Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 25: Picked up a ghost cultivator?


As soon as Yan Zhengming's remarks came out, both Li Yun and Cheng Qian were stunned. Li Yun almost lost his mind and blurted out, "Isn't that the master?"

As soon as the words came out, he felt that he was possessed by Han Yuan, and he quickly pinched his brows in frustration.

Yan Zhengming said sternly: "Of course not, do you eat all the rules of the sect? For example, ghosts, killings, and other evil demons that hurt the morality of heaven and human relations, if you step in, you will be expelled from the master's door, and you will never be able to come back. "

A quiet room.

After a while, Cheng Qian came back and said, "In other words, the person that Boss Wen said may be"

When he said this, he paused involuntarily, as if he didn't know what to call this person. After a while, he said, "Uh, former master."

"Who else is there besides him," Yan Zhengming said irritably, "Fuyao Mountain is not a camp of demon cultivators."

Li Yun tentatively said: "Elder brother, what do you think? How about we go and ask Master tomorrow?"

Yan Zhengming immediately shook his head and vetoed it. Although the master said a lot, most of them were nonsense. As soon as he encountered business, he would immediately turn into a saw-mouth gourd, and no bastard could hold back. Yan Zhengming never believed that the three of them could pry something from the master. He pondered for a moment and said with a glimmer of hope: "Is there any way to find out where the master is when he wants to get rid of us?"

Cheng Qian spent the whole day wandering around the ninth-floor scripture building. Hearing that, a lot of corresponding countermeasures immediately popped into his mind. However, he quickly deleted them one by one, and finally found that there was very little hope—because he wanted to track the master, first of all, It's just that some of them have to be more knowledgeable than Master.

"I can't see it," Cheng Qian said, "unless the second senior brother becomes a toad again, and the master also smells like a lot of golden toad water on his body - but I suspect that in case of encountering a big devil, the second senior brother's guiding toad may be used again. Play dead."

"Don't look at me, I can't do anything about it," Li Yun spread out his hands, "Things with intelligence will be cowardly at the moment, and those who are not cowardly are bound to be stupid, and it's not easy to find someone."

"It must be wise, and not cowardly." Yan Zhengming followed his words and thought for a moment, "Hey, what do you think of the puddles?"

Cheng Qian rolled his eyes—he didn't see that the younger sister was "wise", nor did he see her "not cowardly", but the next moment he realized that they had nothing to do with the master, so he couldn't think. Is there a way to unload on the little sister

Anyway, the stupid child who was always brought by the master couldn't even understand human speech, so he would never find out.

After discussing for a while, the three found a piece of wood and cut it into very thin slices. Cheng Qian, who had read a lot of books, provided the method. Yan Zhengming started the knife and stumbled to carve the tracking spell.

This tracking spell is very rudimentary, and Cheng Qian has not seen the advanced ones, but he can't stand the tide of the big brother's hands, and he fails again and again.

Shaking his sore hand, Young Master Yan felt that he had never been so diligent in studying spells in all his seriousness, so he couldn't help but glared at Cheng Qian angrily: "What kind of shit is this, can you trust it?"

It's impossible to blame the pit - Cheng Qian swallowed the indecent words from his mouth, then stuffed it into his eyes, and swept the senior brother from head to toe with the slightest contempt. .

Noisy and noisy, and Li Yun was exhausted and muddy, the three of them tossed until midnight before they could barely carve the wood.

Yan Zhengming handed the wooden stick to the yawning Li Yun: "I don't care, you can find a way to put it on her, because of this crap, I actually tossed with you for a long time."

Who is it because of

Cheng Qian was so sleepy that he left Yan "Niangniang" who had sued first, and walked unsteadily to his thatched hut. Just as he walked to the door and was about to go in, Yan Zhengming, who had caught up, suddenly stopped him.

"Wait, Xiao Qian, I have something to tell you."

As Yan Zhengming's head jumped like what fertilizer he had eaten this year, his voice gradually became lower and lower, and he was no longer a young man. As long as he didn't scream and scream, he sounded like an adult man. .

Cheng Qian rarely heard him being so serious, and looked back at him suspiciously.

The young man behind him stood tall under the moonlight, and his usual impetuousness and willfulness seemed to be suppressed by the deep night, and he didn't look like him for a while.

Yan Zhengming hesitated for a long time before he said, "I missed a few things just now. Actually, I heard another sentence from the surnamed Wen."

Cheng Qian frowned.

"He said that the Fuyao faction's 'Zhong Lingyuxiu', every generation must have evil spirits." Yan Zhengming's voice broke here, he stared at Cheng Qian for a moment, and felt that the junior brother was almost like a fragile bamboo pole, it looked like it would be broken as soon as it was broken. Cold and hard, no one knows how many awkward feelings are hidden in his stomach, Yan Zhengming lowered his head slightly, and said softly, "You are measured, right?"

Cheng Qian listened, without ridiculing him, and without replying, he could hear the sincere caution in Yan Zhengming's words, whether his brother was unfounded or not, he could feel that it was for his own good. Because the senior brother is usually lazy and arrogant, most of the time, the junior brothers let him, and Cheng Qian can rarely find the feeling of a brother from him.

until this moment.

So Cheng Qian didn't say anything, just nodded silently.

Yan Zhengming let out a sigh of relief, put his hand on the back of Cheng Qian's head with scattered hair, and gently pushed him into the thatched hut.

"That's good," Yan Zhengming said in a low voice, and then he came back, he was cute again, pointed at Cheng Qian's pleated clothes and said, "Give me a change tomorrow, don't you feel like a rag? ?"

Cheng Qian must have disagreed—his answer was to use the thatched hut door to shoot the big brother outside.

This night was an eventful night, Cheng Qian sent Yan Zhengming off and fell headfirst on the bed, feeling that he had just fallen asleep when he was woken up again.

Compared with the big brother who kicked his door directly and dragged him out of the quilt, Han Yuan hated it a little more - he seemed to have transformed into a bird that loves woodpecking, sneaking on the wooden window lattice Knocked and knocked, Cheng Qian was upset when he woke up.

Even on the horse's back, Cheng Qian didn't drop his spell for a moment. The forcibly widened meridians and the elongated bones when he started to grow merged into a pain, which made him often sleep well at night. , was woken up twice in a row, and he just wished he could kill these noises with a sharp weapon.

Han Yuan didn't go through the main entrance, and under Cheng Qian's expressionless gaze, he climbed in through the window, sat down on his bed without any hesitation, and whispered, "Hey, guess what I saw just now?"

Cheng Qian didn't guess, he fell on the bed with his back, and covered his head with the quilt without saying a word.

"Hey, don't sleep, get up, I'll take you to see something strange." Han Yuan jumped on Cheng Qian and grabbed his quilt with both hands, "Have you never seen it, Xiao Qian? Xiao Qian!"

Cheng Qian was determined not to stick his head out to see him, and shouted at him through the quilt, "Go to the goddess!"

Han Yuan was shocked: "Just kidding, I don't dare, he had to put me in a censer and burn me."

Cheng Qian rolled into the bed: "Then go to Li Yun!"

"I found it," Han Yuan said aggrievedly, "I'm about to shoot a cannon in his ear, so I can't wake up."

Cheng Qian: ""

Daring is the easiest for him to wake up, and the most reserved when he gets angry.

Han Yuan successfully lifted his quilt, ignoring Cheng Qian's implicit anger, and whispered in his ear, "Have you ever seen a ghost?"

Cheng Qian was about to have a seizure, when he heard this sentence, his frowning brows moved abruptly: "What?"

After a stick of incense, Cheng Qian followed Han Yuan out of the broken inn.

"There's a show in town these days, and I'm a little late," Han Yuan said as he walked, "so when I came back, I took a shortcut—here, stay under your feet."

Cheng Qian walked behind Han Yuan in a daze, carefully avoiding the mud on the ground. He couldn't figure out how he could figure out the surrounding environment in such a short time. Could it be that this is the leader of the beggars who traveled south and north. ? Han Yuan led him all the way to a more remote place. Cheng Qian held his wooden sword in one hand and the knife he used to practice spells in the other hand. He couldn't believe how reliable Han Yuan was. He went wherever he went. Make a small pile with pebbles for marking.

As soon as the cold wind blew, Cheng Qianyuan's mushy brain began to wake up. Only then did he realize that he was influenced by the words of the elder brother about ghost repairs before going to bed. As soon as he heard the word "ghost", he followed in a daze. Out.

Come out to hell with a little beggar in the middle of the night, really

He must have been infected with a stupid disease by Han Yuan.

Suddenly, Cheng Qian shuddered.

Han Yuan led him to a small river. He didn't feel angry, but thought it was more exposed and cold near the water.

Cheng Qian had already felt that the coldness was not ordinary, and at the same time faintly smelled an ominous stench.

Cheng Qian was jolted, and the last trace of sleepiness disappeared.

"It can't be really dangerous," he picked off a leaf that fell on his shoulders and pinched it in his palm, thinking calmly in his heart, "If there is, how could he just let Han Yuan run back?"

Han Yuan put his hands to his mouth and shouted, "Hey, where are you? I brought my little brother here, come out."

Cheng Qian stepped on his feet slightly, covered Han Yuan's mouth, and asked through gritted teeth, "What did you provoke?"

Han Yuan: "Mmmmmmmmm"

He was covering his mouth and looked behind Cheng Qian with a wink. Cheng Qian turned his head along his line of sight, and almost didn't come up in one breath.

I saw behind him a stray ghost fire at some point, and a blue-white male ghost was standing there with a blank face.

Cheng Qian stopped Han Yuan behind him: "Who?"

Han Yuan finally broke free from Cheng Qian's hand, patted him on the shoulder carelessly, and said, "It's okay, don't be afraid of him. I was also startled by him at first, but later I found that he was dumbfounded and very funny."

As he said that, he bent down and picked up a stone, raised his hand and threw it out before Cheng Qian could stop it. The stone went straight through the ghost's body and bounced twice on the ground. The male ghost looked down blankly. Little Pebble, with a sleepwalking look on his face that doesn't know where he is today.

Han Yuan smiled and said to Cheng Qian, "Look at it."

Cheng Qian just wanted to smear his face - when the stone passed through the male ghost's body, he could clearly smell the smell, like a stench, mixed with some kind of disgusting fishy smell.

Corpse oil with virgin blood

At this time, Cheng Qian had no time to think about why the other party let Han Yuan escape just now. He only had one question in his heart, is that little beggar still a human being

If he enters the Demon Valley once to catch up with the mutiny of the demons, he will go out for a walk in the middle of the night, and he will still be able to pick up a ghost demon cultivator

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