Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 32: There is a brother here


Qinglong Island is a standard overseas immortal mountain. It is quiet and secluded from the world. The people who come and go are monks. There are Eguanbo belts and misty Taoist robes. A big peach garden floating on the water.

The owner of Qinglong Island is one of the four saints. He is in seclusion all year round, and he doesn't show up very much, and he doesn't seem to be in charge of things very much, but he came out to see Yan Zhengming, and his attitude was very pleasant, as if he was facing his own junior. Xu Shi knew that he was upset, but the island owner did not drag him to talk more. After arranging for them to stay, the island owner generously stated that all the resources on Qinglong Island could be borrowed by him until he found the missing real person Mu Chun. With his two brothers and sisters whose lives and deaths are unknown.

In this regard, of course, the monks can't chew their tongues as blatantly as the country villagers. They chew with gentleness and turbulent undercurrents.

Thinking about it, it is indeed the same. The island owner of Qinglong Island, who can't be flattered by countless people, is too lazy to show up in Xianshi once every ten years. How can these little cubs of unknown origin be favored by his elders

What's more, these little brats don't talk about their low cultivation base, they only know that they are arrogant and arrogant, and they are unwilling to restrain when they arrive at Qinglong Island, which is really disgusting.

Yan Zhengming didn't know about these turbulent tides. He really didn't have time to care about it. The island owner took care of the birth dates of Cheng Qian and Shuikeng, and sent countless cultivators to search for them, but there was no news for three days.

Yan Zhengming didn't know how he got here these three days.

Until the morning of the fourth day—Xiaoyue’er gently pushed open the door, carrying the set of hair brushing tools that the emperor’s daughter would smack her tongue in her hand, ready to light the incense and wake up her young master. The probe, only to find that the young master is no longer in the house.

Xiaoyue'er was startled, thinking that she was up late, and was ready to suffer a face. She walked in regularly, only to find that Daotong had already made the bed, and the owner of the house was missing.

Xiaoyue'er hurriedly asked, "Where's the young master?"

Daotong replied: "I heard that there is news about the leader and them. They got up in the middle of the night last night and left overnight."

Xiaoyue'er was stunned - apart from pampering the prodigal Yan Zhengming, the Yan family is actually quite upright and does not treat others harshly. She is the son of the Yan family, and she is also a little girl, almost regarded as half a young lady. Raised, she is only responsible for brushing the young master's hair on Fuyao Mountain on weekdays, and doesn't care about anything else. Even when the two devils at sea were fighting, she stayed in the cabin without splashing any seawater. The wind and waves outside had never hit her head, and this was the first time she felt panic in the people around her.

Xiaoyueer held the sandalwood box in her arms and asked in confusion, "Then you didn't say when to come back?"

Daotong looked back at the little girl who was ignorant of the world, and involuntarily softened his voice and said, "I didn't say it, I don't know what the situation is."

Said, Daotong lowered his voice and added: "I tell you, don't tell others - last night, I listened to our young master and second uncle talking, listen to what it means, if there is anything in case, we are afraid that we will be in half an hour. I won't be able to go back to Fuyao Mountain. If that's the case, you have to remember that there are real people on this island. No matter how good or bad they are, they are capable people who can call cloud and rain. Killing us is like killing ants, you guys Girl, don't run around, and don't offend anyone casually, do you hear me?"

The island owner seems to have a deep connection with the Fuyao sect. In fact, he had already thought that the missing Mu Chunzhen and the others might haunt near Wangyou Valley, so they sent people to wait there, but for some reason, these monks did not Dare to enter the valley to search.

It took three full days to wait for Cheng Qian and the puddle.

Cheng Qian's appearance at the time was as miserable and miserable as it was. Even the monks who were standing still didn't expect that Mu Chun was not there.

Beasts and demons can be seen everywhere in the valley, so they can come out alive, who may be entrusted by the spirit of the sky.

It's just that the boy who should be frightened in their imagination is not as easy to deal with as expected.

In the evening, Cheng Qian took a bowl of vegetable porridge from a nearby villager from a female cultivator, thanked him, took a sip first, then took the puddle aside, dug a spoonful and put it in her mouth. Shuideng really suffered for a few days with him, became a little hungry ghost, and immediately opened his mouth to eat.

Cheng Qian suddenly shrank his hand, letting her bite the air.

Puddle looked at him pitifully with a face full of tears.

Cheng Qian whispered, "Remember what I said? I'll give you something to eat if I remember."

Shuideng nodded hurriedly, and at the same time, she closed her two chubby hands very rudely, nodded and bowed her head in a pretentious manner, and this was how she got her first bite of food these days.

At first glance, this situation seems to be a naughty little brother bullying his sister, making fun of her, and having to make a bow before giving it to eat - in fact, the part of making a bow is all that the puddle rice bucket can play on its own.

As soon as she met this group of strangers, Cheng Qian immediately instructed the puddle: From now on, she was not allowed to show her wings in front of anyone, otherwise she would not be given food.

The female cultivator next to her probably thought that this little girl was quite amusing, so she asked as if chatting, "Why did your faction accept such a small disciple?"

Cheng Qian smiled at her without changing his face: "One time, a junior brother of mine was playful and picked it up on the way down the mountain to go to the market. The past few years may not be very good, and it must be someone in the village at the foot of the mountain who can't support it. The younger brother saw that she was very pitiful, so he picked it up - senior, you think, we have been practicing for ten or twenty years, but it is enough for her to grow into a big girl from babbling, she is not a little young. Anything that gets in the way will soon get bigger."

The female cultivator couldn't help teasing him: "You haven't even had a 'flick of your finger' yet, and you talk like an adult. If you want me to say, you should follow us back to heal your wounds first, even if your brothers sit around day and night. It will take a day or two to fly here."

Cheng Qian wiped the porridge leaking from the corner of the puddle's mouth, and replied, "I'm fine by myself, but it's not good to bring a little junior sister to trouble the seniors, let's wait for the first-class senior brothers, now the master is not here. If you want me to listen to my senior brother, I don't have any idea, and I don't dare to make an opinion on my own."

Female nun: ""

She didn't see where the little cub was out of ideas.

Perhaps because of his young age, Cheng Qian was actually not very good at dealing with people. He rarely said anything on his own initiative, nor did he deliberately make friends with others.

The wounds all over his body were bitten by fierce beasts, injured by various bruises, and the strips of cloth wrapped around his arms were stuck to his hands with dried blood.

It stands to reason that when you come out of Wangyou Valley, you have to have less skin if you don't die. Besides, he is also bringing a little girl who is babbling and learning to talk. He should have reached the end of the force, but this Cheng Qian acted as if nothing had happened, and would rather be by the side of Wangyou Valley. Shangfeng Meal was sleeping rough, and he refused to go with them. He was very strict about what happened in the valley, and he couldn't say a word no matter how he asked.

When the moon was on the willow shoot, Yan Zhengming, who got the news, came over.

He came alone, he didn't bring Li Yun and Han Yuan, and even Daotong didn't follow. The car that Diao La had landed on had not stopped, and Yan Zhengming had already lifted the curtain and jumped off.

For the past few days, Yan Zhengming was frightened, and Yan Zhengming had brewed a belly of evil fire, but when he saw Cheng Qian's blood-stained embarrassment, half of the prepared fire flew away, and then he didn't see Master, and the other half disappeared. .

Yan Zhengming ran over in three steps and two steps, first hurriedly caught the puddle that fell into his arms, then pulled Cheng Qian up, and asked repeatedly, "What's going on? How did you do this? These days, you guys Where did you go? Where is the master? Why did he leave you two here alone?"

Cheng Qian didn't answer, just stared at him blankly.

Yan Zhengming's heart skipped a beat, and he asked, "Xiao Qian, what's going on?"

Cheng Qian didn't say a word, his eyes slid across Yan Zhengming's face, and swept around the unfamiliar monks around him.

After all, the cultivators of Qinglong Island were from all backgrounds, so they consciously backed away when they knew that there was something to say between their brothers and sisters.

Then Cheng Qian let out a breath, took out a small seal from his arms with his uninjured hand, handed it to Yan Zhengming, and said inaudibly, "This is the seal of the head, Senior Brother, Master let me bring it to you."

Yan Zhengming was stunned for a while, and then he reacted. He took a step back suddenly, and the blood on his face suddenly faded.

He looked at the seal on Cheng Qian's palm covered with blood and dust, as if he had seen some kind of beast, and his eyes were almost terrified for a while.

The words behind Cheng Qian blocked his last retreat.

"Master is dead," Cheng Qian said. "He said that you will be the head of the Fuyao Sect in the future."

"No" Yan Zhengming shook his head energetically, pushed Cheng Qian away in a panic, and said incoherently, "I don't you, you take this away, don't give it to me! What nonsense, how could Master die?"

Cheng Qian: "I was the one who watched him lose his mind."

"Impossible!" Yan Zhengming's eyes widened, he couldn't say anything, he just blindly denied, "Impossible!"

This time, Cheng Qian didn't answer, he kept handing out the head seal, looking at Yan Zhengming deeply, the sadness on his face was so heavy that it seemed that it should never appear on a young man.

"It's true," he murmured, "Senior brother, it's true"

Before he could finish speaking, Cheng Qian's head suddenly slumped to the side weakly, and the whole person fell down without warning.

Yan Zhengming subconsciously stretched out his hand to support him, but he didn't know where he touched, and immediately a shocking bloodstain was rubbed on his snow-white sleeve.

Cheng Qian's body was cold, and Yan Zhengming almost felt that he was out of breath. He hurriedly turned Cheng Qian over and stretched out two fingers to probe Cheng Qian's breath, but his hands were shaking too much, and he felt For a long time, I was stunned that I didn't find a reason.

Pudding usually doesn't make much noise, but after all, she can't speak, so she can't express herself at this time, she can only cry—in the past few days, she has almost cried all the tears she has saved in her life.

Yan Zhengming's ears were buzzing, and his mind was even more blank. He held Cheng Qian's hand tightly, and the seal on the palm of his hand was as cold as ice. The mouth will only repeat mechanically: "Don't cry, puddle, don't cry."

He didn't know how long he knelt on the ground stiffly, maybe a long time, maybe just in the blink of an eye, someone grabbed his shoulder and shook it a few times, Yan Zhengming raised his head blankly and saw an unknown Qinglong The island cultivator was looking at him worriedly.

Yan Zhengming felt that his face must be uglier than a ghost, because he found that the cultivator seemed to have misunderstood something, and subconsciously did the same thing as him - reached out to probe Cheng Qian's breath, for a moment, the cultivator was relieved and raised his head Said: "There is still anger, I have medicinal pills and wound medicines there, don't worry, it may not be that serious."

Yan Zhengming nodded, then bit his tongue ruthlessly, the sharp stinging pain and bloody aura rushed towards his brows, he then came back from the chaos and tried his best to make up his mind, He quietly took the seal of the head from Cheng Qian's hand, held it in his hand, leaned over to pick up Cheng Qian, and said to Shuikang, "Can you go by yourself?"

Puddle cautiously stood on tiptoe and stretched out his arm, grabbing a corner of his clothes.

Yan Zhengming sat on the carriage of Diao La and returned to Qinglong Island all day and overnight. He had no owner and could hardly breathe. Intellectually, he knew that most of what Cheng Qian said was true. The master had always been more than coddled to them, but not strict enough. As long as he had a breath, he would never have left Cheng Qian and the puddle in such a dangerous place.

Li Yun and Han Yuan waited eagerly on Qinglong Island, and when they saw him coming back, they immediately swarmed up.

"What happened to Xiao Qian?"

"What about Master?"

"Yes, why didn't Master come back together?"

"Where did you find them?"

"I don't know!" Yan Zhengming strode over to the two junior brothers, and was so annoyed that he almost wanted to shout, "Don't ask me, don't make a noise! Wait until he wakes up!"

But Cheng Qian has been in a coma all the time, and the injury is one aspect. In Wangyou Valley for three or four days, he must have never dared to close his eyes with a puddle.

Yan Zhengming guarded him every step of the way. At the beginning, he waited eagerly for Cheng Qian to wake up, and couldn't wait to know what happened in Wangyou Valley, but the more he went on, the more scared he became.

As soon as he closed his eyes, he thought of Cheng Qian's blood-stained body, looking at him deeply, and telling him that his master was dead, which kept him up at night.

In the extreme anxiety, Yan Zhengming naturally had an idea in his heart, he thought: "I'll just go home and be the young master."

As soon as the thought came to his mind, it took over all his thoughts.

Yes, anyway, his family has money, and it is enough to live a mortal life for decades. What kind of immortals and what kind of Taoism

As for the apprentices and brothers, he can take them home together. Those who are willing to continue to practice martial arts should practice martial arts, and those who are willing to study will be sent to take the exam for fame.

Be the head - stop kidding, the only thing he can do in his life is to be a young master!

Yan Zhengming thought to himself that he couldn't even engrave a basic spell well, and he was able to practice the basic swordsmanship with two or five eyes. Not to mention those great powers, any Taoist boy on Qinglong Island who served tea and water was better than him. Wei Gao, let him be the head, what can he do

Yan Zhengming thought so, he got up immediately, and called in a Taoist boy who was serving him: "ocher, ocher!"

Daotong Ochre trotted all the way to him: "Master."

"Bring the paper, I want to send a letter to my family." Yan Zhengming quickly ordered, "Pack up our luggage and get the boat ready. When Xiao Qian wakes up, I will go to the island owner to bid farewell."

Ochre was stunned: "Master, are we going back to Fuyao Mountain?"

Yan Zhengming: "What are you going back to Fuyao Mountain? Go home!"

Ochre was taken aback: "Master, that sect"

Yan Zhengming waved his hand: "There is no Fuyao sect anymore, the sect is scattered, understand? Hurry up, it's just a few days."

The ochre ran away in a dreadful dismay.

Cheng Qian woke up, two days later, as soon as he moved, a hand was placed on his forehead, and a familiar scent of orchid came up, and the smell was a lot dim for some reason, Cheng Qian gently opened He opened his mouth and called silently, "Senior brother."

His voice was so hoarse, he didn't say anything.

Yan Zhengming helped him up and brought him a bowl of water without saying a word.

Cheng Qian took a breath and asked in a trance, "Where's the little junior sister?"

Yan Zhengming said: "At Xiaoyue'er, there are girls watching."

Cheng Qian dazedly pinched his brows and asked again, "The seal of the head is right, and there is still the seal of the head, have I handed it to you?"

Yan Zhengming took out a rope from his neck, with the small head print attached to it.

Cheng Qian's confused and tense color finally loosened a little, and his face showed a bit of fatigue.

The Fuyao faction dances around every day. The older ones don't know how to let the younger ones, and the younger ones don't know how to respect their elder brothers. It seems that the two of them quarreled and quarreled just yesterday.

Yan Zhengming sighed and asked softly, "Are you hungry?"

Cheng Qian shook his head. He leaned against the head of the bed for a while, and then said in the silence of the room, "Me, my sister and my master, the reason why we got there was because we drew the wrong talisman that day."

Yan Zhengming didn't interrupt him, and sat quietly on the side, listening to him talk about the ins and outs from beginning to end.

Cheng Qian didn't have much energy, and he spoke intermittently. It took a stick of incense to explain clearly. Yan Zhengming listened, but he didn't speak for a long time.

The candle flower jumped, and the fire was a bit scorching. Yan Zhengming came back and tried his best to straighten up. For a while, he only felt that the head print on his neck weighed more than 1,000 kilograms and was about to bend his neck.

He got up, put a hand on Cheng Qian's head gently, and said in the gentlest tone of his life, "I'll have someone bring you a bowl of porridge, eat a little, and then put some medicine."

Cheng Qian nodded obediently.

Yan Zhengming turned around and walked out, thinking to himself, "Okay, I know what's going on, he's also awake, and he can go home tomorrow morning."

It's great to go home, clothes come to open your hands, meals come to open your mouth, you don't have to get up early to practice swords, and you don't have to practice at night

Just when Yan Zhengming walked to the door with a lot of thought, Cheng Qian suddenly said, "Wait, Senior Brother, I haven't lost my book, have you? Can you let someone bring me those swordsmen?"

Yan Zhengming's hand that had already touched the door froze abruptly, he turned his back to Cheng Qianna, and his whole body seemed to be frozen.

"What?" Cheng Qian was stunned, "Did you lose it?"

Yan Zhengming turned his back to him and asked in a hoarse voice, "I can't even get up, what swordsman are you looking at?"

"Master said that we have continued the bloodline of the Fuyao School," Cheng Qian said. "Even if we can't get up, our bloodline will not be broken—and Master also said, let me practice swords well in the future."

Yan Zhengming stood there for a long time, suddenly turned around, walked back in two steps, and took Cheng Qian, who was sitting by the head of the bed, into his arms.

The head Yin was stuck on his collarbone, and he felt pain in his life. He thought: "Fuck his mother's school is scattered, I am the head of the Fuyao school, I'm not dead yet!"

He hugged so tightly, as if he was holding a life-saving straw, his whole body was trembling with tension. For a while, Cheng Qian thought he was crying.

However, he waited for a long time, and he did not wait for the expected tears, but only for a word from the senior brother in his ear.

"It's okay," Yan Zhengming said, "It's okay, Xiao Qian, there is a senior brother here."

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