Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 5: If it is not a great tool, it will be a great disaster


Yan Zhengming's attitude was contemptuous, and the gesture of calling Cheng Qian was clearly calling a dog.

What he did successfully made Cheng Qian wake up from his astonishment in an instant.

Cheng Qian felt very inferior in his heart because he was never seen since he was a child. Over time, this inferiority sank deep into his bones and turned into a self-respect that was so intense that he was almost paranoid. One eye could make him sensitive, let alone this trick. Dog gesture.

Cheng Qian seemed to have been poured cold water on his head in the cold winter and twelfth lunar month, and his facial features were also frozen into ice. His frozen face was expressionless. Seeing the ceremony: "Eldest brother."

Yan Zhengming glanced at him with a probe, and as he leaned forward so slightly, a faint orchid fragrance enveloped Cheng Qian, and he didn't know how much incense his ragged clothes had smoked, enough to repel insects. .

This young master and senior brother must not look at people's faces. Anyway, he didn't notice Cheng Qian's almost uncontrollable anger.

He even swept Cheng Qian from the beginning to the end in a leisurely manner, like a horse. After that, he probably felt that he was still eye-catching. Yan Zhengming nodded casually and gave a sentence to his first-time junior brother, regardless of the reaction of others. Sincere message.

He said like a mallet: "It's okay, don't grow crippled in the future."

Said that in order to show the accommodatingness of the senior brother, the young master reluctantly swept his palm past Cheng Qian's head an inch, pretending to touch his head, and then perfunctorily ordered: "The 'injustice' and the 'brother' I've seen you all, Master, take it with you—well, little Yu'er, give them to both of them, grab a handful of pine nuts and eat them each."

Real Mu Chun's old face twitched slightly, and he suddenly had a strange feeling, as if he brought in to show his unworthy apprentice not the two junior brothers, but the two big girls who had brought him from afar. .

Or a big girl who is not very attractive!

Pine nut candies are not ordinary pine nut candies. They are packed in delicate small sachets, full of them, and there is a layer of crystal clear icing on the outside, mixed with an indescribable floral fragrance, which is refreshing.

The children of the poor people have never seen such exquisite food, but Cheng Qian has no regrets. As soon as he goes out, he shoves the sachet and pine nuts into Han Yuan, and casually said: "This thing is still Give it to my brother."

His "generousness" made Han Yuan stunned on the spot. Han Yuan took the sachet in a complicated mood and was a little embarrassed.

The little beggar has grown to such a large size, and has always had to fight to get food. Everyone comes out to hang out to survive, and they all live like wild dogs. Who has the energy to care for others

Han Yuan's chest was hot, and at the same time he was moved, a huge misunderstanding occurred in his heart - his newly recognized little brother may not be weak and bullying, but he really doesn't care and treats himself well.

The real person Mu Chun was not so easy to fool. He clearly saw Cheng Qian patted his hand in disgust, as if there was something unclean on his hand. The good quality of humility is purely because he is too lazy to give face to his demonic senior brother.

But having said that, the biggest temptation that a kid at this age can encounter is actually nothing more than eating and drinking.

Zhenren Mu Chun thought with some emotion: "This little bastard has a hard heart, and if he doesn't make a big deal in the future, it will be a big disaster."

In this way, little bastard Cheng Qian officially entered the Fuyao faction.

He lived for the first night in his own Qing'an, and slept until the next day and night, dark and sweet, without dreams, without recognizing the bed, and without homesickness.

Early the next morning, Xue Qing changed Cheng Qian into a robe, combed his hair in a bun, and dressed like a dog.

Children don't need to tie their hair and crown, but Xueqing said that this is because he has already entered the fairy gate, so he can't be regarded as a worldly child.

The biggest difference between the poultry sect and the pheasant sect is that the pheasant sect is purely nonsense. Although the poultry sect has an ominous origin, on the surface, it is also somewhat real.

The first is the talisman. Legend has it that the rare immortal talisman is almost everywhere here, even the trees and stones are engraved. Xue Qing pointed to the talisman on the root of a tree and said to Cheng Qian: "Uncle San, if you are lost in the mountains, All you have to do is ask about these stones and trees."

Xueqing said, took a step forward to demonstrate, and said to the roots of the big tree: "Please go to the 'Do not know Tang' - Do not know the hall is the residence of the head, the uncle has just started, and today I will go to the head to receive ordination."

Cheng Qian didn't bother to answer, he looked in amazement at the lightly fluorescent tree roots in front of him.

At this time, the sky is not yet bright, the light is small, clumps, and white as the moonlight. A clear and concise path.

Although this is not the first fairy tool Cheng Qian has seen, it is the first useful fairy tool Cheng Qian has seen!

Xue Qing's skill in observing words and expressions is first-rate, knowing that this child has a sour face and is very hypocritical, so seeing him shocked, he didn't break it, only when he looked over, did he calmly mention: "Third Master Uncle, please come here. , follow the light."

Walking on the road paved with fluorescent light, Cheng Qian had the feeling that he was becoming a different kind of person and was about to live a different life.

Cheng Qian asked, "Brother Xueqing, who did all this?"

Xue Qing couldn't correct Cheng Qian's name, so he just went with him. After listening to the question, he replied, "It's the head."

Cheng Qian was taken aback, a little unbelievable.

Until not long ago, in Cheng Qian's mind, his head master was still only a cute long-necked pheasant, neither fancy nor useful - so could it be that he is not a liar

Could it be that he has something unknown to him

Can the master also be invincible and call for the rain as in the legend

Cheng Qian imagined it with a bit of incredible longing, but found that it was still difficult for him to cultivate true awe for his master.

Xue Qing took Cheng Qian along the luminous path to the Shizhitang of the real person Mu Chun.

"I don't know" is actually a small thatched hut. There are no fairy artifacts or plaques. There is a wooden sign the size of a palm hanging at the entrance of the courtyard, with a rough engraving of a beast's head. Cheng Qian looked at the beast's head a little familiar, but For a while, I couldn't remember what it was, and there was a line of small characters next to the animal's head, which read "One question and three I don't know".

The thatched hut made Cheng Qian think for a moment that he had returned to his home in the countryside, where it was too simple, almost nothing.

There is a small courtyard at the entrance of the house. In the middle of the courtyard is a small wooden table with three legs. The other side where there should be legs is lame, and it is placed on a stone. The wooden table is covered with cracks. Zheng Jinwei sat behind the small table, staring at a small tray on the table.

The tray is a shoddy stoneware, the craftsmanship is very trendy, the shape is not square, the circle is not round, even the bottom is not smoothed, and there are several old rusted copper coins scattered on it. Come dark.

Cheng Qian's footsteps stopped involuntarily, and for a moment, he felt a heavy awe in the master staring at the copper coins.

Xue Qing on the side smiled and said, "What destiny did the head see in today's hexagram?"

Hearing the words, the sect master put away the copper coins solemnly, put his hands in his sleeves, and said leisurely: "The way of heaven is destiny, I will add a chicken stew with mushrooms to today's meal."

When he said this, his beard was slightly warped, his small eyes rolled around a few times, and the tip of his nose twitched slightly, showing genuine yearning.

Cheng Qian felt familiar as soon as he saw his color, and then he suddenly connected the cause and effect, and in a flash, he remembered it in his heart - I didn't know that the animal head on the wooden sign at the entrance of the hall was a weasel!

The idiots in the countryside do not know what saints are, let alone read Buddhist scriptures and Taoist scriptures, and pray to Buddha.

"Huang Daxian" refers to the weasel spirit, and "Qingdaxian" refers to the snake spirit, also known as the "Housekeeper Snake".

When Cheng Qian was a child, he saw a tablet dedicated to Huang Daxian in the village, and there was such a beast head on it.

He thought of this, and when he looked at Mu Chun again, he saw that he had a long waist and short legs, thin bones, and a small chicken face.

With such indescribable doubts in mind, Cheng Qian stepped forward and bowed to the master who was suspected of being a weasel with a mortal body in a complicated mood.

The master waved his hand with a smile and said, "Don't be too polite, it's sour, our Fuyao faction doesn't like this."

Cheng Qian thought bitterly in his heart: "What is it? Chicken stewed with mushrooms?"

Just then, Han Yuan also came, and Han Yuan called from a distance: "Master! Senior brother!"

He actually practiced what it means to be "unreasonable", and as soon as he entered the door, he made a fuss and said, "Oh, Master, how can you live in such a shabby place!"

Calling, the little beggar turned around in the courtyard of the unknown hall as if familiar again, and finally settled in front of Cheng Qian.

This short-sighted little beggar had already been bought by a bag of pine nuts candy, and determined that Cheng Qian was good to him, and did not call him senior brother yin and yang, he stepped forward and pulled Cheng Qian's sleeve affectionately: "Xiao Qian, why didn't you look for him yesterday? I'm going to play?"

Cheng Qian was annoyed when he saw him, and immediately took a half step back calmly, took out his sleeve from his hand, and said with a straight face, "Fourth Junior Brother."

Xueqing dressed him as an adult, revealing a smooth forehead and slender eyebrows, looking delicate and good-looking, like a jade person, if a person is really made of jade, it seems that a little loneliness can be forgiven.

Han Yuan himself is an uneducated beggar with no father, mother, and no education. He doesn't like anyone who doesn't like his eyes, and he doesn't like anything he likes. To him, Cheng Qian is all about how he looks good. He didn't mind the other party's indifference at all, and thought happily: "This kind of domestic child is different from the one we have traveled around. He is shy, and I will take care of him more in the future."

Although Mu Chun's eyes are small, the eyes shot out of them are like torches. He watched coldly for a moment, and he interrupted Han Yuan's shaved head and picked up his head and said, "Xiao Yuan, come here."

Han Yuan walked over to his crumbling small table: "Master, what's the matter?"

True Master Mu Chun looked at him and said sternly: "Although you are a late entry, you are a little older than your third senior brother. As a teacher, I need to ask you a few words first."

A master like a weasel is also a master. He is rarely solemn, and Han Yuan can't help but straighten his waist.

Mu Chun said: "You are eccentric by nature and lost in frivolity, so I gave you the word 'rock' as a precept to remind you that the way of heaven should not be opportunistic, avoid being arrogant and self-confident, and avoid being inattentive, and you should always sink in the future. Concentrate your heart, you can't slack off for a day, understand?"

Han Yuan raised his hand and wiped his nose, but he didn't understand half a sentence of this abstention, and said "Ah" in a confused way.

Fortunately, Mu Chun didn't pursue his rudeness, he said and turned to Cheng Qian.

It was only then that Cheng Qian realized that Master was not born with triangular eyes, but his eyelids were a bit inward. Usually, his eyes were always half-closed, his eyes wandering, and he was described as obscene. This time, he opened his eyes and suddenly Showing a bit of black and white clarity, his eyes darkened slightly, and his expression towards Cheng Qian was almost stern.

The author has something to say: Note: "The way of heaven and the way of heaven should not be opportunistic, avoid arrogance and arrogance, and avoid being inattentive." From Zeng Guofan's family book, it was mentioned that "the way of heaven avoids cleverness", "the way of heaven avoids profit", and "the way of heaven avoids the second" ”, here extended to my own far-fetched.

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