Live Broadcasting Raising Dragons in the Interstellar

Chapter 1: lay egg


interstellar new calendar water

Shen Mian woke up in severe pain, blurred vision to see a few figures standing in front of him - what is the green villain? Eco-friendly Smurfs

"Wake up! Finally woke up!"

These people didn't know Shen Mian, so they forced their bodies to sit up and looked around, and found that the environment here was completely unfamiliar, not like the apocalypse where everything was waiting to be done. What's more, he should have died in the last corpse tide, why is he lying on the bed with good hands and feet

The green dwarfs in front of them didn't seem to have anything to do with humans. The language they spoke was not any foreign language that Shen Mian knew, but somehow they could understand it.

Shen Mian narrowed his eyes in the gray sunlight, but before he could speak, someone had already poured out a bunch of words: "President Shen, how dare you go to the undeveloped wasteland? There are many ferocious Asians in those places. Dragon Clan, you escaped with good luck this time, and it won't be the same next time."

"yes… "

In the eloquent comfort and lessons, Shen Mian also had some memories that did not belong to him - this is not the earth, but the planet Mercury, which is not known how many light-years away from the earth, and these "people" in front of him also Not humans, but another higher intelligent creature: dragons.

That's right, there are actually dragons in this worldview, which are divided into intelligent creature dragons and less intelligent Yalongs. The orthodox dragon family has its own civilization system and can freely transform in the complete dragon family and anthropomorphic form, which is no different from the aliens in science fiction films. Human civilization and dragon civilization are in the running-in stage.

The Yalong family is the collective name of the mutant species that have a large appetite and aggressiveness in the interstellar space. All habitable planets have the Yalong family to survive, and the human and the dragon family seize the living space.

Shen Mian's current body is an ordinary human, also called Shen Mian, a student majoring in "Young Dragon Education" in human civilization. After graduation, he chooses school assignments and is assigned to a planet bordering dragons and human civilization to serve as a nursery school. Long, and also the anchor of a certain platform. Because the nursery was too poor, the original owner ventured into the wasteland to make a topic, but he was attacked by Yalong and his spiritual body died on the spot.

When Shen Mian came through, he couldn't understand the situation at all. His dying body absorbed a lot of his supernatural powers to save himself, so he could barely dodge a few times, but the dizziness became more and more severe. When he finally passed out, he heard the dragon shaking the rocks. Roar. The second brief awakening was brought out by the Shulong family.

The Shulong family is considered to be the neighbors of the nursery, but it is a bit far away. It takes an hour for a normal person to walk.

Shen Mian took the nutritional supplement handed to him by Shulong's mother, tore it open and finished drinking: "Thank you."

Lisa, the mother of the tree dragon, said in a gentle voice, "You're welcome, we didn't do anything but bring you back. Your body recovered very quickly, and we didn't send you to the hospital."

Shen Mian nodded: "I might not be able to come back without you, thank you for taking care of me."

Lisa quickly waved her hand: "I didn't take care of it... We went back first, there are still many things at home."

Shen Mian was about to get out of bed, when he moved, he immediately began to act as a demon, covered with wounds, and it seemed that he was not as good as Shen Mian thought.

"Don't! Your body hasn't taken care of it yet."

Lisa quickly pressed him back and left quickly with her family. Before leaving, Lisa grabbed Shen Mian's hand and whispered to him: "You better not go out recently, Dore has returned."

Shen Mian was stunned for a moment, vaguely remembering that this person should have had a conflict with the original owner. He couldn't remember exactly what it was, and it probably wasn't a big deal.

But I don't know why, I always feel that some important settings have not been received.

Shen Mian put aside Dolei and lay down with peace of mind to sort out the rambling abilities in his body.

Before Shen Mian passed through, the space system power had reached the peak that humans could reach in the end times, that is, level 12. The wood-type ability is weaker, but it is also stable at level 9. Fortunately, there is a supernatural power, otherwise Shen Mian would be able to catch two breaths at most, and he would have to die again.

The wood-type abilities have been exhausted, and there are still some space-type abilities left. Shen Mian gathers up the abilities and waits for them to automatically recover.

Next, Shen Mian opened his eyes and picked up the original owner's brain.

He got some memories of the original owner, and he needs to sort it out:

The kindergarten where the original owner worked was called Qiming. It was originally a private welfare institution. After the death of the old director, it was handed over to the original owner. He was so poor that he could not even use a home robot.

Raising dragons costs money, and the cubs in the nursery are all orphans. The nursery has no income from tuition fees, and it will soon be impossible to do so. After the old dean died, he sent away a few cubs, leaving only one gem dragon cub, who refused to leave the nursery.

Even if it is a cub, the original owner can't afford it. In order to win more rewards during the live broadcast, he is always on the verge of death. This time, the car overturned a big one.

However, this live broadcast did have a lot of rewards, probably enough for the dragon cubs to eat a few meals.

Wait, what about the cub

Shen Mian lifted the quilt and got out of bed, and went out of the room to take a quick look at the nursery's environment.

The kindergarten covers an area similar to that of kindergartens on earth, but there is only one three-story building. Except for the leveled ground, the rest of the place is a vegetable field with weeds.

Shen Mian narrowed his eyes, not feeling any obvious movement in the small building, so he went downstairs to look for it, and found a golden-green cub on the backyard wall of the nursery.

The dragon cubs in the nursery are all under the age of twelve and cannot perform human mimicry. Therefore, this dragon cub is in the form of a complete dragon, and even if it crouches down, you can see that it is a big one, with a golden-green body, a row of jagged crystal thorns on its tail, and a large piece of baldness on the tip of its tail.

The whole dragon cub looks like a shining Q version of Tyrannosaurus Rex, and it still tastes like green apples.

This child seems to be named Jie An, and his race is a gem dragon.

In the memory of the original owner, there are seven major genera of the dragon family - the legendary dragon, the swallowing dragon, the gem dragon, the velvet dragon, the sea-dwelling dragon, the fantasy dragon, and the flame dragon. The gem dragon is a species of the gem dragon. The beautiful scales and thorns of the gem dragon are sought after by humans.

It's just that the crystal spines and scales of the baby dragon are easy to soften after leaving the main body, which is far less than that of the adult dragon family, so it can't be sold for a high price. However, for some humans who love crystal spines but can't bear the money, the baby dragon's back spines are good. choose.

Shen Mian walked lightly, walked silently to Jie'an, bent his knees and squatted down: "What are you doing?"

Jie An was so frightened that he covered the things in his claws, his eyes widened suddenly, and he found that he relaxed after a deep sleep, lowered his head and continued to polish the things in his hands, and replied in a muffled voice, "Nothing."

Shen Mian looked at Jie'an's bald tail and the crystal thorns that Jie'an was holding, thinking that he wasn't blind.

A lot of stones were piled on the backyard wall of the nursery. It was estimated that they were cleared out when the ground in the yard was leveled. Many of the stones had been torn apart, and there were some golden-green scales scattered around the edges.

The crystal thorn on Ji'an's tail was bald, and the scales also fell off, and bright red blood can be seen oozing out. At a glance, you can tell that the tail was thrown on the stone, and the scales and crystal thorns were forcibly knocked off.

Jie An continued to polish the crystal thorns in his hand without saying a word. His crystal thorns are not as beautiful as other young dragons. If you want to sell a little good price, you have to take care of them carefully. If you can sell them for 200 star coins, you can Buy some better medicine.

After grinding for a while, Jie An suddenly felt a slight pain in his tail, and turned his head to find that the damaged part of his tail had been bandaged.

Shen Mian had never brought a cub before, so he patted Jiean on the forehead rusty: "Don't be afraid, I'm all right."

There is nothing better than wood-type abilities, unless there is some black technology that Shenmian doesn't know about in the interstellar era, such as dragon blood or something.

Jiean: "Aunt Lisa said that you need to take medicine for a long time."

He rinsed the thorns, wiped them clean, and stood up: "It's polished, let's sell it."

Shen Mian patted his head: "Okay."

With such a piece of crystal thorn in Jie'an's hand, it is impossible for anyone to collect it, so he has to take it to the store by himself.

Although it is the interstellar era, physical stores have not been replaced by virtual shopping malls. Mercury is located at the junction of human civilization and the dragon empire, and its prosperity is no less than that of the large shopping malls in the earth period.

The crystal thorns of the gem dragon will occasionally fall off. Jiian has only sold the crystal thorns a few times, and all of them were sold by the old director when he was alive. Jie'an himself didn't know who the crystal thorns would sell to, so he held Shen Mian's hand and stood in a daze on the crowded street.

Shen Mian turned on the original owner's light brain, searched for nearby gems or accessories stores, the small screen of the light brain left the pop-up screen, and the shops that met Shen Mian's search criteria were marked with small dots.

Shen Mian picked a random point: "Let's go to this place to have a look."

Jie'an had no objection. For the first time, Xiaolongzai stood on the street where various suspended vehicles and empty rail cars passed through, next to Shenmian, for fear that he would get lost.

Little Gem Dragon is a true country dragon.

Shen Mian followed Guangnao's navigation and entered a gem shop nearby.

The store is filled with relatively cheap trinkets, and the scrolling light screen is also marked with "Handmade, Unique" signs. Such a small shop should welcome raw materials such as the Jewel Dragon Backstab.

When the people around the counter dispersed, Shen Mian walked over: "Excuse me, do you collect the thorns and scales of the gem dragon here? It's the young dragon's."

The woman sitting behind the counter was blond and blue-eyed. She raised her eyes to see a tall and thin young man standing in front of the counter, with his eyes downcast, his white and cold face, but his hair was hanging down on his forehead, and his eyebrows and eyes were dark.

The blonde woman froze: "Accept."

Shen Mian took the small bag handed over by Ji'an, unfolded it, and placed it on the counter.

While checking the fineness of the crystal thorn scales, the blond woman said casually, "This dragon cub is a little malnourished. The gloss and hardness of the back spines and scales are average... I can't give you a high price."

Ji'an was so short that the shopkeeper didn't see him at all.

Gem dragons are dragons who love to take care of themselves very much, and their obsession with appearance can rank in the top ten among all dragon species.

When Xiao Jiian heard such a comment, if he was struck by lightning, he immediately fell into self-doubt: Is he actually an unbeautiful cub? !

Shen Mian bowed his head and harvested a little dragon cub who suspected Longsheng.

Before Shen Mian could figure out how to comfort Jie An, the shopkeeper had already weighed the weight neatly, and quoted: "To round up the whole number, two hundred star coins. Sell it or not?"

Jean pulled Shenmian's sleeve and nodded to him.

The nursery had run out of money a few days ago, otherwise the dean would not have gone to such a dangerous place to broadcast live. Jie An himself knew how much it would cost to raise a Baolonglong cub—he would have to eat it Lose five times the food of a normal adult man, and it must be meat, or two expensive nutritional supplements.

Shen Mian had nothing to say. After the owner paid, Shen Mian led Jiean out of the jewelry store, bought a few nutritional supplements, and returned to the nursery.

After all, power is not a panacea. The original owner has actually died once, and the body is not the original of Shenmian. Although the foundation is good, it is far worse than the body that came out of the end of the world.

Shen Mian relied on hard support on the way back, and the ability walked over and over again, and finally saw the door of the nursery school. What he didn't expect was a stranger standing at the door.

Shen Mian was grabbed by Jian.

The little gem dragon pricked up his ears, and even shivered slightly against Shen Mian's body: "Duo, Dolei."

Shen Mian's eyes flicked back and forth between the two, and finally settled on the man on the left. Shen Mian patted Jie An on the head, and Dolei in front of the courtyard had already seen him and strode over.

In the original owner's vague memory, Dolei was an adult dragon, still close to two meters tall in anthropomorphic form, and the patterns on his clothes were deformed and distorted by his muscles.

Shen Mian put Jie An behind him and estimated the combat power from the opponent's size. He didn't know the race of the other party, nor did he know what special racial skills the other party had.

His powers haven't fully recovered, and his body is so weak that he can't even beat him, so he still tries his best not to do it, and seeing Dolei's expression, he doesn't want to come to fight.

Dolei stopped in front of Shen Mian with an ambiguous tone: "You said you wanted me to give you three days to think about it. Now that the time is up, when are you going to marry me? You want to give me two eggs!"

Dolei looked at Shenmian up and down, there were many good-looking Omegas, but this style of Omegas was really rare, with "stay away from me" written all over the body.

The more this is, the more people can't take their eyes off.

Shen Mian: "...what?"

Are you out of your mind

Dore thought he didn't hear clearly, and emphasized it again: "Eggs!"

Shen Mian finally realized that he missed something important and didn't accept it - there is actually an ABO second gender setting in this worldview.

What's more, he's an Omega.

The author has something to say: There are red envelopes in this chapter!

Unlock the Dragon Manual:


Race: Gem Dragon - Gem Dragon. Large dragon, incapable of flight, beautiful as a gem all over, loves all beautiful minerals and shiny objects.

Symbol (Dragon Inspiration): Chrysoberyl.

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