Live Broadcasting Raising Dragons in the Interstellar

Chapter 60: screenwriter


Shen Mian withdrew from being selected for submission, and clicked on the item for interesting submissions. After sliding down the list a little, he saw Lu Yuan and Rhine. Rhine participated in the call for papers before transferring to another school, so the place where he belongs is still the original nursery school.

Shen Mian clicked into the column of Lu Yuan's works, "… "

Lu Yuan refused Dean Shen to see his masterpiece, so Shen Mian still doesn't know what Lu Yuan wrote. Now, looking at it, Lu Yuan didn't write about being left in another dragon's house by his grandfather, but changed the subject.

Shen Mian was even slightly relieved: it would be good if he was not infected by He Xing.

As for Rhine's little poem, Shen Mian glanced at it. As expected, it was concise and to the point. With a few simple words, he finished the core of the dozens and hundreds of other dragon cubs. Shen Mian could guess Rhine's psychology. Activities - Love is enough, writing so much is tiring.

Because it is too short and powerful, it was selected as an interesting submission.

Shen Mian rubbed his brows, ignoring the barrage of the banners that were coaxing him to sponsor him.

[The Crown Prince's Medal: Hey, people want to send banners to the dean and want to feed the little dragon cubs.]

[Seventh Legion Super God: Medallion, wake up, the dean will definitely not use banners funded by other dragons, have you forgotten the banners that His Highness made before?]

[Your skirt corner: What is this? Why do I feel like I'm missing so much?]

[Time Streamer: Your Highness is quite skinny. There is a limit to the number of words in the bullet screen. You can go to Maoyan's video channel to search for the crown prince, which is a collection of His Royal Highness's affairs.]

Shen Mian used He Xing's Zhinao to take screenshots respectively, and then sent it to his own Zhinao account before exiting the query interface. Zhinao's screen saver is a photo, because Shen Mian closes quickly, the audience in the live broadcast room can't see it clearly, only vaguely see that the screen saver seems to be a group photo of Shen Mian and the little dragon cubs.

Shen Mian was about to return the intellectual brain to He Xing, when he heard He Xing holding Lu Yuan's workbook and debating with Lu Yuan - a real debate, discussing the subjective question of a paper.

Shen Mian listened to a few sentences and walked over slowly.

One big and one small stopped arguing at the same time, Shen Mian took out the red pen in He Xing's hand, "It's all very good and reasonable."

The confirmed big dragon smiled, Shen Mian picked up the paper and glanced at it: "Have you reviewed the question? Does the question have anything to do with what you discussed?"

He mercilessly drew a zero on both answers with a red pen: "No points."

He Xing: "… "

Lu Yuan: "…"

One big and one small did not dare to be angry or speak.

Xiaoyantan has set a star ferry ticket to return to the imperial capital in two days, and Yanzhou will come to pick him up when the time comes. With the help of Shen Mian and He Xing, he had already completed all the courses he had left behind. After doing a few papers, he was sure that there was no problem with the exam, and he just went home early to adapt to the different temperatures and time differences between planets.

Since the itinerary was booked, Yantan's mood has gradually declined. In addition to the reluctance to part with friends, there is also the fear of those days in the past.

During his time in the kindergarten, he was used to being understood and heard. He was afraid to go back home again, facing a father who was difficult to communicate with.

Just like what Yan Huan said at the time, Yan Tan had a feeling of distrust of his father in his heart. This kind of distrust made Xiaolongzai think in his heart that he who did not meet his father's requirements would never be loved by his father.

It was a subconscious voice that Yantan himself didn't notice. No matter how Yantan told himself not to be afraid, his father was different from before. There was always a voice inside him telling him, "It's still the same."

He was never the little dragon cub that his father expected, his grades were not as good as Jiian and Xingfei, his appearance was not as beautiful as Rhine, and he was not like Lu Yuan, and there was laughter everywhere. He only draws a little,

And now, he is still afraid, not even the "little hero" that the dean and Uncle He praised.

When Shen Mian passed by the studio for the third time, he found that the canvas in front of Yantan still kept the same look as when he passed by the studio for the first time. Yantan is an inspired little dragon cub. Those wonderful pictures are always at hand, and it is rare to be dazed by the canvas.

He Xing leaned over and took a look: "I'm sad because I'm leaving the nursery. Maybe I'm a little scared?"

Shen Mian: "Is Yan Zhou reliable?"

He Xing smiled slightly: "Reliable, if it's not reliable, General Yan broke his leg. Trust me, he really regrets it. Before I came back, I gave him an idea, which is guaranteed to be useful, don't worry. "

Although Shen Mian didn't know what He Xing's idea was, He Xing's work was still very reliable, so he didn't ask any more questions, it was more important to coax Yantan well now.

Shen Mian lightly knocked on the studio door.

Yan Tan, who was staring at the canvas in a daze, quickly wiped his eyes, "Dean? Uncle He?"

He Xing smiled and waved his hand, and followed Shen Mian into the studio.

Shen Mian stood beside Yantan, looking at a blank canvas: "Don't you want to paint today?"

Yan Tan always maintains an anthropomorphic form when he paints. Today, he wore a dark blue suit and lowered his head subconsciously, not wanting Shen Mian to see his red eyes.

I cried because I wanted to go home. I was not a little hero at all. What should I do if even the dean didn't like me

When Shen Mian saw him bow his head, he knew that this was the little crying bag that he hadn't seen for a long time, and had reappeared in the arena.

The unfortunate Yan Zhou, coming out to brush his presence once would make the little dragon cubs in the courtyard unhappy.

Yantan tried her best not to let her voice choked, and smiled: "It's painted. I just don't know what to paint next."

The little dragon cub's eyes were all red.

Shen Mian was silent for a while, and hugged him gently.

He Xing sat down, first glanced at the canvas, and then said with a smile: "Then paint me. After painting, take it out and sell it, Lu Yuan sells it, I endorse, one 1,500 star coins, and earn star coins. equal."

Shen Mian: "..."

He glanced at the canvas carefully, and suddenly found that the small golden circles on the pitch-black background were not stars, but star coins, and were also marked with different numbers and denominations.

He also thought that Yantan had painted an unfinished starry sky painting.

As a human who is completely used to online payment, Shen Mian doesn't have a few star coins on his body, and he has completely forgotten what star coins look like. The star coins that Lu Yuan gave to Lu Yuan last time were the few star coins on Shen Mian's body, and the rest were some banknotes.

Yantan was really moved: "Can I really earn star coins? If only I could support myself."

Shen Mian and He Xing looked at each other, Shen Mian followed Yan Tan's words and said, "Why do you suddenly want to support yourself? Can't you eat enough every day?"

"No, no," Yantan shook her head vigorously, "I eat well every day!"

Breakfast, a snack pack before lunch, lunch, a small tea in the afternoon, and dinner in the evening.

Yan Tan gradually lowered his head: "I think... If I can support myself, I can take care of Livia more, and I don't have to go back... Actually, I'm a little scared."

When I am sad, I am most afraid of comfort. When I am alone, I will pretend that there is nothing, and I want to rush over and cry when I have warmth.

"Am I so useless, I'm afraid to go home, I'm not a little hero."

He Xing rubbed Yantan's soft short black hair: "The one who won't be afraid is God, and the one who is afraid of doing it is the hero."

"And, my uncle assures you that Yan Zhou will definitely change."

Yan Tan rubbed his eyes, feeling a little embarrassed, he turned his head and buried himself in Shen Mian's arms, and the voice came out in a muffled voice: "Mm."

When Shen Mian and He Xing left the studio, the little dragon cub still hung his head.

He Xing watched for a while, "It's a bit strange."

Shen Mian: "What's weird?"

He Xing thought for a while: "After that comfort, Yan Tan seems to have gradually found his worth. I thought he had gotten rid of the shadows that Yan Zhou brought him."

Shen Mian was not surprised at all: "Do you know the recurrence? By the way, what advice did you give Yan Zhou?"

He Xing blinked: "Secret."

He thought for a while: "If the dean bribes me, then I will say it."

Shen Mian hooked his finger at him, and He Xing leaned over.

Shen Mian whispered: "Think beautifully."

After he finished speaking, he went to the dormitory building, looking for Jiean to sponsor him something.

He Xing quickly followed: "You can get a discount, now ask for a 50% discount, buy a secret and get a secret!"

Shen Mian paused: "What secret are you sending?"

He Xing: "For example... is it someone you have a crush on?"

Shen Mian turned around and left: "Let's change it, I think I already know."

He Xing stood there for a while, and when Shen Mian entered the dormitory and couldn't see his figure, he reacted to the subtext in astonishment.

I get it = can you be more explicit

Shen Mian gave He Xing an answer, and went upstairs to the dormitory of the dragon cubs.

Before entering the door, I saw Rhine hovering over the table through the window, shaking his wings vigorously, shaking down a beautiful phosphor powder, all of which fell on the spread paper.

A layer of glittering phosphorous powder has been spread on the paper, and it must have been shaking for a long time.

Their little dragon cubs all held their breaths and surrounded them, not daring to breathe.

Xing Fei, as a half-breed of the Amphibious Dragon family, has an amazing lung capacity. Lu Yuan and Jiian turned their heads and changed their breath several times, but the little girl still looked at Rhine seriously.

Rhine couldn't fly, collapsed to one side, and was carried to the cot softly by Xingfei's hands.

Shen Mian:

What are their little dragons doing

Shen Mian knocked on the door, and the little dragon cubs turned their heads to look at him.

Jie An breathed a sigh of relief: "It's the dean."

Shen Mian: "What is this doing?"

Rhine is actually willing to be a hard-working little dragon cub

Lu Yuan looked serious: "We want Yantan to regain his confidence!"

Shen Mian: ?

Jie An flicked his tail gently, stepped forward to hold Shen Mian's hand, pulled him into the dormitory, and quietly closed the door: "It's because Yantan is in a bad mood recently."

Lu Yuan nodded vigorously: "Jie An suddenly found out why Yantan was sad."

Little Gem Dragon is a little embarrassed: "He doesn't want to paint recently, and he often asks if we can only paint if it's useless. I think he may be a little suspicious of himself."

Jie An raised his head and his eyes were clear: "Actually, he didn't know it himself. He was just as beautiful when he was painting, and he was as beautiful as Xingfei when he was reading and writing poetry. He is very brave and we like him."

Xingfei also raised his head: "I don't know what kind of grievance Yantan has suffered, but now he must need someone to admit him and let him know that he is a very good dragon cub."

Shen Mian still didn't understand: "So you are here?"

Lu Yuan held a plate of cakes cut into small pieces and fed them diligently to the mouth of the little Rhine salted fish, not forgetting to interject to explain: "In order to restore Yantan's confidence, Xingfei and I wrote a piece of cake overnight. The script wants Yantan to save a little dragon cub who is in danger, and then we will take out the gem to praise him and let him return to his hometown with the gem."

Rhine held the cake in his mouth: "Just now, we were making gems at home."

Xingfei is more literary and artistic: "We want Brother Yantan to always remember that no matter where he is, there are friends who praise him for his gem-like soul."

Ji'an: "He is shining, every dragon cub is."

Shen Mian was moved and felt that there were too many flaws: "It's amazing... So you guys wrote a script, didn't you?"

Lu Yuan: "I provide a little idea, Xingfei and Jie'an complete the whole story, and then Rhine and I are responsible for making the props. Oh, Rhine is also responsible for playing the rescued little dragon cub."

Shen Mian: "..."

Are you going to be a screenwriter again