Live Broadcasting Raising Dragons in the Interstellar

Chapter 31: theft


Just as Lu Yuan had thought, the five packets were not ready until the evening of the second day, and it was two days after Xiao Yantan's cute version of the dragon was painted and the paint was completely dry.

Although Yan Tan has an extraordinary talent for painting and music, this is the first time that he has given his paintings to others, especially those beautiful big sisters who will call him "baby and cute", for fear that he will break his paintings, and every one The pattern has to be practiced several times before you dare to draw it.

Lu Yuan grabbed his face plate: "Oh, I'm so stupid."

He looked at the gradually darkening sky, and felt very guilty: he leaned over to watch the dean's live broadcast room, and just saw the bullet screen on the light screen and then swiped Jiean's small bag very cute, and he came up with this promotion after a fever. .

Shen Mian looked at his face that he had been scratching for two days, "Doesn't your face hurt?"

Lu Yuan rubbed his face: "It's a little bit at first, but it doesn't hurt a little bit. It's really easy to touch."

He took Shen Mian's hand and pressed it on his face, while rubbing it, he asked, "Is it Su Fu?"

Shen Mian pinched it a few times, and it really felt very good. Banlong mainly relies on the cortex, fat layer and the hard bones behind it for defense, so it does not lack the defense of fur, so the plush is thin and soft.

like a cat belly.

But can cats lick themselves? Or is it because you are very good at masturbating, so you have to lick other cats when you have nothing to do

Although the thoughts in Shen Mian's mind had already flown to outer space, his expression was still cold, and he rubbed his brain twice, "Are you going to deliver the express with me?"

Lu Yuan nodded vigorously.

When Shen Mian led Lu Yuan to the door, the courier brother who had made an appointment had just arrived.

Shen Mian glanced at the number plate of the courier trolley. He would make an appointment for delivery twice a day on, and the courier trolley of this brand appeared all the time these days.

Lu Yuan volunteered with the packaged bag: "President, let me come."

It is very simple to put the courier in the warehouse. Shen Mian handed him all the small bags in his hand, taught him how to read the tracking number information on Zhinao and the courier trolley, and put the courier into the courier trolley in turn.

The tree dragon said to Shen Mian, "This is the dragon cub from your nursery, it's very cute."

Shen Mian hummed.

The tree dragon persevered: "Why didn't I see other dragon cubs? It's very hard for a teacher to bring dragon cubs? I have a relative who is also a kindergarten teacher. He complains every day when he comes back. There are only six dragon cubs in his class and he is so tired. How many dragon cubs in your nursery, buying such expensive..."

Shen Mian interrupted him: "If you feel tired, you can resign."

Tree Dragon: "..."

Was the news he inquired wrong? This dean is not a human being, but a flame dragon, right? Facing Shen Mian's indifferent expression, Shulong smiled awkwardly and didn't speak any more.

When Shulong drove the courier car away, Lu Yuan took Shen Mian's hand, thought about it and said, "I think that uncle is very strange."

Shen Mian lowered her head: "Huh?"

Lu Yuan looked at the direction the car was leaving, and tried his best to describe: "My eyes are... dodging, asking the dean a lot of questions while always looking at the nursery."

He used to follow his grandfather, and the starship traveled in various ports and saw many dragons that the dragon cubs had never seen before. Although he was very young at that time, he was still a little more sensitive than other dragon cubs.

Shen Mian grabbed the black and white fat man and walked to the nursery: "Well, so be careful."

The courier guys all take orders randomly, and many dragons who pick up their parcels are reluctant to go to such a remote place to pick up the courier. Because of wasting time, Shen Mian saw this tree dragon four times in three days, which is a bit too frequent. , this tree dragon may deliberately squat on the express list of the nursery school. Anyway, the express list of the nursery home is always left at the end, so it is very easy to grab the order.

Come so many times, the possibility of stepping on the spot is very high.

Lu Yuan took out a piece of candy and stuffed it into his mouth, feeling that with the dean there, he didn't have to worry about anything.

It took three days to make all the small bags. The three dragon cubs were relieved and had dinner. In order to celebrate that they solved the trouble they caused, they pestered He Xing to go to the simulated battle field to play the night mode.

He Xing had Yantan hanging on his arm and had a headache: "It's almost eleven o'clock now, don't you want to go to bed?"

In order to reward the three little dragon cubs, Shen Mian cooked several big dishes at night, but the three dragon cubs could not bear it, they sat at the door of the kitchen with a bench and smelled the aroma for more than four hours, just waiting until the dishes were ready.

The nights of Mercury are short, and the nights in summer are only about six hours. Even though it is now the end of August, eleven o’clock is already deep sleep time for many residents of Mercury. Although He Xing wasn't sleepy, he didn't want to accompany the little dragon cubs to play lurking fighting at home.

He Xing looked at Shen Mian.

Although these little bastards can't sleep in bed now, at least they should be coaxed to the dormitory.

Dean Shen turned on the housework robot, "It's very late, let's go back to sleep today, shall we go out to play in a few days?"

This is not his idea to deal with the sudden emergence of the dragon cubs. The little dragon cubs have not left the nursery for so long since the start of school. There are still the last three days of Maoyan Live's mutual attraction event. He plans to take a day off from the live broadcast after the event, and take the dragon cubs to a small park on the side to play for a day.

After all, live broadcasting in public is a challenge to Dean Shen's psychological bottom line.

Jie An patted Lu Yuan, who was bouncing: "Lu Yuan is good."

Lu Yuan's claw was in his pocket: "Then I'll listen to the dean and Jie'an."

After finally coaxing the three little dragon cubs away, He Xing put one hand on Shen Mian's shoulder and said with a heavy heart, "Dean, would you consider hiring a new kindergarten teacher?"

Shen Mian glanced at him: "Not for the time being, I want to save money to add a library to the nursery school, and there will also be a studio in it."

Lu Yuan's mind is full of conquering the stars, and he doesn't know what he particularly likes. He still needs Shenmian to find something else to try. Jie'an and Yantan's preferences are very clear, the library with studio must be arranged earlier.

He Xing raised his hand: "I want to donate two nursery teachers to my dear Qiming Nursery Home in the name of the crown prince."

He Xing was very affectionate: "This is the nursery that raised me."

Shen Mian looked him up and down, "Call me Dad."

He Xing: "… "

No, the seniority is poor, no.

Although the dragon cubs were coaxed into the dormitory, just as He Xing thought, they couldn't fall asleep when they went to bed, lying on their respective beds and whispering.

After one o'clock in the morning, Yan Tan suddenly whispered, "I want to go to the toilet."

Jie An shook his head, climbed out of bed, and held Yan Tan: "Then let's go together."

Lu Yuan was suddenly excited: "I'm going too! It's so dark, it's time to explore!"

Yantan: "But it's very close to the bathroom."

"It doesn't matter!" Lu Yuan whispered, "We can sneak over and treat it as a short-distance exercise! Didn't Uncle He Xing say that their army often exercises in the middle of the night?"

So the three dragon cubs walked out of the dormitory hand in hand, and before they started exploring, the door of the next dormitory suddenly opened.

Shen Mian was wearing pajamas, closed the dormitory door with her hands behind her back, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

Lu Yuan whispered excitedly: "We're going to explore!"

Jie An quickly patted Lu Yuan: "...No, the dean, let's go to the toilet."

Yan Tan gently flapped her little wings: "Let's go faster."

Jie An hurriedly took Yantan to the bathroom. The bathroom was at the end of the corridor. Shen Mian leaned on the door and waited for the three dragon cubs to finish using the bathroom, but there was a scratching sound from the door behind him.

Shen Mian's voice was very familiar. When he opened the door, it turned out that He Xing, the mentally retarded version, was scratching the door. When he found that the door was opened, the golden dragon immediately threw himself on Shen Mian's hand, with his tail wrapped around his wrist, his wings wrapped around his palm, and his head resting on his head. Between his fingers, he closed his eyes and rubbed.

The scales are glowing with metallic luster, and in the not-so-bright natural light, it shows the exquisite craftsmanship.

It's actually pretty. Even in the miniature version of He Xing, every scale and every feather is magnificent beyond human imagination. If it is a huge golden dragon body, the beauty is magnified to the extreme, it is magnificent.

Shen Mian turned the tap,

He Xing let out a low cry, and the tail wrapped around Shen Mian's wrist tightened a little. His voice was very deep, without the tone of a cub, but with the texture of a bass instrument, which completely matched Shen Mian, a pure-bred Chinese native of China, who imagined Longyin.

Shen Mian thought it was very interesting, and shook the dragon's head while holding the dragon's horn.

He Xing was overwhelmed, Shen Mian thought he was going back to bed, He Xing circled for a while, and folded his wings and landed on Shen Mian's other hand.

Shen Mian: "..."

Is it still on me to change it

Shen Mian was about to take out his brain to take a picture of He Xing, when suddenly he heard Jiean's voice: "Dean!"

Shen Mian's expression changed immediately, and he rushed into the bathroom. Jie An and Lu Yuan were both sitting in front of the bathroom window, peeking at the window with their feet on their feet.

The bathroom is facing the backyard window wide open. When Shenmian entered the bathroom, the black Yantan just swooped down from the window. With the wailing of the dragon clan, Yantan carried a weak green dragon clan, spread its wings and flew back to the bathroom , threw the green dragon on the ground.

Shen Mian: "..."

The Green Dragon Clan is an adult tree dragon, and it is bigger than Yantan in size, but when Yantan picks it up, he has no power to fight back.

The power of the legend is evident.

Shen Mian put He Xing in his pocket, leaned over and looked at it for a while: "Are you the courier who came here today?"

The tree dragon was dizzy from the fall, and cried out on the ground, "I am. I just passed by! Your little cub is too ignorant. I told you that I am a tree dragon, and you hurt me. Now, I'm going to sue you nursery school! How do you teach your children? All of you big dragons bully us little dragons because they are big and strong by nature."

Jie'an was furious: "It was you who ate the dragon boiling grass! How could I bully you for no reason?"

Shen Mian hugged Jiian and patted it, "It's okay, the dean trusts you."

Shulong: "Who said that! Do you have any evidence?! Ouch—it hurts, my bones must be broken! You have to accompany me for medical expenses! I just passed by to take a look and hit me like this!"

Shen Mian took out his intellectual brain and called the police directly through the information.

Shulong rolled his eyes and shouted at the top of his voice: "I broke my leg! If I die, I will be disabled for life! I want to expose you big bully dragons on the Internet."

The three dragon cubs had never faced such a sloppy battle, and were stunned for a while.

When Yantan thought that she went down to catch him, she cried when she spoke: "Then what do you want?"

Shulong: "Losing money! As long as you lose money, you can forget it!"

Shen Mian: "I just recorded it."

The tree dragon was stunned.

Shen Mian: "You are suspected of burglary. After you are caught, you threaten underage dragon cubs, or even blackmail. I will hand over the evidence to the police along with the recording."

Shulong panicked immediately: he saw that the monitoring in the backyard of this nursery was obviously broken! Only the monitoring of the gate is still there, otherwise he would not have brought in the backyard.

Although it was late at night, the Empire dispatched the police very quickly. Shenmian's information contained the location. The police found that the accident happened at a nursery in a remote area, and immediately mobilized the police to arrive at the nursery as quickly as possible.

The three dragons, whose anthropomorphic forms were still terrifyingly tall, stooped and walked into the bathroom, and in an instant, they were not too small and crowded.

The leading police officer had a serious expression: "Who called the police?"

Shen Mian raised his hand: "It's me. I am the director of this nursery. This tree dragon broke into the nursery late at night, scaring my three cubs and destroying the economy of the nursery. Crop. Still quibbling and intimidating the cub when it was captured, causing great trauma to the cub's psyche."

The tree dragon hurriedly said: "You are talking nonsense! Do you have any evidence? I just passed by! It was your black dragon cub who grabbed me and beat me, and I couldn't resist!"

Shen Mian: "On your teeth, there are residues of dragon boiling grass."

The three police officers put their eyes on the tree dragon at the same time. One of the police officers stepped forward and pinched the tree dragon's mouth. Sure enough, he saw the green leaves on the sharp teeth. He immediately opened the case-handling tool bag he carried, scraped it with a cotton swab and put it in the card. in the bag.

The tree dragon was dying: "Then I picked some leaves... But his dragon cub hit me! I'm just a small tree dragon!"

The police officer who took the physical evidence didn't hold back his laughter, but the leading police officer gave him a stern look, and immediately closed his mouth, his face turning red.

The police officer in charge of the record laughed angrily: "You came to the nursery to steal something, and you were beaten by the dragon cub, how dare you say it?"

Shen Mian: "Yes, you are a tree dragon with an adult weight of over three hundred pounds."

Come to the nursery to steal something ×

Came to the nursery and was beaten by the dragon cub √