Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 2: Recognize the master


Cheng Qian followed the real Mu Chun and left.

The real Mu Chun is like a haggard, so thin that three tendons rest on a head, a shaky hat is buckled on his head, and Cheng Qian is led by one hand, just like a grass class leader who is performing in the rivers and lakes leading his newly abducted little boy. attendant.

Cheng Qian still looks like a child, but he already has the heart of a teenager.

He walked silently, but in the end he couldn't help but look back.

He saw that his mother was carrying a ragged basket behind him. In the basket was his sleeping little brother. Outside the basket was his mother's crying and blurred face, while his father bowed his head and stood silently on the side, sighing or guilt. Looking up at him one more time, he became a gray shadow.

Cheng Qian withdrew his eyes with little nostalgia, the vague road ahead seemed like a boundless night, and he held the thin hand of his master, as if he was holding a lamp like a Cheng family heirloom - even if there was a "fairy" ” prefix, it still can only illuminate a few inches of halo under the feet, which is not useful.

There are generally two ways to travel, one is called "travel" and the other is called "flowing".

Cheng Qian followed his master, not to mention the wind meal and sleeping in the open air, but also to be told nonsense by the old guy, it is really not even worthy of "running".

Cheng Qian had also heard about cultivating immortals and seeking the Tao.

There were so many people in the world who wanted to knock on Xianmen's gate, like crucian carp crossing the river.

In the time of the emperor, the sects of all sizes were like toads in the river pit after the rain. What kind of Zhang San, Li, Si Wang and Er Ma Zi, as long as the family is prosperous and there is no shortage of cubs, all of them will be in a hurry to ask for a relationship and send them to a sect to ask the immortals and learn something. Other than that, "Broken boulders in the chest" and other handle styles, I haven't seen anyone really come up with anything.

At that time, there were more alchemists than cooks, and more people chanting sutras than farming. Even for several years, no one was serious about reading and practicing martial arts, leaving swindlers who were not involved in production running around.

It is said that at the time when the question of immortality was the most popular, the territory of a county was no more than ten miles and eight villages. From the east to the west, there were as many as twenty sects of immortality, and they bought half of the new and old bullshit from small merchants and hawkers. If you have a mind, you dare to collect money and recruit people under the banner of cultivating immortals.

If these people can really fly to the sky, I don't know if Nantianmen can hold so many cats and dogs.

Even the mountain bandits who robbed their homes have to follow suit, and they will rename the original "Black Tiger Village" and "Hungry Wolf Gang" to "Qingfeng View" and "Xuanxin Pavilion", and then bring in some "French Pots". "Open your mouth to breathe fire" and other tricks, before robbing the road, you will perform a gibberish, bluffing passers-by to give generously.

The first emperor was born in the army, and he was a rough-tempered man. He felt that if the people continued to cultivate in such a smoky manner, it would be impossible to win the country. Therefore, an edict was issued to arrest all these "immortals" who were running rampant in the countryside, no matter what. True or false immortals, all will be distributed to the army.

Before this earth-shattering decree had time to leave the palace, all the important officials of the dynasty heard the wind, and a group of people were so frightened that they rolled out of their beds overnight, and ran to the front of the hall to line up - the officials and the juniors were in front, The finale of the official university is to be killed one by one on the front pillar of the main hall, in order to seek death advice, lest the emperor offend the immortal and destroy the country.

The emperor can't let the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty really go to the ground, and the dragon pillar can't stand it either.

The late emperor was forced to resign, so he had no choice but to withdraw his life. The next day, he ordered Qin Tianjian to separate a "Tianyan Division", under the direct supervision of the Taishi order, and asked a few real people to sit in the office, and stipulated that in the future, the big and small fairy gates , they must be reported to the Tianyan Division for verification. After verifying the authenticity and falsehood, they will issue an iron scroll before they can recruit disciples. Private private sects are prohibited.

Of course, the great power of Yangyang traverses Kyushu, thousands of miles from east to west, and there is no communication between north and south. If you want to ban it, it is impossible. There are still loopholes in a one-size-fits-all decree, not to mention this kind of sloppy decree.

The court can't even clear up the robbers and abductors, how can it be that Xianmen recruits disciples

True immortals don't take the emperor in the eyes of the old man, what should they do, the guilty liars have somewhat restrained, but the restraint is limited - what is iron and copper, it is not impossible to fake.

However, the painstaking efforts of the late emperor were not in vain. After several tossing, checking, and purging, although the results were minimal, the enthusiasm of the people for cultivating immortals was greatly weakened. In addition, the neighbors were far and near. , After a long time, everyone will farm the land, and the sheep will herd the sheep, and they will not daydream much.

Now that you are on the throne, the folk culture of immortality is still lingering, but the madness has passed. Today, you know that when the water is clear, there will be no fish. Most of those liars who use immortality in the name of liar turn a blind eye. People do not raise officials and do not investigate.

Cheng Qian heard Lao Tongsheng talk about these causes and consequences once, so in his eyes, the stick that was holding him was a pure stick, at best a stick for root canal rice, and there was really nothing worthy of special respect.

The mallet-like Mu Chun stroked his shaky moustache and said nonsense: "My name is 'Fuyao', little thing, do you know what Fuyao is?"

Lao Tongsheng hated these things, and naturally refused to talk about them. Cheng Qian was inspired by it and was somewhat affected, so he was full of disdain, and he forced himself to act as if he was listening.

Mu Chun raised his hand and pointed in front of Cheng Qian. His finger seemed to bring some spiritual knowledge. Everywhere, he saw a gust of wind rising for no reason, swirling, rolling the ground with dry grass and flying straight up. There was a sharp line of yellow on the leaves, illuminated by a lightning bolt from the sky, almost blinding Cheng Qian.

This strangely chaotic Lingtong finger stunned the little boy.

Mu Chun himself didn't expect this change, he was stunned for a moment, but when he saw that he had frightened this cold-hearted brat, he retracted his hand again.

He put his thin hands into his sleeves, and said leisurely, "Pengzhi migrated to Nanming, the water hits three thousand li, and the one who swayed up was ninety thousand li, and the one who went to rest in six months was invisible and boundless. But to revolve around the wind, it is deep when it comes, it is boundless where it goes, this is 'fuyao', do you understand?"

Of course, Cheng Qian didn't understand. In his small chest, the reverence for the unknown power and the disapproval of these sidelines were entangled with each other, and it was hard to separate. In the end, with the disapproval of his master, he put Mu Chun with him. The broken lamp on the wall of the house was placed in the same position, and he nodded ignorantly.

Mu Chun cocked his beard proudly, and was about to take advantage of it again, but who knew that God would not give him any more face, he didn't have time to open his mouth again, and the cowhide had leaked out just now - only after the thunder had passed, A gust of wind suddenly and aggressively slapped the face, turning the bonfire in front of the master and apprentice into a pile of dead ashes, followed by a gust of wind, lightning and thunder hoisted their voices, and shouted from the west. Bad weather.

Mu Chun couldn't care less about pretending to be a ghost, and shouted, "No, it's raining heavily."

Said, he jumped up, carried the luggage with one hand, Cheng Qian with the other, took two legs like reed sticks, took small steps like a long-necked pheasant, and fled.

It's a pity that the rain came too fast, even the long-necked pheasant could not avoid the fate of becoming a chicken.

Mu Chun carried Cheng Qian in his arms, and took off his soaked shirt, which was better than the little boy who had nowhere to cover his arms. Big, oh, where are you going to hide?"

Cheng Qian has sent countless animals and birds to travel in his life - but this is probably the most bumpy and nonsense one he has ever sat on.

The sound of wind, rain, thunder and lightning mixed with Master's roaring noise. His head was covered with Master's robe, his eyes were darkened, but he could smell an indescribable woody fragrance on the sleeves of the robe.

The master put one arm around his chest, freeing up one hand, always protecting the top of Cheng Qian's head. The clear bones on the old man's body caused him pain, but the embrace and protection were genuine.

For some reason, even though the long-necked chicken had just fooled him outright, Cheng Qian seemed to have a natural affinity for him.

Cheng Qian put on Mu Chun's coat, silently peeping at the soaked master in the rain through the gap in his clothes, enjoying the treatment that a child deserves for the first time in his life. He savored it carefully for a moment, willingly recognized the master, and made up his mind - even if the master was full of bullshit, he would forgive him.

Cheng Qian rode a scrawny master, and finally arrived at a dilapidated Taoist temple wet and wet.

The large-scale "Qingdao" during the Emperor Xiandi era cleaned up many pheasant sects, and left many Taoist temples of the pheasant sect, which later became the place for homeless beggars and travelers who missed their destinations.

Cheng Qian broke out a small head from Mu Chun's jacket, and as soon as he raised his head, he met the Daxian enshrined in the Taoist temple. Wearing two buns, with a cake face but no neck, his face is full of flesh, with a circle of red cheeks on each of his left and right cheeks, and a large mouth opened below, and his teeth are full of jagged teeth.

Naturally, the master saw it too, and hurriedly raised his claws to cover Cheng Qian's eyes, angrily criticizing: "Peach red jacket and green robe, alas, it's so unreasonable to eat and worship here in such a lewd attire!"

The young Cheng Qian was a little shocked because of his limited knowledge.

Mu Chun said righteously: "A person who cultivates is pure in heart and has few desires. He must always pay attention to his words and deeds, and dress up like this opera singer, what a formality!"

He actually knew what a body system was. Cheng Qian was a little impressed.

Just then, an ethereal smell of meat came from behind the Taoist Temple, interrupting the cynicism of the "clean heart and few desires" master.

Mu Chun's throat rolled involuntarily, and he couldn't speak any longer. He led Cheng Qian to the back of the lewd statue with a strange look, and saw a little beggar who was no more than a year or two older than Cheng Qian.

The little beggar did not know what utensils he used, so he dug a hole in the ground of the back hall of the Taoist temple, and was burning a fat beggar chicken inside.

Mu Chun swallowed again.

If a person is thin to a certain extent, some things are very inconvenient. For example, when he is greedy, the small neck that can be grasped is not easy to hide and respond.

The real person Mu Chun put Cheng Qian on the ground, and then performed for the younger apprentice what it means to "cultivators should always pay attention to their words and deeds".

He wiped off the water on his face first, and put on a good-looking smile. Then he took the flickering, swaying lotus step, and floated to the little beggar, in front of Cheng Qian. , talked eloquently for a long speech, depicting an overseas immortal gate dressed in gold and silver, well-fed and warm, and the little beggar made his eyes straight.

Mu Chun pointed at the little beggar with a big head and a small body, and enthusiastically coaxed: "I think you have excellent qualifications. You may be able to rise to the sky in the future, and maybe you will have great fortune-child, who is your last name?"

Cheng Qian felt that this sentence was a bit familiar.

Although the little beggar is quite cunning and wandering around the world, she is still young, and she was fooled by the master to let out two lines of snot.

"Then let's be a teacher, let's surname Han," Mu Chun stroked his goatee, and Run Wu silently determined the name of the teacher and apprentice, "As a teacher, I'll give you a big name - a single name with the word "Yuan", okay?"

Cheng Qian: ""

Han Yuan, injustice is really auspicious and festive.

Master must be hungry and confused, and faced with the beggar chicken with charred skin and thick flesh, he was somewhat reluctant to say anything.

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