Liu Zhuang Xian

Chapter 58: I am afraid that the world will not be in chaos


"Brother Wuxi, do you have any problems with Ling Nianwu?"

"In the past, he was the one who took you away from me and hid you everywhere." Shu Wuxi's voice was very low.

Lu Xiaochan blinked and suddenly burst into laughter.

He reached out and pinched Shu Wuxi's cheek: "Ah my! I know, Brother Wuxi is jealous!"

Shu Wuxi had a cold face and said nothing.

"I don't like him. No matter how handsome he is, I won't go with him!"

Who knew that the murderous aura around Shu Wuxi was becoming more and more boiling.

"Do you think he's good-looking?"

Lu Xiaochan choked up, it’s over, I said the wrong thing…

"Well... he should have practiced for more than a thousand years... If I say he is not good-looking, then I am lying to you. But he is not as good-looking as you, far from it!"

Lu Xiaochan quickly hugged Shu Wuxi and kissed him on the chin several times.

Shu Wuxi was still cold, and it seemed that he would never get rid of his anger.

The confrontation between Shu Wuxi and Ling Nianwu just now has attracted a lot of attention, so they could only move to another remote place in the city.

However, Lu Xiaochan was not worried about sneaking into Chongluan Palace. After all, Mo Qianqiu had just shown up and would definitely come to find them. At that time, she would just have to discuss it with Mo Qianqiu and follow him into Chongluan Palace.

At this time, Ling Nianwu was still looking at the direction where Lu Xiaochan and Shu Wuxi left.

Mo Qianqiu smiled and sighed.

"Master Ling, you have been practicing for more than 1,600 years. If you were not worried, you would have already entered the realm of 'great trend'."

"What if all these concerns are gone and we have entered a state of great power?" Ling Nianwu's lips curled up helplessly.

He recalled that more than 1,300 years ago, he had been infected with a plague and lay dying on his bed.

It was rumored that the blood of the spiritual bird Jiaosi could cure the plague, so his parents used the magic weapon "Qianhua Bell" of Zhiwu Villa to exchange for a spiritual bird from the Zhuxu Sect.

However, after drinking the blood of the spiritual bird, his condition not only did not improve, but became more serious.

His internal organs were about to turn into pus and blood, so his parents transferred hundreds of years of spiritual energy into his body to prolong his life.

When they were almost exhausted, a young disciple from Tailing Pavilion got lost and asked to stay overnight at Zhiwu Villa.

This young disciple kept a beautiful young bird with him.

He told Ling Nianwu's parents that the blood of the deceased Jiao Si carried Jiao Si's hatred, which would only make the epidemic worse.

He asked Ling Nianwu's parents to prepare fried soybeans, and fed the young bird while coaxing it.

"Little Huangdou, little Huangdou, look how nice the people of Zhiwu Villa are. They didn't fight or kill anyone, and they even prepared food for you. Their young master is sick and needs your blood to treat him. I'll prick you and take a drop of your blood, okay?"

The young bird curled up into a ball, but stretched out one of its claws.

The young man took out a silver needle, pricked the young bird's ankle, drew a drop of blood, and dropped it into the teacup. He also picked a few pieces of magic grass from the bottles and jars he had on him and soaked them in the tea.

Ling Nianwu drank the tea and woke up three days later.

He looked at his parents who were thin and haggard, and thought of the days when he was in a daze due to illness. He had been to the gates of hell countless times and he almost stepped into it. But it was that sip of refreshing tea that brought him back.

As if waking up from a dream, he dragged his weak body to thank the young man.

But the young man was neither in the wing room nor in the backyard.

He heard from the people in the manor that the medical boy from Tailing Pavilion was a naughty boy who could not stay still. He always wandered around in the back mountain of Zhiwu Villa and would not come back unless he was hungry.

Ling Nianwu went to the back mountain and saw a young man in the forest.

He put one foot on the stone, with his sleeves pulled up to his elbows, and watched intently a pair of crickets fighting on the stone.

Whenever he moved, the bottles and jars on his body began to clink.

That sound was different from the sound of the "lead bell" at Zhiwu Villa. It was a happy and open-minded sound.

Ling Nianwu will never forget it in his life.

He just stood there looking at the boy until the pair of crickets jumped into the grass and disappeared. Then the boy turned around with a look of unsatisfied satisfaction.

He saw Ling Nianwu and laughed.

It seemed as if all the morning light was in those eyes.

"Ouch? You're awake! Hey, you're worthy of having practiced for hundreds of years! You recovered so quickly!"

He came to Ling Nianwu and patted his shoulder casually.

"Thank you very much for saving my life!" Ling Nianwu clasped his hands together.

The boy was amused: "Look at your light-hearted appearance, do you know what I want to do?"

"What does my benefactor want to do?" Ling Nianwu raised his head and asked.

"Tie a rope around your waist, and when the wind blows, you'll be up in the air!"

Ling Nianwu then realized that the other party was saying that he was too thin and would run away if the wind blew.

"If you really want to make me into a kite, I will be happy to do so."

The young man suddenly stopped smiling and frowned. He came close to Ling Nianwu and said, "You said you were very young. I heard that you have only practiced for about 300 years. You look very old. I would have thought you were a thousand-year-old man!"

Ling Nianwu opened his mouth, but was speechless for a moment.

The boy looked at him as if he wanted to say something but didn't know what to say, and laughed again.

"Don't call me benefactor! It sounds awkward."

"Then I wonder what your fairy name is?"

"My immortal name? My master gave me the immortal name 'Li Che'. Li means 'life and death separation', and Che means 'clear to the bottom'. It means that he hopes I can see through the life and death separation in this world."

"It really is a very profound immortal title, Lord Li Che."

Ling Nianwu was about to salute again, but the other party held his arm back.

"Hey, I didn't say I like this immortal title. If you see through life and death, there will be nothing left in your heart. Then how can you cherish everything you have?"

Ling Nianwu was stunned.

The young man patted Ling Nianwu on the shoulder and said, "You should call me Lu Xiaochan! There are cicadas chirping in the trees beside the road. I like this name!"

Ling Nianwu followed him in two or three steps. Lu Xiaochan turned around and blinked at him, looking very cute.

"Nianwu, they say 'a summer cicada cannot talk about ice'. I think it's good to be a summer cicada. Living under the scorching sun, you never need to understand the bitter cold of winter."

"Xiao Chan." Ling Nianwu pronounced his name carefully.

"Hey, I'm here!" Lu Xiaochan turned around, backed away, and waved at him, asking him to catch up.

Those were the happiest days of Ling Nianwu's life. Every day he took Lu Xiaochan to taste delicacies from all over the world, rowed a boat to pick water chestnuts in the drizzle, and even went to the gambling house to watch cricket fighting.

Until one day, Lu Xiaochan was sent to an unknown world.

Kunwu said that he would bring him back in three days.

So Ling Nianwu kept waiting, but three days passed, and then three days, and then several months passed, and Lu Xiaochan was unable to leave Wuyijingtian.

Kunwu went to the realm of no intention nine times in a row, but returned empty-handed each time.

Ling Nianwu had a vague premonition that Lu Xiaochan would never come back.

Every day he could only chat with Jiaosi, the one left behind by Lu Xiaochan, and he had no intention of practicing.

Until one day, Kunwu's spiritual beast, the ray, brought Lu Xiaochan back, with a message from Kunwu, asking him to hide Lu Xiaochan in Zhiwu Villa.

Ling Nianwu could not describe his feeling at that moment. It was a kind of secret joy, as if Lu Xiaochan had come back and he could hide him openly so that no one else could see his smile.

But Lu Xiaochan never laughed again.

He no longer went to the back hill to play, no longer watched crickets fighting, and no longer looked for delicious food everywhere.

The thing he did most was to consult ancient medical books in the quiet room. He wanted to find a medical spell that could eliminate the greatest evil.

He was thinking about another person, Ling Nianwu knew it.

There is a rumor circulating outside that the Dongxu Sword Sect has been possessed by a demon and is trying to lure down the Wuyi Sword Sea.

Ling Nianwu's parents, along with other sects, ascended to the realm of nothingness and died in this great war between immortals and demons.

He was in great pain, and Lu Xiaochan stayed by his side. He did not wipe away Ling Nianwu's tears, but just hugged him and said, "I'm here, Nianwu. I'm here."

The evil god Chaos within the Dongxu Sword Sect was forced out, and all the immortal sects finally breathed a sigh of relief.

However, Yangcang of the Sword Sect left Wuyijingtian and headed straight for Tailing Pavilion.

At that time, Kunwu had just succeeded as the chief physician of Tailing Pavilion. He thought Yangcang was there to watch the ceremony, but he did not expect that he would overturn the entire Tailing Pavilion and even Kunwu was seriously injured by him.

Upon hearing the news, Lu Xiaochan begged Ling Nianwu to send him to the realm of nothingness.

Ling Nianwu knew that if he didn't help Lu Xiaochan, he would lose him as a friend forever.

So he could only fly on his sword and take Lu Xiaochan to where he wanted to go.

But... the last thing he saw was Lu Xiaochan being burned by the chaotic fire and falling into the sea of swords.

For the first time, he realized how insignificant and helpless he was.

He couldn't catch Lu Xiaochan.

I could only watch him... reduced to ashes in the flames of hell.

That was the greatest pain in his life.

"Master Ling? Master Ling?"

Mo Qianqiu's voice rang out.

Ling Nianwu came back to his senses and found that his cheeks were covered with tears.

"Palace Master." Ling Nianwu turned and looked at Mo Qianqiu.

"I know what you're thinking. I still remember that year when I flew from Dongxu to Wuyi Realm on my sword, but I could only watch him fall. I know that kind of pain."

"If you care about him, why can you tolerate him staying with Yang Cang?"

"If even the flames of karma can't stop him from thinking about that person, then that person is everything to him. How can I let him leave everything that belongs to him?"

Mo Qianqiu smiled calmly and flew away on his sword.

Ling Nianwu closed his eyes and raised his hand to hold his chest where his heart was beating.

Lu Xiaochan propped up her chin and looked out the window, thinking: What's going on with Mo Qianqiu? Why hasn't he come yet

Then, he found that there was something abnormal about Shu Wuxi.

Because he was holding Lu Xiaochan's hand tightly.

"Brother Wuxi, what's wrong with you?" Lu Xiaochan asked.

"The Immortal Locking Ribbon was stolen by Lianyue Yuanjun."

Lu Xiaochan tilted her head and leaned on Shu Wuxi's shoulder: "Don't worry, I won't go anywhere except by your side!"

At this time, a teasing voice sounded.

"Oh, oh, this is so disgusting! I am about to throw up my leftover food."

Mo Qianqiu came riding on a sword and jumped in through the window with ease, and his sword returned to its sheath gracefully.

"Palace Master Qianqiu, why did you come just now? I was almost falling asleep waiting for you!"

Mo Qianqiu was not polite either. He poured himself some tea and sat aside.

"Tell me, what are you doing in Xiyuan? I don't believe you are interested in Xiyuan's sword selection."

Lu Xiaochan smiled: "Palace Master Qianqiu, is it not okay for me to just want to watch the fun?"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'm leaving."

Just as Mo Qianqiu was about to stand up, Lu Xiaochan quickly stopped him.

"I want the heart of the tree that 'earth listens'!"

Mo Qianqiu was stunned for a moment and snorted.

"Why don't you just say you want Fengtian's tree heart!"

Lu Xiaochan waved her hand and said, "The heart of the Fengtian tree has become the hilt of Brother Wuxian's sword."

Mo Qianqiu stood there in a daze, speechless for a long time.

Lu Xiaochan waved her hand: "Mo Qianqiu? Palace Master Qianqiu? What's wrong with you?"

Mo Qianqiu finally came back to his senses and tapped his fingers on the table.

"Little guy, don't tell me... the great earthquake in Yechuan... that sword is yours?"

Lu Xiaochan didn't expect that Mo Qianqiu's mind worked so quickly that he could associate the tree heart he wanted to "listen to" with the hilt of the sword to the sword in his hand.

He knew that although Mo Qianqiu did not follow the rules on the surface, he was honest and upright in his heart, so it didn't matter if he admitted it generously to him.


"Okay then, I'll help you in."

Lu Xiaochan was surprised that Mo Qianqiu agreed so readily.

"You... you agree now? Aren't you worried that we'll get you into trouble if we take the tree heart away?"

"I get into a lot of trouble on a daily basis." Mo Qianqiu spread his hands, "Anyway, those three disciples of Haofu have said bad things about me and caused me a lot of trouble on a daily basis."

"Oh! I understand! You only want the world to be in chaos! You wish we could have a big fight with the people from Xiyuan Jingtian! I'll teach Hao Fu's three great disciples a lesson for you!"

"Oh, yes!" Mo Qianqiu nodded, as if it was a matter of course.

"You... why are you so bad!"

But I like the bad ones!

"Are you unhappy?" Mo Qianqiu raised his chin.

"With pleasure! With pleasure! Once my brother Wuxi makes a move, we will know whether it is possible or not!"

Mo Qianqiu snorted: "If you have the ability, go and disgust others. What kind of ability is it to disgust me?"

"Hehe." Lu Xiaochan touched his nose.

"I will send my disciples to deliver two sets of clothes to our Qianqiu Palace tonight. However, those famous and upright sects have never been very friendly to our Qianqiu Palace."

Mo Qianqiu narrowed his eyes, looking like an extremely beautiful fox with evil intentions.

Before Lu Xiaochan could say anything, he flew away on his sword.

"I wish you all a happy time in Chongluan Palace!"

Lu Xiaochan curled her lips and said, "You are enjoying the show, right?"

Sure enough, in the evening, disciples from Qianqiu Palace came to bring them clothes.

Lu Xiaochan didn’t know whether the style of the dress was nice or not, she only knew that it felt soft and smooth to the touch, which was pretty good.

Lu Xiaochan didn't even change her clothes. She just supported her chin and watched Shu Wuxi take off his coat, picked up Qianqiu Palace's long gown and draped it over his shoulders, then put his arms into the sleeves.

Every move was done with a casual elegance.

"Xiaochan, let me change your clothes."

Shu Wuxi walked over, but Lu Xiaochan shook his head.

"Brother Wuxi, can you promise me something?"

"What's up?"

"Take off this dress. Then put it on again and show me?"

Lu Xiaochan's eyes were so narrow from laughing that only a slit remained.

"Stop making trouble."

"Okay, okay, I won't make trouble anymore."

Early the next morning, Lu Xiaochan was still sleepy. He sat beside the couch with his eyes closed, letting Shu Wuxi help him put on clothes.

When he came in front of Mo Qianqiu, he still had his head drooped and looked sleepy.

Mo Qianqiu smiled and said, "I say, did you two go too far last night?"

"Huh? What's too much?" Lu Xiaochan forced open one eye and looked at Mo Qianqiu.

"Spiritual practice."

As soon as Mo Qianqiu finished speaking, the female disciple beside him lowered her head and coughed.

"Spiritual practice?" Lu Xiaochan's eyes lit up, and she came close to Mo Qianqiu and asked in a low voice, "Do you know how my brother Wuxian and I can practice spiritual practice? As long as he gets too emotional, the bone-attaching clothes will..."

Lu Xiaochan had just said half of her words when Shu Wuxi grabbed her collar and pulled her back.

The female disciple behind Mo Qianqiu blushed even more.

"You are talking about spiritual practice in broad daylight!"

At this time, the female leader of a certain sect walked past Mo Qianqiu and glanced at him.

"Palace Master Qianqiu is still as romantic as ever. It seems I have to take good care of my disciples."

Lu Xiaochan could tell that the female leader was very disdainful of Mo Qianqiu.

"Master Yu, your disciples are of average looks. Even if I, Mo Qianqiu, want to practice spiritual cultivation, I must be a stunning beauty."

"You... I think sooner or later, you will follow in the footsteps of Lianyue Yuanjun!"

"No, no, no!" Mo Qianqiu waved his hands quickly. "Lianyue Yuanjun has been chasing after the evil god Hun Dun for a full ninety-nine and eighty-one days. I have been wondering if the evil god Hun Dun is also extremely beautiful? Otherwise, wouldn't Lianyue Yuanjun be tired? Lianyue Yuanjun is so obsessed with beauty that I, Mo Qianqiu, cannot compare to him. I don't like chasing after beauties. I like beauties to pay for me."

"You... are ridiculous!" Sect Leader Yu walked away in a huff.

In the spirit of digging up gossip and creating gossip even if there is none, Lu Xiaochan came close to Mo Qianqiu and said, "It seems that you have rich experience in spiritual cultivation! There must be at least 8,000 fairies on the couch, if not 10,000!"

"Do you want to give it a try?" Mo Qianqiu had just finished speaking when he felt the murderous aura around him. He immediately added, "You have the guts, but I don't have any evil intentions."

Mo Qianqiu's inspiration outlined the smile on his lips, which looked malicious no matter how you looked at it.

Lu Xiaochan turned around with his neck stiffened, and indeed caught a glimpse of Shu Wuxi's low mood. He quickly grabbed Shu Wuxi's sleeve and said in a flattering tone: "Isn't this me trying to learn from the Master of Qianqiu Palace, so that I won't be embarrassed in front of you in the future?"

Mo Qianqiu snorted and gently touched Lu Xiaochan's forehead with the hilt of the sword.

"Little thing, since you are wearing this outfit, you are my disciple. You must listen to me when you enter Chongluan Palace."

"Got it, Palace Master." Lu Xiaochan bit the last two words with extra force.

"Good boy." Mo Qianqiu turned to look in Shu Wuxi's direction and bowed slightly, "I'm sorry for the inconvenience, Senior."

"No problem." Shu Wuxi replied.

The group took off on their swords and rushed to Chongluan Palace.

Chongluan Palace was built on the cliff of Xiyuan. It was built by hollowing out one side of the cliff.

Lu Xiaochan flew over Xiyuan and looked at the palace that was looming in the mist. She couldn't help but sigh at its grandeur, which was truly a masterpiece of nature.

On the west side of Chongluan Palace, there is a huge protruding cliff, like a palm stretched out by gods and Buddhas. This is the Questioning Platform where Xiyuan Palm Sword is selected and various sects will compete with each other.

Below the Wenxian Terrace is a bottomless abyss.

It is said that beneath the abyss is a place of "hopelessness".

Lu Xiaochan stepped on the traceless sword, but couldn't help but look down at the abyss.

Even with his keen eyes, he could not see a single living being in this abyss.

"Brother Wuxi, where did this abyss come from? How long has it existed?" Lu Xiaochan couldn't help but ask.

Mo Qianqiu turned around and smiled: "Little thing, you don't even know how such a famous ancient fairyland came about? I regret letting you pretend to be a disciple of my Qianqiu Palace."

Lu Xiaochan was too lazy to pay attention to him.

Shu Wuxi said, "This abyss was chopped down by the first sword master of Wuyijingtian."

Lu Xiaochan was stunned: "What? A sword? I know that he once held the world's first sword. How could it be so powerful?"

Isn’t this God

"The first Yang Cang had practiced for ten thousand years." Mo Qianqiu added.

"Then why did he create an abyss?" Lu Xiaochan was extremely curious.

"Because of Master Lingyuan." Shu Wuxi replied.

True Lord Lingyuan

Lu Xiaochan remembered that Lingyuan Zhenjun was the founder of Tailing Pavilion.

He died because his Dan Yuan was stolen by Chaos.

"After the evil god Hun Dun stole the Dan Yuan of True Lord Ling Yuan, he hid it in the Purgatory of Demon City. The demon lords under him collected countless evil desires and sufferings in the world and refined them together with the Dan Yuan of True Lord Ling Yuan. Once the refining is successful, the evil god Hun Dun's power will increase greatly."

Lu Xiaochan touched her own Dan Yuan. This evil god Hun Dun was really annoying. Why did he always want other people's Dan Yuan? Wasn't this just stealing other people's cultivation? How hateful and abominable.

"The Dan Yuan is connected to the mind of a cultivator. Even if it leaves the body, if the Dan Yuan is invaded by evil spirits, then the mind will also be tainted by the evil spirits."

Lu Xiaochan finally understood: "That's why the evil god Hun Dun took the evil desires and sufferings of the world and refined them together with Ling Yuan Zhenjun's Dan Yuan!"

"Yes. Master Lingyuan practices medicine, and he has no killing thoughts in his heart. Moreover, he is open-minded by nature, has no desire to win or lose, and has no attachment. He has practiced for nearly ten thousand years, so even if his Dan Yuan was burned by the karmic fire, his heart did not waver. However, he was in great pain."

"So, did Lord Yangcang want to split the Demon City with one sword and retrieve Lord Lingyuan's Dan Yuan?"

"Yes." Shu Wuxi nodded.

"So this sword... split the Demon City in half?"

"It was split open. But when the Sword Sect took back his Dan Yuan, Master Ling Yuan's body had already died because it was too weak."

The author has something to say: Let's have a modern version of a small theater

Shu Wuxi: Xiaochan, why are you always playing with your phone

Lu Xiaochan: Because this app is very interesting!

Shu Wuxi: What app

Lu Xiaochan: Hehe, a dress-up app! Look, I can dress you in all kinds of clothes!

Shu Wuxi: What is this

Lu Xiaochan: Leopard print tights, looks good, right? Hey, what are you buying online

Shu Wuxi: Leopard print tights. No need for an app, just wear them directly.