Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 52: Fuyao Mountain... disappeared out of thin air


Li Yun was taken aback for a while, then the smile on his face dimmed, and he asked, "Why, do you still remember your little brother?"

"Of course I remember," Shuikeng said in disbelief, "I not only remember what he looked like later, but also when he was a child, the third senior brother loved me the most—and even if I really don't remember, the senior brother painted him almost a hundred times. Years later, will I not recognize it?"

Every generation of disciples of the Fuyao School has a tradition of keeping their portraits in the ninth-floor scripture building. Even if they can't go back now, Yan Zhengming always wanted to keep a picture for Cheng Qian, but unfortunately he deleted it, changed it, and repeated it over and over again. , So far there is no one formed.

Li Yun said with a smile: "You don't have a conscience, don't we all hurt you?"

He said, and followed the puddle to take a second look, but he only felt that the man flashed by as if he was stunned, and saw nothing.


"Your little brother has been upright since he was a child. People who are good looking may look a bit alike, so there's nothing to make a fuss about," Li Yun paused, and then ordered, "By the way, remember not to say this to the senior brother. Say, be careful he attacks you."

Shuideng responded casually, but his eyes kept rolling, and he thought without shame: "This little brother is so pleasing to the eye, I have to get to know him later."

When she thought about it, she couldn't wait for some reason. She spread her wings and flew into the air, complaining, "Why hasn't the senior brother come back? Are you planning to stay in that Mingming Valley to be your son-in-law?"

There is no need to use True Yuan, Shuideng is born with a pair of clairvoyant eyes, and she can see animals running dozens of miles away with just a glance. She glanced around aimlessly, and suddenly saw a frost-like sword light rising into the sky in the distance. With the sword light, the puddle noticed that the place was covered with an imperceptible blood.

I don't know who's sword qi, instantly brought a piece of frost, and it surged like a sea tide, like a breeze sweeping leaves, sweeping the blood qi into the air. Then, a thick black mist escaped and disappeared in all directions in a blink of an eye.

Puddle looked stunned.

The memories that were not dusty were separated by ruthless time, and rolled in front of me in a blink of an eye. That year, in the small courtyard in the late autumn of the island, there was a young man who seemed to be on a whim, tilted his head and smiled at her: "Little Junior Sister, what can I show you? It's the Sea Tide Sword—"

Vaguely in front of you.

Puddle's heart was beating wildly.

She suddenly spread her wings to the maximum, ignoring Li Yun's shouting on the ground, and flew in the direction of the sword light.

Let’s talk about that sword—Cheng Qian chased after the ghost-faced black shadow on the corpse at that time. He had seen Jiang Peng, the big ghost repairer, and had been with Tang Zhen, the ghost who escaped from the Soul Eater Lamp, for many years. The unresolved suffocation of the lamp was very familiar, and as soon as the shadow came out, he felt it.

At the same time, I became more and more puzzled. Ghosts are generally formed souls or Yuan, which would look like a rag

The rag-like shadow escaped more than ten miles and plunged into a cave.

Cheng Qian hadn't stepped in yet, but he had already smelled the choking blood in the cave. He didn't go in rashly, but separated a wisp of consciousness at the entrance of the cave. When he reached the cultivator of Yuan, the consciousness was released, and he could see no escape in a radius of 100 miles. shape.

But there seemed to be a thick layer of fog in the cave, and Cheng Qian could only barely see something deep in the cave. The disguised voice - Nian Da pulled his loud voice and said loudly: "Little brother, are you saying that the corpse was nearby at that time?"

Another younger voice replied, "Yeah, all of us in the village saw the white shadow here."

Cheng Qian frowned, when he was about to hide his figure, and watched the two people walk to the entrance of the cave. He had seen Liu Lang several times, and he had the impression of a young man with a beautiful face, but at this time, he was leading the way. Nian Da walked into the cave, but Liu Lang was very blank. Looking closely, his eyes were dim, and there seemed to be a gray fog in his pupils. The closer he got to the entrance of the cave, the thicker the fog.

Seeing that Nian Da, the ignorant 250, didn't notice anything wrong, he followed Liu Lang into the cave with straight brows. Jade's transformation is very good at restraining anger, it is much easier than ordinary flesh, and it is convenient to pretend to be dead at any time.

Nian Da said as he walked, "Don't say it, this cave really looks like someone died, and it smells like a fishy smell."

Cheng Qian listened to it not far or near, and felt powerless for a while - this insight is absolutely incredible.

Rokuro didn't answer, his eyes were straight ahead to lead the way, the boy's footsteps knocked on the ground, and there was no change in the interval for a while.

Nianda: "little brother?"

Still no response, Nian Da was finally a little hairy, and couldn't help but shouted boldly: "Uncle Master! Uncle Cheng, are you in there? Cheng"

His voice came to an abrupt end, as if his tongue had been pulled out. The narrow path ahead had come to an end, and Rokuro, who was leading the way, suddenly fell silently, and the scene in the cave was suddenly in front of his eyes.

I saw an object about the height of one person on display here, in the shape of an oil lamp, with an open long neck, and under the long neck were engraved with dense spells, all the way to the ground, and the blood-red spells were covered within a radius of several zhang.

There is nothing scary about the spell, even if it is really scary, Nian Da's two or five eyes can't see any way, and what scared him out of the three souls is that the oil lamp is not filled with lamp oil, but a pool of blood water. The blood and water were being mixed up for some unknown reason. There was no wind, and countless skeletons went up and down inside, and the whole cave was filled with blood.

Cheng Qian, who followed quietly, frowned, and he recognized it at a glance, it was actually a Soul Eater Lamp.

And it seems to be the one that was destroyed by Beimingjun before.

Just as he was carefully observing the spell under the Soul Eater Lamp, a white shadow suddenly flew out of the blood lamp without warning, sunk into Rokuro's body unexpectedly.

The young man rolled into a strange posture on the ground, and then suddenly jumped up, his nails soared three inches, and pinched Nian Da's neck fiercely. He resisted, but as soon as he saw the young face of Rokuro, he acted like a woman and thought, "This child is a mortal man. If I strike down, he may not be alive."

With just a moment of hesitation, Nian Da missed the last opportunity, and the demonic energy penetrated into Rokuro's body in a blink of an eye. The demonic energy collided so that one side was long and the other was short, the deformed phalanx broke through the flesh, raised it to point at Nian Da's eyebrows, and murmured in a hoarse voice: "Gather the shadow of the underworld, melt the blood and energy of thousands of people as the body, and transform the soul into ten thousand souls. Article, the ghost is the only one"

Nian Da had a splitting headache, and his three souls and seven souls were shaking together.

There was a sinister smile on the face of "Rokuro": "Who is the soul lamp!"

A sharp sword light struck and slashed towards the top of the "Rokuro" without leaving his hand. Rokuro's soul-pulling practice was suddenly interrupted, and he was almost attacked by the soul-eating lamp. He was forced to throw Nian Da aside, and immediately let out A piercing roar.

Cheng Qian walked out from where no one was holding his sword, still looking down at the spell under the Soul Eater Lamp, and said calmly: "Why, Senior Jiang, when Lord Beiming smashed the Soul Eater with one soul, you It didn't disappear? It seems that ghosts really have something unique in the matter of souls, are you, do you want to reshape the soul-eating lamp?"

As soon as Cheng Qian saw the huge soul-devouring lamp, he first thought of Jiang Peng, and then when he heard him speak, he suddenly felt more like it, but he couldn't confirm it.

The spells on the ground were so complex that it was difficult for even Cheng Qian to comprehend them all, so he deliberately made a long tone and pretended to be confident. So that he could memorize the entire spell on the ground by rote.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, the expression of "Liu Lang" changed greatly, and he rushed towards Cheng Qian with a roar, as if he had been told some secret, and was ready to kill him.

Cheng Qian turned around to dodge a few black breaths, and was suddenly shocked - this person is really Jiang Peng? Is he really refining the Soul Eater

Even though Jiang Peng is a peerless great demon, he is attached to mortals, and he has no soul-devouring lamp and ghosts around him, with Cheng Qian's current cultivation level, he will not be taken seriously. Especially this Jiang Peng has obviously lost his mind, like a mad dog.

This person's current situation is similar to that of the Great Demon who swept the whole sect in the East China Sea, so did he really come up with the idea of pretending to be evil and deceiving the nearby monks

Cheng Qian was suddenly horrified, what the hell is the way of ghosts

Are people using the soul-eating lamp as a weapon, or is the soul-eating lamp eating people into ghosts

Who actually introduced Jiang Peng into the ghost realm back then

Cheng Qian immediately stopped suppressing his own cultivation. With him as the center, frost gradually enveloped the entire cave, but it couldn't penetrate into the vicinity of the big soul-devouring lamp.

Jiang Peng was shocked by the cold, but he actually regained some wisdom, took a half step back, and stared at Cheng Qian vigilantly: "Who the hell are you?"

Cheng Qian replied coldly, "The one who cleans up the portal."

Said that his sword light ran towards Jiang Peng like a cold star, and he was using a swinging wooden sword. A look of surprise flashed across Jiang Peng's face. Immediately, he inserted his hand into Liu Lang's upper body and pulled a rib. When he came out, the bloody bone turned into a long sword glowing with black energy in his hand, and when it was sacrificed in the air, it suddenly turned into ten incomplete ghosts, and he wanted to surround Cheng Qian.

Nian Da, who had just taken a breather, saw this situation and almost fainted again, and howled with a voice that was pinched into a gong: "Be careful!"

After a hundred years of practice, I didn't expect that the first person to try the sword turned out to be the same sect master.

What kind of luck is this

The unremarkable saber in Cheng Qian's hand suddenly soared by three feet, and Qing Feng was in no position to see the ghosts as nothing, and pointed directly at Jiang Peng without any hindrance.

The sword from Shimen put an incomparable pressure on Jiang Peng's head. In that instant, the big devil finally shook his heart. This slight shaking just appeared, and the soul-eating lantern's charm was seamless. There was a flaw in the circle, and the blood-red spell was driven straight in by a long line of frost—Cheng Qian was just swaying, and his goal was the Soul Eater.

He only heard a low voice: "Bro—"

The whole cave was about to collapse, and the half-forged Soul Eater was split in half by Cheng Qian's sword. Thousands of ghosts detained in the Soul Lamp rushed to escape, rolled into a black mist, and the thick blood was completely swept away. He picked it up with sword energy, rolled over for a moment, and exploded with a bang.

A loud noise almost knocked Nian Da into a daze, and it took him a while to wake up, only to see that the corner of the cave had been broken open, and the sky light had leaked in. Fortunately, the mountain could hold up, and they were not buried alive inside. The soul-devouring lamp was destroyed again, and the elders of Youtan had returned their swords to their sheaths, and stood aside indifferently, looking at the bloody "Rokuro" on the ground.

Nian Da rushed to Cheng Qian's side: "Uncle Shi"

"The master has run away." Cheng Qian said, and Chong Nian Da stretched out his hand, "Is there any healing medicine?"

"Yes!" Nian Da hurriedly touched his body, took out a small bottle of medicinal pill, and was about to feed the dying Liulang clumsily, but Cheng Qian stretched out his hand to stop him, only to see that the pill fell into his palm, It suddenly turned into a cloud of mist and flowed softly into Rokuro's body.

The medicinal herbs in Shu have their own uniqueness, and the immediate effect was immediate. The eyes of Rokuro that had been slack were re-converged. The boy's face was bumpy, and his long and short arms were limply hanging by his side, and there was one missing in his upper abdomen. Ribs, leaving a black hole in blood, looked very shocking.

Nian Da couldn't help but said, "Uncle Shi, can he still live?"

Cheng Qian lowered his eyes and looked at the dying boy. Rokuro's deformed hand slammed on the ground, his eyes widened, and there was an almost hideous intention to survive.

Cheng Qian said: "It depends on whether he wants to live that much."

Before Nian Da could understand what this sentence meant, he saw that Cheng Qian suddenly shot three cold air from his palm, like three nails, and mercilessly nailed them into Liulang's Parkway, Dantian and sole, Liulang opened his mouth wide. , but could not even make a sound, the whole person was violently pulled out on the ground, leaving a long blood mark.

"A mortal man's soul disappears when he dies, so I nailed his soul into this body. If he survives within two hours, you will take him back to Mingming Valley, and please send him to Master Tang Zhen," Cheng said. Qian said, "I can't make it through, I can't help it - I still have some things to do, it's inconvenient to take you, see you by fate."

Said, he turned and turned into a cloud of blue smoke, and he left in such a hurry.

Nianda: "Ah! Uncle Shi! Wait!"

He jumped three feet high and wanted to catch up, but he couldn't bear to leave Rokuro who had passed out, so he had to spin around like a donkey in situ. Suddenly, a group of fiery meteors rushed into the cave and fell to the ground and transformed into a human. He was so scared that he shrank his head, and when he looked again, the person who came was actually a beautiful woman, so he greeted with some embarrassment: "Gu, girl, you"

It was the puddle who broke in. She swept her eyes and chopped her feet: "Where's the person?"

Nian Da stammered and asked, "Who, who?"

Shuideng stepped forward and grabbed Nian Da's collar, lifted him up with great force, and asked like a cannonball, "Where's the person who made the sword here just now?"

Nian Da blushed and had a thick neck, and spit out two words with difficulty: "Let's go."

"Where did you go?"

Nian Da had a bitter face and struggled to save his neck: "I don't know, girl, that's the elder of the sect, how could he tell me where he's going?"

Shuideng left him as soon as he turned around and walked away. After thinking about it, he suddenly turned back and asked, "What kind of school are you? What kind of elder is he?"

Nian Da coughed dryly for a while, but still replied with a good temper: "There is only our Mingming Valley nearby, that is the elder Youtan sent by me. He has been in seclusion for almost fifty years. , you must be mistaken."

Puddle cut him off: "What's his name?"

Nian Da sighed when she saw that she was obsessed, but answered honestly: "Cheng"

Before the last word came out, the puddle had turned into a fire again, and he chased out without looking back.

After 50 years of seclusion, she has just come out of the valley. If it is really her little brother, where will she go? Except for Fuyao Mountain, the puddle didn't make him think.

She was crying while chasing, but she didn't know what was there to cry about, but the tears couldn't be stopped for no reason. The tears just fell from her face, and immediately turned into a cloud of water vapor in the flames.

For a while, Shuikeng wished that everyone in the world would know about it, and sent messages to the senior and second senior brothers and the ocher brother one by one, but at the same time, he did not dare, lest this was just a daydream of her Jinghuashuiyue.

She didn't even dare to listen to the fool to say the whole name of that person.

In the past 100 years, the third senior brother has become an inverse scale of the head senior senior brother, and no one is allowed to mention it.

But while he didn't let others mention it, he also made a phantom ring of copper coins himself, and often released self-abuse. He also painted the portrait of that person again and again, and every time he painted it, he stared at him for a while, then waved his hand to destroy it.

Puddle knew why, because he didn't want the person in the painting to stay in his youth forever, but there was nothing he could do.

"Can people be resurrected from the dead?" She said to herself in her heart, "Impossible, even a cultivator of Yuan will not be reincarnated as before, not to mention that the third brother was not yet seventeen years old at that time, and he was one hundred and eighty thousand from Yuan. Thousands of miles."

Shuideng felt that she was about to be persuaded by herself, but her wings did not obey her orders, and she still headed towards Fuyao Mountain without turning back.

She was right at all. Cheng Qian's goal was indeed Fuyao Mountain. Goodbye Jiang Peng reminded him of the enigmatic grievances of the previous generation in Fuyao Mountain. He had a vague hunch in his heart, as if all those things were clear Now, he will be able to find the key to the revival of the sect.

Why can't Fuyao Mountain become the second Mingming Valley

Along the way, Cheng Qian had already made countless preparations in his heart, thinking for the worst, could Fuyao Mountain become a barren mountain? Have their nine-story scriptures, the most refined formations, and countless talismans been taken by someone

But what he never expected was that none of this happened, and he could not find the way back to Fuyao Mountain.

In those days, Master Mu Chun led Cheng Qian back to the sect and took him up step by step. Cheng Qian felt that he would never find Fuyao Mountain no matter what, but he kept his sword on the road for a day and a night. After searching back and forth three times according to the memory, I finally had to admit that Fuyao Mountain disappeared out of thin air.

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