Liu Zhuang Xian

Chapter 51: Only I can be lawless


"Xiaochan... that's not a belt..."

Shu Wuxi turned his head and spoke in a tense voice.

"It's okay! It's okay! I know where the belt is!"

Lu Xiaochan decided to quit while she was ahead, and took out some change from Shu Wuxian's belt and threw it to the girl.

When the girl saw it, she immediately bowed her head to thank Lu Xiaochan: "Thank you, sir!"

At this moment, the lines from the play text suddenly popped out, but Lu Xiaochan felt a little nauseous when she heard the sound of the lines being read.

"Hey Chen Hua, are you short of money? Why don't you tell me? I'll give you whatever you want! You're such a handsome boy, but you have to dress up as a girl. What a pity!"

As soon as this voice rang out, the people who were watching the acrobatics suddenly dispersed.

When one of the ladies passed by Lu Xiaochan, she hurriedly said, "The young master is very handsome, leave quickly!"

Lu Xiaochan touched her face, then lowered her head and asked Shu Wuxi: "Brother Wuxi, do I look good?"

Shu Wuxi's answer can be guessed with just the tip of your toes.


"Good-looking is for people to see, why are you hiding?"

When the crowd dispersed, Lu Xiaochan saw a fat man walking towards them.

He also had a sword on his waist, which emitted a glimmer of spiritual light. It seemed that he was a Taoist.

However, all the Xuanmen disciples that Lu Xiaochan had seen, from Ye Linshuang, the swordsman of Nanli Jingtian, to Jiang Wuchao of Zhiwu Villa, all of them had slender figures and were very pleasing to the eye.

He is nothing like the guy in front of me, fat and big-eared, not pleasing to the eyes, and looks like a pig farmer!

Behind this man were four or five sword cultivators with swords. Although the spiritual power of their swords was not very good, they were much better than that of this greasy fat pig.

"Brother Wuxi, I thought you didn't like to watch the fun."

Lu Xiaochan lowered her head and whispered into Shu Wuxi's ear.

"I don't like to watch the fun, but you want to watch it. If I don't let you watch it, you will keep thinking about it. It's better to finish watching it once and for all."

Lu Xiaochan was happy. He didn't expect that Shu Wuxi was becoming more and more to his liking.

The fat man came in front of the performing girl and shamelessly pulled her clothes. Lu Xiaochan was stunned - oh my, he was obviously a boy, not a girl at all.

The young man was angry but dared not say anything and could only back away, while the greasy fat man kept pressing forward.

"Do not touch me!"

"You are lucky that I, Zhang Wutian, like you! You don't know what's good for you and disguise yourself as a woman to avoid me! I will punish you today!"

Lu Xiaochan scratched his head and leaned close to Shu Wuxi's ear and said, "From what Zhang Wutian said... he fell in love with this street performer, so the boy disguised himself as a girl to avoid him? So this big fat pig likes men, not women?"

Shu Wuxi stood motionless at the edge of the wall, just where the moonlight could not reach.

"Yeah." Shu Wuxi responded.

"Oh, that's disgusting." Lu Xiaochan smacked his lips.

Shu Wuxi's shoulders tightened, and he asked in a low voice, "Do you think men shouldn't admire men?"

"I think that if a man is loved by a beauty like you, Brother Wuxian, that's wonderful. But being forced by this fat pig... I might as well be like the old beggar who choked to death on fried peanuts!"

After saying that, Lu Xiaochan kicked his legs with some pride.

Shu Wuxi thought he felt it was not high enough, so he flipped him up again.

At this time, the young man Chen Hua's father knelt down and was about to hug Zhang Wuotian's legs, but was kicked away by Zhang Wuotian in disgust.

"I just want your son to spend a few days with me! He is pretending to be a woman, and acting like a chaste and heroic woman, who is he trying to please! When I get tired of you, I will reward you with ten taels of silver. Isn't it better to just perform your chest-breaking performance every day?"

Lu Xiaochan swayed again, and Shu Wuxi turned his head and heard him say, "Brother Wuxi, if someone asked me to accompany him for a few days and gave you ten taels of silver, would you be willing?"

"I want him to be reborn."

Well, this answer is very Shu Wuxi's style.

"That's right. If you can't bear it, it's even harder for parents to bear it!"

Sure enough, Old Man Chen immediately started to kowtow to Zhang Wuotian, bang bang bang so hard that even his forehead was broken.

Seeing this, Lu Xiaochan felt sad and remembered himself when he was still a beggar.

"My Lord! My Lord! I was born in my old age, and I only have this one son! I hope you will show mercy!"

"You only have one son. Offering him to me shows your sincerity! Come, take Chen Hua away!"

Several Xuanmen disciples behind Zhang Wuotian rushed up, two of them dragged Old Man Chen away, and two of them subdued Chen Hua.

Ever since Zhang Wutan brought his men here, the whole street became deserted as people packed up their stalls and went home.

Lu Xiaochan touched the back of his head and asked, "Where on earth did this Zhang Wutian come from? How could he be so 'lawless'?"

"If I'm not mistaken, he should be from Zhangshan Sect. His cultivation is not high. Although he has a sword, he hasn't even lit up his Dan Yuan."

"I was wondering, if he really had cultivation, how could he grow up to be like this? He doesn't have any immortal style at all. He even dares to call himself an immortal king. It's really ridiculous."

Although Zhang Wusheng has a greasy face like a pig, his ears are very sensitive.

Lu Xiaochan shook his legs, and this time he was telling Shu Wuxi that he wanted to get off his back.

"Are you going to mind your own business?"

"No, I want to try my skills. And I really don't like his name."

Lu Xiaochan put her legs on the ground and pulled up her sleeves.

"Don't like it? What does his name have to do with you?" Shu Wuxi asked.

"He looks like a pig, yet he dares to call himself Zhang Wutian? It means lawless, right?"

"That's right!" Zhang Wutan didn't expect that there would be someone in Zhangcheng who dared to challenge him. He immediately became excited and wanted to see who was the one who didn't care about his life. "My father gave me this name, which means lawless!"

"Haha!" Lu Xiaochan walked out from the shadows.

I think it's so stinky that it's lawless!

Zhang Wutan was stunned for a moment.

The young man under the moonlight is otherworldly, with round, bright eyes and a sly and cute smile on his lips.

Compared with him, Chen Hua, who originally had some looks, is simply not worthy of attention!

Zhang Wuotian's saliva was almost flowing out, and he looked like he wanted to pounce on Lu Xiaochan and swallow her up.

"This young master must be from another place! He definitely doesn't know who I, Zhang Wutan, am!"

"I'm from another place, but I know who you are. There is only one sect under Zhangshan, the Zhangshan Sect. The sword on your waist is dull and lifeless. I guess it's not even the lowest-level Xuanjian. You haven't formed a pill yet, right?"

Lu Xiaochan's laughter was clearly a mockery of Zhang Wuotian.

Zhang Wutan's face changed. Although he did not have immortal aura, the young man in front of him was the most handsome he had ever seen.

He wished he could lock the young man in the room and have fun with him every day.

"The people behind you are obviously more powerful than you. But they still obey you. There is only one answer. You are the son of the head of Zhangshan Sect, right?"

"That's right! I am the Sword Master of the Zhangshan Sect! Since you know who I am, then be my friend. I will take you to eat, drink and have fun, and you will have a good time!"

Lu Xiaochan was trying hard to hold back her laughter.

He walked up to Chen Hua calmly and waved his hands behind his back, meaning that Chen Hua should take his father and leave quickly.

Chen Hua did not leave, but advised: "Sir, we cannot afford to offend the Zhangshan Sect, you should..."

Lu Xiaochan suddenly felt that Chen Hua was quite nice. Although he didn't have any special abilities, he was not a coward.

"I don't have any chance to become an immortal in my life. I have only seen two people wielding swords." Lu Xiaochan deliberately moved closer to Zhang Wuotian and stretched out two fingers.

From this distance, Zhang Wutan could almost count all of Lu Xiaochan's eyelashes.

His skin was delicate and his eyes revealed the heroic spirit that is unique to young people. Zhang Wutan swallowed hard and was about to reach out to hug Lu Xiaochan, but Lu Xiaochan took a step back and easily avoided him.

Shu Wuxi's eyes narrowed and just as he took a step forward, he saw Lu Xiaochan waving at him, meaning "I will take care of this fat pig, there's no need for Brother Wuxi to do anything."

"It doesn't matter. As long as you follow me, I will take you to Xiyuan Realm to watch them select the palm sword! At that time, all the famous families in Xuanmen will be there, not to mention the palm sword, the heads of all the sects will be able to see it! Let me open your eyes, young master!"

"Oh, really? Then I should be able to see Jiang Wuchao, the swordsman of Zhiwu Villa? When I left my hometown, I didn't have the chance to drink with him and continue the unfinished story!"

Zhang Wutian laughed when he heard this: "Young Master, you are bragging, right? Zhiwu Villa is a famous family among famous families. Have you ever seen his sword master Jiang Wuchao?"

"How could I not have seen him? He is a man of integrity and kindness. The might of his Minglan sword is like the rolling waves of the blue sea, endless and unending."

Zhang Wutan was stunned, thinking that the young man in front of him spoke very convincingly, could it be that he really knew Jiang Wuchao

Originally, he wanted to say that since the young man refused to obey him, he would force it.

But if he really knew Jiang Wuchao, he would have to restrain himself, otherwise what would he do if Jiang Wuchao got wind of it and came to Zhangshan Sect to cause trouble

"Oh, by the way! Is Nanli Jingtian's Sword Master Ye Linshuang going?"

Zhang Wutian paused and said, "You... do you know Ye Linshuang?"

"I know him." Lu Xiaochan nodded.

Zhang Wutan was now certain that Lu Xiaochan was just bragging.

"Oh, can you tell me what sword Ye Linshuang used?"

"You have a pig brain! Ye Linshuang's immortal name is Linshuang Jun, and his sword is naturally the Linshuang Sword! The sword formation is also in the form of hexagonal frost flowers! The power of the Ninglong Sword Formation is enough to compete with the Demon Lord."

Zhang Wuotian's heart skipped a beat. This kid even knew Ye Linshuang's sword formation by heart. Who was he

"Kunwu should be there too! If that's the case, I'll go to Xiyuanjingtian to look for him. I lost the elixir he gave me."

Lu Xiaochan sighed and touched the medicine bottle on her waist, looking like she was very sorry to lose the pills.

"You... you also know the Medical Sect?"

"Yes, I do. He even begged me with tears once."

"Please... what do you want?"

"Please don't pull out his magic herbs, and don't break off some kittens and puppies to sharpen their claws in his herb garden!"

Zhang Wutan immediately burst into laughter: "My fellow immortal! I understand, you are kidding me!"

Lu Xiaochan blinked her eyes and said, "I'm not kidding you. Otherwise, let your followers try to catch me!"

Zhang Wutian licked his lips and said with a smile: "If you want to play, I will play with you! They are rough and clumsy, what if they hurt you!"

After saying that, Zhang Wutan pounced on her. His greasy face made Lu Xiaochan want to throw a rotten egg at him.

Lu Xiaochan took a step casually and nimbly avoided him, and Zhang Wutan staggered and fell to the ground.

Just as his followers were about to step forward to protect him, Lu Xiaochan stretched out his hand in the direction of Shu Wuxi.

Shu Wuxi knew Lu Xiaochan's thoughts very well. He took out the Wuhen Sword directly from his Qiankun bag. With a flick of his wrist, the sword flew into Lu Xiaochan's hand and was held tightly by him.

The spiritual energy spread along Lu Xiaochan's hand, onto the sword body, and condensed into a faint halo at the tip of the sword. Then a sword formation was opened, knocking the disciple of Zhangshan School several feet away.

Chen Hua, who had been worried about Lu Xiaochan, opened his eyes wide.

Zhang Wutan raised his head, and Lu Xiaochan just lowered his hand, with the tip of the Wuhen Sword just next to his cheek.

It was a sword that looked like it had not been completed. It was not smooth and had marks of holes all over it. It just barely had the shape of a sword.

Zhang Wutan never expected that it was such an inconspicuous sword that could form a sword formation that could suppress several Zhangshan School disciples behind him.

Lu Xiaochan raised the corners of her mouth, lowered her head to look at Zhang Wutan, and smiled.

Her eyes curved into crescents, looking innocent, but the corners of her lips raised with a hint of impudence.

Just like an evil spirit who is ignorant of the world and full of lustful thoughts, Zhang Wutan looked at him and couldn't take his eyes off him.

"Do you know what you did wrong?" Lu Xiaochan raised the sword and tapped Zhang Wuotian's cheek with the tip of the sword.

"What?" Zhang Wutan asked stupidly.

The moonlight fell along Lu Xiaochan's hair, outlining the contours of his cheeks. His eyebrows and eyes were stained with the coldness of the moonlight, yet there was a temptation that could not be described in words.

"Your name is really bad."

"You... How dare you question my name! You are looking down on my entire Zhangshan Sect!"

Just as Zhang Wutan was about to stand up, the tip of Lu Xiaochan's sword was pressed against his back, which made Zhang Shan's men terrified.

They were about to rush forward, but Shu Wuxi, who was not far away, simply released a stream of spiritual energy, which was like a bowstring breaking, and directly shocked them to the point of causing severe injuries. Blood spurted out, and no one could get close.

Lu Xiaochan snorted lightly, and a sword array fell from the tip of the sword, pressing directly on Zhang Wuotian's back.

"Just stay here with me! At least when you reach my level of cultivation, you can call yourself 'me'."

Zhang Wuotian felt like a mountain was pressing down on his back. He couldn't move at all. His bones were about to crack and he could hardly breathe.

Lu Xiaochan raised his sword, looked in the direction of Chen Hua, and threw a piece of silver to him.

Chen Hua took the change and looked at Lu Xiaochan with wide eyes.

"I'm watching you and your son perform a rock-breaking chest show. You're really good, you dressed up as a little girl, and I didn't recognize you! Awesome!"

Chen Hua immediately knelt down in front of Lu Xiaochan: "Thank you for your help! I beg you to tell me my immortal name! We, father and son, must..."

"Burn incense every day? Don't do that! I don't want to smell nine sticks of incense for one penny anymore!"

Lu Xiaochan still has lingering fears about the pungent smell of incense at the Yijun Temple in Lushu Town.

"Let's get out of here quickly. My sword formation can only suppress this pig for an hour at most." Lu Xiaochan raised his chin.

Chen Hua thanked him countless times again, helped his father up and left.

Lu Xiaochan handed the sword to Shu Wuxi, but he did not take the sword from him. Instead, he asked, "Why do you care about this?"

"Because I feel unhappy when I hear the name Zhang Wutian."

"That's a bad name."

"Then do you know what's wrong?" Lu Xiaochan touched Shu Wuxi with the hilt of the sword.

“Too tacky.”

"It's not tacky. I think it's good, but there's only one person in the world who can be lawless."

Lu Xiaochan approached Shu Wuxi and smiled widely.

"Who?" Shu Wuxi tilted his head slightly, probably really thinking about this question.

His expression was clearly calm, but it carried a hint of innocence that made Lu Xiaochan want to jump up and bite his face and body hard, leaving teeth marks behind!

"Me!" Lu Xiaochan opened the Qiankun bag and stuffed the sword into it.

Shu Wuxi still looked at him.

Lu Xiaochan circled behind him and jumped on him: "Since Lu Xiaochan got Shu Wuxian, I can get whatever I want! The essence of the sun and the moon, thunder and rain, are all at my disposal! Isn't this 'lawlessness'?"

Shu Wuxi paused, stretched out his arms, and carried Lu Xiaochan on his back.


Lu Xiaochan lay on Shu Wuxi's shoulder, looking at his ears, and the movement of his eyelashes when he occasionally blinked. She felt extremely itchy in her heart, and she bit Shu Wuxi's ears directly.

At that moment, Shu Wuxi stopped and his shoulders seemed to be about to shrug again, but Lu Xiaochan deliberately held them in his mouth.

His cold body began to warm up. Lu Xiaochan deliberately scraped it with the tip of her tongue, and while he was not angry yet, she pretended nothing had happened and turned her head away.

Shu Wuxi took two steps and asked again: "Xiaochan, are you hungry? I'll take you to eat something."

"I want to eat! Let's go!" Lu Xiaochan sniffed hard and pointed in the direction of the food aroma, "Over there!"


As Shu Wuxi walked, Lu Xiaochan lay on his back, swinging her legs restlessly, twisting her mouth, and thinking: I didn't want to eat. I just wanted to eat you!

When both of them walked away, Zhang Wutan's face turned red due to the pressure of Lu Xiaochan's sword formation, his forehead was covered with cold sweat, and no matter how he struggled, he could not move at all.

He groaned at the Zhangshan Sect disciple who had fallen to the ground and was still spitting blood, "You... useless things... why don't you come and untie this sword formation!"

The other disciples quickly spit out blood, came to his side, and formed a sword formation together to try to dissolve Lu Xiaochan's sword formation.

Although Lu Xiaochan's sword formation was not big, it was extremely solid. Half an hour had passed, and Zhang Wuotian was almost dying, but he still couldn't get up.

At this moment, a man in plain clothes and a silver-blue belt with a phoenix leaf pattern flew on a sword, leaving a trail of light blue light in the long night.

It was Ling Nianwu, the owner of Zhiwu Villa.

He had a handsome and gentle figure, eyes like clear spring water, and his hair was lightly fluttering. He lowered his eyes and saw Zhang Wutan lying on the ground and the embarrassed disciples of Zhangshan School.

He suddenly paused, his eyebrows slightly raised.

A disciple following behind him also stopped.

"Master, what's wrong?" He followed Ling Nianwu's gaze and said with understanding, "It's someone from Zhangshan Sect. If I'm not mistaken, the one lying on the ground should be Zhang Wutian, the only son of the leader of Zhangshan Sect."

Ling Nianwu said, "I am not interested in the Zhangshan Sect, but the sword formation that suppressed Zhang Wutian is extraordinary."

"Really?" The disciple turned his head and looked carefully. "This sword formation is exquisite. I can't tell what kind of force it is borrowed from. I just feel that it is soft but strong."

"It's a simplified version of the 'Flying Torrent' sword formation." Ling Nianwu narrowed his eyes.

"Fei... Feiturbulent Sword Formation? Isn't that the sword formation of Wuyijingtian? Could it be Jianzong Yangcang?" The disciple showed a surprised expression.

"Yang Cang doesn't take anyone seriously. Zhang Wutan, a mere speck of dust in his eyes. Can you use a sword formation to bounce off the dust?" Ling Nianwu asked back.

"Of course not. But besides Yang Cang, who else can use the sword formation of Wuyijingtian?"

"It seems... Yangcang has accepted a disciple. This sword formation may seem insignificant, but it contains a lot of secrets. Without a thousand years of cultivation, it would not be so stable."

After saying that, Ling Nianwu flew away on his sword again.

The disciple followed closely behind him: "Master! Aren't you going to help Zhang Wutian break the sword formation?"

Ling Nianwu smiled calmly: "It is Zhang Wutian's great fortune to be able to experience the 'Flying Turbulence' sword formation. How can I ruin Zhang Wutian's good fortune?"

The disciple was stunned for a moment, then quickly followed him.

Shu Wuxi carried Lu Xiaochan on his back to a restaurant full of guests. Just as he was about to go in, Lu Xiaochan patted his back and said, "No! Behind! Behind!"

Lu Xiaochan stretched her neck to smell the scent.

Shu Wuxi turned around, walked around the restaurant, came to the alley behind, and saw a small stall.

The stall owner was an old lady. She set up a few small tables and sold pig blood noodle soup.

Lu Xiaochan got off Shu Wuxi's back, stood in front of the old woman's soup pot, closed her eyes and sniffed hard: "This is the smell - so delicious!"

Seeing that he was fair and handsome, the old woman was delighted: "Young Master, I don't know you. Is this your first time here?"

"Yes! Yes! Mother-in-law, give me two bowls of pig blood noodles!"

"Coming right up."

Lu Xiaochan and Shu Wuxi sat down at the small table, with Lu Xiaochan biting her chopsticks and waiting eagerly.

"Mother-in-law, your pig blood noodles are so delicious, why are there so few customers? Is it because this alley is too remote?"

"My old man and I used to cook pig blood noodles on the street. One time, Wu Tianjun from Zhangshan Sect passed by on horseback, and his horse's hoof overturned our soup pot... The horse's hoof was burned. Wu Tianjun was furious and said that we were not allowed to set up a stall on the street. So we hid the stall in the alley."

Mother-in-law brought the noodles over.

Lu Xiaochan's eyes wrinkled. "What Wu Tian Jun? If he is really an immortal, he can just fly on a sword. Why would he need to ride a horse?"

The author has something to say: Well, Xiao Chan is so obsessed with kissing because he sincerely thinks Shu Wuxi will let him be on top.

Well, a bottom who doesn't want to be on top is not a good bottom, right