming just glanced at them all, and he didn't know what to expect. Sloppy thinking that this thing looks similar to the Lightning Talisman, he firmly gave Cheng Qian such an identification.

Yan Zhengming is impatient to sit there every day and learn what kind of spells and spells. In order to cope with the master's inspection, he perfunctoryly memorizes the general shapes of common spells. .

The three of them soon reached the back mountain together. Except for Cheng Qian, the other two were all familiar with each other.

There is a cliff that goes straight up and down in the back mountain. From the crevices in the mountains and rocks, you can see the abyss below.

Cheng Qian couldn't help but glanced down, and then felt that his heart jumped into the air, and the bottom was too high and too deep. He had never climbed to such a dangerous place before, and his face turned pale first, then he subconsciously turned his head and leaned in. But after a while, he breathed a sigh of relief, and the deep cliff seemed to have some indescribable attraction to him. Cheng Qian took a deep breath, restrained his nausea, and cautiously looked down again.

Maybe it was because he was used to following the rules, Cheng Qian first found that he liked this kind of dangerous land facing the abyss.

"What are you looking at? Do you want to fall into an unbearable meat pie?" Seeing Cheng Qian leaning out half of his body, Yan Zhengming couldn't bear it any longer, he raised his hand and squeezed his shoulders, pulling him back.

Yan Zhengming was very puzzled in his heart, why do these little cubs love courting death so much? He couldn't help recalling that when he was so old, he seemed to be a very well-behaved age, and he had never been mischievous. Could it be that what Master picked up this time were all freaks

Of course, the "delicate" Young Master Yan really had never made trouble. He didn't even bother to walk around in the morning class, so he had to find someone to carry it. The big egg was not enough for him to make a slap in the face.

At this time, they had already heard the sound of water, Yan Zhengming fiercely jammed the mud under his feet on a big rock, and the hatred was inexplicable, as if the shoes on his feet dared to get on the mud, it was an underworld The biggest rebellion.

Stuck in the mud, Yan Zhengming turned his head and glanced at Li Yun: "It's almost here, this way."

This young man was so used to being lawless. His emotions, anger, sadness, and joy could all be presented in detail by his facial features, and he didn't know how to cover it up. Cheng Qian felt that the elder brother's eyes contained some unspeakable malice, contempt, disgust, etc. Wait, it's like saying, "Didn't you always want to see what the cave looks like? This time you got your wish, just look at it, it's blind."

Li Yun's face was so white that it was almost transparent. Cheng Qian couldn't help but start to think about it. If the two senior brothers bit each other, how could he be so small that he could quell the war

But unexpectedly, Li Yun didn't say a word, and took the anger willingly, as if Yan Zhengming stabbed him a few more words, and he felt better in his heart.

Yan Zhengming took a look at him and led the two to the edge of the big pool on the top of the mountain.

"Does it all have water?" Yan Zhengming asked, and then, without waiting for an answer, he said to himself, "No, it's okay, hold your breath, follow me closely, and don't rush down."

Said that Yan Zhengming was very disgusted and helpless, as if being forced to touch dog shit, he grabbed Cheng Qian's wrist with disgust.

Cheng Qian has grown up to this age and has never touched such a pair of hands. This is more meticulous than anyone he has ever seen—even the little girl who combed her senior brother's hair. There is only a little bit of grip on the sword. The inconspicuous little cocoon is not thick, which shows that this product is not very willing to work hard at ordinary times.

Besides, he didn't even have half a small barb in his hand.

But then, Cheng Qian was dragged into the water by this fair and beautiful hand.

The water was so cold that Cheng Qian could hardly hold his breath. Surrounded by the splashes of foam that the three of them jumped down, people couldn't find Bei for a while. Cheng Qian hugged the wooden sign tightly in his arms. Yan Zhengming pulled him forward without distinguishing between north, south, east and west.

Soon, a boulder blocked the way for the three of them.

Yan Zhengming tugged Cheng Qian's sleeve and used his sleeve as a rag to wipe off the moss and water plants on the stone. Only then did he find a small Big Dipper on the stone surface. He gestured a few times at the mouth of the spoon, and then Aim somewhere and press down with your thumb.

If anyone is familiar with astrology, they will know that the position Yan Zhengming pressed is exactly where Beichen is in the night sky, and then only hear a loud "bang", the stone gate opened wide, and Cheng Qian was almost swept away by the huge current, his hands and feet were swept away. He hugged Shimen on the ground and rushed forward with all his might.

Immediately, Cheng Qian was surprised to find that his feet were on the ground.

There is a slender passage behind the Dashimen, running through the water, as if there is something invisible and intangible, isolating the water, like a transparent pipe, straight into the bottom of the water, the water droplets on Cheng Qian's body fell, It silently re-merged into the water, and the splash was blocked from splashing.

And at their feet is a row of stone steps that are only for one person to pass, winding down into the valley where the bottom can't be seen.

Yan Zhengming held his fancy sword in his hand, and he could see that he probably didn't want to offend anyone, and even though he was very alert, he still didn't draw the sword out.

The stone steps seemed to never end, and as they went deeper, the surroundings became more and more gloomy and unbearable.

Li Yun, who was silent along the way, finally couldn't help but speak: "How did his little junior brother come down? How could he have the courage to go so deep in such a place alone?"

This also asked Cheng Qian's question, because in his limited understanding, Han Yuan, the dog-afraid coward, never had such a heroic exploration spirit, even for the sake of anger.

"Nonsense, in the syzygy night, thousands of demons face the moon, and the stone gates are wide open. Of course, the valley will not be like this."

A word slapped the mouths of the two of them, and Li Yun and Cheng Qian, who were "but brainless", were speechless.

Suddenly, Yan Zhengming stopped unprepared, and Cheng Qian, who was following behind him, didn't stay, and bumped into it.

He was only as big as Yan Zhengming's chest, so Yan Zhengming reached out his hand without much effort and stopped him by his side.

The scent of orchid flowers on the eldest brother's body, which could not be washed down by the cold pool water, almost choked Cheng Qian out of a sneeze, and then he heard a "squeak", and when he lowered his head, he found that the eldest brother had smeared his half with algae and dirt. The sleeves were torn off.

In this regard, the senior brother justly disliked and said: "Why are you still carrying it? You don't think it's dirty."

As if Cheng Qian's sleeves were not soiled by him!

Mo Mingqi was forced to do "broken sleeves", and Cheng Qian suddenly felt that the big brother was not so much like a big girl - if there were such a **** girl in the world, I am afraid that in the future, I would not be able to marry anyway.

The stone steps had reached the end at an unknown time, and what stood in front of them was a hole as tall as two people. The two large stone doors that should be closed were open, revealing a dark and dark corner inside.

"Strange," Yan Zhengming whispered, "Zipeng Zhenren didn't close the door?"

Humans and monsters have different paths. Yan Zhengming himself hates hairy birds and beasts, so he pushes himself to others, feeling that this hairless one would not be too popular here, and the mountain cave is not a good place to come. Today is unusual and even more It made Yan Zhengming, who had never been heartless, also a little uneasy.

Yan Zhengming hesitated for a moment, and walked in along the opening of the stone gate. A sweet fragrance came to his face, but his busy and delicate nose still smelled a faint fishy smell.

There was a chicken feather engraved on the stone wall of the inner door, but at this time, the mark was very faint, and the tail was almost unclear. People with no common sense can guess that the owner of the imprint may not be very good. The question is whether she is dying, or is she killed by someone

Zipeng Zhenren is a big demon with more than 800 years of Taoism, and it is widely used. It should not be allowed to sneak in quietly like this. Yan Zhengming was cautious and did not make a sound.

He turned his head and made a "quiet" gesture to the two disgusting junior and junior brothers behind him. He tiptoed to a locked stone door inside, and tried to screw on the upper mechanism.

Halfway through the screw, he remembered something again, moved for a while, and roared at Li Yun and Cheng Qian's nose, not the nose, the eyes, or the eyes: "Hide away, you have no eyesight, are you a target there?"

Cheng Qian and Li Yun immediately retreated to both sides.

Yan Zhengming screwed the mechanism to the end, only to hear a sour "squeak" sound, Shimen let out a hoarse moan, the goose bumps on Cheng Qian's arm suddenly appeared, and the smell of blood continued. At his forehead, he heard an ominous wind sound, and before he had time to give a warning, Cheng Qian's eyes had already caught a flash of sword light.

The senior brother took out his sword, it was a real sword, the sword light was bright, almost scorching eyes, and a cold air flow followed his sword light, and was mobilized by him, and set off in the small stone gate. a vortex.

It's a pity that in the eyes of the big demon, the power of the young man is just ants shaking the tree. Yan Zhengming's sword has not been pulled out. He has already felt the huge shock of the tiger's mouth. The impact, before he could react, the hand holding the sword had involuntarily loosened.

With a "chuck" sound, the sword fell to the ground, Yan Zhengming took seven or eight steps back, and the hand that held the sword just now was almost unconscious.

The three teenagers looked down in disbelief, and saw a feather that knocked it flying beside the bright cold light sword.

The terrifying silence permeated, and Cheng Qian saw that the senior brother's face was extremely ugly.

After a long time, Yan Zhengming frowned, flicked the dirt on his body, and said, "The younger generation, Fuyao faction Yan Zhengming, was ordered by the tutor to come to see the real Zipeng."

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