Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 48: The sea and the sky are the same color, and both places are vast


Sometimes, a certain moment can become extraordinarily long, and it looks like a different life.

In a lifetime, people may experience such special lengths several times, for example, when death is imminent.

Cheng Qian's frost blade was able to move backwards and flew into the air until he turned his head and saw the face of the man behind him - Han Yuan.

There are many reasons why Han Yuan suddenly ran behind him, maybe he wanted to watch the fun, or maybe he wanted to kick that Zhou Hanzheng and say a few words to pass his mouth, no one would guard against him.

At this time, his fourth junior brother's eyes were the same blood red as those of the loose cultivators on Qinglong Island. The familiar face was covered with black energy, and his facial features were distorted. He seemed to concentrate all the real energy of his body in this hand. On, the force was too much, the phalanx was broken, but he didn't know the pain.

The same goes for those loose cultivators on the island who have been drawn to the soul of painting - let alone pain, they don't even know they die.

Cheng Qian stared at Han Yuan in astonishment. He felt that the real essence and vitality were flowing out through the hole in his chest, and even what leaked out was his heart full of joy and anger. Believe it or not.

Han Yuan looked back at him unconsciously, and then suddenly pulled out his hand from Cheng Qian's chest, splashing blood on his face with one hand.

Cheng Qian kept staring at him, his limbs twitched unconsciously, the blood on his face seemed to gather around his eyes, but he couldn't say a word.

In the past ten years, all the unmoving pain and exuberant joy that I have carried in my life have now become fading trivialities, falling into the absurdity of "life should be like this".

Finally, the frost-blade sword, which was already on Han Yuan's neck, vibrated violently, and fell to the ground like iron, only scratching a shallow layer of Han Yuan's oily skin.

This change was like a rabbit and a falcon, and everyone was stunned. It wasn't until the puddle burst into tears that Yan Zhengming woke up like a dream. It froze to a rock and couldn't even get up.

Li Yun, who has always been a bunny, had a feverish brain for a while, and forgot the terrible state of the loose cultivators on the island, and rushed up desperately, pushing Han Yuan away.

Han Yuan was pushed back by him and fell a somersault by mistake, but he didn't know how to get up, and his eyes were vacantly tilted there. If his chest was still up and down, he would look like a fresh corpse.

"Xiao Qian, Xiao Qian" Li Yun's eyes were covered with tears, he knelt beside Cheng Qian at a loss, and touched his body aimlessly with one hand, as if he was still holding a bit of luck. Trying to dig out something that could save lives.

Cheng Qian lay on his side, like a dried-up and dying fish, probably because he heard Li Yun's voice, his pupils, which had been slightly dilated, suddenly regained a little gleam like a flash of light. He got up, wiped Li Yun's side and almost froze the tears on Li Yun's face into ice, and went straight into Zhou Hanzheng's Tianling cover behind him.

This sword and this person seem to really answer the sentence "A man is as dead as iron".

Zhou Han was struggling to break free from the Juling Jade, and then desperately urged the "painting soul" that had been on Han Yuan before, Ji had already explained it, and finally suffered such a blow, a generation of scourges, and finally the dust settled.

Cheng Qian and Frost Blade have a special feeling, Zhou Han is dying under his sword, he doesn't need to check, he knows it.

This young man showed a little smile under the blood on his face - he finally killed the surnamed Zhou. As long as they are more careful in the future, no one outside will know that they are from the Fuyao faction, and no one will tell the truth or falsehood on Fuyao Mountain. The idea of an ambiguous treasure hit them

Cheng Qian breathed a sigh of relief, almost feeling like he could retire. He turned his face slightly towards the ground, as if a person was about to die and could find a home.

At this time, Li Yun exclaimed: "Han Yuan! What are you doing?"

Just because of Zhou Hanzheng's death, the puppet-like Han Yuan twitched violently, but he didn't know what hands and feet were on him, Han Yuan didn't fully wake up, his eyes turned around in confusion, when he landed on Cheng Qian. , The color on his face struggled for a while, as if the real Han Yuan was desperately fighting for control of his body.

But he didn't wake up in the end.

Han Yuan abruptly got up from the spot, without even looking at the brothers and sisters on the island, he walked straight into the sea.

Li Yun cried and gasped, squeezed a hand gesture that he didn't know was right, and waved his hand to hit Han Yuan's back, only to see countless tiny spider silks sticking out of his palm, tying Han Yuan firmly to the In the middle, he shouted: "You live with me!"

Han Yuan unknowingly let the spider silks cut one after another on his body. Li Yun gritted his teeth and shrunk his fingers fiercely, trying to pull him back. There was a fire for no reason, and the tongue of fire did not know what it was. In a blink of an eye, the spider silk wrapped around Li Yun's body and his own clothes were burnt clean. Immediately, Han Yuan, who was unchecked and obstructed, was naked like this. He jumped naked, jumped into the vast sea water, and didn't come out again.

Cheng Qian didn't know about this series of things. All his senses were becoming dull, and he concentrated on the pain. A pair of cold hands reached out and held him up. The man's fingers were shaking. Caressed his face.

Strange to say, at this moment, Cheng Qian couldn't even smell the blood on the ground, but strangely smelled the orchid fragrance.

This is the smell coming from the cuffs every time the senior brother gives him medicine. It is the smell that faintly overflows from the quilt every time he lies in the brother's room. Every time he is around, he seems to be in a drowsy state. .

Cheng Qian's consciousness began to blur, and the clear light that he had just died would drag on Zhou Han's back was fleeting, and he was so confused that he almost forgot where he was.

"I" Cheng Qian let out a raving like a mosquito.

Yan Zhengming lowered his head and slowly brought his ear close to his lips: "Huh?"

"I want to go home"

Yan Zhengming was stunned for a while, and showed a smile that seemed to be sad and happy.

He staggered and hugged Cheng Qian, and said warmly, "Okay, go home, senior brother will take you back to Fuyao Mountain, let's go."

Cheng Qian seemed to laugh, and gradually began to lose the strength to speak, so he fell silent.

At the same time, he suddenly thought without bounds: "It really hurts, death already hurts like this, is it the same when you were born?"

Later, he remembered that when he was born, it seemed that his own mother had hurt him for him.

All of a sudden, Cheng Qian's resentment towards his parents and everyone dissipated, and even the ups and downs in his short life and being under the fence of others were all melted into the faint scent of orchids.

Finally, Cheng Qian's head suddenly lost support and landed weakly on Yan Zhengming's shoulder.

Since it is called the fate of the dust, it is like a noise, coming and going, and it cannot be pursued.

Li Jun chased after him: "Senior brother! Senior brother! Put him down, Xiao Qian is gone!"

Yan Zhengming turned a deaf ear, and Li Yun grabbed his arm: "Senior brother!"

Yan Zhengming paused slightly, turned his head to look at him quietly, not a single tear shed, Li Yun's heart raised in his throat for a while, lest he would say "copper fell asleep, don't make a noise".

Now that this death is missing, if there is another madness, Li Yun simply doesn't know what to do. He took a half step back and said in a trembling voice, "Senior brother, don't scare me."

"I know." Yan Zhengming lowered his eyes and whispered to himself, "I'm not crazy, you tell little junior sister to stop crying."

Li Yun was even more panicked when he heard this, because the madness of the eldest brother seemed a little unusual.

"Go and fetch water." Yan Zhengming instructed. He held Cheng Qian's body and walked to the middle of the deserted island without looking back. He said, "Let him clean and then we will find a way to make a boat."

Li Yun asked blankly, "Where are you going by boat?"

Yan Zhengming: "Let's go back to the Yan family first, but I guess the Yan family is no longer there. Although my family is rich, it is still full of mortals. Getting rid of them is no different from setting up an ant nest. I just saw it with my own eyes. If it's gone, I don't care anymore."

Li Yun suddenly felt chills all over. On the way here, they were still deceiving themselves and saying that Xue Qing's puppet talisman was just lost and that everyone was fine. Of course, the Yan family could not have any problems. Now, his senior senior brother seems to have no problems. Reservingly accepted all the bad news that might be imposed on him in this world.

Ochre silently put down the puddle, quickly found water with his hands and feet, and helped Yan Zhengming to put Cheng Qian down, washing the boy's blood. After doing all this, Yan Zhengming still felt a little aggrieved by Cheng Qian's disheveled clothes, so he took off his robe and wrapped Cheng Qian.

Yan Zhengming was half-kneeling beside Cheng Qian, staring blankly at that face for a long time, as if he saw the despair floating in his heart.

Yan Zhengming suddenly thought: "Why am I still alive, why don't I go with him?"

With this thought, the true essence in his body instantly reversed, and Yan Zhengming's face suddenly covered with a layer of ominous blood, which was a vague sign of going crazy. Tens of thousands of grievances rose and fell in his heart, endlessly strung into a net of heaven and earth, tightly holding his three souls and seven souls, Zhou Hanzheng, Tang Yao, and Bai Ji countless faces flashed before his eyes.

"Why don't they die?" Yan Zhengming murmured suddenly, "Does the so-called way of heaven mean to let shameless people live a hundred years?"

Ochre, who was closest to him, immediately felt something was wrong, and whispered, "Sect Master?"

Yan Zhengming's eyes slowly turned to him, the peach blossom eyes that he was used to seeing and often smiled, were like a bottomless dry well, so dark that he couldn't see the edge, Yan Zhengming suddenly laughed lowly, word by word. Said: "If I attain the Dao, I will also act recklessly, kill indiscriminately, and plunder, and whoever dares to stand in my way, I will make him slashed by a thousand swords, and he will never be transcendent, regardless of whether he is a Buddha or not! "

Li Yun was horrified: "Senior brother, what did you say?"

"Why?" Yan Zhengming's voice was low in his hoarse voice, "Why!"

Before he could finish his words, a layer of black air had already risen around him, and a circle of sand and gravel had risen in response. Others could not get close for a while, Li Yun hurriedly reached out and grabbed his shoulder, but he was bounced off before he touched anyone. After three or four steps, he sat down on the ground.

Ochre didn't know what to do, so he could only look at Li Yun eagerly.

Li Yun jumped up from the ground and said sternly: "Yan Zhengming! Xiao Qian has an accident and Xiao Yuan is lost. Do you think I'm heartless and don't know how sad? I'd rather die than me!"

Li Yun's personality has not been very sharp since he was a child, and his badness is also sloppy. As he grows older, he rarely loses his temper. Therefore, the little bit of anger that has accumulated with great difficulty, can be vented in three or two sentences, and it will be exhausted again and again. , Li Yun jumped, took a deep breath with red eyes, and then said in a crying voice what he had refused to admit for many years: "At least Xiao Qian is much better than me."

It's a pity that he confided his heart on a rare occasion, but in the end he played the qin to the cow, Yan Zhengming seemed to be deaf, and the flying stones on the ground slapped Li Yun's face like a slap, leaving a blood mark immediately. Yun was forced to take a few steps back, just in time to hit a puddle that was left unattended.

The puddle hugged his thigh helplessly, but within a few days, her bulging face had visibly lost weight, turning into a small lump, her chin as sharp as the two scowls on her neck. The soul needle was exactly the same, Li Yun glanced at it, suddenly squatted down and held her shoulder, and said hurriedly: "Lend me the soul needle!"

Before the puddle could react, Li Yun had already pulled down a soul-searching needle, snapped open the cork of the needle, and waved it towards Yan Zhengming.

The puddle was stunned. Accompanied by her scream, the soul-searching needle sank into the black mist and stabbed Yan Zhengming's shoulder exactly.

The thick black fog dissipated in a hurry, Yan Zhengming groaned, the whole person rushed forward, fell on Cheng Qian, and couldn't get up for a while.

Li Yun rushed up immediately, quickly pulled out the poisonous needle, cut off Yan Zhengming's blood flow, and punched in with a burst of true essence, forcing out all the poisonous blood that had not had time to spread, until the black blood that flowed out turned red, and he didn't stop. He breathed a sigh of relief, took out a bottle of detoxification pill soaked in sea water from his arms, pushed Yan Zhengming who was motionless, and said indifferently, "I told you that you should not be forced to, senior brother, take the detoxification pill first. ."

Yan Zhengming didn't look up, Li Yun waited for a while, but didn't get an answer, so he carefully put his hand on Yan Zhengming's uninjured shoulder, only then did he feel the eldest brother's body trembling like shivering leaves.

Yan Zhengming hugged Cheng Qian's already cold body tightly and cried bitterly.

They stayed on the island for half a month, and finally a canoe engraved with rough spells was finally made. Only two people could barely sit in the canoe. Fortunately, the puddle was still small, so they could make do with it. Yan Zhengming You can ride the sword, but you can barely walk with them. He pulled a piece of cloth, wrapped Cheng Qian's frost blade and took it with him. The luggage couldn't be simpler.

"Senior brother, let's go." Li Yun reminded.

Yan Zhengming nodded, and finally looked back at this little-known deserted island. His brows, who had been out of breath with some teenagers, seemed to have a gloomy color overnight, as if the years of square inch. It is infinitely elongated, but in just a few minutes, the teenager has been reborn and grown into an adult.

Yan Zhengming looked at the island, his eyebrows suddenly curved, showing a bit of heavy tenderness: "When one day we can return to Fuyao Mountain in an open and honest way, we will come to pick you up and go home, okay?"

Naturally, no one answered him.

Yan Zhengming carried the frost blade rolled up in the rags behind his back, stepped on his sword with a corner open, and Yu Jian opened his way.

The sea and the sky are the same color, and both places are vast.

The author has something to say: Volume II End

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