Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 8: Treasure of the township


Yan Zhengming slowly wiped his wooden sword with a piece of silk, and watched the younger brothers practice swords for a while.

The swords of the brothers and sisters are purely a joke. Except for Li Yun, they are more or less human. The other two little things are two big monkeys holding sticks, juggling with wooden swords there, and the master is still correcting them. Sword gesture.

The master said to this in a while: "Although the wooden sword is merciful, the real sword has no eyes. When dealing with swordsmen, you must be cautious - Cheng Qian, don't put your fingers on the blade, can't you feel the ten fingers connecting the heart? ?"

After a while, he said to that: "Donghai has three hundred catties of heavy swords, just now holding them in both hands, Xiao Yuan, I think you are not practicing swords, but iron."

Sometimes he has to tie his arms and run around to save a fire set by Li Yun's shit stirrer: "Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, oops, be careful with your eyes!"

Saying "unsightly" is simply flattering these little cubs.

Young Master Yan's eyes turned around, and finally fell on Cheng Qian, looking at the child a few more times.

He is well aware of the fact that he is a playboy, but he thinks that he is so playful that he doesn't hurt the world and doesn't harm anyone, so he feels at ease, never repents, and keeps pace with the times and intensifies his mood.

At the same time, Master Yan also admitted that he is a little superficial - he is very self-aware of himself, and knows that whether he is "knowledge" or "character", he has nothing at all. It is inconvenient to be too demanding of others, so Yan Zhengming's preference for a person's likes and dislikes is naturally only "look at the face".

According to this standard, people like Han Yuan and his class are heinous in his eyes.

"Looking at people and looking at faces" is Yan Zhengming's iron-clad principle of dealing with the world. To this, he is only willing to make exceptions for two people: one is Master and the other is Li Yun.

Even though the master looks full of evil, but Young Master Yan followed him to practice for eight years, he was used to growing up, and he was very close emotionally, so he was willing to forgive this openly.

And Li Yun even if Li Yun looks like a dog, Yan Zhengming still decides not to share the sky with him, that thing is really not a thing.

As for Cheng Qian, Yan Zhengming was actually very pleasing to the eye, otherwise he wouldn't have given him candy as soon as they met - unfortunately, his third junior brother didn't appreciate it.

Of course, this pleasing to the eye is also very limited. After all, Cheng Qian is still young, and it is unknown whether he will be beautiful or disabled in the future. It is not enough to make Young Master Yan interested in staring at a little broken child waving a wooden stick.

In the courtyard raised by the master, the younger brothers were running noisily. Yan Zhengming idly carried his wooden sword and walked away grandly, thinking about his stagnant progress.

Yan Zhengming has been practicing swordsmanship with his master for almost eight years, and the swinging wooden sword has barely reached the third style.

Although the starting gesture was drawn by the master and vividly portrayed as a play of five animals for middle-aged and elderly people, the swordsmanship is not ridiculous.

Yan Zhengming is not an ignorant little beggar, Han Yuan. Before he joined the Fuyao Sect, his family had hired the best swordsman master for him. Even if he was not good at learning, he was not blind.

There are five styles of the swinging wooden sword, which are "Pengcheng Wanli", "Seeking Up and Down", "Failure to Expect", "Prosperity and Decline", and "Return to Originality". Each style has twenty-five strokes and countless transformations. With the growth of age in the past few years, Yan Zhengming sometimes almost has the illusion that this set of swordsmanship contains everything in the world. Stopping and thinking about every point can lead to countless possibilities for the follow-up.

But his master never talked about these, Mu Chun would only tremble with gestures and gestures, and comprehend everything else on his own.

Several times, Yan Zhengming wanted to ask him why he didn't want to dismantle those fine sword moves, but without exception, the old weasel pretended to be crazy and foolishly sneaked in.

Yan Zhengming thought about it for a while, got up, and tried to walk through the third type of "backfire".

It's disgraceful to say, Rao is that he neither pursues Wencheng nor martial arts, and is lazy, but he has been stuck in this style for two years, and he is somewhat embarrassed.

I don't know who came up with the name of this style of "backfires", but it is really appropriate. After correcting it countless times, he just didn't know where he was stuck, and the awkward feeling lingered in every move.

Yan Zhengming stopped halfway through his practice, staring at his wooden sword and frowning.

Daotong and maids, who were waiting in battle, rushed forward, fanning and wiping away sweat.

It's a pity that the flattery hit the horse's leg this time, and the young master's sword practice became a bottleneck, so he became impetuous, and when he was mixed up by this group of idiots, he couldn't grasp the looming inspiration in his heart.

He waved his hand abruptly, and yelled in a vicious voice: "Go away, don't get in the way! You are not allowed to come over when I practice swords in the future!"

The maid Xiao Yu'er asked timidly, "Master, is this a new rule?"

Where did this word come from? Just because that young master Yan had nothing to do, he set a lot of "rules" out of nothing - such as clothes and shoes must be the same color, when should he come up to brush his hair, clean the table in the study several times a day, get up early in the morning and drink a cup of herbal tea. He didn't open his mouth and wait before, and so on, all of which he created by himself.

I'm afraid I can't remember it if I change my mind, and the emperor may not have many of his problems.

Young Master Yan's face has not yet eased, and as soon as his upper lip touched his lower lip, a new rule was released: "In the future, when I practice swordsmanship, I will not call you, and you are not allowed to come around and show your eyes."

Unfortunately, Cheng Qian, who heard this sentence, was taken aback, but he didn't expect that the senior brother actually knew what "Xianyan" was.

Master Mu Chun, who was leading Cheng Qian, coughed dryly beside him, and called out, "Teacher."

As soon as Yan Zhengming turned his head, his eyes fell on Cheng Qian. The child didn't look at him directly, as if he had never seen the world before, lowered his head "shyly", and followed behind the master step by step.

"Shyly" sneered at the strange status quo in the sect in a place where others could not see.

Mu Chun pointed at Cheng Qian and said, "Your second junior brother can't take care of him alone, so you can give some pointers to the third junior brother in a while."

More than Li Yun couldn't take care of him, he was about to take Han Yuan to the house to reveal the roof.

Yan Zhengming hadn't practiced and understood his own sword moves, and had no intention of pointing others out. He frowned when he heard the words, and arrogantly poured out his impatient grievances at his master.

As everyone knows, the person who is more resentful than him is Cheng Qian. He doesn't understand why the master refuses to personally point him. What can Big Brother do

Can you teach him how to look in the mirror to make his nose look high

However, Yan Zhengming didn't refute Master in front of his younger brother. He suppressed the objection that he almost wanted to blurt out, and asked patiently, "Master, there seems to be something wrong with my 'things backfire'."

The real Mu Chun asked cheerfully, "What's wrong?"

Nothing is right, the whole body is not smooth, practicing this pose, Yan Zhengming felt as if the river was going retrograde, and it was terribly exhausting.

But although he understood in his heart, he couldn't describe his mysterious and mysterious feeling on his mouth for a while. Thousands of words flowed under his tongue, and he didn't know where to start. In the end, Yan Zhengming blurted out as if he was possessed by something: "It doesn't look good."

Cheng Qian, who was watching from the sidelines, confirmed once again that this senior brother is a big straw bag dressed in gold and silver.

The master played Tai Chi with a smile and said, "The haste is not enough, you can wait a little longer for this style."

True Master Mu Chun is always this virtuous, this shitty master, no matter what questions his apprentice asks, he never answers directly, and he has to be arrogant and dry.

Although Yan Zhengming is used to this, he still can't help but ask coquettishly, "When will you wait?"

Real Man Mu Chun said warmly, "Wait for you to grow a few inches taller."

Yan Zhengming: ""

As lazy as he is, there are always a few days a month when he wants to bully his teacher and destroy his ancestors.

Said, Mu Chun threw Cheng Qian to the "Treasure of the Town School" in a grand manner, and leisurely returned to the pavilion to drink tea.

The Fuyao School implements the ancient tradition of "Master leads the door, and the cultivation is in the individual". Their chai stick master has never shown any real talent and practical learning, and always just uses shelf goods to put a big frame for them, and fill in the big frame. Whatever, he doesn't care.

Yan Zhengming glanced distractedly at his third junior brother, who had a solemn face. He had nothing to say with this little thing, so he found a place to sit down in a fit of anger, and leaned against the stone on the side. On the table, a Taoist boy came forward, took his wooden sword with both hands, and carefully wiped it with white silk.

Daotong had never washed his own face with such gentle care.

Afterwards, Young Master Yan, who had already sat down, didn't know what happened. He jumped up like a corpse.

I saw his slender brows wrinkle, and gave a displeased glance to the little Yu'er next to him, but he refused to give a hint, making the little girl pale under his eyes, and she was so overwhelmed that she was about to cry. .

In the end, Xueqing, who was still waiting for Cheng Qian, couldn't see it, and pointed softly: "It's cold on the stone."

Xiao Yu'er just remembered that she had just let their daughter-in-law sit directly on the stone stool, making him cold!

She hurriedly committed a crime that deserved death, came forward crying, and shot like electricity, giving the young master three layers of cushions.

Yan Zhengming then glared at her, the boss condescended to sit down in dissatisfaction, and raised his chin weakly to Cheng Qian: "You practice, I'm watching, why don't you ask me if you don't understand."

Cheng Qian directly regarded his senior brother as a lump of turbid air that was obstructing sight and hearing. He didn't even respond.

Cheng Qian had been crawling on a tree to eavesdrop since he was a child. At that time, he didn't have any books, and he couldn't even ask questions, so he stole an unforgettable stunt alive.

The master's demonstration was so quiet and gentle, Cheng Qian recalled a little, and Mu Chunzhen's gestures were all lined up in his mind.

Based on his memory, he cautiously imitated the trembling movements of his master, comparing his movements with his memory at any time, so that he could correct himself before the dog behind him licked the door curtain and opened his mouth to correct it.

This kind of imitation ability makes the monkey feel ashamed when he sees it. Yan Zhengming was still a little careless at first. Over time, his eyes slowly focused on Cheng Qian. The formula is taken apart and practiced.

He would practice the dismantling moves several times in the slow and leisurely way of the master. After getting familiar with it a little, his eyes suddenly became sharp. At that moment, Yan Zhengming couldn't help but put down his hand that was reaching for the tea bowl - he found that The essence hidden in the tip of the sword is extremely familiar, this kid is imitating Li Yun!

Cheng Qian was imitating after all, and because of his young age and lack of energy, he was far from Li Yun's desperate youthful spirit, but as soon as that spirit was added, the wooden sword in his hand suddenly changed - as if it was originally a stall. The piece of paper on the ground has gradually swelled up at this time, and it has a three-dimensional shape!

This shape is still vague, because Cheng Qian's sword is not said to be compared with Li Yun, and whether the basic move is accurate is still up for debate.

Yan Zhengming felt something at that moment, and he felt that he could see the sword intent of the Fuyao wooden sword.

Sword Intent is not a peach on a tree or a fish in the water. Without decades of hard work and the realm of the unity of the sword, it is impossible to condense the Sword Intent. As for Cheng Qian, of course, that little brat is even more impossible than that. What kind of "sword intent" is drawn, it is very good that he can hold the sword steadily and not smash his feet.

However, the "Pengcheng Wanli" formula perfectly fits the mood of young people who first entered the fairy gate. Yan Zhengming remembered the feeling when he saw the mantras in the mountains, fresh, curious, and irresistible imagination of the future.

That may not be called "sword intent", but the swinging wooden sword body fits the sword holder's state of mind, and it is the sword technique that guides the sword holder.

Yan Zhengming got up. He was watching Cheng Qian's sword, and by chance, he touched something that he had been puzzling over before - the unseen and intangible changes in swordsmanship, and why Master never explained - because this sword The dharma body is alive.

Why did Yan Zhengming feel that he was powerless from the second type of "searching from top to bottom", and it was even more difficult to continue when he reached the third type of "backfire"—because he didn't know what it was like to search from top to bottom, and he didn't understand what backfired.

The wooden sword could no longer guide him.

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