Liu Zhuang Xian

Chapter 64: I would move mountains and level seas for you


Lu Xiaochan looked at Ling Nianwu and smiled helplessly: "You can hide for a while, but you can't hide forever. And that's the person I have in mind, there is no way to avoid him."

Ling Nianwu stood there in a daze.

Lu Xiaochan entered the quiet room, lit the incense of Tailing Pavilion, and consulted the ancient medical classics.

He believed that the founder of the sect, Qingyuan Zhenjun, must have left behind some medical spell that could drive away the evil in the heart and heal people and their hearts.

A few days later, Ling Nianwu told Lu Xiaochan: "Do you know that Lord Yangcang has broken free from the suppression of Nanli and Xiyuan Sword Sect and rushed to Tailing Pavilion?"

Lu Xiaochan's fingertips trembled, but her eyes did not move away from the medical book.

"The one who invaded Yang Cang's body was not the evil spirit demon, but the evil god Chaos!"

Lu Xiaochan then opened her eyes wide and looked at Ling Nianwu: "How... How is it possible? The evil god Hun Dun was forced out of Dongxu Sword Sect's body by Yang Cang!"

"After Hun Dun was injured, he never left Wuyi Realm! The most dangerous place is the safest place! The four sword gates are all looking for it, but it is hiding under Yang Cang's nose!"

"This... How is this possible! If it is hidden in the realm of nothingness, even with Yang Cang's 'Spirit Identification' technique, it can't be sensed..."

Lu Xiaochan suddenly realized that the evil god Chaos was most likely hiding in the magic weapon Jiuxiao Qinglian in the Wuyi Realm!

At the beginning, Shu Wuxi used the Nine Heavens Pure Lotus to protect Lu Xiaochan, and the evil god Hun Dun used the Nine Heavens Pure Lotus to hide himself!

"Xiao Chan! Xiao Chan, what's wrong with you?" Ling Nianwu pushed Lu Xiaochan's shoulder.

Lu Xiaochan slammed his fist on the table: "The evil god Chaos used me!"

"He used you? How did he use you?"

"I always want to go home... It's me who makes Shu Wuxi feel uneasy and unsatisfied... Every time I say I want to leave, it makes him obsessed..."

The more you care, the more you can't give it up, the more you must have it, and the deeper your obsession becomes.

Throughout the history from ancient times to the present, all the successive Sword Masters in Wuyijingtian had nothing they wanted. It was precisely because they had nothing in their hearts that they were able to reach the pinnacle.

But... Shu Wuxi wanted him.

Shu Wuxi has a Lu Xiaochan in his heart, but he doesn't know how to keep Lu Xiaochan by his side, how to make Lu Xiaochan love him as much as he does, and how to make him stay willingly.

Shu Wuxi grew up alone in an unknown world, and no one ever taught him how to treat his sweetheart.

This is what Shu Wuxi called the fear of gain and loss.

He can't say nice things, doesn't know how to express himself, and is not sophisticated or tactful...

Lu Xiaochan raised her hands to cover her face, tears streaming down her face.

Shu Wuxi, you are a big fool!

I, Lu Xiaochan, have liked many things in my life, but I can let go of every one of them.

Only you, if you ask me to let go, it would be like asking for my life!

Why do you need to be so persistent

Lu Xiaochan wiped away her tears and continued to study medical classics with full concentration.

He is going to save him.

If your obsession is me, then I am the only one in this world who can save you!

Not long after, news came that Kunwu and Shu Wuxi had a decisive battle at Xiyuanwenxiantai.

It is said that in this duel, except for the sword sects of Xiyuan and Nanli Jingtian, no one else can watch the battle.

Some people said that it was because Kunwu was bound to lose, and in order to save the face of Tailing Pavilion and not embarrass Kunwu, they did not allow him to watch the battle.

But Lu Xiaochan knew that it was to keep it a secret from all the immortal sects in the world. If they knew that Yang Cang was possessed by the devil, it would be far more terrifying than Dongxu Sword Sect being invaded by chaos.

Kunwu was defeated by Yangcang, and there was no suspense about the result.

However, the dispute between Yangcang and Tailing Pavilion did not end, because Kunwu refused to hand over his junior brother Li Chejun even if he died.

The whole world is guessing how Li Che had provoked Yang Cang.

Some people say that it was because Li Che had a stubborn character that he destroyed Wuyijingtian's magical instrument.

Some people also said that it was because Li Che had secretly read some secret records in Jiange, and Lord Yang Cang had to kill him.

The sword masters of Xiyuan and Nanlijingtian went to Wuyijingtian again, and brought their own palm swords.

At that time, Xiyuan's palm sword was Haofu, and Nanli Jingtian's palm sword was Miaochen.

Lu Xiaochan knew that this was not a mediation, but a decisive battle with the evil god Chaos in Shu Wuxi's body.

If they lose, Wuyi Sword Sea will surely fall.

The leaders of various sects looked up and could catch a glimpse of the Wuyi Sword Sea rolling endlessly, which transformed into a huge Qilin, roaring and shouting, as if it wanted to swallow Wuyi Realm in one gulp.

There are many rumors that the evil god Hun Dun is hiding in the Unintentional Realm. Sword Sect Leader Yang Cang leads the Unintentional Sword Sea into the sword formation to completely refine Hun Dun.

Only Lu Xiaochan knew that the huge Qilin did not subdue Chaos, but Chaos used Shu Wuxi to control the sea of swords in order to defeat the two sword masters of Xiyuan and Nanli who joined forces to fight against him.

The Xiyuan Sword Sect borrowed the spirit of the mountains in the Unintentional Realm, while the Nanli Sword Sect borrowed the power of the scorching sun, and the two swords blocked the ferocious Qilin.

This time, the heaven and earth shook, and the huge force quickly spread in all directions. The trembling sound even caused cracks in the glaciers of Beiming.

But this is not the end. The Qilin dissipated and returned to the sea of swords again.

Everyone was speculating that Lord Yang Cang must have subdued the evil god. Everyone breathed a sigh of relief and almost set off firecrackers to celebrate.

However, the sea of swords stirred up huge waves, which hit them. Xiyuan and Nanli Sword Sect formed a sword formation as a shield to resist the huge and powerful waves.

For three whole days, the sea of swords never stopped.

As long as you look up, you can see the low sea of swords and thunder intertwined together, as if the entire sky is about to press down.

Many people migrated with their families, wanting to escape as far away as possible.

Ling Nianwu came to the quiet room and said to Lu Xiaochan, "You'd better pack up. We're leaving here right away!"

"If Wuyi Sword Sea falls, where can we escape to?"

"Of course there is! I have calculated that the Shenchuan River in the north of Beiming and the Hopeless Rift Valley in Xiyuan are both places that cannot be submerged by the Unintentional Sword Sea."

Ling Nianwu was about to pull up Lu Xiaochan who was still studying medical classics.

Lu Xiaochan smiled calmly: "Nianwu, everyone in the world can escape, but I can't."

Ling Nianwu gritted his teeth, and suddenly gathered a stream of spiritual energy, which flicked the incense burner on the table to the ground, shattering it.

"Yangcang! Yangcang! Yangcang! If Rangruo is unwilling to save himself, who can save him?"

Ling Nianwu's eyes turned red.

Outside the quiet room, there was chaos and everyone was packing their bags.

"Chaos has completely controlled Yangcang! At the beginning, even if Yangcang sacrificed the 'Asking the Sky' formation, it only forced Chaos out of Dongxu Sword Sect's body! But so what? Dongxu Sword Sect still died because of being drained of its essence! Even after death, it was ruined! Even if you look through all the ancient medical books, it still doesn't matter!"

Lu Xiaochan frowned, “I know what you want to say, our founder Ling Yuan Zhenjun died at the hands of the evil god Hun Dun.

If Tai Ling Pavilion really had a method to purify the chaos, Ling Yuan Zhen Jun would not have died."

"You know... what are you still obsessed with?" Ling Nianwu asked.

Lu Xiaochan clenched her fists, then slowly loosened them: "Some things are done even though we know they are impossible."

Ling Nianwu stopped talking and sat down beside him.

"Aren't you leaving?" Lu Xiaochan asked.

"I'm not leaving. I'll stay here with you. If you regret it, I can still fly away with you on my sword."

"What if I don't regret it?"

"I don't regret it either." There was a hint of stubbornness in Ling Nianwu's voice.

Lu Xiaochan shook her head helplessly and couldn't help laughing out loud.

He lowered his head to pick up the broken incense burner, and then he discovered that someone had carved a line of small words on the inside of the incense burner using spiritual energy.

—The world’s obsessions come from nothing, and something comes from nothing.

"What's wrong?" Ling Nianwu raised his chin, "At worst I can compensate you with an incense burner!"

Lu Xiaochan remained in that position without moving.

Ling Nianwu was about to bend down to help him clean up, but Lu Xiaochan suddenly stood up.

"I see!"

"Understand what?"

"Understand how to force chaos out of Yang Cang's body!"

Lu Xiaochan was so excited that she grabbed Ling Nianwu's arm and almost jumped up.

"how do you want to do it?"

"All obsessions in the world come from nothing, and something comes from nothing!" Lu Xiaochan held the fragments of the incense burner and showed them to Ling Nianwu.

"what does it mean?"

"Obsession cannot be removed! Pursuing the state of emptiness where the mind is empty is also an obsession! This is why no matter how outstanding the sword sects who have reached the state of no intention have ever become gods! Because gods are the end of obsession! On the contrary, Chaos has the title of 'God' because it is obsession!"

"I... I seem to understand what you mean... But even so, how are you going to purify Yangcang's heart and calm his obsession?"

Ling Nianwu spread his hands.

Lu Xiaochan paused and did not answer him directly: "Since existence is born from non-existence... then let's 'exchange one thought for another'. I will be persistent for him, that's all."

Ling Nianwu lowered his head, still thinking about Lu Xiaochan's words.

"Let's go, Nianwu! Send me to the realm of intentionlessness!"

"It's too dangerous! Don't you see that the Wuyi Sword Sea is like a tsunami? We can't cross the Sword Sea!"

"Yang Cang's 'Spirit Identification' technique has reached the pinnacle. As long as I get close to Wuyi Realm, he will know I'm here, and will naturally take back Wuyi Sword Sea and let me go up."

Lu Xiaochan pushed the door open and walked out, then turned around and snapped her fingers at Ling Nianwu: "What are you still standing there for! Do you regret staying with me?"

"Only a ghost would regret it!"

Ling Nianwu flew out on his sword and pulled Lu Xiaochan up. The two of them went against the wind and rushed towards the Wuyi Realm.

The closer you get to the sea of swords, the more turbulent the vortex of spiritual energy becomes.

Ling Nianwu's sword almost stood up, relying on the sword formation stimulated by the tip of the sword to resist the pressure of the sea of swords.

The wind tore at their hair and collars. Ling Nianwu knew that he could not relax, otherwise they would all be overturned by the sea of swords!

But just as they were about to rush into the sea of swords, Ling Nianwu was ready to be crushed by thousands of sword energies, but the sea of swords suddenly calmed down and dispersed in all directions, revealing the true face of Wuyijingtian.

The nine layers of exquisite cold jade are crystal clear, and the branches and leaves of the immortal tree Fengtian are visible in the distance.

Lu Xiaochan saw the end of the wind and clouds, and saw someone standing quietly on the Falling Immortal Cliff.

"Nianwu." Lu Xiaochan patted Ling Nianwu's shoulder and said, "Stop."

"You regret it again? Then let's go back." Ling Nianwu was about to turn around.

"No, I mean... you just need to drop me off here."

"But… "

At this time, a crystal clear sword fell from a height and stopped beside Lu Xiaochan.

It was surrounded by flowing light, as if a huge spiritual mass was pressed into a sword. Even though it was hovering quietly, it had the momentum to destroy the world.

This is the most powerful sword in the world, without any flaws.

Lu Xiaochan rolled over and landed on the Wuxi Sword.

"Xiao Chan!" Ling Nianwu was about to step forward, but Lu Xiaochan reached out and covered his eyes.

"Nianwu, it's time for you to turn around. Don't linger on this journey, and never look back."

Ling Nianwu's tears flowed through Lu Xiaochan's fingers.

"You're not going to come back, are you?"

"The ancestor said that all obsessions in the world are created out of nothing. Not only obsessions, but also life and death are like this."

After saying that, Lu Xiaochan pushed Ling Nianwu down with force.

Ling Nianwu opened his eyes and found that the area between him and Lu Xiaochan was blocked by a sea of unintentional swords.

Lu Xiaochan came in front of Shu Wuxi.

His posture was just like when he saw Lu Xiaochan riding on the Wuxi Sword and swimming freely in the sea of swords.

"Xiaochan, you are finally back."

Shu Wuxi's coldness seemed to melt away, and a smile appeared on his lips.

The wind lifted his hair and swept across his eyes.

Lu Xiaochan never gets tired of looking at such a pure and extraordinary face.

"If you don't come back, all those who disturbed us will die. Including your senior brother."

Lu Xiaochan closed her eyes and sensed with the technique of "discerning spirits".

The two sword masters of Nanli and Xiyuan had been forced by Shu Wuxi to the point of exhausting their energy and were on the verge of extinction.

Lu Xiaochan smiled at Shu Wuxi and reached out to hug him.

Shu Wuxi was stunned for a moment, then hugged Lu Xiaochan tightly.

"Look, how nice it would be if you didn't leave me and weren't afraid of me." Shu Wuxi said with his eyes closed.

"Brother Wuxi, I am not afraid of you. I was afraid of the chaos in your body before, but... everyone has chaos in their hearts. It is always there, neither increasing nor decreasing, never leaving or abandoning. If you insist on getting rid of it, it is just like pursuing the realm of God, which is a false obsession. So I am not afraid now. Because that is also you."

Shu Wuxi's fingers were embedded in Lu Xiaochan's hair, cherishing it with great care.

"You've always been worried that I'm attached to the colorful world, the myriad colors, and the fear of losing..." Lu Xiaochan stroked his eyebrows with her fingers and said with a smile, "But I only see you... coming towards me."

Lu Xiaochan kissed Shu Wuxi on the lips.

There was no teasing or rubbing, just extreme piety.

Shu Wuxi closed his eyes and felt the warmth on Lu Xiaochan's lips.

In an instant, a huge curse rose out of nowhere, and all the water vapor in the void gathered into a stream and swept in.

The unintentional sword sea was also dragged by this force, rolling as if it was going to tear the heaven and earth apart!

Shu Wuxi suddenly opened his eyes, only to find that the young man in his arms was on fire. Countless black evil spirits intertwined in Shu Wuxi's elixir sea, and passed into Lu Xiaochan's body through the kiss, and then were sucked into the big curse along with Lu Xiaochan's body.


In his ears was the sound of Lu Xiaochan, which was in extreme pain but was still being suppressed with great effort.

"Let him go! He wants to use his physical body to pass on the chaos in your body!" Kunwu's roar sounded.

Shu Wuxi opened his eyes wide and pushed Lu Xiaochan away from his arms, but Lu Xiaochan held his hand and refused to let go.

The fire of karma burned up, and the deeper Shu Wuxi's obsession was, the more painful Lu Xiaochan would be.

"I'm in so much pain... If you let me go... I won't feel any pain anymore..."

Lu Xiaochan's fingertips slowly left Shu Wuxi's fingers.

Shu Wuxi wanted to catch him, but had to let him go.

Lu Xiaochan looked at him, seeing all the expressions on his face: pain, reluctance, persistence but having to give up... the expressions that a human being should have.

Then, Lu Xiaochan smiled.

I can't take your obsession away, but I can bear it for you.

"Guess how much I like you?"

The Wuyi Sword Sea sensed Shu Wuxi's thoughts and kept attacking, trying to destroy the big curse, but the big curse did not waver at all and destroyed Lu Xiaochan's body.

"I would move mountains and level seas for you..."

These words fell gently into Shu Wuxi's ears.

That is Tailing Pavilion's ultimate healing spell—the Tailing Pure Land Spell.

If your obsession is overwhelming, I am willing to save you.

After seeing all this, Shu Wuxi looked into his eyes for the last time. The extreme pain of being burned by the fire of karma, along with everything in the past, rushed into Lu Xiaochan's mind.

It turns out that Lu Xiaochan had already experienced the pain of separation from his beloved and the suffering of losing all his blood!

It was as if I suddenly woke up from a long dream!

There is darkness all around, and evil spirits surround me, with no way out!

Lu Xiaochan lowered her head, looking at the Dan Yuan that was about to be pulled out of her body, and recalled that it had been more than a thousand years since the battle between immortals and demons!

He and Shu Wuxi had come to Xiyuan to watch the fun. Master Faning took them to walk in the void of Chongluan Palace, but they were unexpectedly ambushed by Master Lianyue. The void was exchanged, and Lu Xiaochan fell down and was led all the way to the deepest part of Xiyuan, which is the "hopeless" place!

Here, he is surrounded by evil spirits and his Dan Yuan is in danger!

The evil spirits around him were arrogant and ferocious, constantly invading his bones and blood as if they were in an empty space.

Lu Xiaochan snorted coldly, imitating Shu Wuxi's tone and said, "How insolent!"

No matter whether it is the Lu Xiaochan of the past or the Lu Xiaochan of the present, neither of them is a pushover!

Why do you like to control me so much

I can't let you take away my Dan Yuan for nothing, brother Wuxi will be angry!

If he gets angry, the consequences will be serious!

Back then, I was able to destroy my own body for Shu Wuxi, and now, in order to see him again, I can also destroy you!

The demon king who commanded this group of evil spirits smiled sinisterly in the darkness.

"Don't you just like us to be 'outrageous'?"

Lu Xiaochan thought, do you really think that I can't take advantage of you in this "hopeless" place

"You have been here for a long time... You have never seen what a 'flood' is!"

After saying that, Lu Xiaochan raised the corners of his mouth, smiled complacently, and pushed the lid of the medicine pot at his waist, and water rushed out from the Tailing Zhenyuan.

In the darkness, one can hear the sound of endless floods pouring into the "hopeless" land!

Lu Xiaochan clasped the Traceless Sword with both hands, and the spiritual energy around him boiled, forming a rolling whirlpool. The evil spirits that had invaded his body let out sharp cries at the top of their lungs. The sword formation was completed, and a flood of water flowed into the formation. The power of the sword formation increased exponentially, and continued to spread in all directions. The evil spirits that did not have time to get away were sucked into the formation one after another.

The demon king had never expected that when Lu Xiaochan's Dan Yuan was about to be obtained, he suddenly formed such a powerful Feiturbulent Sword Formation!

It was originally a hopeless situation, and people thought Lu Xiaochan had no power to rely on, but they did not expect that he carried all the water in the world with him.

If he were in the Magic City at this moment, it is possible that the Magic City would be flooded!

The Demon Lord commanded the demons to form an evil formation, which continuously eroded Lu Xiaochan's Feiturbulent Sword Formation.

Lu Xiaochan pointed the tip of the sword downward, infused it with spiritual energy, and the sword body moved slightly. The Feiturbulent Sword Formation suddenly changed drastically, and waves splashed out from the sword formation, and then fell back.

Lu Xiaochan exhaled lightly, the sword is me and I am the sword. I use the sword to control the water.

All the water in the world moistens the visible with the invisible.

A tiny thing can fill up the gaps in the world, a huge thing can collapse rivers and shatter peaks!

The water flowed backwards from the formation, making a sound of water colliding with each other, and actually formed a water unicorn!

The water unicorn roared out, opened its mouth and swallowed a large number of evil spirits into its stomach.

The Demon Lord retreated several thousand meters, never expecting that Lu Xiaochan would actually form the Sky-Reaching Sword Formation!

Just kidding, even if Lu Xiaochan has never eaten pork, he has seen pigs run!

Brother Wuxi taught you the Chongxiao Sword Formation step by step, and it’s just right for you to practice!

This Qilin sometimes turned into a stream of water, and sometimes into a beast, killing all the evil spirits that came.

The Demon Lord gradually revealed a sinister look, and he suddenly swooped down and collided head-on with the Water Qilin, breaking through the Water Qilin, destroying Lu Xiaochan's Chongxiao Sword Formation, and pointing directly at Lu Xiaochan's face.

Feeling the Demon Lord's attack, Lu Xiaochan raised her eyes and saw the phantom of Shu Wuxi.

For a moment, it was as if he had gone back a thousand years to when he said goodbye to him.

The reluctance between Shu Wuxi's eyebrows was like a mark engraved on Lu Xiaochan's heart.

I also have an obsession in my heart, I wish to be with you all night long, forever and ever!

"You are not him!"

Lu Xiaochan swung the Traceless Sword, breaking Shu Wuxi's illusion, and a sword formation opened up.

What he was attached to was never Shu Wuxi's extraordinary appearance, nor his strength and focus.

But it was Shu Wuxu's obsession.

He would like to be a lake, lonely for a thousand years, just waiting for the little cicadas and dragonflies to touch the water.

It is because of Shu Wuxi's obsession that Lu Xiaochan has the open-mindedness to "save one person to save the world".

The same is true for floods throughout the world.

The reason why the world is moistened silently is because the heaven and earth are inclusive.

Rushing around recklessly is nothing more than pursuing an open-minded world.

Just as the Demon Lord was about to rush into Lu Xiaochan's body, Lu Xiaochan blocked it with his sword, and the Demon Lord crashed into the Traceless Sword!

At that moment, the rough sword blade made a shattering sound.

The demon king laughed: "Your sword will be destroyed!"

Lu Xiaochan remained unmoved.

Shu Wuxi once told him that the sword was just a bridge between him and the world!

Then use water as a sword!

Lu Xiaochan's mind moved, and the torrent of energy rushed into the Wuhen Sword, filling all the cracks in the sword body, as if it had merged into one with the sword!

I want to go back.

Return to him.

"If you want to take my Dan Yuan, let's see if you have enough cultivation to swallow my obsession!"

Lu Xiaochan's dantian sea moved violently, his spiritual energy was fully activated, and the water began to melt.

The originally empty "hopeless" land began to tremble as it was crushed by the surging spiritual energy.

In the void, countless sword formations were born in the water, as if the water was born here, but also ended here.

The author has something to say: Is the little cicada domineering today

It’s a pity that Brother Wuxi didn’t hear it, otherwise he would have been very excited.


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