Liu Yao: The Revitalization of Fuyao Sect

Chapter 90: What are you and Big Brother?


What's going on inside the ten-square array, it's invisible from the outside, all the monks in the dark under the Taiyin Mountain looked at the two rows of candles in front of the array with bated breath.

I saw that the two rows of candles were extinguished one here, and one there, which made people nervous, but a small cluster of candles, stared at by so many eyes, gave birth to a little blood and rain for no reason. Terrible meaning.

As soon as the candles move, everyone will follow the grass and trees.

Puddle rubbed his eyes vigorously, and while continuing to stare with good eyes, he whispered, "I don't want to light candles again in my life."

Cheng Qian and Han Yuan in the formation were speechless.

Cheng Qian was silent for a while, and the anger in his heart gradually subsided. He thought, "If I were him, what would I do?"

After thinking about it, with his bitter and mean temperament in his youth, he must have only done more and more distorted things, but he was lucky, and these things did not spread to him.

After all, how many people are there in the world like Big Brother

When I was a child, I felt that the big brother was a little bit forgetful about eating and fighting, and he was a little less extreme in being a man. When he grew up and sensible, he realized that he was just more able to bear harm than others.

There are not many tough guys who break their wrists without changing their face, but there are not many people who calmly maintain their color under deep hatred.

Anyway, he realized he couldn't do it.

Thinking of this, Cheng Qian suddenly felt that he had no position to criticize Han Yuan.

"Get up, what are you crying for? Are you still wronged by calling you a bastard?" Cheng Qian kicked Han Yuan with his toes and said, "There is something wrong with this ten-square array, I don't know how to do it, you can do something useful anyway. thing."

Han Yuan asked in a sullen voice, "Is there someone from Wu Changtian in the Nine Saints?"

"More than that." Cheng Qian simply explained Ochre's letter and their guesses.

Han Yuan's complexion changed, and he became evil again. He sneered: "Haha, I knew that these big men who swayed from side to side also have today!"

Said, his face turned back, turned into a normal Han Yuan, and said worriedly: "If you guessed correctly, if there are other formations outside Shifang Town, this formation must be monitored, if we move Shifang rashly Array, I am afraid that the grass will startle the snake."

It is clearly the same face, but the three words are very different, and Ji can't tell that it is the same person.

"" Cheng Qian was silent for a moment, "Can you stop talking in my ear alone?"

Han Yuan's face turned around, as if the two were constantly fighting for positions. Finally, it might be that Han Yuan was beaten by Cheng Qian, and the demon won.

Heart Demon Han Yuan said lightly: "But if you have a magic weapon that can restrain your anger, so that the formation can't detect you, it may think you are dead."

Cheng Qian didn't have that kind of magic weapon, but it didn't mean he couldn't do it. As soon as Han Yuan's voice fell, he saw Cheng Qian lowered his head and opened the wrench on his thumb. After a while, two more white candles were extinguished.

Cheng Qian counted the number of candles left, his figure swayed slightly, and the whole person seemed to have turned into a stone. If Han Yuan didn't know where he was from the beginning, he would hardly have noticed that there was someone there.

Han Yuan said in shock: "You"

Cheng Qian ignored him and just stared at the mirror on the wrench. The next moment, he saw a white candle flickering in the wind and the flame went out.

Han Yuan reached out and probed the back of Cheng Qian's hand, only to feel that his body was slightly warm, far lower than human body temperature. The demon showed some interest and asked, "Good practice! What's the matter with you?"

"Thanks to you, the physical body given by my father and mother is dead," Cheng Qian said angrily, "I had to refine a stone to talk about living there, and then what?"

Heart Demon Han Yuan's eyes flickered, but the malicious smile on his face was as steady as Mount Tai, he withdrew his tentative hand, and he said unhurriedly: "Since the Ten Square Formation thinks you are dead, it will naturally send others over. , Wu Changtiangen doesn't want to bet against me, he just wants to kill me here. Since he has placed his people, how can he not play with the formation? If you want to break the formation, you have to get his hands to control the formation. legal stuff."

Cheng Qian asked, "Since you know this well, why did you agree to him?"

Han Yuan shrugged and said, "Follow his wishes first, and then hit him in the face in front of the whole world, hahaha, stealing chickens from Tianyan can't lose rice, thinking about it like this makes me feel relieved."

This demon that Han Yuan raised can't be inferred from common sense. He doesn't care about the benefits at all, and he doesn't even think about what to do if he doesn't make someone else's face, but instead falls into someone else's trap, he just wants to be happy. For the pleasure of this moment, anything can be done.

Cheng Qian sighed, unable to reason with this person, and said, "How can you know that the next person to come is from Tianyanchu?"

Heart Demon Han Yuan said with a blank expression: "At the beginning, there was a hapless person, and then you, the third person who was sent to me, if this is not the case, then either the person who Wu Changtian placed was the first to be sent to me. Someone else killed it, or they were too dawdling - of course, it doesn't matter, if this is not the case, then kill him and wait for the next one, it's not too much trouble."

Cheng Qian: "One day I will kill you with my own hands."

Han Yuan was very happy when he heard it, and laughed loudly: "To die on the 'Sword of No Good Death', then I am really lucky for three lives."

Suddenly, his laughter stopped abruptly, only to hear footsteps coming from one side.

The formation really sent another person!

Cheng Qian squeezed the frost blade tightly, he absolutely could not allow Han Yuan to kill in front of him. But the man got a little closer, and he suddenly felt a little strange, because the person who came had a strong blood on his body, which made people know that he was a demon cultivator.

How could it be a magician

Does the formation think that two people from the same camp will also fight each other

Cheng Qian and Han Yuan looked at each other, Cheng Qian rolled the lights above his head back into his sleeves, and slid into the shadows in a burst of darkness.

For a moment, a demon cultivator dressed in white floated over, looking like a graceful and turbid son of Shijia.

This person is also one of the Nine Saints, because his dress and behavior are out of tune with other magic cultivators, and Cheng Qian still has a little impression of him.

This person entered the internal decision and met Han Yuan, but he was not nervous at all, as if he was neither surprised nor afraid, he opened his mouth and said with a smile: "Lord Molong, we are really destined!"

This man looks very gentle and delicate, but when he speaks, his voice is like a broken gong. buffalo.

Han Yuan glanced at him: "Luo Zhengyi."

Cheng Qian: ""

The demon cultivator called Justice responded with a hearty reply, strode towards Han Yuan, and said, "I can still meet my own people during this time, so I just asked me to rest for a while - yo, Lord Molong, how come you still have your face? Is it a piece of green? Could it be that I encountered some hard stubble just now?"

Han Yuan frowned slightly and kept his eyes closed.

If this Luo Zhengyi is really the person Wu Changtian arranged to deal with Han Yuan, isn't that the logical arrangement? In the final battle, only two demon cultivators died, and the ten-square battle was broken. Han Yuan shot when he thought he had won? ? At this time, what is the matter when it appears inappropriately or not, did you specially inform Han Yuan that there is something tricky about this formation

In the blink of an eye, Cheng Qian remembered what Han Yuan had said, if there is a formation outside the formation, then there must be monitoring of this formation!

So the people who don't go to the outer battle are determined to destroy Wu Changtian

In the blink of an eye, Luo Zhengyi walked to him in three steps and two steps, as if he could take out two jars of wine from his body at any time and have a drink with Han Yuan. A strong light suddenly scratched Cheng Qian's eyes, his eyelids jumped, and when he looked again, a hand in front of Han Yuan turned into a dragon's claw without warning. The demonic energy instantly pulled out half of Na Luo Zhengyi's body.

The white-clothed scholar was half human and half a skeleton, hanging top-heavy in a bloody mess, but he returned his hand indifferently.

I saw a small bell in his hand out of nowhere, a rapid bell rang, the situation in the ten-square formation suddenly changed, and a bloody swamp suddenly appeared under Han Yuan.

That bell can control the ten square array!

While shaking the bell in his hand, Luo Zhengyi stretched out his hand to hold up his half-blown face, and said, "Tsk, my dignified bones are exposed."

Said that his face covered with bones actually grew out of a face that was asymmetrical to the other side.

It's one of the troopers!

Han Yuan: "Painted skin."

"Oh, it's actually Lord Wu who asked me to do something," I don't know if it's Luo Zhengyi or Painter Demon Xiu, "it's a pity that it seems that we have both been tricked, and I feel aggrieved - but it's useless to explain this to you. , whether you believe it or not, you are going to kill me, so let's go down first!"

As soon as the words fell, Han Yuan was dragged down by the swamp under his feet. He snorted coldly, turned into a giant dragon, and let out a long whistle, and the entire ten-square array seemed to be shaken a few times.

But what is an array

Outside there are the ways of heaven and earth, such as water going to low places, raging fire melting gold, birth, old age, sickness and death, etc. People between heaven and earth, no matter how big they are, can't escape these big rules. In fact, the formation method is to reset the rules within a certain range. When people enter the formation, unless they break out of the formation, they must be at the mercy of the formation master.

No matter how tyrannical the dragon is, the swamp is always with him.

Luo Zhengyi raised his head, opened his mouth wide, and turned his face into a half-bone face again. His mandible was almost on its own, and he looked at Han Yuan's embarrassment with high eyebrows.

At this moment, a subtle sound of gold and stone suddenly came from behind.

Luo Zhengyi's head that was about to be split in two suddenly twisted behind him: "What?"

Before the word "human" could blurt out, Luo Zhengyi didn't even see a ghost shadow, but he already felt the frost and snow coming to his face.

Are there ghosts in the ten squares

The next moment, he turned his head and was cut off by the haunted sword, and a black gas suddenly emerged from Luo Zhengyi's leaking neck, which was his Yuan.

Cheng Qian saw the opportunity very quickly, and stretched out his hand to pull the bell from the corpse's hand.

The Ten Square Formation immediately followed his intentions, producing a large gust of wind, pinning the Demon Xiu Yuan to the ground involuntarily. At the same time, Han Yuan was also affected by Chi Yu. He escaped quickly, and was almost scraped off. Layers of scales.

A vague figure was left on the ground, and a line of blood slowly seeped out, but in a moment, the magic cultivator disappeared.

Han Yuan turned into a human figure and licked off the cut wound on his arm: "Young senior brother, a 'upright gentleman', he can even kill and make a decision if he makes a sneak attack from behind."

Cheng Qian ignored him, picked up the bell in his hand and gestured, and asked indifferently, "I'm going to find senior brother, how can this be used?"

Han Yuan: "If you put your consciousness into the bell, you can see the entire ten-square array where no one has touched your hands or feet. You hold the bell and you are the leader of the array, and you can move as you please."

Han Yuan raised this heart demon mouth is a bit cheap, watching Cheng Qian playing with the bell unskilledly, he said casually: "You can't worry about him for a while - little brother, do you want to know about the senior brother in Zhuque Tower? What is the demon of the heart?"

Cheng Qian said without changing his face: "I know."

Han Yuan's brows twitched, and the slight malice on his face turned into a clear surprise. He silently looked at Cheng Qian for a moment, and said, "Then do you know your eight-character fate?"

Cheng Qian didn't answer, and looked uninterested.

Han Yuan said: "You, like Tong Ru, are ruthless and indifferent. People like you are the most suitable for cultivation. They are stoic, and they are less open than others. It is easiest to get rid of distracting thoughts. If you follow the chance, you can achieve great things."

Cheng Qian disapproved and said, "What's the big deal for Tong Ru? Did it rot into a pile of bones in the Valley of Forgetfulness?"

"There's a little bit of love, but it's not easy to be disturbed by foreign objects in the practice, and it's not that there is no love, hate, joy, anger, who made him forget about himself, and he can't stand it?" Han Yuan sneered, "As for your so-called Dao, What is a sect, what is a teacher and a disciple, what is a human relationship? Those who want to become the Dao are still entangled by these, and he will not be wronged if he goes into trouble—if he can break through the secret realm of Three Lives, maybe he would have ascended to the upper realm by now.”

The ten-square array in the bell is very complicated. Cheng Qian couldn't understand it for a while. There was another Han Yuan chattering next to him. He suddenly itchy hands and wanted to fight that guy again.

Han Yuan said: "If you don't cultivate your Dao well, will it be possible to repeat his mistakes?"

Cheng Qian said without raising his head, "I'm happy."

Han Yuan smiled sharply: "Then what kind of immortal are you pretending to cultivate, what kind of Taoism are you practicing? I think you are willing to fall."

Cheng Qian: "Anyway, I don't have anything to let the demons have the final say."

Han Yuan: "Then don't worry, if you can't control it and lose Yuan Yang, let's see if there are any distracting thoughts in your heart."

Cheng Qian: ""

These magic cultivators have simply become filthy everyday.

Han Yuan rarely made him speechless once, and said in a more serious manner: "The male and female cultivators cultivate in pairs, at least the harmony of yin and yang, not considered indulgence, what are you and the senior brother?"

He suddenly narrowed his eyes: "Oh, or are you already thinking about it, and want to taste the taste of Senior Brother?"

As soon as this demon version of Han Yuan said this, he got his wish and was beaten again. He didn't fight back. He was beaten, and he seemed to be very happy.

Cheng Qian was very angry when he started, not only because Han Yuan's mouth was not clean, but also because he really stirred up memories in the Valley of Heart Demons with a few words more than Han Yuan, and then he forcibly suppressed Qi Nian and knew it in the bell. Turning upside down, he picked up Han Yuan with a bruised nose and a swollen face. At the same time, he roughly tore open the surrounding fence with the bell in his hand, and the two of them instantly went to Yan Zhengming's side.

As soon as he landed, he saw Yan Zhengming pin a demon cultivator to the ground with a blank face, and the sword energy went straight into the inner palace, leaving him nowhere to escape. , Feeling a change in the formation, he turned his head abruptly, and the killing intent did not retreat.

Cheng Qian was stunned for a moment, feeling his heart beating violently.

As soon as he saw Cheng Qian, Yan Zhengming blinked his eyes quickly, and the sword energy in those eyes suddenly dissipated.

He looked at the colorful Han Yuan in surprise and asked, "What's going on?"

Cheng Qian calmed down slightly in a dry mouth, and put aside Han Yuan, who started to pretend to be dead when he saw the senior brother, and briefly explained what happened.

Yan Zhengming listened silently, then took off his wrench and opened the mirror on the inside. It may have been less than an hour since he entered the ten-square array, and the two rows of candles were almost half extinguished.

Cheng Qian glanced at him secretly. On the one hand, he felt a little itchy, and on the other hand, he felt itchy and disrespectful. He was embarrassed.

Suddenly, Yan Zhengming seemed to have discovered something, and suddenly turned his back.

Cheng Qian came back and thought there was something wrong, so he cleared his throat and asked, "What?"

He saw Yan Zhengming took out a snow-white handkerchief from his arms, and wiped off the blood on his face with the mirror on his wrench.

Cheng Qian: ""

Outside the ten squares, one day and one night passed, and finally only two candles, one black and one white, remained.

Just when the penultimate candle was extinguished, the puddle suddenly grabbed Li Yun's arm and pinched his pointed nails into Li Yun's flesh.

Li Yun also trembled fiercely in his heart, but in front of his junior sister, he didn't dare to show it, he just pretended to say with certainty: "It's nothing, puddle, think about it, they must have been a couple when they first entered. One, it won't be long before the monk and the magician who can start the fastest are most likely to meet each other. I guess Xiao Qian and the senior brother will soon meet the fourth junior brother. Maybe they already have something to manipulate the formation. ."

His voice fell, and there was a sudden commotion in the crowd, and a group of monks stood up and looked in one direction together.

A group of flying horses descended from the sky, and a circle of monks dressed in Tianyan surrounded a flying horse carriage. I saw that the flying horses pulling the carriage were all wearing pure gold heads, and the brocade embroidered on the bodies made the nine dragons seem to be about to break through the cloth. Soaring out, and this thing is not just decoration, across the distance, Li Yun has already felt the same breath as the real dragon flag.

The puddle heard the sound and looked over: "Who is that? It seems to be very rich."

Li Yun raised her hand and pressed her head down, and said in a low voice, "Be honest and sit in the mustard seed."

After a while, he said again: "Probably the one from Tianyan's office has come to collect the net, but is Jiulong a member of the emperor's old man's family?"

While speaking, the motorcade appeared in front of him in a blink of an eye, as if riding a cloud ladder.

You Liang frowned, stepped forward amid the whispers of the crowd, and said to the leader: "Uncle Xuanhuang, Senior Brother Wu and I have come to Taiyin Mountain to set up a formation to block the demon dragon Han Yuan, Master Uncle, you are here. "

You Liang paused, glanced at the Nine-Dragon carriage, and continued, "Is there any instructions from the head to come with the Third Prince?"

The middle-aged cultivator named Xuan Huang looked down at You Liang from the back of his flying horse and said, "Your senior brother told me that Jian Xiu should be single-minded in his practice, and there are too many trivial matters in the sect, which may delay your future—I See what he said is right, Youliang, you can remove your seal today, I know that there are several powerful sword cultivators who have traveled overseas, and I might as well take you to see and experience another day, maybe there is a master-disciple fate."

You Liang's face changed.

Xuan Huang said: "Give way - what blood oath is not blood oath, and a group of demons make a blood oath, are you not afraid to spread it out and people will laugh at it? Come on, take it all down for me!"

As he spoke, countless black dots gathered in the sky, and a large group of giant eagles flew to the front in an instant.

Puddle: "Yeah! The demon is not right, it's not a demon cultivator."

Li Yun: "What?"

Shuideng frowned: "These eagles are just mortal birds, not members of my demon clan, I am afraid they were forced to become demon cultivators by pouring medicinal pills, they have never practiced, their intelligence is not open, and a little Training is an obedient beast."

The giant eagle soldiers hovered over the monks as if they were descending from the sky. One was as big as a pony, and the leading one opened its mouth and spewed out a flame, which was similar to the true Samadhi fire in the puddle.

The flames fell to the ground and became a sea of fire. Several demon cultivators were caught off guard, and they were burned in a frenzy. One of them didn't have time to escape. As soon as he caught the fire, the demonic energy around his body boiled. Pot meat.

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