Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 86: How to explain this wooden sword


At the feet of the two, a huge magic circle spread out like a beacon that was slowly lit, and a sigh came from nowhere.

Cheng Qian was taken aback: "This seems to be the one that Han Yuan painted outside Fuyao Mountain that day."

Yan Zhengming: "Shh—"

He raised his hand to cover Cheng Qian's eyes: "Listen carefully."

The magic cultivator who arranged the formation said that this formation is called "Listening to the Mountain Formation". What can you hear

In the depths of the darkness, there was a small insect chirping, followed by an indistinct sound of water. The wind blew through the grass, and a person seemed to have turned over beside him.

Yan Zhengming whispered: "It seems to be the back mountain."

On the grass beside the secluded pond in the back mountain cave, a few teenagers brought a little thing that didn't know whether it was a human or a demon, waiting for the master with hunger and cold, and fell asleep unconsciously, half asleep and half awake in confusion. I glanced at it once, and that was the sound that poured into my ears.

Then there was the wind blowing the bamboo forest, and a scent of bamboo leaves seemed to come out. There were thin bamboo poles hitting the stone table, making a crisp and slightly whirling sound. The next moment, there was a "crashing", as if the paper was lifted by the wind, but It didn't blow far, it seemed to be pressed by something, but it just kept ringing.

This is Qing Anju.

Neither of the two said a word, and listened silently for a long time, as if they were walking around Fuyao Mountain until the magic circle under their feet dimmed, and the last trace of light disappeared in the darkness.

It turned out that Han Yuan secretly ran to the foot of Fuyao Mountain alone that day, and aggressively set up a seemingly dangerous formation just to hear the sound of Fuyao Mountain

Cheng Qian didn't know what it was like for a while.

At this moment, the hand that was in front of him was suddenly released, Yan Zhengming held the luminous seal stone into his palm, and the surroundings immediately darkened. In the darkness, a white shadow came out abruptly, Holding a wooden sword in his hand, he arrogantly gave an ancient salute not far away, raised his hand and pulled a swinging wooden sword.

What does it mean

The man demonstrated the swinging wooden sword on the spot as if there was no one else around.

At the beginning, he was a young man dressed in plain white cloth. As the swinging wooden sword advanced step by step, his appearance gradually changed to that of an adult. The wooden sword in his hand turned into a long rainbow sword overflowing with cold light. A graceful robe.

Every sword move he performed was the same as that taught by his master, but he couldn't tell where there were any subtle differences.

After a long walk with the wooden sword, the sword dancer has become an old man, the brocade robe has turned into a plain white cloth, and the sword has become a wooden sword without a sharp edge. He lowered his sword and closed his eyes, and his whole body had a serenity that could see through the red dust.

This set of swordsmanship is as smooth as running clouds and flowing water. Both of them are swordsmen. Especially Yan Zhengming is a sword cultivator. Naturally, he can see the depth.

The next moment, the old man in white suddenly raised his head and stabbed with a sword.

Cheng Qian pushed Yan Zhengming away, the two were three feet apart, the wooden sword passed through the middle, and the cold sword wind cut off a strand of Cheng Qian's messy hair hanging on his shoulders.

Then it disappeared in a flash, and the next moment, two old men in white appeared in the field, floating in from both sides as if their feet were not touching the ground, and immediately separated the two.

When Yan Zhengming took a wrong step to dodge, he disappeared into the shadows and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Cheng Qian was taken aback: "Senior brother!"

His true essence was firmly suppressed in the inner palace, and for a time he was no different from ordinary people. The frost blade, which usually seemed to be able to communicate with him, suddenly became extremely stagnant. The sword seemed to have the power of Mount Tai pressing the top, and his wrist was numb, and the situation was too weird, so Cheng stepped back with potential.

It doesn't matter if he retreats, the frost blade in his hand immediately shows signs of backlash. This unfamiliar fierce sword has not been noisy for many years, and Cheng Qian almost forgot what kind of urine it is.

The old man's second sword had already been delivered, and Cheng Qian had no choice but to grit his teeth and take the move again without giving in half a step.

The pressure on his hands increased, as if the sky had fallen on his shoulders.

The manpower was finally at risk, but the death sword did not allow him to take half a step back. Cheng Qian's arms finally trembled, and the wrist that was stuck there made a light "quack", as if his tendons were twisted, and he forced The real yuan that was sealed in the sea of qi was impacted, and the real yuan continued to impact the inner palace. Frost flashed in Cheng Qian's eyes again and again, and he was suppressed again and again by the dead.

Cheng Qian was in a hurry to find Yan Zhengming, and he didn't want to fight with the old man in a mortal way.

Who would have guessed that this kick was actually kicked in the air, that the old man was just a phantom, only the sword in his hand was real.

Cheng Qian stepped on the air with one foot, and his hand was suddenly relieved, and the old man's wooden sword smashed hard on his chest, this time it was real. If his body hadn't been made of Ju Lingyu, this sword could break a row of his ribs.

He coughed a few times, and felt that half of his body was numb from the beating, and all the wounds on his back that had stopped bleeding burst open.

The old man looked at him blankly, with lifeless indifference in his turbid eyes, he leveled the wooden sword and pointed at his chest. For a while, there was only Cheng Qian's heavy breathing.

Suddenly, the old man opened his mouth and said, "Just because of your impetuous mood, do you want to follow the 'human way'?"

Cheng Qianlai deliberately beat him into a white pocket, but after hearing this sentence, his action suddenly paused: "Senior, you are"

"Take the move, stop talking nonsense!" The old man stepped up with his sword, and he took a sword at the waist, "extremely prosperous" in "prosperity and decline", and the wooden sword drew a long arc like a full moon.

This one hit, I am afraid that the real jade is also broken.

Cheng Qian neither dared to neglect nor fight him recklessly. He took a step forward in embarrassment to avoid his edge. He recalled with difficulty the dismantling tricks he had studied for a while when his cultivation was low, and hurriedly returned to the same formula "" Wei Wei" a move.

The trick of "youwei" pays attention to "the wind rises at the end of Qingping", which means that at the peak of the prosperous time, the bane of the faint has already been buried. opportunity for decline. This move is varied and extremely subtle. It is incompatible with the tyrannical sea tide sword technique that Cheng Qian is used to. He struggles to make it in a hurry, and he can't help but slow down a bit.

This slowness can be said to be missed by the slightest, and a thousand miles away. His mouth was numb, and the frost blade made a "嘡" sound, and was actually picked up by a wooden sword!

Cheng Qian: ""

He learned swordsmanship at the age of ten and has never had such a humiliating humiliation.

The old man in white looked at him blankly, stretched out his hand, and the frost blade flew close to Cheng Qian: "Come again."

Cheng Qian clenched his fingers.

Then I heard the old man say again: "Stupid."

Cheng Qian's fingers were about to be crushed by himself. He grabbed the frost blade and the old man suddenly jumped. In an instant, thousands of sword shadows flashed in front of him, as fine as the rain in early spring. defensible.

This is the real "darkness"!

Cheng Qian's pupils shrank, and he suddenly realized that the old man seemed to be teaching him. He was stunned for a while, until the wooden sword tore through the infinite phantom and came straight to the tip of his nose.

"Have you never learned the sword seriously?" the old man asked. "Who is your master?"

Cheng Qian got stuck involuntarily.

True Master Mu Chun had only taught him for more than a year. He hurriedly passed on the whole set of Fuyao wooden swords to him in Wangyou Valley. Later, Cheng Qian silently came up with the sect's Jianpu base from memory, and the senior master corrected it when there were discrepancies.

Now that I think about it, what he hastily remembered when he didn't know much, must be right

The sparse two-five-eyed sword that Senior Brother learned when he was a child can really fix anything

Cheng Qian defended in a low voice: "The tutor left when we first started."

The old man frowned.

Cheng Qian suppressed his temper and asked respectfully, "Master showed me the Fuyao wooden sword with Yuan before his death. Maybe I didn't remember clearly in a hurry."

His words were interrupted by a cold hum, and the old man didn't know why when he heard this, but he seemed even more angry, waving his wooden sword and patted Cheng Qian's shoulder, scolding repeatedly: " Stupid! Stupid!"

Cheng Qian has never been labeled as a fool in his life, but he can't refute it - who makes people so much better than him

In the face of such a senior from the same sect, even if the other party said that he was wearing a chamber pot with seven orifices on his neck, he had no choice but to listen.

The old man jumped for a while, his figure suddenly changed, and he turned into the appearance of a middle-aged man in a brocade robe, and waved out with another move of "extremely prosperous".

Cheng Qian's scalp exploded. When this senior appeared in the image of an old man, although he used the sword move of "prosperity and decline", although it was old and hot, it was more inclined to "decay", which was not enough momentum. But he appeared in the image of a middle-aged man, and the wooden sword in his hand turned into an unknown sword, but it happened to fit the sword meaning of "Sheng", and the power was simply incomparable.

Cheng Qian had countless thoughts in his heart in an instant, pondered the "weiwei" that the old man had just concealed from beginning to end, and once again bit his head and used the sword.

Got it!

But before he had time to rejoice, the middle-aged man had already raised his sword involuntarily.

Cheng Qian's pupils shrank suddenly, and the next moment, he found that the restriction of his true essence had been released, and the true essence that had been imprisoned for a long time was flowing wildly in the sea of qi. Eight sword shadows, hand in hand—

Cheng Qian didn't wait for the opponent to change his moves, and he had already entered the faint sword intent first. The frost-like sword intent pervaded the entire space, leaving no trace, but it was everywhere. The third sword of the middle-aged man was "extremely prosperous". And then, the two strands of true essence collided in the air, and there was a loud bang.

This senior didn't hold back, he chopped sixteen swords "Extremely Prosperous", each time more tricky, and each time more dangerous.

For the first time, Cheng Qian truly understood the meaning of the "weiwei" sword. At first, the somewhat stagnant sword became more and more proficient. The Demon Slaying Array has the same effect.

It's a pity that the stronger he is, the stronger the opponent is, and Cheng Qian's vigor is finally exhausted.

At the time of the sixteenth sword, Frostblade came out of his hand again, and rolled to the ground in an embarrassed manner. Cheng Qian breathed a sigh of relief.

The middle-aged man condescendingly put the sword in his hand around his neck, and said indifferently: "Do you know where you are wrong?"

Cheng Qian's heart was beating like thunder for a while, and he was speechless.

"The 'youwei' move is the most difficult move in the swinging wooden sword. It is unpredictable and all-pervasive. You were unreasonable before, but in a flash, you have been able to do it well. With such aptitude, why would you rather study other swordsmanship? ?impetuous!"

If Fang is worried about Yan Zhengming, his mood is a little impetuous, Cheng Qian admits, but he has never been less than anyone's hard work for so many years, and has never been more comfortable than anyone in his life. impetuous person.

Cheng Qian immediately defended: "I"

The middle-aged man raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and interrupted him with a stiff smile: "Because you think the wooden sword is not right with you, right? I walk the wooden sword in a 'humane way', from life to death, from young to young Old, there are thousands of ordinary people in the world who can’t escape this path, there is nothing unusual about it, you feel that you are an exception, different from those ordinary people, right?”

Cheng Qian: ""

In retrospect, when others were not afraid of tigers when they were born, and they were still waiting for thousands of miles, he believed that he had matured so early that he had lost his youthful heart. , walked in front from a distance, when others struggled in every way and things backfired, he was rampant in the world, and he had long been fearless.

Although he never boasted, but Cheng Qian's deep self-esteem in his subconscious was so high that he never thought of every move in the swinging wooden sword to himself.

The various sword intents in the wooden sword always seemed to him to be separated by a layer.

The middle-aged man stopped drinking and said, "You look at the world, then look at yourself and others, but you never want to compare yourself with yourself. Are you not a human being? Since you chose 'humanity', why don't you let that go? A big and unreasonable heart of heaven and earth?"

"Treat people based on closeness and distance, who you sympathize with, who you tolerate, who you are close to, who you love - who have you ever feared? Who have you looked up to? Who do you take as a lesson?"

When the middle-aged man said this, he suddenly pressed the tip of the sword down, and the sharp blade scratched Cheng Qian's neck: "Young man is arrogant, arrogant, pretentious, I don't think you are a young man, and you have no disposition. How much progress."

Cheng Qian had a cold sweat on his back.

"If you are truly extraordinary and consciously understand the Fuyao wooden sword, why can't you even use the 'youwei' move? Get up!" The middle-aged man shouted angrily, "The sword hasn't been passed on yet, so why are you pretending to be dead!"

At the beginning, his mind was uneasy, and he lived like a year. Although he was not worried about Yan Zhengming, who was also here, he began to worry about Li Yun and others who were in the same room with many demon cultivators and people from Tianyanchu. Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, the master here clearly saw that he was absent-minded, and he was abused by the wind and rain, forcing him to get rid of his distracting thoughts and gradually sink into the swinging wooden sword.

Cheng Qian was trapped here for a long time, and the unknown master here has imprisoned his true essence countless times, and forced him countless times to practice the frost blade as an ordinary wooden sword like a little disciple who has not started.

But when the man who had transformed into an old man pushed open another door and let him go, Cheng Qian suddenly had a strange feeling, as if all the sun and moon happened only in one thought and one breath. At another door, I looked up and saw that the small strand of hair that had been cut off by the wooden sword before entering this door had just fallen to the ground.

Cheng Qian suddenly took a step back, turned his head and asked, "I don't know what the seniors are called?"

The old man looked at his nose and his mouth and replied, "No name, I'm just a little inheritance that you have left."

Cheng Qian asked again, "What if we chose the word 'heaven' or the word 'earth'?"

The old man said, "The Fuyao sect has only followed humanism since ancient times. As for heaven and earth, I can't teach it, and no one can teach it, so I have to send you back and forth."

Cheng Qian listened, and a thought suddenly flashed in his heart, too fast to catch it, he thought for a moment, and dignifiedly bowed to the old man as a junior, and then he strode away.

The door of inheritance behind him closed silently, as if it had never existed. Cheng Qian looked up and saw Yan Zhengming not far away, holding the wooden sword he took out from the inner palace, and lowered it thoughtfully. head.

When he saw him, Cheng Qian couldn't help but feel happy, and his steps were much lighter: "Elder Brother"

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened his mouth, Yan Zhengming's cold eyes swept over and cut off the words behind him.

Cheng Qian grew up with him since he was a child. Whether he was looking for trouble on weekdays or was really angry, Cheng Qian could still tell the difference. At that time, he was stunned for a moment, and he was a little murmured in his heart, thinking: "Is he also caught by that Was the old man tortured lightly?"

After Yan Zhengming glared at him, he didn't say a word, turned around and walked forward.

Cheng Qian followed behind him in confusion, racking his brains to remember where he had offended the young master, and asked helplessly, "What's wrong with you?"

As soon as the words fell, Cheng Qian himself suddenly reacted, his eyes fell uncontrollably on the wooden sword in Yan Zhengming's hand, his scalp was numb, and he said, "Wait, what is he doing when he has nothing to take out of the wooden sword? "

The old man in the inheritance is very sharp-eyed, and he can't see what he has said.

Thinking of this, Cheng Qian almost felt guilty, he quietly wiped a cold sweat, and quickly pondered the countermeasures in his heart.

Yan Zhengming immediately kept silent after hearing his question, thinking to himself, "Oh, this is a guilty conscience of being a thief."

After waiting for a while, just when Cheng Qian coughed dryly and was about to speak, Yan Zhengming said unexpectedly, "Why, you have already made up nonsense about how to explain this wooden sword?"

Cheng Qian: ""

The two of them seemed to have passed through a long and narrow passage, and soon came to the end. At the end, there was a soft halo of morning light. Yan Zhengming asked that sentence, and walked in without looking back, his figure flashed. It just went through something and disappeared.

Cheng Qian hurriedly chased after him, and with a flash in front of his eyes, he found that he had returned to the foot of Taiyin Mountain. When he turned around again, the inheritance and the Valley of Heart Demons had all disappeared.

In front of him, in addition to an angry senior brother, there are many others. One side is headed by Han Yuan, the crowd behind him are all demon cultivators, the other side is headed by You Liang, and behind him are a large number of ordinary monks who gathered here at some point in time. .

Li Yun, Shuikeng, Nian Da and others were in the middle without embarrassment, floating in the sky.

Cheng Qian was certain that when the Demon Slaying Array was broken, there were not so many living monks here.

Could it be that they transferred the battle of the immortals and demons originally scheduled in the Taihang Mountains to here

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