Liu Zhuang Xian

Chapter 8: The clear night falls into the mysterious sky02


No matter how cold it is, you can still hear a hint of care and heartache.

An overwhelming joy surged into Lu Xiaochan's heart.

He wanted to throw himself into the other person's arms, but the other person stood up and moved to the side, so Lu Xiaochan fell to the ground with his hands and knees prostrated.

"Dad - are you here to look for me?"

Lu Xiaochan envied Abao's biological father for searching for him for so many years, and he even dreamed of his biological father coming to find him in his dreams.

The person who had been standing there in a daze finally came to his senses.

"You... you are really the beggar's... father..."

The strong man who was chopping trees almost had his eyes popping out.

"Little beggar... your father is so strong... he looks so weak... but he can actually hold up this old locust tree?"

"The beggar's father is so young? Could it be that he was born when he was only seven or eight years old?"

People around were talking about it.

Lu Xiaochan's head was buzzing and he was really starving to death, but he still stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the man, even though he knew in his heart that the man wouldn't let him touch him.

"I'm not your father."

I don’t care if you are my dad or not.

I will never have the chance to call anyone "Dad" in my life, you are lucky!

I wonder what sin my father committed to give birth to a blind man like me.

Although your voice is cold, it is also clear and noble. How can you say that you are someone who would commit a sin

"Then are you my family?" Lu Xiaochan clenched his fists.


These two simple words made Lu Xiaochan disappointed.

"Are you my friend, then?"


Although the man's voice was cold, it was inexplicably pleasant to the ear.

It's like holding a piece of cold jade in your arms with a hint of warmth.

"Then who are you to me?"

For a long time, Lu Xiaochan didn't hear the other party's answer, which made Lu Xiaochan scared.

"Have you left?" He immediately stretched out his hand and felt around, but there was nothing.

"I'm here."

Hearing his voice, Lu Xiaochan let out a long breath.

"I... I thought you left..." Lu Xiaochan's nose felt sore and her throat was a little sore. "You clearly came, but you refused to see me... Do you hate me?"

But I believe that you will not despise me as others do, just because I am a dirty and blind beggar.

"I will never hate you."

The voice, which was apparently flat and emotionless, suddenly became lighter and fell softly on Lu Xiaochan's heart. It was so clear that Lu Xiaochan wanted to listen to him speak over and over again.

"It's just that a long, long time ago... you hated me."

The last sentence was very light, like a series of tiny wounds, each of which could be ignored, but none of them healed in the long wait.

"Impossible! I was almost killed by a butcher, and you cured me, right? I have delicious food around me every day, and you bought it for me, right? I was almost killed by the old locust tree, and you saved me, right? You are so good to me, how can I hate you?"

Although Lu Xiaochan can't see, he has been telling himself for so many years that he doesn't need to care about other people's attitude towards him... But he is a person after all, and he hopes that someone will care about him, even for a moment, and keep him in mind.

"Little Cicada..."

His name was called out, the voice was still calm, but it was tinged with reluctance, and it seemed hoarse as if it had dried up.

Lu Xiaochan became nervous.

What do you want to say

"Come with me...if you don't hate me anymore."

Lu Xiaochan held her breath, and her heartbeat was like dense drumbeats, each beat seemed to be hitting the outside world, and light could shine in at any time.

"Where are you taking me? Are you going to send me home?" Lu Xiaochan said subconsciously.

When Po left, he didn't seem to care.

But he actually cares a lot... Everyone has a home, but he doesn't.

"If you want to go home, I will take you there, but please agree to three conditions."

Lu Xiaochan had no strength to get up, so she could only lift her fingers and then put them down again.

As long as I can go with you, I would be happy to accept any three hundred or three thousand conditions, let alone three!

"First, if I tell you to go east, you must not go west. Otherwise... I will lose you again."

Lu Xiaochan said “hmm”.

Although the old beggar said that Lu Xiaochan was born with a rebellious nature, if he was told to go west, he would go east. If he was told to find a horse, he would ride a donkey!

It was so hard to meet this person, so how could Lu Xiaochan dare to "rebel"

If I make him angry and leave, and I'm all alone, no one will care even if I get crushed to death by the old locust tree.

"Second, don't touch me."

Lu Xiaochan felt an inexplicable pang of sadness in her heart and suddenly wanted to cry.

He originally thought that this person who came to his side was the one who despised him the least.

Why do you still care that he is a beggar and is dirty and smelly, so you don't want to be touched by him

Lu Xiaochan rested her forehead on the ground, feeling so sad that she was too lazy to even lift a finger.

"If I wipe off all the dirt on my body... and become clean... you still won't let me touch you?"

The man just stood there, as if he was standing on a steep cliff. His mind was clearly focused, but he wavered because of Lu Xiaochan's words.

“… No.”

These two words were very firm, but Lu Xiaochan felt a pain like a knife cutting into her bone marrow when she heard them.

“Don’t touch me… I know I’m dirty and smelly…”

Anyway, I don’t have the energy to touch you.

"You are not dirty, nor do you smell. You saved me from this disaster, so... I can never touch you again."

"What happens if I touch it?"

Lu Xiaochan thought to herself, do I have the ability to help others overcome their calamities? Could it be that I was also a cultivator in the past

"You're going to be in pain."

Lu Xiaochan was amused: "I don't believe it! Either let me touch it, or tell me what's going on!"

Even if you don't let me touch it, I will touch it.

Tsk tsk tsk, I want to see how it hurts if I touch you

Once I get to know you well, I will touch you every day. Let’s see what you can do to me

"The third condition is to never ask questions about the past. I will never lie to you."

"I understand... Since you don't want to lie to me, I won't ask you if you don't want to answer my question."

Lu Xiaochan had thousands of questions in his mind, but he knew in his heart that the other party did not want to lie to him, which must be the pain hidden in the other party's heart.

"If you don't want to answer, I won't ask."

You are the best person to me in this world now, how can I bear to poke at the pain in your heart.

"Drink this."

The man took another step forward.

With this short step, Lu Xiaochan heard the light sound of his clothes fluttering, and there seemed to be the sound of his hair scarf being lifted and put down by the wind. He could even feel that he was very close to him, as if he was about to touch him.

Lu Xiaochan could even feel his temperature.

Then he moved away again.

Lu Xiaochan touched a small porcelain bottle. She had no idea what the bottle was made of, but it felt cool and moist.

He poured it into his mouth, and it was as if a mist flowed into his lips and tongue, curling into his throat.

The originally weak and powerless body suddenly regained its energy.

My heart and lungs are refreshed, as if I were reborn.

Lu Xiaochan stood up and moved her wrists and fingers.

At this time, one end of the bamboo stick knocked on the palm of his hand, and Lu Xiaochan quickly reached out and grasped it.

The other end of the bamboo branch is naturally held in that person's hand.

"let's go."

The man turned away.

Lu Xiaochan followed him, holding the bamboo branch.

"If I don't agree to your three conditions, will you abandon me?"

"I still have to take you away." Shu Wuxi's voice was very soft, as if he was afraid of disturbing someone, but he was very determined.

"Then why do you have to mention these three conditions?"

"Because I wanted to keep you by my side before, but you were unwilling to do so."


"I have no idea."

Ah? How could you not know? I, Lu Xiaochan, always hate it when people just say everything directly!

"Think about it? Did you steal my food and drink? Or did you beat me up because I didn't obey you?"

"I'll give you whatever you like. I won't hit you if you don't obey me."

"Why is that?" Lu Xiaochan was puzzled.

But the words "I'll give you everything you like" made Lu Xiaochan feel as if hundreds of cakes were filling her heart, very sweet.

I give it all to you without holding back.

Is there really someone in this world who would give him everything without reservation

"You... What's your name?"

"My name is Shu Wuxi."

Although his voice sounds cold, if you savor it carefully, you can detect a hint of softness.

Lu Xiaochan had heard the voices of everyone in Lushu Town, but no one's voice was as pleasant as Shu Wuxi's, which made Lu Xiaochan want to listen to him talk all the time.

But every sentence Shu Wuxi spoke was very short.

If you can make something clear in one word, never add a second word.

No gap in comfort... No gap in comfort...

Lu Xiaochan repeated the other person's name in her heart over and over again, fearing that she would forget it.

"Your name is so unique... What does it mean?"

"My name was given to me by you." Shu Wuxi paused.

Lu Xiaochan's heart trembled slightly, and Shu Wuxi's slightly cold voice actually became soft in his ears.

"... I... I never gave you a name... From your voice, I can tell you're older than me, so I never had the chance to give you a name!"

Lu Xiaochan had so many questions she wanted to ask Shu Wuxi. Why didn’t she remember many of the things he said

"Because I only had a number before, but no name. You said you didn't like my number, so you gave me a name."

Lu Xiaochan patted his head. He really didn't remember these things. But Shu Wuxi said it so seriously, it wasn't fake at all!

"But why would I give you such a name?"

"You like a poem by Master Lingyuan - White clouds and gray dogs leave no trace, The rolling clouds and unrolling clouds have no gaps. You used the last line as my name."

Who is Lingyuan Zhenjun? Does it sound like a fairy title? Shu Wuxi also has a title. I heard from the old beggar that those with fairy titles have been practicing Taoism for at least 500 years and have reached a certain level.

Although Lu Xiaochan had no recollection of naming, and even suspected that the other party had recognized the wrong person, she felt satisfied for the first time when she thought that the other party's name was really given by her.

"Then do you know what my name is?" Lu Xiaochan asked with his head tilted.

Shu Wuxi certainly knew.

Lu Xiaochan had heard him call her "Xiaochan" before, so asking him this question was just to get him to say his name again.

"Your name is Lu Xiaochan."

Lu Xiaochan felt like there was a happy Buddha sitting in her heart. Her feet felt light and she couldn't help but want to get closer to the other person.

But just as he took half a step closer to the other person, the bamboo stick hit his palm.

"You promised me, remember?"

"Remember… "

I was so happy just now, but now I felt like an eggplant hit by frost.

Shu Wuxi refused to let him touch her.

"Then who are you to me?"

The relationship between us must be extraordinary, otherwise why would you come to find a blind man like me

"Old friend."

"… How could we be old friends? I grew up in Lushu Town! If I had seen you before, how could I not remember you!"

In desperation, Lu Xiaochan tried to step forward again, but the palm of her hand was poked by the bamboo branch again, so she could only take a small step back.

"I remember you."

It was still such a short sentence, and Lu Xiaochan’s eyes were about to turn red again.

He just wanted to be remembered.

When the old beggar left, he was afraid that no one would care about him.

When Abao left, he was afraid that no one would remember him.

But Shu Wuxi said, remember him.