Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 31: Be prepared to be watertight


The sky light gradually penetrated the cloud shadows, and the long smoke in the valley disappeared.

Cheng Qianqian knelt on the spot for an unknown time, not knowing how to get up and where to go when he got up.

In his mind, the scene of Master covering him from the rain on a rainy night, the scene of Master shaking his head and chanting scriptures on Fuyao Mountain, and the Fuyao wooden sword in his mind are all connected by himself, whether he wants to see it or not, Demonstrations back and forth there.

In the end, they all landed on a chaotic world, dazed and unprepared.

Cheng Qian is like a fledgling bird who has just tried to fly in a frenzy, full of joy and wants to come back to ask for praise, but finds that his nest is gone, and from now on, even if he can penetrate the sky and turn clouds and rain , and won't be able to get the gratifying compliment he wants.

Cheng Qian didn't want to admit that he was afraid, he thought he was just alone.

Only then did Cheng Qian realize that he needed an enemy too much. As long as he had such an enemy, he would be able to establish a clear and powerful direction for himself in the next ten, twenty years and even his whole life. Draw boundless power from it, and rely on this power to walk unswervingly.

But no.

The master seemed to have seen through him and anticipated what he would choose when he was most helpless, so he was well prepared.

He did not reveal a single word about the grievances between Master Mu Chun and Jiang Peng, the unknown Master Beiming Jun, and the four saints and five saints. He stuffed all the stories into a copper coin and buried them in the soil. Cheng Qian did not leave any slag for hatred to grow. With good intentions, he forced him to throw away all the crutches and cried himself to get up.

At the same time, the real Mu Chun also left him a not-so-small tail - a puddle that was out of breath.

With Shuikeng's current intelligence, she can't quite understand what happened. She was so hungry that she looked for her master everywhere, but couldn't find it. There was only one senior brother, and he refused to pay attention to her.

Even if she was born with a strong skin and no petty temper, at this moment, she could not bear it anymore. Shuijing realized that she had been crying for a while and no one was taking care of her, so she had to be self-reliant. .

When Cheng Qian came back and remembered her, she had used the only five deciduous teeth to gnaw out several pits on the side of the wooden sword.

Tian Yao's deciduous teeth are also so strong, which is really extraordinary.

Cheng Qian hurriedly supported his sore knees, staggered for a moment, then got up, opened the mouth of the puddle: "Spit it out!"

The puddle spit out two pieces of sawdust at him: "Ah!"

Then she was carried to a river by her senior brother, and pressed her head to forcibly rinse her mouth. For the first time in her life, the puddle faced the "unreasonable" side of the third senior brother, and immediately quit.

Cheng Qian glared at her: "Don't cry."

Puddle screamed in protest: "Ahhh!"

Cheng Qian let her call with a heart, without lifting his eyelids.

Shuideng wiped away her tears silently for a while, and soon realized that she was crying in vain. Master didn't know where she was going. There were only her and the third senior brother here, and there was no place to complain, so she also wanted to open it up. After choking, she calmed down honestly, looking forward to my brother's conscience finding out and finding her something to eat.

You can even catch a worm.

Cheng Qian rescued the wooden sword that had been bitten off by the puddle, and rinsed it in the water. He was not in the mood to coax the child, so he placed her by the river and warned solemnly, "Sit here, don't let it go. Shaking."

Said, he rolled up his trousers and went into the water, clumsily trying to catch a fish.

There are no other advantages of the puddle, only the knowledge of current affairs can be called the Tao, and he immediately judged from his actions that his meal was over, so he sat and waited by the river without saying a word, as if a training Vegetarian puppy.

But fish is not so easy to catch. Cheng Qianqian never did anything like uncovering tiles or fishing for fish in the water when he was at home. It is even more impossible in the sect. He has no experience in these things. He slipped through his hand, and occasionally, deliberately wagging his tail, the hard scales cut his hand several times.

It was getting dark, and the puddle could not wait any longer. She finally curled up on the shore, thirsty and hungry, and fell asleep, with a finger in her mouth involuntarily.

Cheng Qian waded barefoot in the icy river water, glanced at her, straightened up his aching waist with nothing, lowered his head and licked the wound on his hand.

The master said that one day he could fly to the sky and dive into the abyss, but he found that he couldn't even catch a fish.

He didn't know which plants were poisonous in this Wangyou Valley, so he didn't dare to pick the fruits and leaves rashly, and he didn't dare to provoke birds and beasts rashly.

He looks down on him all day long, and always feels that he is the peerless power in the future, but he can't even get anything to eat.

At this time, the sky was getting dark, and the surroundings were so quiet that people felt a little flustered, and the roar of wild beasts gradually came from the mountains and forests in the distance. Cheng Qian listened for a moment, frowned suddenly, landed on the shore in three steps and two steps, picked up the puddle where he was drowsy, and squeezed the wooden sword in his hand, trying to figure out where to find a safe place to spend the night.

In the blink of an eye, the roars of those wild beasts that seemed to be far away were approaching, one after another, as if they were surrounded by embarrassment, making Cheng Qian's scripture tense.

Cheng Qian didn't dare to hesitate any longer, and ran towards the upstream direction of the river with the puddle in hand. Unfortunately, the sky didn't go as planned. At this moment, a dark shadow suddenly jumped out of the dense forest, and fell straight in front of him to block the way. His breathing became clearer in the darkness, and his green eyes stared sinisterly at these two thin-skinned and tender-fleshed children.

Cheng Qian stopped abruptly, and stepped back half a step before Hengjian's chest.

Then there were rustling noises from all over the place, and in the blink of an eye, several big wolves jumped out from all over the place, and surrounded Cheng Qian and the puddle. Each of these wolves was as big as a foal. The eyes staring at the two of them are all straight, and the fangs are sharp.

Shuideng curled up in Cheng Qian's arms without saying a word. At this time, her half bloodline inherited from the Demon Empress had no deterrent effect on the pack of wolves. Presumably even if she was an ancient beast, she was just an unweaned cub at the moment. It's just that these big beasts with sharp teeth and sharp mouths are not afraid of her at all.

Cheng Qianqian held the wooden sword expressionlessly among the wolves. He knew that he could not show the slightest timidity in front of these beasts, and a moment of loosening was enough for the big wolves to tear him and the younger sister into rags. strip.

Cheng Qian flicked his wrist slightly, posing as a swinging wooden sword, and at the same time whispered to the puddle in his arms, "Where are your wings? Let's fly away."

Hearing this, Shuideng's face turned red, but she didn't know if she was too hungry, or if she was frightened by the big wolf and fell off the chain for a while, only to hear a "snap", and only grow out of her back. A pair of slender wings the size of a slap can be used as an ineffective fan when flapped.

Cheng Qian immediately felt bad. Sure enough, when the wolf saw the wings of the puddle, he immediately understood his powerless disguise and purpose. It suddenly leaned down and roared lowly, as if it was an order. The moment Cheng Qian leaned over, the muscles on his arms were already tensed to the extreme. Then, he heard a gust of wind blowing behind him. Cheng Qian turned around without thinking, and turned Peng Cheng Wanli's third move into a vertical hand. When he came out, the tattered wooden sword suddenly drew a sharp arc, accurately avoiding the beast's minions, and stabbed the big wolf's chin fiercely.

His swordsmanship is indeed hard work, at least in terms of the two styles he has practiced, it is much better than his ignorant eldest brother.

There was a hint of slyness in the head wolf's eyes, and he gave the order again, and the two big wolves on both sides immediately emerged from both sides, blocking his retreat either intentionally or unintentionally.

Cheng Qianlai was tortured to death by grievances, pain and self-abandonment. At this time, facing the greedy eyes of the big wolf, his anger was finally forced out.

Under the impulsiveness, Cheng Qian faced him head-on, but this impulsive hit and miss coincided with his experience of "fearless" just now.

Mind and swordsmanship complement each other, the tattered wooden sword just aroused a bunch of sharp edges, Pengcheng Wanli's moves were not old, his sword hilt suddenly left his hand, and he suddenly turned into the sea tide sword he had been practicing and playing with. Elbow against the blade of the sword, without dodging into the mouth of a big wolf.

The unstoppable sword edge collided with the fangs, and Cheng Qian's sleeve was instantly shattered in two, and a half-inch deep wound was scraped from the wrist to the elbow.

The wolf hissed and screamed, and Cheng Qian's wooden sword, which was not very strong, was broken.

At this time, the second big wolf's minions had arrived and were grabbing the head and neck of the puddle. Cheng Qian quickly changed the hand holding the puddle, regardless of the broken sword, and swept the remaining half. The tip of the big wolf's nose, the tip of the wolf's nose was badly damaged, and he fell on his back. At the same time, he also knocked Cheng Qian and slipped back three or four feet.

The blood on Cheng Qian's injured arm immediately smeared into the puddle. The smell of blood made the little girl's face pale. She trembled all over, as if she was afraid to the extreme. Has been mentioned halfway - the puddle at this juncture spread out her large wings that were insane at that time.

The celestial demon that raised its wings against the wind didn't even have a buffer, and rushed straight up and down into the sky.

The Alpha Wolf obviously didn't expect this, so he roared angrily, jumped up, and wanted to grab Cheng Qian's calf, but unfortunately it was out of reach.

Cheng Qianju, who had no killing intent in his heart, looked down at the head wolf's eyes through the moonlight. The wolf froze in place. For a moment, it retracted its front legs slightly, as if to shrink. "Woooo" tucked his tail.

Shuideng and Cheng Qian didn't fly too far. After all, she was young, and she lost her strength as soon as she crossed the valley, and the two fell down on the hillside together.

Cheng Qian clenched his teeth and leaned on a half wooden sword to get up, and tore a piece of wood from his clothes, blocking the bleeding arm hastily to avoid attracting more beasts.

He wanted to make a fire, to find food, to choose a place where he could spend the night, and to be alert to the surrounding environment at all times. At this time, the wound on his hand was sharp and painful, soaked in cold dew, and he was accompanied by a little junior sister who couldn't take care of himself.

Walking in the crisis-ridden Wangyou Valley, Cheng Qian found that he had no time to ponder the love and hatred between Master and those demon cultivators, and no time to be alone and confused.

The most urgent task, he had to get out of this unknowable valley and send the head seal and the younger sister back to the sect.

On the coast of the East China Sea, after the storm at sea, the talents of Qinglong Island finally arrived late.

Since the master never told the disciples what kind of organization the people on Qinglong Island were, and never introduced who the disciples were and what kind of almighty, Yan Zhengming had no intention of showing respect or flattering.

The wind and waves did not subside, and he had ordered the Daotong boys to release all the small boats on the big boat and go into the sea to find people.

Li Yun and Han Yuan all gathered in the cabin, and together they turned over the pile of books in Cheng Qian's luggage that never left. Regarding the spells, Han Yuan, don't need to turn over the pile, he hasn't unpacked the talisman over there, so he may not have seen it, hurry up!"

"Don't rush, don't rush, I seem to have seen it." Li Yun raised a hand, "Senior brother, do you think this is it?"

Yan Zhengming immediately threw the book in his hand aside, grabbed it and read it carefully according to the instructions on the tracer in the book: "What kind of shit, is this?"

Han Yuan said anxiously: "What did it say above?"


At this moment, a Taoist boy suddenly came in panting and interrupted him: "Master, there is a real person looking for you."

"What are you arguing about, everyone is lost, so busy!" Yan Zhengming waved his hand without raising his head, and then read out the notes on the book to Li Yun and Han Yuan, "It says that the person who carved the spell and the one who tracked the spell There is a feeling, I carved that thing myself, and it was like a fart, what does it feel?"

Li Yun's expression changed after hearing this: "Senior brother"

Yan Zhengming: "Don't hesitate, what do you want to say?"

Li Yun: "Have you ever thought that the tracker we used at that time might not be successful."

Yan Zhengming was stunned, and after a while he said: "But a small copper coin"

He slapped his forehead angrily—it was all his fault for Cheng Qian, who carried a stinky stance of "I'm very reliable even though I don't look like a mountain or water" every day, so that he believed it without even thinking about it at the time. A new kid!

If Cheng Qian's bastard is really reliable, can he disappear now

At this time, another Taoist boy ran in, carrying a tattered ribbon in his hand, and said in shock: "Master, they caught this"

Li Yun's pupils shrank, and he grabbed it: "This is what I tied around the waist of the younger sister, and the tracking talisman in the middle is gone!"

Several teenagers stared blankly in the cabin at a loss.

Suddenly, a woman interjected gruffly and asked, "Tracking talisman? What tracking talisman?"

When Li Yun turned around, he saw that Tang Wanqiu, who was like a chicken in soup, arrived on their boat at some point, and was looking at the ribbon.

What is she here for

Li Yun was a little stunned, and greeted with a junior salute: "Tang Zhenren."

Yan Zhengming sternly glanced at the Taoist boy who was kicked out after the first notification, crossed Li Yun in two steps, and held the black pot to his own Taoist boy: "Why didn't you pass the message when the senior came? of."

Tang Wanqiu waved her hand and didn't seem to care much. She took the silk and satin cloth out of Li Yun's hand, pondered for a moment, and asked, "Isn't this something from your master?"

At this juncture, how could Yan Zhengming have the patience to chat with her? But Tang Wanqiu was considered a senior, so he had to deal with it, so he had no choice but to press down the restlessness between his brows and said, "This is from our little junior sister, she is still young, we are afraid of her getting lost when we go out, so we hang it on her to prevent her from getting lost. In case--I'm sorry, the tutor doesn't know where to go now, or you should come first and have a cup of tea?"

He didn't keep his mouth shut for the latter sentence, saying it felt almost like an order to evict guests.

Fortunately, Tang Wanqiu's mind is not delicate, like a straight female bat, and he didn't hear his rudeness at all.

Tang Wanqiu said, "I don't think you should look for it anymore. Just with the spells you carved out, the two big devils have long been blown to pieces."

Yan Zhengming: ""

Which pot can't be opened and lifted, did this woman come here on purpose to block them

Sometimes it makes sense to judge people by their appearance. A person who doesn't even care about his own image - especially a woman - unless he has hidden feelings, most of them are mavericks like Tang Zhenren, who never look at other people's faces.

Yan Zhengming looked at Tang Wanqiu's square face with a chin wider than his forehead, full of annoyance in his heart, and figured out how to get rid of her as soon as possible. He hadn't figured out how to speak, but Tang Wanqiu seemed even more impatient than him. He didn't even say a word of courtesy or consolation.

Yan Zhengming: ""

Li Yun knew his senior brother's temperament, so that he would offend Tang Zhenren with his rude words, he hurriedly stepped forward and reminded in a low voice, "Senior brother."

However, to his surprise, Yan Zhengming didn't jump on the spot, nor did he get angry. He lowered his eyelids and pondered for a moment, then asked, "Why did the island owner condescend to see our juniors? Is it because he knows the tutor?"

Tang Wanqiu raised his thick eyebrows, every eyebrow seemed to say, "Nonsense, otherwise?"

Yan Zhengming's heart was beating wildly, and he hurriedly said: "But the teacher has just disappeared, can you ask the island owner for help?"

"Already looking, let's go."

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