Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 21: What are you delusional about!


Two more wings suddenly grew on her back - even if it was what she should have, it would hurt her bones like a normal person growing taller. She probably couldn't find the real person Mu Chun, the senior brother who was busy tossing about going out, and the younger junior brother who was busy backing the door. No one could tell her, so she ran over and cried while pulling his trouser legs.

But then again, Cheng Qian squeezed the wings of the puddle and observed it carefully for a moment. Seeing that the wings were seamless, just a bit like chickens, he couldn't help but worry a little. Let the kitchen make charcoal grilled chicken wings for a month

"It's nothing, it should be left to you by your mother." Cheng Qian picked her up unskillfully. I don't know if it was his delusion. He felt that the little girl in his hand seemed to be a lot lighter - at least not as she saw it. Look so chubby.

Could it be that her body has become half a bird, and even her bones have become lighter

Generally, a demon cultivator must have a certain amount of Taoism in order to transform into a human form. Cheng Qianqian has scanned a few records related to the demon cultivator in the scripture building, but it is of no use to him, so he just picked up a few anecdotes when he was interested. Strange thing, roughly turned over.

Since Shuikeng is half human and half demon, she should be born with both human and demon, but I don't know if she can change it freely.

Cheng Qian aligned his eyes with the small puddle, and said to her as gently as possible: "I don't know what to do, try to concentrate on your own, make this wing smaller, hide it and hide it, do you understand? Alas? , Junior Sister, do you understand human language?"

Shuideng opened a pair of big ignorant eyes, and he didn't know how to understand a few words. If he didn't see her expression ignorant during the process, he was mentally prepared that she couldn't understand anything.

He sighed heavily: "Forget it, I'll take you to find Master."

Puddle patted his arm like a little mute, "Ah" twice, then clenched his fists and closed his eyes, his face turned red, and his eyes were cross-eyed.

Just when Cheng Qian felt relieved that she could solve it by herself, she "swiped" it, and the pair of young chicken-like wings on the back of the puddle suddenly stretched to seven or eight feet long, and the hair fell off the ground. He slapped the big wings that came out of the sky.

He stared at this little junior sister who had almost transformed into a giant bird. Almost all the clothes behind the puddle were torn apart by the pair of big wings. Fortunately, she was still wearing open crotch pants, and she had no reputation at all, but the pair of The wings are too big, and the girl in the middle is too small. In comparison, the wings are almost invisible, like a big moth floating in the air, which is very strange.

"" Cheng Qian came back from the shock and stared at Shuipeng, "I made you smaller, but I didn't make you bigger."

It was a little girl who he could lift with one hand. Suddenly, the wings of the behemoth became extremely heavy. If he hadn't practiced the sword for a long time, Cheng Qian could hardly hold her.

The puddle looked at him innocently, and it was difficult to keep his body upright due to the falling wings, and he swayed and hung on Cheng Qian's arm.

Still going to find the master, Cheng Qian had to hug her hard to go out, but the two of them were blocked by the courtyard gate of Qing Anju together.

Cheng Qian: ""


Probably no girl of any age is willing to face the cruel fact that she is stuck and can't get out of the door. Shuidenglai is a child who does not like to cry very much. He started to howl.

Ordinary cubs can howl at will, but when the puddles howl, they will collapse the house!

Cheng Qian was devastated, struggling to keep his balance while trying to reason with her: "Big wings don't mean you're fat, alas, it's alright, don't cry, put your wings away, don't tie them like this Come on, take it back — come back, understand?"

Puddle looked at him sobbing, and with his voice, he gradually stopped crying.

Cheng Qian breathed a sigh of relief, holding on to the faint hope that she really understood this time.

As a result, the next moment, his little junior sister, who only listens to irony, brought him a white crane with bright wings. The huge wings were fully spread, and she tried to flap it tremblingly. Immediately, she seemed to open some kind of hidden. Yes, it flew slowly.

Her huge wings almost brought a whirlwind, which blew sand and rocks in the air, and all the delicate orchids in the courtyard were devastated. , it felt like the clothes were grabbed by both hands.

The chubby hands of the puddles with a row of small pits turned into a pair of claws, and those claws were firmly grasped on Cheng Qian's body, and Cheng Qian suddenly had some kind of ominous premonition

The next moment, his hunch came true.

He was lifted into the air by the powerful puddle, and the heart in his chest sank directly into his lower abdomen. Cheng Qian was able to struggle at first, but as she flew higher and higher, he couldn't even struggle. Dare, I had to shout the name of the puddle in the hunting wind: "Han Tan! Get down!"

The puddle was deaf, right, she couldn't understand it even if she smelled it.

Cheng Qian never thought that this was the first time in his life that he was flying through the clouds and driving the fog in such a situation.

Shuideng took him over the small courtyard gate of Qing'anju, and over the green jade-like bamboo forest behind, and gradually, the entire Fuyao Mountain was at their feet.

Looking down from a high place, the ridge is green like dye and stretches into the distance. On one side is the slope of the front mountain, which is more gentle in the sunset, and on the other side is the deep valley of the back mountain, which is more and more dark and deep.

There are countless cave houses and vacant courtyards in the mountains, some with inscriptions at the entrance, some with stone statues, and some are simply nameless. In the thousands of years, countless people have come and gone, linking the past and the future, only with different traces. The exercises are transformed into the blood and bones of the inheritance, and are buried deep under the nine-story building. Among them, there may be great powers, great talents, great sages, or great traitors.

Now, all traces are hard to find.

There is only one master weasel left in the Fuyao faction, with a few mischievous apprentices, hidden under the rolling red dust.

Only the unpredictable wind soared upward, soaring into the sky.

The wind from the high place made Cheng Qian's cheek hurt, and he gradually let go of his initial fear.

Cheng Qian let out a breath, as if he had let out a long-lasting depression.

Once again, he thought of the mighty Lord Beiming on the high platform of Linxian, and of his father and mother who lit up scattered silver in the backcountry. Under this cloud and mud, he could clearly see the secret in his heart. wishes.

Why do you want to be someone like Beimingjun

- ^ .

If one day, he becomes a powerful man, the Three Realms can come and go everywhere, all the beasts see him shivering, and all the mortals are crawling on the ground, will he be able to return to Cheng's house and see them regretting their hearts and souls

But at this time, when Cheng Qian was hanging in the sky, when all the caves and courtyards on Fuyao Mountain were far away from him, his heart that was always full was suddenly empty.

There are only thirty or fifty years left in the life of a mortal. He has been thinking about it, waiting to go back and slap them in the face, and then what

Perhaps by the time he completed his cultivation, they would have already passed away.

Maybe it's still there, but half a lifetime ago, a child who was sent out in his early years may have regrets in his heart when he thinks about it in his later years.

If he was really their sweetheart, how could he be easily sent away

And if there is no love, how can there be unforgettable guilt and remorse

Cheng Qian suddenly relaxed his tense shoulders, and let the half-demon junior sister, who always understood his words in the opposite direction, take him to a higher place.

He found that the hatred he had always thought was deep was actually just self-love.

Cheng Qian's heart suddenly felt like a broken wall. In an instant, he heard the echoes of the whispers on Fuyao Mountain again, just like he felt when the senior brother entered the Ding, but this time, the winds of the thousands of valleys did not harmonize. He brushed past him, but pierced through his body like a sea.

There is no stop, no attachment, such as many joys, many annoyances, they come and go, again and again, as if he had become part of the world.

I don't know how long it took, suddenly there was a crane chirping in the air, a white crane on Fuyao Mountain flew into the sky, circled around them a few times, and cried with snot and tears in the puddle where they got lost in the air, and could follow the white crane. He flew down, was led by the white crane, and landed in front of Master Mu Chun's unknown hall.

Cheng Qian still didn't come back until his feet touched the ground.

The real person Mu Chun rescued the puddle that was blocked by the gate of the courtyard again, and brushed the huge wings behind her with both hands. The girl's uncoordinated wings were finally wrapped by an unknown force, slowly retracted, and finally disappeared. Only the red marks on the back that looked like birthmarks remained.

But the master didn't urge Cheng Qian. He held the puddle that was so tired that he fell asleep and waited quietly. It was not until the sun sank down the mountain that Cheng Qian came back and realized that his legs were numb.

Master Mu Chun took off a dim yellow wind lamp at the door and let him go back to the road to light it, and said to Cheng Qian: "Today is too late, you go back by yourself first, after practicing swords tomorrow, you can stay and learn spells with your senior brother. ."

Cheng Qian was stunned for a moment before realizing what Master meant. He was taken aback and asked a little stupidly, "Master, was that just a sense of qi?"

Reverend Mu Chun nodded and said with a smile, "I'm not mistaken, as a teacher, you are indeed very talented."

Do you have to add a "in the same door"

Cheng Qian didn't know how to react to this. Anyway, he wasn't very proud of it. If "good aptitude" was compared with Yan Zhengming and Han Yuan, Li Yun, etc., he felt that there was nothing to brag about. of.

Reality Mu Chun looked at him walking steadily on the back of the mountain path, and his mood was a bit vicissitudes. After so many years, there was finally a disciple who was willing to move forward. He touched the beautiful neck of one side of the white crane and said to himself: " You said that when you met, can you feel a little stimulated in your heart?"

Bai He rubbed him a bit, got up and flew away, as if he was telling the real head master decisively—what are you wishing for!

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