Living in the Last Days

Chapter 1: return


Xia Man is dying, finally dying!

Xia Man's gaze had already begun to slacken, large swaths of blood spread on the ground, just like the scarlet dress that Qu Zhen wore on Xia Man's eighteenth birthday, coquettish and dangerous.

"Stinky bitch! Tell me! Where is the thing?!" The once gentle and elegant young man grabbed Xia Man's long hair and asked viciously.

Xia Man still looked at the ceiling unresponsively, as if there was her spiritual sustenance there.

"Brother, it shouldn't be on her. When Qu Zhen died, didn't you hate her so much? How could you give her your most precious thing?" At this moment, a younger brother came over and said.

"What do you know? That pervert Qu Zhen, do you think she hates this woman? She is just afraid that she will die and this woman will be retaliated by me. Unfortunately, she still miscalculated. I saw her clearly from the beginning." The man looked at Xia Man who looked like a rag doll on the ground with disdain, and continued, "Qu Zhen loves this woman more than herself, do you think she will not give this woman something that can save her life?"

Xia Man's scattered eyes finally began to gather, and finally fixed on the man's eyes with contempt.

"Don't believe it? Qu Zhen's life is really pathetic, falling in love with such a cripple..." Before the man finished speaking, he heard a voice from outside.

"Brother...the wave of zombies... is coming!" A younger brother ran in trembling.

"How is it possible? This is the base that Qu Zhen has set up for so long, how could zombies come in?" The man also ignored Xia Man on the ground, grabbed the collar of the younger brother who came in to report, and asked in disbelief. Zhen used this place to create a huge survivor base. How could a zombie break through Qu Zhen's protection

The man rushed out with a group of younger brothers, leaving behind Xia Man who had only one breath left.

When the door was opened again, Xia Man had no strength to turn her head to look at the person.

When a gray head with a rotten smell appeared in front of Xia Man's eyes, Xia Man shed tears unexpectedly.

Once, Xia Man thought that she would never cry again in her life.

Xia Man struggled to reach out her hand, wanting to touch the rotten face. Qu Zhen, who has obsessive-compulsive disorder and cleanliness, can be so dirty sometimes? !

The once sharp and clear eyes became cloudy, and Xia Man's tears couldn't stop flowing down, but she couldn't say a word, "..."

The zombies in front of him don't understand why this food makes them feel uncomfortable...

If you are uncomfortable, then stay away. This is the nature of zombies, so I immediately stood up and ran away.

Xia Man closed her eyes when she heard the door slam shut.

She understood the meaning of Qu Zhen's last words before she died, "Xia Man, I always thought that I never missed it, but now I realize that I have never been right..."

Xia Man once thought it was Qu Zhen's apology, but now she understands...

It is a pity that it is too late.

May 3, 4015.

Huaqing University was rehearsing for the May 4th Youth Day. At this time, an unremarkable girl who was resting on the table in the background suddenly opened her eyes.

"Xia Man, are you here? Qu Zhen is looking for you like crazy!" At this time, a beautiful girl with an impatient face came over, grabbed the girl who was still in a daze, and left.

Xia Man stared blankly at the girl who grabbed her and went into the crowd, "Bai Yuanyuan?"

When the girl heard this suspicious voice, she turned her head and looked at Xia Man with a sneer on her face, "Miss, what are you doing?"

Xia Man didn't care about Bai Yuanyuan's ridicule, but asked excitedly, "What's the date today? Where is Qu Zhen?"

Bai Yuanyuan was puzzled by the question, but she still answered, "Today is May 3rd, isn't Qu Zhen preparing for the rehearsal?"

Xia Man immediately disappeared into the crowd. Bai Yuanyuan gritted her teeth fiercely as she looked at Xia Man's unsteady back.

Xia Man bit her tongue hard while running, and when the smell of blood and pain came together, Xia Man realized that she was really alive, not in a dream!

From a distance, I saw Qu Zhen surrounded by a group of people. I don't know what they were discussing. Qu Zhen said a few words with a blank face, and then looked around.

Xia Man suddenly stopped, because Qu Zhen had already seen her, and the joy and pampering in her eyes made Xia Man stunned.

Qu Zhen walked over, wearing Juliet's red dress for the rehearsal, with delicate makeup, but still unable to change the condescending aura in her bones.

Xia Man looked at Qu Zhen who was approaching step by step, and remembered those cloudy eyes, and that rotten smell, her nose was sore, pain, panic came out along with tears.

Qu Zhen was halfway there, seeing Xia Man looking at her crying inexplicably, she couldn't help but panic, and ran over quickly.

"What's wrong?" Qu Zhen thought about Xia Man, but suddenly thought of something, and withdrew her hand again.

Xia Man saw Qu Zhen who was close at hand, hugged Qu Zhen, and cried.

The two played together since childhood, this is the first time Qu Zhen saw Xia Man crying, she was at a loss.

"Qu Zhen..." Xia Man cried and kept calling Qu Zhen's name.

Qu Zhen stroked Xia Man's hair, glanced at the people around her, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Xia Man raised her head, her nose was still red, her voice was hoarse, her eyes were still full of tears, "Qu Zhen, I was wrong..."

Qu Zhen was stunned for a moment, she obviously didn't expect Xia Man to apologize to herself, but she immediately reacted, "It's okay, don't cry. Wait for me."

"Qu Zhen, it's time, it's time for us to play." The boy who spoke to Qu Zhen just now reminded.

Qu Zhen was about to say that the rehearsal was over, when she heard Xia Man give her a hug, "Qu Zhen, please do your best!"

Qu Zhen can only let go of Xia Man, and then perform together on stage.

"It's really tricky. She looks like this. If she can't catch a rich man, she will be the dog of a rich lady." Xia Man heard some words that she had heard a lot before. The awn is different, Xia Man's eyes have been on the person who has been looking at him from time to time since he came to the stage.

Xia Man slowly walked to the side of the auditorium and sat down. She was too excited just now and ran all the way over, causing her legs to be in severe pain.

But what is this little pain? Xia Man looked at someone on the stage with complicated eyes.

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