Liu Zhuang Xian

Chapter 21: So hot!


"What kind of mind do I need to calm down? I'm totally lost! Why don't you go out... go for a walk and come back later!"

Lu Xiaochan was about to cry.

"Xiao Chan, this is the only room in this inn that is occupied."

After Shu Wuxi said this, Lu Xiaochan suddenly trembled.

"So... what were those noises I heard?"

The woman next door... No, the woman's voice was everywhere, as if it was next to my ears and in front of me.

"That is an evil spirit that feeds on lustful thoughts. It is called 'drooling'."

Lu Xiaochan was shocked. What! Was an evil spirit targeting him

He is a blind man and cannot see beauty or ugliness on a normal day. According to what the old beggar said, his hair has not even grown fully. How could this "covetousness" find him

"Then save me!"

At this time, Lu Xiaochan envied Shu Wuxi for being so pure and free from desires. Even if the evil spirits came to him, there was no way out.

"If you calm down, it won't tempt you."

"How can I calm down?"

There was a sweet fragrance at the tip of Lu Xiaochan's nose, and something soft and delicate was touching his face and neck, and penetrating into his bones and blood.

"My dear! My dear! I miss you so much!"

Lu Xiaochan felt dizzy and her soul was about to leave her body. She seemed to be back in Wusi Winery. Her eyes were restored and she saw the beautiful woman. She twisted her slender waist and sat on the table in front of Lu Xiaochan.

The bones are as soft as butter.

"Xiao Chan, if you still remember what extreme thoughts are, then ordinary desires will not be able to shake you."

In an instant, the world turned upside down, and Lu Xiaochan's mind returned to his body. He took a deep breath and found that he was covered with a quilt, and someone was holding him tightly in his arms through the quilt.

At this moment, the door of the room suddenly opened.

A graceful and enchanting figure was right in front of the door.

"My dear, I saw you once in the tavern that day, and I can never forget you. I think about you again every day and want to serve you well. I want to go to Wushan with you and fight till death."

Lu Xiaochan trembled.

"Oh my dear mother—you are Ren Er Niang! You are Ren Er Niang! Don't come over here! I am not interested in you!"

Lu Xiaochan finally understood that Ren Erniang was immersed in her affairs with men. And it was said that although she was over 30 years old, she was very charming and beautiful. Although the women in the town didn't like her, every time she walked on the street, the men would stare at her.

If there are evil spirits that feed on □□, Ren Er Niang would be the most suitable person.

"My dear! I miss you so much that I can't sleep at night. Can you really bear to let me sleep alone?"

"I can bear it! I can bear it! It's best if you sleep alone! Go! Go!"

Lu Xiaochan thought of the young master of the Chen family who was said to be as thin as a man's pole, and the second brother who was on his last breath. He was so scared that his face turned pale and he struggled to get into Shu Wuxi's arms.

"Don't be afraid." Shu Wuxi lowered his head, and his warm breath was beside Lu Xiaochan's ear.

"You should lower it quickly!"

"I won't do anything. I'll subdue it for you today, but there will be other evil spirits to harass you tomorrow. Do you know why it came to you?"

"I don't know either! I've never had that kind of thought about Ren Er Niang!"

"Because you have spiritual roots, but you don't know how to store your spiritual energy in your Dan Yuan. Before, you had the Tai Ling Qing Yuan Curse, and the evil spirits within a hundred miles could not invade. Now that the curse has been broken, the evil spirits from all directions are sniffing your spiritual energy and will naturally come to take advantage of you. As long as they can arouse your desire, they can lead you into evil."

"What? Where did I get my ghost roots?!"

"Listen to me, let go of your fear, and imagine your body as a vast ocean."

"I've never seen the sea!" Lu Xiaochan said aggrievedly.

"Ren Er Niang is coming in." Shu Wuxi said.

Lu Xiaochan's hair stood on end.

Imagine a sea...

But what he could imagine in his mind was the winding clouds in his dream, the endless waves of clouds that seemed to stretch on and on.

"In the center of this sea, there is a cave, and the boundless ocean is pouring into it from all directions."

What Lu Xiaochan saw was a sudden change in the wind and clouds. Sword energy was running rampant in the cloud waves, and all things were changing constantly. Led by a figure, it merged into the sword in that person's hand.

At this moment, he felt as if there was an air lingering in his lungs, getting tighter and tighter, and finally settling down.

"Don't be afraid, Xiaochan. You have already ordered the Dan Yuan."

Shu Wuxi's voice was so light and soft that Lu Xiaochan felt extremely sleepy. She tilted her head and fell asleep.

Shu Wuxi supported his back and slowly placed him on the pillow.

His expression turned cold, and he said, "How long do you want to wait here? Is this how Ling Nianwu teaches his disciples?"

Jiang Wuchao, who was hiding on the roof of the inn, felt his shoulders tighten.

He found a camellia hairpin in his second brother's room. Old Liu said it looked like the one Ren Er Niang wore on her head all day. Jiang Wuchao guessed that Ren Er Niang did not run away because she was afraid of being kidnapped and reported to the police by the mayor, but was controlled by the evil spirit who was "coveting" her and seducing men everywhere.

He concealed the spiritual energy around him and finally found Ren Er Niang.

But he didn't expect that Ren Er Niang would come to the inn and even want to seduce Lu Xiaochan.

If Shu Wuxi was really a senior whose cultivation was higher than Ling Nianwu, as long as he dispersed the "One Leaf Blinding" technique, he would not need a sword formation, and his own spiritual power would be enough to destroy "Dropping".

But Shu Wuxi refused to take any action and even discovered Jiang Wuchao who was hiding on the roof watching the fun.

Jiang Wuchao had no choice but to show up.

When Ren Er Niang saw Jiang Wuchao, she was shocked and ran away immediately.

Jiang Wuchao swung out his sword, and the sword formation he triggered severely injured Ren Erniang's back.

After Ren Er Niang fell down, she used her hands and feet like a spider to climb down the stairs.

There was no one on the streets after midnight. It was so quiet that there was almost no sound. Even the crowing of chickens and barking of dogs could not be heard.

Jiang Wuchao had no leverage, and the power of his sword formation was greatly reduced. The second "Spiritual Roar" dissipated like smoke before it even touched Ren Erniang.

Ren Er Niang naturally discovered Jiang Wuchao's weakness, and she turned around and laughed out loud.

"Would you like me to lend you some of my music?"

In an instant, the quiet moonlit night was filled with charming teasing, one after another, continuously.

Jiang Wuchao's face turned red immediately.

Ren Erniang walked up to Jiang Wuchao brazenly and circled around him: "You haven't tasted the joy of love yet, have you? Do you want me to take you to experience the bliss of the human world?"


Jiang Wuchao suddenly pushed the sword in his hand out, and there was a bell tied to the hilt.

It was just that Jiang Wuchao had been holding the bell in his hand before, and no one had noticed it. Now, as the Minglan sword flew out, there was a light sound, and the "Spiritual Roar" formation condensed in an instant, like a mountain pressing down on the top of one's head, suppressing Ren Erniang.

The evil spirit "Dripping" in Ren Er Niang's body rushed out of her mouth and rushed around in the formation. The sword formation became tighter and tighter, and was finally sucked in by the "Minglan Sword" and refined into spiritual power.

Ren Er Niang fell to the ground, her face pale. The wound on her wrist, which was cut by the butcher's knife, had festered and broken bones were visible.

"Please, Immortal Lord, save me... Save me..."

"You murdered your husband and had evil desires in your heart. Now your body has been hollowed out by evil spirits. I can't save you even if I want to."

Jiang Wuchao shook his head, Ren Erniang's eyes became dimmer and dimmer, and she took her last breath.

He sheathed his sword and hurried back to the inn, and sure enough, no one was in the room.

He touched the bed and found it was still warm, which meant that Shu Wuxi did not lead Xiao Chan far away.

At this time, Shu Wuxi held Lu Xiaochan in his arms with one hand and walked under the night.

In front of me is a river, submerged in the darkness, with only a few stars dotting the sky, rising and falling with the waves.

Lu Xiaochan's head was resting on Shu Wuxi's shoulder. Seeing that Lu Xiaochan's nose was about to touch Shu Wuxi's chin, Shu Wuxi's throat tightened, but he still turned his face to avoid it.

He stretched out his right hand and raised it slightly.

"Lu Shu, how long are you going to laze around in the Handan River?"

All of a sudden, the peaceful river water became agitated, and a huge monster with vague outlines emerged from the river and slowly walked onto the river bank.

It was a spiritual beast, shaped like a white horse, but several times larger than an ordinary horse, with a fiery red tail dragging behind it. Only a little moonlight leaked through the thick clouds and fell on its body, turning into a layer of clear and spiritual light that was visible but intangible.

When it saw Shu Wuxi, its originally angry look at having its peace disturbed immediately became obedient, and it lowered its head and crawled in front of Shu Wuxi.

"I'm going to take your master away from here."

When Lu Shu heard Shu Wuxi say this, he lowered his head and whimpered, then rubbed his ear gently against the unconscious Lu Xiaochan.

"He has lost his cultivation now, and I don't have my sword with me, so I can't fly away on it." Shu Wuxi turned his head and just happened to see the tip of Lu Xiaochan's small nose. "If you come with us, you can take care of him along the way."

When Lu Shu heard this, he immediately shrank and turned into a nimble white horse, crawling down in front of Shu Wuxi.

Shu Wuxi picked up Lu Xiaochan and placed him on Lu Shu's back.

Lu Xiaochan, who is always restless during the day, now quietly puts her face on Lu Shu's neck.

The corners of Shu Wuxi's mouth sunk slightly on his expressionless face. His fingertips were about to touch Lu Xiaochan's cheek, but he took a breath as if waking up from a dream and withdrew his hand.

"It would be nice if you could stay like this forever."

Shu Wuxi turned around and walked in front.

Lu Shu said nothing, lowered his head, and followed him quietly along the Handan River, all the way into the Whispering Forest.

Lushu Town is surrounded by mountains and forests. When walking at night, apart from the faint starlight, it is almost impossible to see anything on the ground.

But Shu Wuxi just walked forward without looking around, occasionally stopping and looking back at Lu Xiaochan who was lying there sleeping.

When Lu Xiaochan woke up, it was already daybreak.

He rubbed his eyes, wiped the saliva from the corners of his mouth, and almost fell off Lu Shu's back.

"Ouch! Where am I?"

Lu Xiaochan grabbed Lu Shu's fur randomly, steadied himself, and immediately started touching him everywhere.

"Shu Wuxi—Shu Wuxi, where are you!"

"I'm right in front of you." Shu Wuxi's voice sounded.

Only then did Lu Xiaochan breathe a sigh of relief.

"I'm so scared! What is this? Is it a donkey? Or a mule?"

Lu Xiaochan immediately grabbed Lu Shu's ears, and Lu Shu moved in dissatisfaction, almost knocking Lu Xiaochan over. One hand held Lu Xiaochan's left leg with great strength and sent him back.

Lu Xiaochan immediately started grabbing around again and almost grabbed the other person's wrist, but the other person immediately withdrew his hand.

"Didn't we agree that you are not allowed to touch me?" Shu Wuxi's voice sounded with a hint of coldness.

Beneath the chill, there is a sense of uneasiness and tension.

Lu Xiaochan sat there stiffly. He thought Shu Wuxi would hit him with a bamboo stick, but after waiting for a while, nothing happened.

Could it be that Shu Wuxi forgot to bring out the bamboo branch

Really, why can I touch through clothes but not directly

"I'm afraid you're gone. How about we make a deal? If you don't want me to hold your hand, I can pull your sleeve. Is that okay?"

Lu Xiaochan tilted his head, his eyes wide open, and the faint light of morning light fell on his face.

Shu Wuxi beside him slowly stretched out his hand, as if he was lured by something. His fingertips were about to touch Lu Xiaochan, just wanting to brush away the hair that was messed up by his ear.

The closer he got to Lu Xiaochan, the stiffer Shu Wuxi's knuckles became. The line from his forearm to his shoulder instantly tensed up. He stared at Lu Xiaochan intently, and his empty eyes suddenly turned into a boiling sea of delusion.

A gust of wind blew past, and the strands of hair by Lu Xiaochan's ears were blown down. It just brushed past Shu Wuxi's fingertips, and the strand of hair instantly caught fire. Shu Wuxi immediately sent out a trace of true energy and cut off the strand of hair.

“Ah—” Lu Xiaochan still covered her ears, “It’s so hot! So hot! So hot!”

He almost fell off Lu Shu's back.

"Xiaochan! Xiaochan! How are you!"

Shu Wuxi wanted to pick up Lu Xiaochan, but the moment he reached out his hand, he froze there with bloodshot eyes.

This was the first time that Lu Xiaochan heard such a huge fluctuation of emotions in Shu Wuxi's voice.

He stood up, touched his ears, and then touched his face: "I'm fine! I think something burned my ears just now."

"That's" Shu Wuxi's voice was tense.

It's like a taut string that can break at any time.

" What lust? Whose lust is so strong that it can burn people?" Lu Xiaochan laughed.

Because this is so funny!

If a person's desires were this strong, then he would be unable to satisfy what he wants even if he crushed it in his hands!

I think you are just unhappy and are using your magic to punish me, right

"Do you want to touch me?" Shu Wuxi asked.

"Yes! Of course I do! But please don't burn me again..."

Shu Wuxi half-knelt down and slowly approached Lu Xiaochan who was sitting on the ground. His eyes were deep and tinged with a hint of extreme madness, but it soon disappeared without a trace.

"If we go to Tailing Pavilion, even if I turn that place upside down, I will still find a way to touch you."

"Don't turn it over! Let's talk to them properly! What if the people at Tai Ling Pavilion get upset and kick us out?"

"Just don't blame me for being too forceful and hurting you in the future."


Lu Xiaochan thought, how could you hurt me by doing it so hard

He sat there for a long time, waiting for Shu Wuxi to come and help him, but after waiting for a long time, Shu Wuxi didn't touch him. Lu Xiaochan was extremely disappointed. He stood up by himself and climbed up with a grunt.

"Brother Wuxi! Brother Wuxi! Brother Wuxi!" Lu Xiaochan frowned and called Shu Wuxi three times in a row.

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Where are we now? Is this thing you gave me to ride a mule or a donkey?"

"We have already left Lushu Town."

“Oh…” Lu Xiaochan thought, Shu Wuxi probably didn’t want him to continue watching the fun and meddling in other people’s business, otherwise he would never be able to leave Lushu Town in this lifetime.

"What you are riding now is the spirit beast Lushu. It has been guarding Lushu Town for nearly 1,300 years. Lushu Town should also be named because of this spirit beast."

When Lu Xiaochan heard this, she almost fell off its back again.

"What did you say? This is... This is a spiritual beast?" Lu Xiaochan immediately touched Lu Shu's back, "Spiritual beast, spiritual beast, I didn't recognize it... Oh, I'm blind, don't blame me!"

Lu Shu, who had been rolling his eyes for a long time because Lu Xiaochan kept saying it was a mule or a donkey, finally raised his eyebrows and snorted.

Lu Xiaochan never thought that she would be able to ride a spiritual beast once in her lifetime, and her face was full of pride.

After half an hour, the novelty of riding the spirit beast wore off, and Lu Xiaochan started talking again.

"Brother Wuxi? Brother Wuxi, are you still here?"


Shu Wuxi's voice came from the front.

"Would you like to come up and sit with me?"

"Need not."

"But what if I accidentally fall down?"


"I just fell down!"

Lu Xiaochan deliberately said in a pitiful voice.

But unexpectedly, Shu Wuxi remained silent.

Lu Xiaochan thought for a moment and then said, "How about you just stretch out your hand and let me pull your sleeve?"

I pulled his sleeve once before, and he didn't dodge, right

"No." Shu Wuxi's answer was firm.

"I won't follow your sleeve and pull your hand." Lu Xiaochan patted his chest and guaranteed. Shu Wuxi had already punished him just now.

Although Shu Wuxi did not answer, Lu Xiaochan knew that he must have been a little shaken, otherwise he would have answered him coldly with a "no". Lu Xiaochan must keep trying!

"Brother Wuxi, this is no longer the Lushu Town I'm familiar with. If you don't let me hold you, I'm afraid you'll abandon me."

Having been a beggar all his life, Lu Xiaochan is good at pretending to be pitiful.

"I won't."

"Then give me a sleeve!"

"If you accidentally touch me, aren't you afraid of the pain?" Shu Wuxi's voice rose slightly.

"Hurt? What hurts?" Lu Xiaochan thought for a moment and slapped her thigh. "Oh - I understand! I felt like my ear was burned just now! It was you? You did it on purpose, didn't you? Do you dislike me?"

If you dislike something about me, just tell me!

"I don't dislike you." Shu Wuxi replied.

Lu Xiaochan was unhappy. He crossed his arms, closed his mouth tightly and stopped talking.

If you think I'm too noisy, just say it!

If you hate it when I even try to pull your sleeve, you could just say it!

I'm blind and I can't see. If you think it's troublesome to take care of me, you can tell me!

He said he didn't dislike me, but he burned my ears on purpose!

Lu Xiaochan raised his hand and touched his ears and cheeks. The pain that seemed to burn through his bones had disappeared, and there seemed to be no wounds on either his cheeks or ears.

So, ah! This must be Shu Wuxi using some cultivation method to punish him!

"Why aren't you talking?" Shu Wuxi's voice rang out.

I won’t tell you, I won’t tell you!

Lu Xiaochan crossed her arms and made up her mind.

"Little Cicada?"

Shu Wuxi stopped and Lu Shu also lay down.

Lu Xiaochan deliberately tilted her head to the other side.

"Little Chan." Shu Wuxi approached him.

When these two words came out of his mouth, it was like a breath of spiritual energy. One had to hold on to it tightly to prevent it from dissipating.

Lu Xiaochan immediately softened her heart, as if she could act like a spoiled brat to anyone except this person.

"Can you please tell me why I can't touch you? Why did you burn me?"

He was puzzled by the previous question. He was not a person who liked to think about things, but he thought about this question countless times, and he felt very unhappy if he was not given an answer.

Shu Wuxi stood there without saying a word.

Lu Xiaochan pouted and waited, but she didn't expect Shu Wuxi to turn around. Lu Shu, who was lying in a daze, also stood up and walked forward staggeringly with Lu Xiaochan.

"I didn't agree to go with you! I won't go with you!"

Lu Xiaochan twisted and struggled to get off Lu Shu's back, but Shu Wuxi used his spiritual energy to press on her, and Lu Xiaochan became unable to move.

Shu Wuxi flicked his wrist and hooked his fingers, and a golden ribbon with a silver-edged spell was slowly pulled out from Lu Xiaochan's wrist.

Lu Xiaochan was surprised by the feeling that something in her blood was flowing out of her body.

But the ribbon directly tied up Lu Xiaochan.

Lu Xiaochan found that she couldn't move and became even angrier.

He has a good heart, so even if Shu Wuxi didn't tell him a lot of things, he knew that Shu Wuxi was really kind to him.

But the better he treated her, the more tolerant and patient he was with her, the more Lu Xiaochan wanted to know why he couldn't touch her

"I don't want to go with you! Put me down! I want to get down! Let me go!"

Lu Xiaochan kept repeating the same words over and over again. He didn't believe that Shu Wuxi didn't find him annoying.

“This is the middle of nowhere.”

Shu Wuxi didn't speak until Lu Xiaochan's voice became hoarse.

Lu Xiaochan thought Shu Wuxi was trying to persuade him that if he was left alone at this time, he would be eaten by the jackals, tigers and leopards in the mountains, but who knew... Shu Wuxi was not so "gentle".

"It's no use even if you shout until your throat is hoarse."

Lu Xiaochan's eyebrows were twisted into a frown, and he suddenly felt that Shu Wuxi was not taking him to Tailing Pavilion to treat his eyes, but that he was abducted by Shu Wuxi to be his wife

"I'm going to shout!"

"Then shout louder. I like to hear your voice anyway."

Shu Wuxi did not stop.

Why did Lu Xiaochan feel that there was something wrong with his last sentence

What does "Scream louder, I like it anyway" mean

Lu Xiaochan finally shouted himself hoarse. He sniffed and said dryly, "I want to drink some water..."

Shu Wuxi finally walked to his side, untied the medicine pot from his waist, removed the lid, and brought it to his mouth.

Lu Xiaochan lowered his head and drank the wine in big gulps.

After the cold "Drunkenness and Dreaming of Death" went down Lu Xiaochan's throat, it finally felt better.

He exhaled and said casually: "Why do other people get drunk after drinking one jar? I can drink several jars? And I think it tastes only better than plain water?"

"Because, there is still a lack of immortal guidance."


"For cultivators who have cultivated for more than a hundred years, ordinary wine cannot make them drunk."

"What kind of fairy guide do you need?"

"There is a medicinal garden in the Unintentional Realm, and there is a magical herb in it, named 'Golden Wind and Jade Dew'. Adding this magical herb to wine can make one drunk. So... it is named 'Wine Collision with the Immortal'."

"Is there such a magical herb? But... but I'm not a cultivator, nor am I an immortal. Logically, ordinary wine can make me drunk... It should be that I have a good alcohol tolerance. Have you ever been drunk?"

Lu Xiaochan's attention has shifted from why Shu Wuxi didn't let him touch it to the wine that could make even immortals with more than a hundred years of cultivation fall down.

"I was drunk."

"What does it feel like to be drunk?" Lu Xiaochan leaned forward, eager for Shu Wuxi to tell him.

Lu Xiaochan seemed to be able to imagine Shu Wuxi's expression at this moment. He tilted his head slightly, with the corners of his lips rising gently.

"The thought of extreme desire can do whatever one wants."

Lu Xiaochan stood there in a daze.

"Allow me to live three thousand lives, but it is not as good as that one drunken night."

Shu Wuxi's voice was filled with an indescribable attachment and a determination to crush everything in the world.

"So...are you awake now? Or are you drunk?"

He knew that Shu Wuxi had walked to his side and was looking up at him.

At that moment, the burning heat inside him overflowed from his Dan Yuan, clinging to Lu Xiaochan's blood and bones, and his soul was trembling deep inside.

"If you want me to be drunk, I will be drunk forever. If you want me to be sober, kill me before I wake up."

Shu Wuxi's voice was so cold, extremely cold, but it was like a karmic fire of obsession that would burn the three thousand worlds to ashes in one day.

"What's the point of getting drunk alone? I'll get drunk with you..." Lu Xiaochan smiled ingratiatingly.

But I felt inexplicably scared inside.

He had a hunch that the real Shu Wuxi would not be so gentle and patient. On the contrary, he would absolutely not tolerate any resistance or doubt, and even the slightest hesitation on his part would not be brutally suppressed by the other party.

"You're afraid of me."

Shu Wuxi's voice was like the sound of pure moonlight falling on the quiet sea.

"No, I'm not afraid of you."

Lu Xiaochan's heart was beating fast.

These days, he became complacent because Shu Wuxi was his "old friend" and promised to take him to Tailing Pavilion.

Although Shu Wuxi never told him who he was, he was definitely not an ordinary person.

"Xiao Chan, when you are afraid of me, this is the expression you have now."

Shu Wuxi's voice softened.

"You... are you kidding? I've never been scared before!"

"Do you want to pull my sleeve again?" Shu Wuxi asked again.

In this desolate wilderness, no matter how scary Shu Wuxi felt, it was not as scary as being abandoned.


Then he heard Shu Wuxi sigh.

The ribbon that was tied around Lu Xiaochan loosened.

"If I let you pull my sleeve, you will definitely not be content."

Lu Xiaochan thought, how do you know me so well

Shu Wuxi took the ribbon and said, "Put out your hand."

Lu Xiaochan stretched out his hand obediently, and Shu Wuxi tied one end of the ribbon around his wrist and the other end around his own wrist.

This ribbon is very flexible and can be made long or short.

Shu Wuxi turned around and walked to the front again. Lu Xiaochan raised her hand and seemed to hear countless pleasant bells in her ears.

"What is this? How interesting!"

"This bell sound can only be heard by the people holding the two ends of the 'Locking Immortal Silk'. You shake it and pull it. If a bell sound is heard, it means the other end is still being held by me. If no bell sound is heard, it means it is lost."

Although Shu Wuxi could hear the ringing of the bell as he walked forward, Lu Xiaochan still felt very bored.

With one hand supporting his chin, he shook the "Fairy Locking Silk" with the other.

"Brother Wuxi..."


"I'm so tired sitting up here, can I get down?"

"No. The road here is very rugged."

"Brother Wuxi, since Lushu is a spirit beast, why don't you let it fly in the sky and take us away?"

Lu Shu snorted with disdain.

"Because you have just formed the elixir, but you have no cultivation. You can't withstand Lu Shu's divine travel of a thousand miles."

"Oh... Then you've been implicated by me too. You can only walk slowly like this."

"I don't feel tired."

"Brother Wuxi, why do I feel like your 'Locking Immortal Silk' came out of my body?"

"The Immortal Locking Silk can lock the soul and elixir, and it is the magic weapon of Tailing Pavilion."

"Another magic weapon from Tai Ling Pavilion! Brother Wu Xi, are you from Tai Ling Pavilion?"

"I have a long history with Tailing Pavilion."

Lu Xiaochan walked along the way like this without asking Brother Wuxi to help him until evening.

They had entered the heart of this long mountain range and finally arrived at a village.

It was already late at night, and there was still no light in the village.

The further you go inside, the more dilapidated it becomes.

There is no one in this village.

Lu Xiaochan tilted his head back and sniffed. He smelled the scent of rotting wood and frowned. Then, a familiar fragrance floated in the wind.

"It seems to be the scent of 'Mozhu'." Lu Xiaochan was afraid that Shu Wuxi didn't know what "Mozhu" was, so she immediately explained, "It's a spice used by the women of wealthy families. It costs a few taels of silver and a penny! But... but..."

But why does it smell like the spices used by women, but not human scent

Lu Xiaochan subconsciously pulled the "Locking Fairy Silk" in his hand. Before he opened his mouth to ask, "Brother Wuxi, are you here?", the person in front of him spoke first.

"Xiaochan, what's wrong?"

Shu Wuxi's voice was normal, so Lu Xiaochan leaned back with peace of mind. He could feel that Lu Shu seemed to have turned a small half circle, as if avoiding something.

In the pitch-black night, there was a carriage without horses, lying slumped on the ground.

Some bottles and jars used by the women rolled down from behind the curtain, and the bottle of "Mozhu" happened to be broken.

A gust of wind blew, and the curtain of the carriage was lifted up by the wind. Two maids were lying inside. They had expressions of fear on their faces, their eyes were wide open, and there was a large pool of blood on their chests, as if they had been pierced by something.

They had been dead for two days, and the blood on their bodies had long dried up, emitting a faint stench of decay.

Even the moonlight that streamed in through the gap in the curtains looked extremely cold.

"Wait..." Lu Xiaochan turned towards the carriage.

"What's wrong?" Shu Wuxi asked.

"Has someone died here? I smell blood... and... a rotting body."

Shu Wuxi said in a very light voice, "It's none of our business."

After hearing what he said, Lu Xiaochan was basically certain that someone had indeed died, but no matter what, in Shu Wuxi's view, it was "none of our business."

This is not only because Shu Wuxi doesn't like Lu Xiaochan to meddle in other people's business, but more because in Shu Wuxi's eyes, there is no difference between the living and the dead.

Looking at Lu Xiaochan's expression, Shu Wuxi tightened the Immortal Locking Silk and gently pulled it: "If the smell here is unpleasant, we will stay somewhere else."

Lu Xiaochan nodded immediately.

He knew his own limitations. After leaving Lushu Town, he couldn't do anything and could do nothing except banging his head against the wall. He had better just listen to Shu Wuxi's words.

They walked out of the dilapidated village, and the unpleasant smell in the air gradually disappeared.

Lu Xiaochan, who had been holding his breath, finally took a deep breath.

"Xiao Chan, there are mountains ahead. Let's sleep in this land temple for one night."


As long as you tell me that this is a land temple and not some messy temple, it will be fine.

The temple gate was a bit small, and when Lu Shu squeezed in, Lu Xiaochan almost bumped his head on the top of the temple gate.

And when Shu Wuxi pulled the "Locking Fairy Silk", Lu Xiaochan slid down from Lu Shu's back along his tail. Shu Wuxi simply grabbed him with both hands and hugged him.

The author has something to say: Lu Xiaochan: I won’t do it!

Shu Wuxi: What’s wrong

Lu Xiaochan: Your fire is so strong, it hurts me to death when I touch it! If you solve this problem, I will still feel pain! Why do I always feel pain? I am not happy!

Shu Wuxi: Both are painful, the former is just painful. The latter is just the initial pain.

Lu Xiaochan: I believe your lies!

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