Liu Zhuang Xian

Chapter 6: Little cicada, it doesn't hurt anymore


"You damn beggar! How dare you eavesdrop on my wife bathing! I will kick you to death today!"

Lu Xiaochan curled up, unable to make a sound in pain.

When the villagers around saw that the butcher's eyes were red and veins were bulging, they all stepped back and dared not step forward to dissuade him.

Fortunately, one of the children shouted out: "Oh! Mother, was the little beggar beaten to death?"

The butcher just wanted to save his face, not to cause any death, so he retracted his legs and spat at Lu Xiaochan, "Next time, if you dare to eavesdrop on my wife bathing again, I will chop you up and feed you to the pigs!"

After saying that, the butcher dragged Ren Er Niang away.

Lu Xiaochan's mouth was full of the taste of blood and she couldn't even stand up.

People come and go around, and no one cares about the life or death of a beggar.

The extremely hot weather suddenly became overcast, and not long after, heavy rain poured down.

Lu Xiaochan was watered by the rain, and the blood on his body was washed away. After taking a few sips of rain water, he regained some energy and slowly crawled to the side of the road.

Every time he moved an inch, the broken bones in his body felt like they were stabbing into his lungs.

But Lu Xiaochan had an obsession from somewhere, and she wanted to die under the tree at the intersection.

That was where he was picked up by an old beggar, and it was because of the chirping of cicadas on that tree that he got this name.

Fallen leaves return to where they came from.

With his last bit of strength, he finally climbed under the tree.

He closed his eyes. As a human being, if you are born you will die, if you have a beginning you will have an end.

I have suffered enough in this life, please help me, Gods and Buddhas, and let me live a better life in the next life...

In a daze, he seemed to smell the scent of dew in his drunken dream again. It was different from the smell of rain mixed with soil. It was a scent of solitude from the world.

The smell became more and more obvious, as if someone was standing next to him.

There seemed to be a drop of dew lingering on the top of the sky beside Lu Xiaochan's ear. It had endured for a thousand years and finally fell down at will.

In an instant, everything sounded and time stood still.

The rain that was originally pouring down from between the branches suddenly suspended in the air.

Lu Xiaochan frowned and forced himself to open his eyes, but still could not see anything.

But he knew that someone was right next to him, very close to him.

He stretched out his hand with difficulty. Even if it was all an illusion, he wanted to make sure. However, what his fingertips touched was only the mud under the tree.

"Oh..." Lu Xiaochan sighed.

Speaking of obsession, my obsession has never been endless food or endless drinking, but having someone... even if only for a moment, keeping him in my heart.

Otherwise, a life and death incident would not leave even a trace.

He closed his eyes, and that was probably his last breath.

"Xiaochan, it doesn't hurt anymore."

This was the last sound Lu Xiaochan heard.

It was the first time he heard someone read his name in such a tone, raising it lightly but putting it down with great care.

Is this God's pity for him, giving him one last hope in his life

Whoever you are, could you please say my name again

"I left my body to look for you, but unfortunately I could only stay for a short while. Just as I regained my focus, something happened to you."

There was a hint of pain in the cold voice, but this trace was deep-rooted, like a crack in cold jade.

"Whoever hurts you, I will make him pay you back a thousand times over."

The warm breath fell on his ears, his cheeks, and his neck.

No matter how dirty he is, this person doesn't mind him and just wants to be with him until death.

Lu Xiaochan couldn't tell whether it was a dream or an illusion. Someone came for him day and night just for a moment of bliss on earth.

His consciousness gradually became confused, and his soul seemed to be held in someone's palm, warming and cozying. A breath entered his body, soaking his body like a moist pond. All the pain gradually disappeared, and he felt like he had fallen into soft clouds. He had never slept so peacefully in his life.

After an unknown amount of time, the heart-wrenching cicada chirping made Lu Xiaochan's brain almost explode.

He sat up with a bang, grabbed a stone from under the tree and threw it over his head: "Stop squeaking! You're calling for your soul!"

The stone fell and hit him right between his legs. Fortunately, Lu Xiaochan reacted quickly, otherwise his penis would have been lost.

The cicadas were still chirping, and Lu Xiaochan suddenly realized... He was not dead

what happened

Lu Xiaochan stood up and suddenly realized that there was no pain on her body.

The taste of blood in his mouth was gone. He touched his arm and was sure that his left arm was broken by the butcher's kick. How come it seemed like nothing was wrong now

He jumped twice on the spot, stunned.

The pair of legs that couldn’t even stand up are now healed

What's going on here

Lu Xiaochan turned around casually and heard a crackling sound. He squatted down and touched a bamboo branch.

This bamboo branch is very tough, and has just the right thickness and length.

But Lu Xiaochan remembered that she had thrown her bamboo stick in the alley long ago, and when she climbed back under the tree, she did not take the bamboo stick with her.

How is this going

He suddenly remembered the voice he heard when he was dying.

Could it be that someone really came to rescue him

Lu Xiaochan knocked around with the bamboo stick, but there was no one there.

He lifted up the bamboo stick and came to the Wu Si Winery across the street.

If there really was someone next to him during the heavy rain that day, perhaps the waiter saw it

Lu Xiaochan was hiding under the windowsill of the tavern. She whistled when she heard the waiter's shouting.

The waiter immediately poked his head out.

"Oh my God! Are you a man or a ghost?"

"Of course I am a human!" Lu Xiaochan raised the bamboo stick and almost hit the waiter on the forehead.

"You... you were beaten into a pulp by that butcher yesterday. I even vomited blood when I saw you! You... you are really not a ghost who has returned to life?"

"Go to hell with you, you little devil!" Lu Xiaochan was furious. "You almost beat me to death when you saw me. You didn't dare to persuade the butcher, but why didn't you come to see me after he left?"

"Alas... I thought you were dead, didn't I?" The waiter probably felt a little guilty, so he grabbed a steamed bun and threw it down to him.

"I'm fine. Look at me. I have all my arms and legs!"

"'s only been a day, how come you don't even have a scar on your body? Could it be that you have the blessing of a god?"

"That's why I came to ask you, did you see anyone next to me under that tree yesterday?"

"Yesterday's heavy rain lasted from the afternoon to midnight. There was no one on the street, no customers, and we closed early..."

"Okay, I get it. You just didn't see anything, did you?"

"yes… "

"Thank you for the steamed buns. I'm going back now."

Lu Xiaochan turned around and walked back to the tree.

He was beaten up yesterday, it wasn't a dream.

That heavy rain was not a dream either.

It was not a dream that he recovered from such a serious injury overnight.

Therefore, the person who came to him could not have been a dream.

I have dreamed of you so many times. If you came to find me, why didn’t you show up

Lu Xiaochan closed his eyes and sniffed hard. He could smell the scent of powder on the passing women, the sweetness of the candy figures in the hands of the children, and the sweat on the man carrying a shoulder pole, but there was no trace of the scent that haunted him.

Lu Xiaochan sat under a tree, took out the steamed bun given to him by the waiter, broke off a piece, and put it into his mouth.

Who knew that not long after he finished eating, someone would crawl towards him little by little.

Lu Xiaochan moved to the side, thinking that one tree could accommodate two people. But the man grabbed his shoes which were so torn that his toes were exposed.

A hoarse voice sounded.

"Please... please give me... a bite..."

Lu Xiaochan almost choked on the steamed bun.

He has been begging others for food all his life, and yet there are still people begging him for food during his lifetime

Lu Xiaochan took another bite.

"I beg you… "

"We are all beggars, why should we make things difficult for each other?" Lu Xiaochan took another bite.

“I’m really hungry…”

The beggar's breath was weak and his voice was intermittent. His hoarse voice was very torturous to hear.

"I'm hungry too."

At this time, Aunt Zhang passed by with her grandson and said, "Isn't it just a steamed bun? The beggar was so skinny that he was just breathing. You are also a beggar, so how can you be so cruel?"

Lu Xiaochan laughed out loud: "Aunt Zhang, since you are all kind-hearted, why can't you give away the meat bun in your grandson's hand? I have nothing but this half steamed bun, and you want me to be a kind person. Who is more cruel between the two of us?"

Aunt Zhang was speechless. Her grandson was about to hand over the half-eaten meat bun, but Aunt Zhang pulled him back.

"Stop looking, let's go."

Lu Xiaochan smiled and handed over the last bite of the bun: "Forget it, I'll give it to you."

The beggar was like a starving ghost reborn. After wolfing down the food, he actually bit Lu Xiaochan's finger.


Lu Xiaochan punched and kicked, but her fingers were still bitten tightly. The beggar let out a creepy laugh, as if he wanted to eat Lu Xiaochan's hand!

When people on the street saw this scene, they all stepped aside, and the screams of women and the cries of children mixed together.

"It's an evil spirit!"

"That beggar... is the incarnation of evil!"

"His tongue is sticking out! His eyes are turning white!"

"How could there be evil spirits in our Lushu Town!"

Lu Xiaochan gnashed his teeth. He knew that a beggar coming out of nowhere was no good! It turned out to be an evil spirit!

All his life, he had only heard the old beggar mention it when he told stories.

If you are targeted by an evil spirit, you must either subdue it or learn its name.

If one can pronounce its name, one's soul will be able to "communicate" with the evil spirit, and perhaps persuade it to spare one's life.

Half of his arm had been swallowed by it, and cold sweat broke out on Lu Xiaochan's forehead.