Liu Zhuang Xian

Chapter 14: But I have you


Even the shopkeeper shook his head and said, "This Ren Er Niang is the same... The young master is good-looking, but I guess he is not old enough to get married, right?"

Lu Xiaochan had good hearing and almost laughed out loud when she heard this.

But he also discovered that Shu Wuxi on the opposite side didn't say a word, not even a "hmm".

Lu Xiaochan felt a little uneasy.

He sniffed hard and luckily smelled the scent of Shu Wuxi.

But he was still uneasy, so he immediately stretched out his arm and started touching it.

He touched Shu Wuxi's bowl and chopsticks, then half of his body leaned over the table. Just as he was about to touch Shu Wuxi's lapel, the other party stepped back slightly, giving him the chance to avoid it.

Not finding anyone, Lu Xiaochan became anxious.

"Shu Wuxi! Shu Wuxi?"


This response was a little deeper than usual.

Lu Xiaochan stopped and sat back.

"I thought... I thought you were annoying me and sneaked away..."

Lu Xiaochan let out a breath.

"I will not leave you."

"You always want me to keep talking, but you don't say anything. I won't even know you're gone. I'll be like a fool, thinking I'm talking to you, but you'll be gone."

For some reason, Lu Xiaochan felt that Shu Wuxi on the opposite side was looking at her.

"Shu Wuxi? Are you unhappy? Or did I make you angry?"

"I want to take off Ren Er Niang's eyes."

Lu Xiaochan's heart skipped a beat. Why was Shu Wuxi going to pluck out someone's eyes again

"The eyes are full of filthy and lustful thoughts."

Shu Wuxi held the teacup, lowered his head slightly, and took a sip of tea.

He was calm and reserved, his words were gentle, and he didn't sound like he had any murderous intent. However, it was precisely this calmness that made him seem extremely cold and cruel.

Lu Xiaochan was stunned for a moment, then started to laugh.

He picked up the bamboo stick on the table and pointed it forward, right on Shu Wuxi's shoulder.

"Everyone has desires. Some people have more of this desire, and some people have more of that desire. It's human nature that Ren Er Niang likes sex."

Lu Xiaochan always wanted to instigate Shu Wuxi to speak, so she poked him with a bamboo stick, leaned her head closer, and stared at him with her big eyes, as if she could see what he looked like if she looked hard enough.

"Have you ever enjoyed sex?"

Lu Xiaochan's bamboo stick was pushed away by the opponent. The opponent's fingers pressed slightly on the other end of the bamboo stick, and a stream of true energy flowed along the bamboo stick towards Lu Xiaochan. Lu Xiaochan slipped out of the stick, and the bamboo stick suddenly bounced up, just lifting Lu Xiaochan's chin upwards.

"What do you think?"

Lu Xiaochan's heart trembled, and she almost knocked over the tea in front of her.

The waiter brought two jars of "Drunken Life and Dream of Death" and whispered to Lu Xiaochan, "Lu Xiaochan, you better be careful tonight! That Ren Er Niang looks at you as if she wants to eat you up!"

“So scary!”

Lu Xiaochan became happy and deliberately whistled twice at Shu Wuxi.

"Shu Wuxi, why don't you sit next to me and help me block the lustful thoughts of that female demon?"

Shu Wuxi raised his hand and picked up the teapot, poured tea for Lu Xiaochan, and tapped his fingers lightly on the table, as if to say, "Drink your tea obediently."

Lu Xiaochan refused to give in and deliberately put on a pitiful expression: "Dad, my child has been targeted by a female demon, won't you save me?"

"I see you're enjoying it."

The bamboo stick poked Lu Xiaochan's nose.

Lu Xiaochan tilted his head and looked in the direction of Ren Erniang, but before he could turn his face completely, the bamboo branch came close to his face and pressed his face back, so that he could only face the direction of Shu Wuxi.

Lu Xiaochan was happy and smiled with her eyes narrowed.

"Brother Wuxi, I don't want to be eaten by a female demon. Come sit next to me! I promise not to touch you, be good!"

Lu Xiaochan had a very sharp sense of hearing. When he called out "Brother Wuxi", the sound of Shu Wuxi putting down the teacup was different from before.

Even if there is only a slight difference, different is different.

"Brother Wuxi." Lu Xiaochan called out again deliberately.

"Eat your wine."

"Brother Wuxi." Lu Xiaochan felt like she had found Shu Wuxi's weak spot.

Just at this moment, there was a commotion and screams outside the tavern, followed by the sound of hurried running.

The guests in the tavern stood up and looked outside.

On the street, a rugged figure was staggering forward.

The vendors who were packing up their stalls and passers-by on the roadside all looked over.

The afterglow of the setting sun completely sank, but the moon was blocked by pieces of flowing clouds, flickering.

The street scene outside the tavern seemed inexplicably cold and eerie.

It was not until the figure got closer and closer to the tavern that the guests at the window recognized that it was the butcher Wang Dayong.

Wang Dayong was walking around holding a butcher knife, his mouth full of white saliva and his eyes dull and cloudy.

"Who... has seen that bitch..."

He stuttered awkwardly, as if he had something stuck in his mouth.

Although he kept muttering to himself, he didn't respond to anything around him, like a puppet.

As the sky gradually darkened, the stars were obscured by clouds, leaving only the faint lights of houses along the roadside.

The butcher knife in Wang Dayong's hand had a cold and evil aura on its blade, as if blood was oozing out of the blade.

This is a small town with a small population, and Wang Dayong's strange behavior makes people feel uneasy. The vendors and pedestrians leave faster than usual, and the whole street seems to belong to Wang Dayong alone.

"Has anyone seen that... bitch..."

The sound seemed to be squeezed out of Wang Dayong's throat.

When Ren Er Niang saw Wang Dayong, she was so frightened that her face turned pale, as if she had seen a ghost, and the bowl and chopsticks in her hands fell to the ground.

"This is impossible... How is this possible..."

Lu Xiaochan also stuck his head out, but he did it not to see, but to listen.

"What happened? Is the butcher Wang Dayong coming to teach Ren Erniang a lesson?"

Lu Xiaochan had been looking forward to this scene for a long time.

The other guests were in a panic, but the shopkeeper reacted quickly and immediately arranged for everyone to close all the doors and windows of the tavern.

"Hurry up! Look at Wang Dayong, he's gone mad!"

"Look at him, he seems to be out of his mind! What if he goes crazy and starts hacking people?"

"Close the window! Close it!"

The waiter ran to Lu Xiaochan and was about to push Lu Xiaochan back when he was hit by the bamboo stick in Shu Wuxi's hand.

Before he touched Lu Xiaochan, he fell to the ground.

"Little cicada."

"Huh?" Lu Xiaochan turned around when she heard Shu Wuxi's voice.

There was only a "click" sound, and Shu Wuxi just hooked his finger lightly, and the window closed.

For a moment, the tavern was in chaos. No one was in the mood to drink and chat anymore. Everyone was talking about Wang Dayong who was wandering outside.

"What happened to Wang Dayong? Why do you say he's crazy?"

"It's none of our business." Shu Wuxi said.

Lu Xiaochan twisted her lips and thought, for someone who could make pluck out someone's eyes as easy as flicking away dust, how could Shu Wuxi feel that it was "related"

"He beat me before..." Lu Xiaochan touched his arm subconsciously.

"I know. I thought about tearing him to pieces."

Lu Xiaochan paused: "Why... why?"

"Because he hurts you. So I want him to hurt you a thousand times more than you do."

Shu Wuxi's voice was very calm, making Lu Xiaochan feel like he was a child of spoiled parents. Even if the child fell down by himself, the fault was still the piece of land that hurt the child.

"But I have you. No matter how badly I'm injured, you will heal me, and then I won't feel any pain. You'd better not let him be shattered to pieces."

It’s not that Lu Xiaochan is kind-hearted. When he was beaten by Wang Dayong, he also thought that this guy would get his comeuppance.

But if there really is retribution, he doesn't want Shu Wuxi to do it.

"Why?" Shu Wuxi asked.

"In my heart, you are spotless. Wang Dayong is not even as good as dust, so he is not worthy." Lu Xiaochan said seriously.

"Well," Shu Wuxi responded with a hint of warmth and coolness, "Evil spirits will torture filthy people. Even if they die, their souls will be burned by the evil spirits' karmic fire until their souls are completely destroyed."

"What evil spirit?" Lu Xiaochan tilted his head.

Shu Wuxi did not answer him, but asked: "Are you still eating?"

"Eat! My chicken noodles haven't come yet!"

The streets of Lushu Town, which was once quite bustling, suddenly became eerily quiet.

Every household closed their doors and windows and even turned off the lights.

The waiter saw Wang Dayong coming towards the entrance of their tavern through the crack in the door and looked at the owner.

He had a low aura, as if he was filled with murderous intent, ready to swing the butcher knife in his hand at any time and turn the town into a river of blood.

The shopkeeper had already hidden under the table and only raised one hand to come out: "Quick! Quick! Quick! Turn off all the lights! Hurry!"

Almost at the same time, the guests extinguished their candles.

The entire tavern fell into darkness.

Lu Xiaochan could hear clearly the rapid breathing, the trembling sound of holding the edge of the table, and the sound of teeth clashing.

Wang Dayong was still shouting in a muddy voice: "Ren Er Niang... Ren Er Niang..."

The two butcher knives rubbed against each other, and the sound they made seemed to want to cut through the inky night.

Not far away, Ren Er Niang huddled under the table with her head in her hands, muttering, "Impossible... This is impossible!"

"What do you mean 'impossible'?" Lu Xiaochan asked, tilting her head.

The whole tavern was extremely quiet, everyone was afraid to breathe loudly. When Lu Xiaochan spoke, the whole tavern could hear her.