Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 80: Immediately set off for Taiyin Mountain


Everyone didn't say a word for a while, Shuikeng picked up the invitation card that Wu Changtian left, and said: "On the fifteenth day of the first month, Taihang Yihui Senior Brother, what are you doing, shall we go too?"

Yan Zhengming pondered silently.

Li Yun said: "Tianyan Department has been sending invitations around non-stop, and he has to make this matter known to the world. If I were Han Yuan, why would I have to bring people to show up, I think this is an offer war? "

The Southern Border Demon Cultivators do not form a system, and they are plagued everywhere, making people miserable, and they are unable to give orders to the world. The Taihang will be lifted, and everyone will have a good time.

"If I were Han Yuan, I wouldn't join in the fun," Yan Zhengming said in a low voice, "Wouldn't it be inconvenient to take advantage of their gathering in Taihang to go directly to Beijing to kill the emperor and destroy the nest in Tianyan?"

Li Jun said: "That Wu surnamed a long talk, whether it is true or not, I have heard some other information - there must be civil strife in Tianyan now, and the forces of the original Tianyan faction may be thinking about leaving the imperial court, then they You don't necessarily care about the emperor's life or death."

Speaking, Li Yun's brows became worried, and he sighed: "Han Yuan, he made such a big battle, he just wanted to seek revenge with Tianyan, but the problem of the southern border demons will be in the future. Shouldn't it all be counted on his head?"

Yan Zhengming's face was a little dignified, he turned around and said, "Send a letter to Ochre, I want to find Han Yuan before Tianyan."

At this moment, Cheng Qian, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said, "I always feel that something is wrong."

Li Yun: "What?"

"There is a way of saying 'the Dao is abolished, there is benevolence and righteousness, there is wisdom, there is great hypocrisy, there is discord between the six relatives, there is filial piety, the country is confused, and there are loyal ministers'. Does it go against the 'Great Dao'?" Cheng Qian frowned and said, "This is inconsistent with what Master taught back then, I really can't figure out why Fuyao's ancestors signed this kind of oath with the Tianyan faction? Other things—by the way, Second Senior Brother, I remember that we found Ichida Chronicle on Qinglong Island, and it listed a lot of memorabilia, is the book still there?"

"It should still be there," Li Yun said. "We took away from Fuyao Mountain back then, as well as the classics that were later copied and collected on Qinglong Island. The ochre was kept in a storage bag for fear of losing it, so he fled from Qinglong Island in a hurry. It was only preserved when you went to find it, it should be in the small scripture building behind the bamboo forest."

Cheng Qian immediately got up and walked over. At the same time, he repeatedly recalled what Ji Qianli had said in his mind, and always felt that there were a lot of clues in the words of the old lunatic.

Following Li Yun's words, he turned behind the bamboo forest and found the legendary Xiaojing Building.

This place is also called the Jinglou, but it is a pity that the nine-story Jinglou that collects the world's classics cannot be made up. It is just a wooden two-story building, slender and crumbling.

On the first floor, there are some exercises that Yan Zhengming and the others have collected over the past 100 years, ranging from orthodox Taoism to side-doors, and some of them are only fragments when they are received. The collision became a new set of exercises.

On the second floor are their own things of the Fuyao School, including the scriptures written silently by Yan Zhengming, the Fuyao wooden swordsmanship edited by Cheng Qian himself, and the miscellaneous books they brought out when they left Fuyao Mountain. These books have experienced many twists and turns. To this day, although the moth-proof and moisture-proof spells are attached to them, the pages are also contaminated with the vicissitudes of the years.

Cheng Qian's fingers reluctantly ran across a row of book spines. At this moment, he suddenly missed Fuyao Mountain like never before. It was like a hometown that could not be returned. Dangerous and inexplicable chaotic world situation and the demon seal.

Qinglong Island’s classics have special symbols, and Cheng Qian quickly picked them out from a pile of jumbled scriptures. The Fuyao faction confiscated its disciples. There are all these people. All scriptures can be recited, so it’s okay. Someone will come to turn them over, and they will be piled up casually. Cheng Qian draws the island records, and suddenly seven or eight scriptures collapse along with them, and a pile of dust falls.

Cheng Qian let out a "tsk" and bent down to pick them up, when he suddenly found that there were actually two Jingjing Sutras inside.

Who was silent for the extra

Cheng Qian picked it up and cleaned the dust on the writing. He saw that one of the writings was handsome and thin, it should have been written by Li Yun, but the words on the cover of the other seemed a little clumsy. Staying in the right place is exactly the handwriting of his senior brother when he was a teenager.

When he was a child, Cheng Qian wrote countless volumes of punishment scriptures for him.

Cheng Qian was a little puzzled, so he opened the Jingjing scripture at the back, and was shocked to find that there was another cover under the cover of the scripture book. Wearing a jade flute, he was smiling at people in a disheveled manner, and there was a line of small characters next to it - the romantic spectrum.

Cheng Qian: ""

No what is this!

He stood there for a while, and then opened it by a ghost agent. The booklet pretending to be Qingjingjing was very lively, with pictures and poems, and it was about a romantic affair that happened in a brothel in the mortal world. , The handsome scholar and the infatuated prostitute spend the past month, and finally the labor and Yan are separated, interspersed with a few tunes and words that are both elegant and popular.

It's just that the accompanying picture is very outrageous, it is really no more straightforward, not only does the protagonists draw such and such things without any cover, but even the men and women in the back next door are depicted with perfect scores, which can be described as "how to find Have Fun" senior guide.

Can't be seen.

Cheng Qian flipped through it roughly, but he didn't see a single painting that was identical, and he didn't know who invented all these different poses. The noisy demon cultivators in Zhaoyang City's Devil's Cave were like a bunch of savage people compared to the world in this painting. Bumper!

Cheng Qian didn't dare to look closely, and was about to close the book, when he remembered the handwriting on the cover of the fake Qing Jingjing, his face suddenly became strange.

Before he was weird, there was a sound of footsteps, Yan Zhengming went up the stairs in three and two steps, and asked, "What did you find?"

Cheng Qian trembled with fright on the spot.

The fake Qing Jingjing dropped his hand and fell to the ground.

Yan Zhengming: ""

What is a thunderbolt

At this moment, Cheng Qian suddenly felt that the robbery was nothing.

He was stunned for a while, and made a decisive decision, pretending that nothing had happened, and with a flat face, he was about to pick up the evil thing mixed in the scriptures, but who would have been robbed by a hand.

Sect Master Yan was in a hurry, and he had long forgotten the unfortunate things he did when he was a child. When he first saw this, he didn't remember his guilty conscience, and he became furious at first, as if someone had stepped on a black footprint on the snow he had worked so hard to protect.

He slapped Cheng Qian's hand with a slap, and said angrily, "Where did the demon come from? Didn't you say you came to look for Shimazhi, and you found this thing?"

Cheng Qian had no choice but to explain palely: "It fell from the bookshelf by myself."

Holding the booklet, Yan Zhengming felt that the pictures on it were extremely dazzling, and asked viciously, "Have you read it?"

Cheng Qian: ""

Yan Zhengming was so angry that he reprimanded angrily: "I also told you that you have more peace of mind than those two things, but you can do it! What's so good about this, eh? You still have internal injuries on your body, don't you know? Breathing, and look at these indecent things.”

The more he said, the bigger the fire, he took the booklet and slapped Cheng Qian's chest heavily, almost shaking the page away: "Damn!"

Cheng Qian didn't dare to hide, and at the same time really didn't know what to say.

Yan Zhengming said angrily: "If you let me know which bastard put this thing in the Jinglou, I will"

Cheng Qian finally whispered: "Senior brother, it seems like you"

Yan Zhengming: "What?"

Cheng Qian stretched out two fingers, carefully turned over the book that was slapped by Yan Zhengming with a slap, and pointed to the three words "Qing Jing Jing" that wanted to be revealed.

Yan Zhengming stared at the three familiar words and was stunned.

Cheng Qian hurriedly said in a "compassionate" way: "It's okay, senior brother, I know, you were young and ignorant at that time."

He didn't say anything, and he didn't feel right. When he was "young", he secretly mixed this kind of stuff in the scriptures, and even took him out of the house for thousands of miles. Doesn't it just show that he is a prodigal from the inside out

Sure enough, Yan Zhengming's face turned greener, his ears were blushing, and he was in a lawsuit with a red and green forehead.

Cheng Qian's heart suddenly moved, and he was lying on the wooden railing on the second floor. The moisture-proof and insect-proof talisman on the wood emitted a faint white light in his palm, which softened the face that always seemed a little cold.

"Senior brother," Cheng Qian stopped him and asked boldly, "Zhuang Nanxi told me that there is a loose cultivator, and he likes her so much that even if she is a mortal, he will not change his infatuation. You have seen this when you were a child. In the story, have there been people who 'even mortals who live and die will like it'?"

The light downstairs was slightly dim, and most of Yan Zhengming's face was buried in the shadow of the bookshelf, and he couldn't see his expression clearly.

After a while, Yan Zhengming asked irrelevantly, "Who is Zhuang Nanxi?"

Cheng Qian: "The disciple who talks a lot in the White Tiger Villa."

Yan Zhengming's voice suddenly cooled down: "Stop interacting with these nonsense people in the future. Since you know how to get rid of the five flavors for the sake of the heavenly tribulation, don't you understand what it means to be 'clean and upright'? If you think about it, you can give it to me. Go to Qing'an and think about it!"

Cheng Qian's eyes suddenly dimmed.

The footsteps downstairs gradually faded away, and the door of the building made a "squeak". After it was opened, it was automatically sealed by a spell, and there was a gust of cold wind floating in the building.

Cheng Qian bent down silently, picked up the books that had accidentally fallen to the ground, and put them back on the shelf one by one. Finally, he took out the Qinglong Island Chronicle and sat on the small stool by the window to open it.

The small oil lamp on the wall turned on itself obediently, Cheng Qian turned two pages, and suddenly felt a little dull.

Over the years, he has fought with heaven and earth, with fellow practitioners, and with life and death. He has never walked back half a step, and has never believed that there is anything in the world that he cannot do.

Only at this time did he know that there are not many people in the world as one would like them to be.

I don't know if his damaged Yuan has not been conditioned, but Cheng Qian felt that his whole body was buried by a wave of burnout. What do you mean? Isn't it envious of others, and framed for nothing? What's the point of rising to immortality, leaving thousands of true feelings and falsehoods behind in the world, throwing in the boundless avenues that can't be seen clearly, and then only holding hands by the side Are you looking at the old mountains and rivers?"

Not as good as a mortal who lives and dies.

Cheng Qian was stunned for a moment, and when he came back, he really felt the turmoil in his heart.

He may really need to retreat for a while, but it is at this juncture right now.

Cheng Qian swept across the Qinglong Island Zhi at a glance while saying that it was boring to fly. He didn't pick anything related to the Fuyao faction. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed and he found something.

Although this Qinglong Island is overseas, it has always had a universal heart. In addition to the affairs of the island, Daozhi also imitated the history books of mortals to record the major events among the monks in the world.

Cheng Qian discovered a rule, as long as those who cultivated Yuan after three hundred years old, basically can only stop there, and if there are any adventures in the later period, they will die at the age of eighteen hundred years old.

There is also a type of people, either determined or talented, who cultivated their Yuan early and were recorded in the Qinglong Island Chronicle, presumably they were also the famous figures of the year, but these people either disappeared later, or Get into trouble or encounter some disaster and die in the middle.

Throughout the history of Qinglong Island, there is no record of ascension.

Cheng Qian pinched the center of his eyebrows, and brought back his somewhat sloppy heart. He had a doubt in his heart - so whether these people have soared and flew low-key, or in the many years since the establishment of Qinglong Island to its destruction, there has been no Have people successfully soared

Cheng Qian put the Dao Zhi away, quickly moved to the first floor, pinched a hand trick on the spell beside the bookshelf, slowly lost the real essence, and said in a low voice, "I want to see about 'Ascension'. record."

The wooden bookshelf shivered for a moment in his frosty real essence. There were several books on the shelf that glowed faintly. Cheng Qian picked them out one by one and brought them back to Xiaoqing Anju.

After Yan Zhengming fired an evil fire on Cheng Qian in the Jinglou that day, he regretted it when he went out, but he had no choice. God knows, when Cheng Qian was lying on the stairs and asked him that sentence, he seemed to be hit on the chest by a heavy stone, all his internal organs were moved, and it was painful and vibrating, so he had to lose his temper and run away. He avoided Cheng Qian for several days.

However, he soon discovered that this was unnecessary, because Cheng Qian never left the door of Xiaoqing's An Residence after that day. The two lived next door, but they didn't see each other for more than ten days.

And it was at this moment that Ochre came.

The errand is still a puddle that can be turned into a bird at will. In order to hide her increasingly eye-catching bird appearance, Li Yun saw that her hand was transformed into a sparrow.

The sparrow puddle flew away with its tiny wings, carrying the resentment that was inseparable from the second senior brother. However, she soon discovered that this body is really convenient, and its pervasiveness is almost second only to flies, and it can be mixed with two or three birds anywhere.

This time, she finally saw the ochre.

"Brother Zheshi said that Tianyan has a clear hierarchy. Anyone who is new to entry has to be a spy for dozens or even hundreds of years on the outside. After a review of skin and cramps, they can enter the inner door only after confirming their innocence. I don't know what happened for a while. The people in the inner door seem to be fighting on their own. They are so fierce that they can't see more than half of the familiar faces overnight, and they catch up with the fourth division. There was a shortage of manpower, so a backup inner door was set up outside the inner door, and the ochre brothers and the others who were well-cultivated and had no flaws in the outer door were gathered in. Recently, they have been ambushing around Taiyin Mountain in shifts, as if waiting Whoever casts himself into the net, although there is no word on it, Brother Zheshi said that it should be the fourth senior brother who is waiting."

Taiyin Mountain is less than fifty miles away from the original site of Fuyao Mountain.

Yan Zhengming said nothing, and ordered: "Tomorrow, the villa will be blocked, and we will set off for Taiyin Mountain immediately."

Li Yun hurriedly chased after him and asked, "What about after arriving at Taiyin Mountain? What should I do? Are you going to help Tianyan to take Han Yuan, or are you going to break the oath openly, don't obey the magic seal, and help Han Yuan take revenge?"

"Removing the magic seal must be followed." Yan Zhengming said decisively.

Several people listened, and their hearts sank.

The next moment, Yan Zhengming continued: "But we must never let Han Yuan fall into the hands of Tianyan, we must intercept him before the Taihang Conference and bring him back, my Fuyao faction, even if he will If the sky creates a hole, whether it is to kill or cut, it is not up to outsiders to decide."

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