Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 71: Who dares to hurt him


There are fairy mountains in the Central Plains, towering into the clouds, the top of the mountain is covered with snow, the grass and trees below the mountain are Qinghua, and the clouds and rains on the halfway up the mountain come and go suddenly.

This mountain is called "Ten Provinces Mountain", and it is one more state than Kyushu. Although it is in the human world, it is still not like the human world.

There is also a folk saying that "the world is very prosperous, and eight parts are in ten states".

The mountains in the ten states are the best in the world, and Zhong Ling is beautiful, but unfortunately it is a huge spiritual absorption pool. The surrounding mountains and rivers are continuously drawn into the mountains, and the cultivators are not only unable to cultivate in it, but will be trapped by the mountains. Continue to snatch fresh air. It is precisely because of this that Shizhou Mountain has always been ownerless. Later, several great experts joined forces to build a "Suo Xiantai" on the top of the mountain, adding numerous restrictions, both large and small, to detain all kinds of wicked people.

There are thirty-six heaven and earth trapped dragon locks on the lock immortal platform, even if the sect of ten thousand demons is bound in them, it is difficult to fly.

Since the establishment of this place, countless great demons have been beheaded, and the ferocity has not dissipated throughout the year. There always seems to be a layer of blood that can't be wiped off, not far or near. Or the souls who died in grievances lingered for a long time, looking at the past world from a distance of life and death.

It's been a long time since Cheng Qian woke up. He only felt the pain of a needle stick in his back, and he almost couldn't get up at first.

With his cultivation base reaching his level, it has been a long time since he felt the pain of his flesh and blood. Cheng Qian took a deep breath and wriggled slightly, only to find that his hands and feet were not locked. Yuan Quan was trapped in a sea of qi, his body was as heavy as a mortal.

Naturally, the Frostblade Sword had already been taken away, and Cheng Qian was now unarmed and powerless to tie a chicken.

He didn't panic, and silently calmed down in place for a moment, and began to look up and look around, only to see that this place was an empty hall, with four doors closed, people in it, can use the thirty-six trapped dragon locks Wei Guang saw the surrounding murals of Slaying Demons and Eliminating Demons.

The soreness and numbness in his waist where the bug was plotting had not faded, Cheng Qian looked down and saw the blood on his chest.

In fact, Cheng Qian knew that if it wasn't for the puppet talisman tied to him by the senior brother, he would definitely not be able to fight that old thing, but the dignified Xuanwu Hall's great elder actually put down his face and attacked a junior after accidentally losing for a while. Dare to confront each other again, making Cheng Qian feel sad and ridiculous.

Some people have been condescending for a long time, and they have already put themselves on the shelf, and can't tolerate any downhill.

It's just that Cheng Qian didn't understand, why the old thing had to go all the way to tie himself to the so-called "Suo Xiantai", wouldn't it be clean to kill him directly

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn't figure it out, so he simply put it aside.

Anyway, it's a bad visitor.

Cheng Qian wasn't afraid of being locked up here - he didn't care if he wanted to kill or cut him, he was just worried about his big brother. Cheng Qian listened to Li Yun's words that day under Zhenlong's banner, and he always remembered that it would be very dangerous to come to Jianxiu to give birth to a demon. He couldn't imagine how the senior brother would feel when the puppet was broken and could not find him again.

So Cheng Qian got rid of his distracting thoughts, sat down with all his heart, and worked hard to mobilize his inner breath.

Just when he was on the Qiankun Trapped Dragon Lock with your life-and-death posture, he suddenly heard someone say behind him: "Hey, young man, don't bother, if I were you, lie down and have a good sleep now."

Cheng Qian turned around with some difficulty, and saw a person ten feet away from him. He didn't know how he got in, and was strolling around the sleepy dragon lock boredly. The man was shriveled, not tall, and a little hunched over, looking very wretched. The beard and stains on his face were indistinguishable from each other, and only the whites of his eyes stood out.

Although Cheng Qian himself was not particularly fond of cleanliness, he was still shocked by this gentleman's sloppyness—he had not seen a monk who made himself so dirty for many years.

This man was wearing a tattered shirt, and he kept scratching his ears and cheeks, making others feel itchy when they looked at him.

The man walked to the sleepy dragon lock like a big monkey, looked at Cheng Qian with a smile, and said, "Don't want to sleep? Let's chat - boy, how many people are left in your Fuyao faction? ?"

Cheng Qian was stunned. Although this person looked crazy, he was able to enter and exit at will in such a heavily guarded place, and he even revealed his origin in one go. It was not simple.

He hesitated for a moment and asked cautiously, "I don't know what the seniors are called?"

"Tsk, don't call it senior, you don't like to hear it, aren't you guys from the Fuyao faction all like wild monkeys in the mountains, never big or small?" The man waved his hand and replied, "You don't need to fake it with me. You're welcome, my name is Ji Qianli."

Cheng Qian witnessed his curled up squatting posture, and felt that he was wronged by this group of monkeys.

And the name "several thousand miles" really doesn't feel like his real name when he hears it.

The cultivator who claimed to be Ji Qianli grinned at him, revealing his white teeth: "I heard that you beat up that old ghost Yang Decheng to find his teeth all over the place, making him angry? It's very promising, boy!"

Cheng Qian asked inexplicably, "Who is Yang Decheng?"

Ji Qianli: "It's Bian Xuyang's big thug, that old ghost has been so arrogant these years, and someone should really take care of him - sigh, it wasn't like this when he was young, the older he got, the less he was, he was called Feishengpu. "

This person seemed to be very familiar with Xuanwutang inside and out. Cheng Qian couldn't help but take some precautions and said indifferently: "A person who can be forced to become a bastard by a mere ascendant, is it possible that he is still a saint and gentleman?"

Ji Qianli scratched the back of his neck, and waved his hands in embarrassment: "You are still young, I can't explain this to you."

Cheng Qian's heart was high, and while perseveringly used the trapped True Yuan to attack the restrictions around his body, he said calmly, "If mortals live to my age, there will be five generations in the same family."

Ji Qianli smiled and said: "You have extraordinary talent right now, and your realm is growing rapidly. You have neither married a daughter-in-law nor accepted a disciple. In such a day, even if you live 110,000 years old, you are still young. Wait until one day, you will find out People in the world, men and women, young and old, when they see you, call them seniors with respect, and the monks who run around with the sword in front of them call you their ancestors. Soaring farther and farther is called old age."

Cheng Qian was stunned for a moment, then turned his head to meet the old madman's eyes.

Only then did he realize that the old madman's eyes were extremely black, like the bottomless abyss of Fuyao's back mountain.

"We are different from mortals." Ji Qianli said, "Mortals know that they are going to die from birth. In 180 years, the poor and the rich, the good and the bad, all have the same goal, no matter how far their hearts are. , there is always such a home.”

Cheng Qian couldn't help but said, "Can death be considered a destination?"

Ji Qianli laughed loudly and danced: "You baby, tell me, if even death can't be considered a destination in this world, what can it be? But we don't even have this destination, what is the Dao? The Dao is like a The radish hanging in front of the donkey's face, we chase and chase it every day, the more powerful you are and the higher the realm, the farther you will find yourself away from that radish, you have been calling the wind and rain for a lifetime, being called a great fairy by mortals for a lifetime, and finally with mortals Turning into a handful of dust and making grass grow on the grave, wouldn't the thousand-year search become a joke?"

When Ji Qianli said this, the smile on his face suddenly turned cold, and he sighed: "Be it Yang Decheng, Bai Ji, or Tang Yao, when I recognized these people, they were just as young and energetic, with the same stubbornness and determination. Whatever you do or don't do, it's the same as you are now."

What kind of pair are Bai Ji and Tang Yao

Cheng Qian listened, his cheeks were tensed, and he asked a little stiffly: "Is this a compliment for me, senior?"

Ji Qianli shook his head and lowered his voice: "A hundred years ago, Tang Yao and Bai Ji joined forces to force Gu Yanxue to death, and less than five years later, Bai Ji died at the end of his lifespan. When the hair is like dead gray, the shape is like withered, the body is foul and stinky, and the words cannot be said. Most of the monks are not stained with dirt, and they are used to it. No one likes to approach. As for Tang Yao"

"They have always been indifferent to people in Mulan Mountain, only the struggle for power and power is very lively. Thirty years ago, Mulan Mountain changed to a magical day overnight. Tang Yao was placed under house arrest in the back mountain by his brother and sister, called retreat. These Years have disappeared, and if you think about it, you should be dead."

"It's only a mere hundred years." Ji Qianli stretched his waist for a long time and sighed, "I was the hero of the first generation, but now I am safe?"

Cheng Qiansi never had excess sympathy, so she was unmoved, and only said coldly, "You deserve what you deserve, you deserve to die."

"You deserve what you deserve," Ji Qianli repeated, shaking his head and saying, "You young people always think highly of themselves, but whoever can reach the level of greatness, which one is not determined and different from ordinary people? It's just alas, that's all."

The old beggar said, suddenly jumped up from the ground, and said to Cheng Qian: "I'm about to come, I have to go, you don't have to worry, since you are at Suoxiantai, someone will naturally take you out."


Cheng Qian's first reaction was his brothers, maybe passers-by like Zhuang Nanxi would also say a few words for him, other than that, who else would want to save him

Before he had time to ask, Ji Qianli suddenly changed his face and said solemnly, "I don't know if you did it on purpose, or just bad luck, but you are too young, even if they are It may not be a good boy to save you. Remember, if you want to live a long life, you need some means, but you can't have too much means. Today, there is no room for people with too much means in the world - there are Tong Ru, Gu Yanxuezhi If you don't want to follow in their footsteps, you'd better keep your eyes open."

Cheng Qian hurriedly said, "Wait, senior!"

Ji Qianli turned a deaf ear, and after a few ups and downs, he disappeared.

This man acted upside down, but his words seemed to have other meanings. Cheng Qian's brows gradually tightened - what is "the lesson of Tong Ru, Gu Yanxue and others"

Could it be that the master was enchanted, and is there any connection between the death of Island Master Gu

He hadn't come up with a reason yet, when the four square doors of the hall were suddenly pushed open with a bang, and the sudden influx of skylight stabbed Cheng Qian to be unable to open his eyes for a while. A group of people who knew and did not know walked in in stride, and the battle was very large.

The leader of the Xuanwu Hall was not the Great Elder Yang Decheng, but a middle-aged cultivator with a Chinese character face and thick eyebrows and big eyes. As soon as Cheng Qian saw it, he vaguely guessed that this person was probably Bian Xu, the head of Xuanwu Hall.

On the other side, Zhuang Nanxi followed a middle-aged man with a dignified expression and walked in in a hurry. He was black and white with the people in the Xuanwu Hall, vaguely appearing to be in the courtroom. Among this group of people, Cheng Qian saw a few. The familiar faces were all the disciples of the White Tiger Villa that he fished out of Zhaoyang Demon City that day.

Zhuang Nanxi winked at Cheng Qian from a distance, as if to reassure him.

In addition to these two factions, there were many monks who came to join in the fun, and even Tang Zhen, who had already left, was among them.

Under the watchful eyes, Cheng Qian sat on the lock immortal platform, and suddenly felt a little strange honor in his heart, thinking that on Qinglong Island, he was still a small loose cultivator, not yet condensed, and would fight and fight with brute force all day long. , Watching the great powers on the island fight, they don't even have the qualifications to speak out. They can only hide and hide around like a fragile egg under the nest.

It has only been a hundred years now, and he has actually enjoyed the treatment of Gu Island Master.

Yang Decheng seemed to be about to speak, but the cultivator with the national character next to him raised his hand and stopped him.

The man took the lead and said: "I am Bian Xu, the master of Xuanwu Hall, this fellow Taoist, my disciple, Elder Yang, said that you used a special technique to hide your cultivation, your real body is a demon cultivator, and you killed my child. , the hatred of killing your son is not shared, but the nephew Zhuang of White Tiger Villa tried his best to defend you. Although the pain of losing a son is unbearable, this old man is unwilling to hurt innocent people. , In front of the famous people in the world, let me ask you here, what is the relationship between the Southern Border Demon Dragon and you, and did my son Bian Xiaohui die in your hands?"

Bian Xu was ranked among the Four Sages, and he was indeed more human than the elders in his sect. Even though his eyes were red due to the pain of losing his son, he did not lose his temper.

Cheng Qian glanced at the gloomy-eyed Yang Decheng, and replied: "I have already explained the origin and the origin, but the elders of the noble faction are very interesting. He seems to think that the people in the world with higher cultivation than him are people in the devil's way. I am curious about this. Now, Hall Master, who is more powerful between you and your elders?"

Yang Decheng gritted his teeth and said, "Don't listen to him, Hall Master, this little beast is very sharp with sharp teeth."

For a junior like Cheng Qian who slapped him in the face in public, Yang Decheng actually seemed to kill him on the spot, and when he turned around, he just pushed Bian Xiaohui's death of the wine bag and rice bag on his head, and it was a hundred.

But I never expected that Zhuang Nanxi would throw a horizontal bar and mess up the game. The kid sent a letter to the disciples of the surrounding White Tiger Villa while they were fighting, and in a blink of an eye, he attracted a large group of disciples who happened to be in the surrounding villa—among them There was actually an elder of the White Tiger Villa who came here after hearing the news.

If it's just an "unknown loose cultivator", then whether it's life or death is at his disposal, but Baihu Villa is a family friend, and it is really inconvenient to tear his face in public. It made things even more complicated, and then the trouble reached Suoxiantai, which attracted the current group of cultivators with heads and faces.

Bian Xu didn't move, and asked again, "Since fellow Daoist denies that he is a member of the devil's way, then dare to ask the teacher's inheritance."

The Fuyao faction has always been a one-off lawsuit. Of course, Cheng Qian couldn't get out of his teacher's door, so he replied, "It's just an unnamed loose cultivator."

Yang Decheng said angrily: "Fart!"

Bian Xu frowned: "I like to talk to each other, why do fellow Daoists keep not cooperating? So where did you get your breath from? Is it natural?"

Cheng Qian put his hands on his knees, and said with a half-smile, "Qinglong Island Lecture Hall—if you ask again, I can tell you that Bai Ji and Tang Yao killed the master of Qinglong Island for saying 'no need'. At that time, I was there, time has changed, and the stars have changed, and now the old dog raised by the owner of Bian Island is just as powerful as it was back then."

As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the audience. There are different opinions on the change of Qinglong Island. No one can figure out whether Gu Yanxue died unjustly or deserved it, but he and Bian Xu belonged to the Four Sages. Come out, it looks very small.

Someone in the Xuanwu Hall roared: "Pride!"

Zhuang Nanxi hurriedly said: "There are indeed masters in the folk, even if this senior is from Qinglong Island, so what if the master of Qinglong Island has gone into the devil's life? At that time, he may not be able to enter or not enter the air door, doesn't Elder Yang feel that it is too hasty?"

Yang Decheng sneered: "Nephew Zhuang, just a little favor and little favor, are you deceived by him? Maybe you are trapped in Zhaoyang City, it is his conspiracy!"

Tang Zhen, who has been watching from the sidelines, said lazily, "He entered Zhaoyang City to find things for me, and saving people is not easy. Some people who are conspiracy and conspiracy are not too self-indulgent."

Yang Zhengde turned around abruptly and glared fiercely at Tang Zhen: "Who are you?"

Tang Zhen looked at him blankly for a moment, then said, "No name, it's this Elder Yang, I see that your Yintang is black, your eyebrows seem to have dark red lines, you seem to have a dark inner demon, and it is not easy to cultivate, I advise you. Less troubles, and more attention to health.”

Yang Decheng: "You"

He had just said a word, and Tang Zhen, who was like a tuberculosis ghost, had already taken the lead in covering his chest and coughing. Next to him, Rokuro hurriedly supported him and patted his back, as if the frail monk was under the In an instant, he would be scared to death by the bullying Elder Yang.

Bian Xu frowned and said, "Decheng, don't care about the juniors."

Yang Decheng was forced to withdraw his gaze, with resentment still on his face, he immediately gave the disciple of the Xuanwu Hall behind him a glance, and immediately, there was a disciple who would hold stinky feet and said for him: "Master, this disciple knows a kind of The method, even if the people in the magic way hide their blood, they can distinguish it."

Zhuang Nanxi and the elder of Baihu Villa next to him looked at each other, and both of them had an ominous premonition.

Sure enough, the disciple continued: "Cultivation techniques can be disguised, and Yuan can also be disguised, but as long as you cut open the inner palace and see where its Yuan returns, it will be clear at a glance whether it is a demon or a demon."

Before he finished speaking, the elder of the White Tiger Villa had already shouted: "Absurd! Why don't you cut open his chest and see if the heart is black or red? Hall Master Bian, the disciples of your sect have said nothing like this, you don't care. Is it?"

Bian Xu reached out and pinched his eyebrows.

Yang Decheng grabbed the white and said: "It's just to open the inner palace without hurting his life. There are so many Taoist friends on the Suo Xiantai. Is it possible that someone is afraid of making small moves? If he is really not a devil, my Xuanwu Hall will naturally offer elixir. , to ensure that he can be alive again in a moment!"

Yang Decheng may be narrow-minded or self-deceiving, anyway, he really did not deliberately frame Cheng Qian, but sincerely believed that Cheng Qian was indeed a demon cultivator. He said this very rightly: "Don't he dare?"

Zhuang Nanxi: "Teacher, there has never been such a thing in Suoxiantai. I absolutely do not believe that Senior Cheng is involved with the magic cultivator. Even if he really wants to check the inner palace, he can't find anything. It's hard to tell if it's spread out. Shame the Xuanwu Hall."

The Xuanwu Hall disciple who came up with the bad idea said: "You can rest assured, my Xuanwu hall is upright and upright, if there is really a mistake, I will definitely take the blame and give the world an explanation!"

The elder of Baihu Villa couldn't bear it any longer: "Bian Hall Master"

Yang Decheng forcibly interrupted him and said, "If you don't dare, you are guilty!"

Cheng Qian: ""

He, a bitter master, hasn't expressed his position yet, but the two parties are tit for tat with swords drawn.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from outside the Suoxiantai Hall: "Guilty? I want to see, who dares to hurt him!"

Before he finished speaking, someone with a sword rushed in in a grand manner, and before anyone arrived, a pressing sword intent had already swept across the hall.

Cheng Qian's face finally changed.

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