Live Broadcasting Raising Dragons in the Interstellar

Chapter 14: I have a power outage


The income from the live broadcast is very considerable, and there is a star coin in the public account of the nursery school and the private account of Shen Mian.

Shen Mian spent some money from his private account, bought some seeds of Longboil grass and planted them in the backyard of the nursery. By the way, he added a little friend to the lonely red pig. The dragon boiling grass sold in Shenmian's personal shop has been increased from 20 tablets per day to 50 tablets per day, because the dragon boiling grass absorbs Shenmian's power factor and grows up, and the wood-type power contained in the leaves is exceptionally pure. So it is always in short supply.

Picking leaves has also become something Shen Mian does every morning, and He Xing follows behind with a box to help.

"Don't pick that one."

As if there were eyes behind Shen Mian, he precisely patted He Xing's hand that was reaching out to a leaf.

The leaves of the Dragon Boiling Grass grow exceptionally well, and the leaf flesh is thick. Because it has absorbed the power, it has a crystal-like transparent texture, which is better than other translucent leaves.

He Xing wondered: "This piece is of good quality, and it can be twice as expensive."

For the dragon family, dragon boiling grass is like a natural and efficient throat lozenge. For the dragon family who can synthesize fuel or flame, it is an essential daily necessities, and there is no need to worry about the problem of not being able to sell it. After all, although the related products of Longboiling Grass also have corresponding effects, they are not as good as natural Longboiling Grass. If the wallet allows, some dragons who are always on the edge of the fire may fill a freezer with Longboiling Grass.

Shen Mian finished picking a piece of Longboiling Grass, "That piece will be reserved for Jie'an."

He Xing snorted: "I heard him coughing for the past two days, and after a period of replenishment, the ore element can almost spew out flames."

After eating a small half box of special nutrients, Xiao Jiean's scales are much brighter than before. Finally, he is not the gem dragon who will be said to be malnourished when he takes it out. Of course, the most important thing is that Jian has begun to have various performances of synthetic fuels.

Coughing and hiccups occasionally, and my voice is hoarse for the past two days.

While the two of them were talking, fifty pieces of Dragon Boiled Grass had already been taken off, and Shen Mian asked as he walked out, "What does it feel like to breathe fire?"

He Xing thought for a while: "I really don't know this. I can't synthesize fuel, but according to my friend, I don't feel it when I spray it, but the process of synthesizing fuel often makes my throat uncomfortable."

Shen Mian: "You can't breathe fire."

He Xing took the box in his hand and handed it to the dragon family who came to pick up the courier, "Although I can't breathe fire, my heart is a flame that can burn for you at any time."

Probably thinking that one sentence could not express his fiery heart, He Xing added: "I am a hot alpha."

The courier brother who was forced to listen to one ear was disheartened: In this ridiculous era, do you have to be shy to find an A and good-looking object? Is it true that an honest dragon like him can only be alone for life

Shen Mian: "..."

It looks like a stroller has passed by.

Shen Mian said objectively: "...I finally know why you, such a big dragon, are still single now."

"I'm single because of an objective reason," He Xing tried to explain, "You don't know the Omegas and betas in my unit. They digest them internally, and they think our alphas are naive."

Shen Mian is indifferent: "Really?"

He Xing: "I don't think what you said just now didn't sound like a questioning tone."

Shen Mian was expressionless.

The courier brother took the box, and He Xing started to circle around Shen Mian: "Why are you ignoring me?"

Shen Mian had never seen such a sticky dragon, so he walked around He Xing with a sullen face. It was half an hour before the dragon cubs got up, and it was time for Shen Mian to prepare breakfast.

The nursery's kitchen and dormitory are in the same building. When Shen Mian walked past the stairs, he found that Xiao Jiian was squatting on the lowest step, holding the handrail in one short hand and covering his mouth with the other. I don't know what I'm holding back, I'm holding back tears.

Shen Mian couldn't see the tears of the children in the family, so she walked over and sat next to Ji'an, and put her arms around him: "What's wrong?"

He Xing bent his knees and squatted in front of Jie'an, holding Jie'an's hand holding the railing: "Does it hurt?"

Even dragons are very fragile in their infancy. When medicine was underdeveloped, it was common for young dragons to die prematurely.

Ji An covered his mouth and shook his head with tears in his eyes.

Shen Mian slowly frowned and stood up: "I called a doctor..."

Jie'an quickly pulled Shenmian, one of his claws was held by He Xing, and in a hurry, he stretched out his claws to cover his mouth.

He Xing, who was squatting in front of him, reacted very quickly, immediately raised his hand to block his face, and his right hand completed part of the dragon transformation in an instant, and Mars rushed up and was pinched by him.

Jie An was so embarrassed that he almost cried: "Yes, I'm sorry... Did you burn your uncle?"

He Xing patted his head, "It's okay, I'll block it quickly."

Jie An grabbed He Xing's hand and watched it several times, for fear of burning He Xing: "Really?"

He Xing comforted him: "It's okay, it's all a small battle. I was doing weightlessness training in the military school, and a small boiling dragon spit fire all over the ground. At that time, the training equipment was melted, and the training room was almost destroyed. It's a normal physiological response, and adult dragons can't help it sometimes."

Jie An was even more panicked: "Then, what should I do if I can't afford to burn something?"

He Xing: "Well... This is a question worth thinking about."

As expected of the cub brought out by Dean Shen, the focus is always so practical.

Shen Mian took out a tissue and wiped Jie'an's mouth, "When Jie'an grows up, he will definitely be able to afford it."

Jie'an felt a little calmer in his heart, touched his stomach, and his expression was full of sadness: For Jie'an, who had been struggling with food and clothing since he was a child, being able to breathe fire was not a symbol of "growing up", but a disadvantage that would bring countless troubles.

"I also got into trouble."

Jean said in a low voice.

Shen Mian: "What's wrong?"

Jie An's claw tip buckled the railing twice, but he couldn't say anything, so he had to pull Shen Mian upstairs and pushed open the door of the dormitory.

The morning light spilled into the dormitory from the large window. The carpet under the window was replaced by a magnificent puzzle of the Milky Way, and two special cub beds were placed side by side.

Lu Yuan was sleeping soundly on the bed, with his limbs spread out and his stomach facing the sky. Half of the quilt fell to the ground. The sound of Jie'an opening the door and walking in could not wake him up.

Shen Mian and He Xing looked around, but found nothing burned.

Jie'an clenched Shenmian's hand, and the anxiety in his eyes made both adults lean over to comfort them. Jie An shook his head, led Shen Mian to Lu Yuan's bed, and pointed to Lu Yuan's round-faced plate.

Shen Mian: "..."

The bridge of Lu Yuan's nose was originally white without mottled hair, but at this moment, there is a black circle on the tip of Lu Yuan's nose, and at a glance, he knew that it was scorched by sparks. As for where the Mars came from, it was obvious that Xiao Jiian accidentally appeared.

He Xing almost laughed, and quickly closed his mouth.

In addition to the thick fat under the fur of the Banlong family, there is also a cortex that is difficult to break through. Not to mention that it is only touched by sparks, it is to go to the fire and roll it again, at least burn off some hair.

Jie'an's voice was small: "I coughed for a long time. Lu Yuan was very worried about me, so he wanted to come over and have a look. Then I suddenly coughed out sparks and landed on Lu Yuan's nose."

He Xing couldn't hold back, turned his head and laughed twice, accidentally met Shen Mian's gaze, and quickly held back: "Actually, it's quite dangerous."

Shen Mian: …

Shen Mian didn't expect normal physical development, leaving an unforgettable shadow on the six-year-old Jie An because he accidentally hurt his partner.

Shen Mian gave Jie An some Longboiling grass. Although Jie'an's throat was no longer sore, the sparks still couldn't stop coming out. Jie An was afraid of hurting his partner or the dean again, so he had to take the nutritional supplements to drink at noon.

Shen Mian went back and flipped through the professional book for a long time, but didn't see any useful methods.

He thought for a while and asked He Xing, "Did you ever have a time when you couldn't control your instincts?"

He Xing lay lazily on Shen Mian's bed and replied with a smile, "Yes, I couldn't control it for a long time."

Shen Mian: "Is there any way to restrain it?"

He Xing: "No. It's the same as the estrus period. It can't come without saying it. The young dragon's body is not fully developed, so it can't be retracted freely."

Shen Mian frowned, he raised his hand against his eyebrows, turned the pages of the book on his mind, and did not speak.

He Xing got up and sat next to him: "Are you worried about Lu Yuan? In fact, even a large-scale nursery can't avoid this kind of thing. And although the young dragon is very vulnerable in the face of disease, it is still very rough at other times. Thick, especially a Banlong like Lu Yuan."

Shen Mian: "It's better if you don't breathe fire."

The age of six to twelve is the first stage of the development of dragons, and different dragons have different characteristics. For example, Lu Yuan, in the first stage of development, his bite force increased again, and his bones were further increased.

And Jian is like a gem lighter that can't be ignited. Sparks are shot out, which can easily cause accidents. In the nursery, there is only one human being, Shenmian, and the remaining three dragons will not be burned by the flames, at most something will be burned.

But Shen Mian was more worried about Ji'an than the accident.

"I don't breathe fire," He Xing said with a smile, "but I have electricity leakage. Whoever touches the electricity is who."

Legend has it that it belongs to the Gengchen species, the dragon that calls for thunder, lightning and wind and rain. The blood is engraved with toughness, and of course, the problems faced in the growth period are also greater.

Fortunately, the people in the same academy as him are basically such naturally strong dragons. The leakage of electricity and the fire of fire are purely mutual harm.

Shen Mian: "???"

He asked slowly, "How did you grow so big?"

He Xing raised his hand and landed on Shen Mian's shoulder, hesitating for a moment, but he took it back. The second gender of the two was different, so it would be better if the body movements were more solemn: "Most aggressive dragons are this long. Big. Don't worry too much, Jie An will reach a settlement with Instinct."

Shen Mian didn't think so, but he couldn't organize his language temporarily, so he just shook his head: "No. Jiian's character... is not the same as other dragon cubs."

He Xing didn't understand, but after a few days, he realized that Shen Mian's worries were completely justified—

Gian hates his own racial instincts.

The author has something to say: Small Theater:

The exclusive nursery of the legendary dragons

"Whose stingers are all over the place?!"

"Who called me?!"

"It's so hot! Can you stop spitting fire out!"

"Ah, who is biting me! Are you not full for lunch?"

Summary: Totally chaotic nursery.