Living in the Last Days

Chapter 22: professor


"Boss?!" The sight in front of them widened the eyes of the three of them. Although they had experienced a lot since they were young, this was the first time they saw such a scene.

The four of them walked out of the iron fence without any difficulty, and then they saw a closed factory. The four of them still had some guesses in their hearts!

But seeing such a scene with my own eyes is still surprising!

The closed factory was probably just built, but there was no smell other than rot. There was a group of people in protective clothing cleaning the site in the middle of the factory, and the ground was full of melted corpses!

"Professor, none of them succeeded today..." A female voice came over.

The four of them were originally standing on the beam above the factory. When they heard someone coming in, they immediately looked back.

"Fewer and fewer people can successfully alienate!" An old voice sighed, and then said, "Five people succeeded in the first day, and now there is none, but those monsters are constantly evolving. Do you want to destroy humans?"

"Professor..." The female voice didn't know what else to say.

"Forget it, you go down, and report to the general about the situation here, and there should be no more normal people." The old voice suddenly became firm, "Let the general send us some people!"

"Professor..." The female assistant's face was a little unnatural when she heard this, "The general said that the project can be terminated, and the remaining humans cannot be used here..."

"Is he crazy?" The old professor slapped the table fiercely, "How can ordinary humans be compared with supernatural beings? If they don't evolve into supernatural beings, his army is just feeding zombies! Don't think that they are now Can barely fight against zombies, once the level of zombies rises, ordinary humans and even low-level supernatural beings are just food!"

"But now our research has reached a dead end..." the female assistant said cautiously.

"Where are those supernatural beings caught?" The old professor closed his eyes, his face full of pity!

"Still in a coma." The female assistant didn't know why the old professor suddenly asked this question. Those supernatural beings were unwilling to obey the general's command, so they were given medicine to make them go into shock.

"Take me to see them, now it's their time to sacrifice for all mankind!" The old professor opened his eyes and looked at the female assistant!

Seeing the madness in the old professor's eyes, the female assistant immediately looked away and nodded. She didn't know whether the old professor was for the sake of all mankind or for his son, General...

Seeing the two people go out, the other two people have not recovered yet, so long as Fa Wu turned his head and looked at Qu Zhen, "Boss, what should we do now?"

Qu Zhen looked calm, "Follow me."

The other two people also came back to their senses, they did not expect that someone would do such a thing at this time. And it's them...

When the four arrived, the old professor was bending over to check the situation of several supernatural beings!

"Professor, do you want to inject the antidote?" A man in a white coat approached the professor and asked.

"No, we don't need them to wake up." The professor glanced at his disciples, "We are working hard for the future of all mankind, put away the reluctance on your face!"

"Teacher, I am not unwilling. If I were a supernatural being, I would rather use me!" The white coat hurriedly explained.

"No ink marks, go find a few humans who are evolving!" The old professor looked at the body of the supernatural being again, and nodded.

The white coat knew that it was useless to say anything else, so he could only go out.


"..." Fawu knocked out the white coat all of a sudden!

Qu Zhen looked at the figure in the white coat, and then at Zhang Lin who was closer to him, "Put on this white coat!"

Zhang Lin immediately put it on and put on the mask, completely unaware that there was a different person.

"Boss, I want to be an ordinary human!" Hua Xiangrong immediately stood up.

"Well, yes, first go save those supernatural beings, and I'll lure them away." Qu Zhen said, "Fawu is in charge of preparing to blow up this factory."

"But... Boss..." Fawu's face was a little ugly.

"I have my own measure." Qu Zhen left after finishing speaking. She knew what these three people were thinking about, but she really didn't care about this issue.

Zhang Lin pushed Hua Xiangrong, who was covered by a white cloth, into the room where the old professor was.

"..." The old professor didn't even look back, and handed the drawn blood to Zhang Lin, "This supernatural person has abnormalities, I'll take him there for a checkup, you should do an experiment first."

Although Zhang Lin didn't expect this situation, he nodded obediently, and the old professor asked his assistant to push a supernatural person out.

Zhang Lin raised his head to look at Qu Zhen who was above, and saw Qu Zhen nodded to him, and then chased after him.

"Come down!" As soon as he entered the room, the old professor asked his subordinates to leave.

Qu Zhen jumped down, "..."

"Zhenzhen, I knew you would come here when I heard you arrived at the iron fence at noon." When the old professor saw Qu Zhen, his eyes shone, as if he had seen a treasure.

"Seeing your eyes, I know Zhen Yong has no abilities..." Qu Zhen said flatly, and glanced at the unconscious ability user.

"..." The old professor couldn't hold back when he was told, but he still said, "Zhenzhen is still that eloquent girl back then!"

"Actually, have you ever thought about it, uncle, you are the most suitable supernatural being compared to me, aren't you? My cousin and I are not more closely related by blood, right?" Qu Zhen sneered , "Or is uncle's paternal love so cheap?"

"Zhenzhen, looking at you like this, I think you are more suitable. If Yong'er can have half of you, I will be satisfied!" The old professor laughed while talking, and his whole temperament changed instantly.

Qu Zhen was on guard from the moment she came in, because Qu Zhen knew this person very well.

The air in the whole room froze in an instant, and Qu Zhen immediately controlled her thunderball.

The old professor laughed, "It's a pity that I'm still too young. How do you think I caught so many supernatural beings?"

Qu Zhen's face was sullen, and a bolt of lightning struck her, only to find that the other party seemed to be protected by an air shield, completely unable to hurt her!

"Zhenzhen! Didn't anyone tell you that there is a kind of supernatural power called enchantment?" The old professor smiled treacherously. Brainstorm!" He set up this factory just for Zhen Yong, who has no supernatural powers!

"..." Qu Zhen found that she couldn't move her whole body.

"Crack!!" A green vine hit the gas mask, wiping out a green light.

"Who are you?" He knew the men his sister had left behind for Qu Zhen, but there was no such girl.

Xia Man stepped forward, pulled Qu Zhen, and only looked at the old professor after confirming that she was all right.

Seeing Xia Man's limping legs, the old professor immediately called, "The little cripple raised by Zhen Zhen?"

This sentence completely angered Qu Zhen, and in an instant, a thunderball was thrown over, because Xia Man broke the old professor's enchantment just now, and the new enchantment hadn't been connected, so it hit the old professor directly, and the old professor backed away After taking two steps, he spat out a mouthful of blood.

And Xia Man, who was standing next to Qu Zhen, was not doing well either, and her whole body began to feel weak again!

Qu Zhen also noticed, and put one arm around Xia Man's waist, ready to take Xia Man away, anyway, Zhang Lin should be fine now.

Xia Man looked at the supernatural being lying on the ground, resisting the pain and weakness of her whole body, and the vine directly inserted a needle with medicine into her body.

"Hey, old man, did you vomit blood?" The female supernatural being was handsome, and the first thing she said when she opened her eyes was to the old professor.

"Zhenzhen, our Zhen family didn't feel sorry for you, did we?" The old professor felt that he couldn't bring up his supernatural powers at all, so he could only use bitter tricks!

Qu Zhen didn't even look at the old professor, she just supported Xia Man and walked out, and the female superhuman also hurriedly chased after her.

... ... ... past lives ... ...

Qu Zhen also met the old professor, because of the old professor's ability, Qu Zhen was almost arrested. Finally, Fu Wu, Zhang Lin and Hua Xiangrong rushed to wake up the female ability user lying on the ground, and finally defeated old professor...

Xia Man didn't know what kind of predicament she encountered here. It was the last time she knew that the female supernatural being who had been protecting her by her side obeyed Qu Zhen, and it was here that Qu Zhen rescued her.